# # Config for the GUI "/gui" # Counting for rows and columns starts always at 1 # options: # How the enabled item should look like enabled: # Material name in the Material enum material: LIME_DYE # Displayname display: '&aEnabled' # How the disabled item should look like disabled: material: RED_DYE display: '&cDisabled' # How the comming-soon item should look like coming_soon: material: ORANGE_DYE display: '&6Coming soon...' # How the back item should look like back: material: BARRIER display: '&cBack' # When filling of an inventory is true, how the item should look like fill: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE display: '' # WorldoptionsGUI world: fill: false # What the title of the Inv should be title: 'World Options' # Rows rows: 3 # Where the back item should be back: enabled: true slot: row: 3 col: 5 # Reset button reset: # If feature should be enabled or not enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 8 material: DIAMOND_HOE data: 0 display: '&eReset World' # Fire button fire: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 2 # Where the state item should be state: row: 2 col: 2 material: FLINT_AND_STEEL display: '&eToggle Fire' # TNT button tnt: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 5 state: row: 2 col: 5 material: TNT display: '&eToggle TNT-Explosion' players: title: 'Players added to this world' back: enabled: true slot: row: 6 col: 6 rows: 6 nextpage: enabled: true slot: row: 6 col: 8 material: PAPER display: '&eNext Page' pagebefore: enabled: true slot: row: 6 col: 2 material: PAPER display: '&ePage before' currentpage: enabled: true slot: row: 6 col: 4 material: SUNFLOWER display: '&eCurrent page: &a%page' playerhead: material: PLAYER_HEAD display: '&e%player' # PlayerGUI for managing one player on a world player: fill: false title: 'Player options for %player' back: slot: enabled: true row: 3 col: 5 rows: 3 build: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 1 state: row: 2 col: 1 material: GOLDEN_AXE display: '&eToggle Build-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To build on this world' gamemode: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 2 state: row: 2 col: 2 material: END_CRYSTAL display: '&eToggle GameMode-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To change the GameMode on this world' teleport: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 3 state: row: 2 col: 3 material: COMPASS display: '&eToggle Teleport-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To teleport on this world' worldedit: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 4 state: row: 2 col: 4 material: WOODEN_AXE display: '&eToggle WorldEdit-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To use WorldEdit on this world' addmember: enabled: false slot: row: 1 col: 6 state: row: 2 col: 6 material: 399 display: '&eToggle Addmember-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To add a member to this world' delmember: enabled: false slot: row: 1 col: 6 state: row: 2 col: 6 material: 286 display: '&eToggle Delmember-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To remove a member from this world' setpermissions: enabled: false slot: row: 1 col: 8 state: row: 2 col: 8 material: 331 display: '&eToggle Setpermissions-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To set permissions for a member of this world' administrateworld: enabled: false slot: row: 1 col: 9 state: row: 2 col: 9 material: 421 display: '&eToggle Addmember-Permission' lore: - '&7Toggles the permission for a player' - '&7To adminstrate this world' # WorldsystemGUI worldsystem: fill: false title: 'WorldSystem' rows: 1 back: slot: enabled: true row: 1 col: 5 playeroptions: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 1 material: LEATHER_HELMET display: '&ePlayer Options' worldoptions: enabled: true slot: row: 1 col: 9 material: GRASS_BLOCK display: '&eWorld Options' # GUI for choosing world template worldchoose: fill: false title: 'Choose world template' back: enabled: true slot: row: 4 col: 5 rows: 4 # The key must be named exactly as in the configOLD.yml template_default: enabled: true slot: row: 2 col: 3 material: GRASS_BLOCK display: '&aDefault template' another_template: enabled: true slot: row: 2 col: 7 material: STONE display: '&aAnother template'