
593 lines
19 KiB

import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
* This class represents a worldconfig.yml file Here you can edit and read all
* things Get an instance via WorldConfig.getWorldConfig()
* @since 01.05.2018
public class WorldConfig {
private static final HashMap<String, WorldConfig> instances = new HashMap<>();
private final UUID owner;
private final int id;
private final HashMap<UUID, HashSet<WorldPerm>> permissions = new HashMap<>();
private String ownerName;
private String templateKey;
private boolean fire, tnt;
public Location home = null;
private WorldConfig(String worldname) {
if (!exists(worldname))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("WorldConfig doesn't exist");
owner = UUID.fromString(worldname.substring(worldname.length() - 36));
id = Integer.parseInt(worldname.split("-")[0].substring(2));
public static File getWorldFile(String worldname) {
File worldconfig = new File(Bukkit.getWorldContainer(), worldname + "/worldconfig.yml");
if (!worldconfig.exists()) {
worldconfig = new File(PluginConfig.getWorlddir() + "/" + worldname + "/worldconfig.yml");
if (!worldconfig.exists()) {
worldconfig = new File(worldname + "/worldconfig.yml");
return worldconfig;
* Returns whether a worldconfig exists for this worldname
* @param worldname name of the world
* @return Whether this world has a worldconfig
public static boolean exists(String worldname) {
return getWorldFile(worldname).exists();
* Gets the worldconfig for a specific worldname or creates a new one of no
* exists
* @param worldname of the world
* @return WorldConfig of the world
public static WorldConfig getWorldConfig(String worldname) {
if (!instances.containsKey(worldname))
instances.put(worldname, new WorldConfig(worldname));
return instances.get(worldname).load();
public static void create(UUID uuid, WorldTemplate template) {
DependenceConfig dc = new DependenceConfig(uuid);
String worldname = dc.getWorldname();
File file = new File(PluginConfig.getWorlddir() + worldname + "/worldconfig.yml");
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.err.println("Error while creating worldconfig for " + uuid.toString());
YamlConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
cfg.set("Informations.ID", dc.getID());
cfg.set("Informations.Owner.PlayerUUID", uuid.toString());
cfg.set("Informations.Owner.Actualname", Objects.requireNonNull(PlayerWrapper.getOfflinePlayer(uuid)).getName());
cfg.set("Informations.template_key", template.getName());
cfg.set("Settings.TNTDamage", false);
cfg.set("Settings.Fire", false);
cfg.set("Members", null);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error while saving worldconfig for " + uuid.toString());
* Add a permission to a player of this world
* @param player who is edited
* @param perm which permission will be added
* @return true if the permission was added, false if he already has the
* permission
public boolean addPermission(UUID player, WorldPerm perm) {
if (owner.equals(player))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permissions of the owner cannot change");
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = permissions.computeIfAbsent(player, k -> new HashSet<>());
return perms.add(perm);
* Remove a permission from a player of this world
* @param player who is edited
* @param perm which permission will be removed
* @return true if the permission was removed, false if he doesn't have the
* permission
public boolean removePermission(UUID player, WorldPerm perm) {
if (owner.equals(player))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permissions of the owner cannot change");
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = permissions.get(player);
if (perms == null) {
return false;
return perms.remove(perm);
* Remove all permissions from a player of this world
* @param player who is edited
* @return true if a permission was removed false otherwise
public boolean removeAllPermissions(UUID player) {
if (owner.equals(player))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permissions of the owner cannot change");
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = permissions.remove(player);
return perms != null && perms.size() != 0;
* Add all permissions to a player of this world
* @param player who is edited
* @return true if the permissions of the player changed, false otherwiste
public boolean addAllPermissions(UUID player) {
if (owner.equals(player))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permissions of the owner cannot change");
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = permissions.computeIfAbsent(player, k -> new HashSet<>());
return perms.addAll(Sets.newHashSet(WorldPerm.values()));
* Checks the permission of a player
* @param player who gets their permission checked
* @param perm to check
* @return true if the player has the permission, false otherwise
public boolean hasPermission(UUID player, WorldPerm perm) {
if (owner.equals(player))
return true;
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = permissions.get(player);
return perms != null && perms.contains(perm);
* Get all permissions of a player
* @param player from who to get the permissions
* @return all permissions for this player
public HashSet<WorldPerm> getPermissions(UUID player) {
if (owner == player) {
return Sets.newHashSet(WorldPerm.values());
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = permissions.get(player);
if (perms == null) {
return Sets.newHashSet();
return Sets.newHashSet(perms);
* Adds a player to the world
* @param player who gets added
* @return true if the player was no member
public boolean addMember(UUID player) {
return addPermission(player, WorldPerm.MEMBER);
* Try to add a player to the world
* @param player who's permission gets checked
* @param target to add to the world
* @return true if the player was successfully added
public boolean addMember(UUID player, UUID target) {
if (hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.EDITMEMBERS)) {
return addMember(target);
return false;
* @return the owner of this world
public UUID getOwner() {
return owner;
* Is the player a member of this world
* @param player to check
* @return if the player is a member of this world
public boolean isMember(UUID player) {
return hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.MEMBER);
* Removes a Member from this world
* @param player to remove
* @return if the player was a member of this world
public boolean removeMember(UUID player) {
return removeAllPermissions(player);
* Try to remove a Member from this world
* @param player who gets his permissions checked
* @param target to remove
* @return if the player was a member of this world
public boolean removeMember(UUID player, UUID target) {
if (hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.EDITMEMBERS) && !hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.EDITMEMBERS)) {
return removeMember(target);
return false;
* Checks wheater a player can build or not
* @param player to check
* @return if the can build or not
public boolean canBuild(UUID player) {
return hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.BUILD);
* Allow or disallow a player to build on this world
* @param player to edit
* @param allowed if he is allowed to build
public void setBuild(UUID player, boolean allowed) {
if (allowed) {
addPermission(player, WorldPerm.BUILD);
} else {
removePermission(player, WorldPerm.BUILD);
* Allow or disallow a player to build with the permissions of a spefic
* player
* @param player who gets his permission checked
* @param target to allow or disallow
* @param allowed if he is allowed to build
* @return if the player has the permissions
public boolean setBuild(UUID player, UUID target, boolean allowed) {
if (!isAllowedToAdministrateMember(player, target))
return false;
setBuild(target, allowed);
return true;
private boolean isAllowedToAdministrateMember(UUID player, UUID target) {
return target != owner && player != target && hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.ADMINISTRATEMEMBERS)
&& hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.ADMINISTRATEMEMBERS);
* Checks wheater a player can build on this world or not
* @param player to check
* @return if the player can build
public boolean canGamemode(UUID player) {
return hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.GAMEMODE);
* Allow or disallow a player to change his gamemode
* @param player to allow or disallow
* @param allowed if he is allowed to change his gamemode or not
public void setGamemode(UUID player, boolean allowed) {
if (allowed) {
addPermission(player, WorldPerm.GAMEMODE);
} else {
removePermission(player, WorldPerm.GAMEMODE);
public boolean setGamemode(UUID player, UUID target, boolean allowed) {
if (!isAllowedToAdministrateMember(player, target))
return false;
setGamemode(target, allowed);
return true;
public boolean canTeleport(UUID player) {
return hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.TELEPORT);
* Allow or disallow a player to teleport
* @param player to allow or disallow
* @param allowed if he is allowed to teleport or not
public void setTeleport(UUID player, boolean allowed) {
if (allowed) {
addPermission(player, WorldPerm.TELEPORT);
} else {
removePermission(player, WorldPerm.TELEPORT);
public boolean setTeleport(UUID player, UUID target, boolean allowed) {
if (!isAllowedToAdministrateMember(player, target))
return false;
setTeleport(target, allowed);
return true;
public HashSet<UUID> getMembers() {
return Sets.newHashSet(permissions.keySet());
public HashMap<UUID, String> getMembersWithNames() {
HashMap<UUID, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (UUID uuid : permissions.keySet()) {
OfflinePlayer op = PlayerWrapper.getOfflinePlayer(uuid);
if (op == null || op.getName() == null) {
if (PluginConfig.contactAuth()) {
try {
GameProfile prof = GameProfileBuilder.fetch(uuid);
map.put(uuid, prof.getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
} else
map.put(uuid, op.getName());
return map;
public WorldConfig save() throws IOException {
File file = getWorldFile(getWorldName());
YamlConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
cfg.set("Informations.ID", id);
cfg.set("Informations.Owner.Actualname", ownerName);
cfg.set("Informations.Owner.PlayerUUID", owner.toString());
cfg.set("Informations.template_key", templateKey);
cfg.set("Settings.TNTDamage", tnt);
cfg.set("Settings.Fire", fire);
if (home != null) {
cfg.set("Settings.home.x", home.getX());
cfg.set("Settings.home.y", home.getY());
cfg.set("Settings.home.z", home.getZ());
cfg.set("Settings.home.yaw", home.getYaw());
cfg.set("Settings.home.pitch", home.getPitch());
} else {
cfg.set("Settings.home", null);
cfg.set("Members", null);
for (java.util.Map.Entry<UUID, HashSet<WorldPerm>> entry : permissions.entrySet()) {
ArrayList<String> array = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue().size());
for (WorldPerm perm : entry.getValue()) {
cfg.set("Members." + entry.getKey(), array);
return this;
private String getWorldName() {
return "ID" + id + "-" + owner;
public WorldConfig load() {
File file = getWorldFile(getWorldName());
YamlConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
ownerName = cfg.getString("Informations.Owner.Actualname", "Unknown Playername");
templateKey = cfg.getString("Informations.template_key");
tnt = cfg.getBoolean("Settings.TNTDamage", true);
fire = cfg.getBoolean("Settings.Fire", true);
if (cfg.isSet("Settings.home")) {
home = new Location(null, cfg.getDouble("Settings.home.x"), cfg.getDouble("Settings.home.y"),
cfg.getDouble("Settings.home.z"), (float) cfg.getDouble("Settings.home.yaw"),
(float) cfg.getDouble("Settings.home.pitch"));
if (membersOldFormatted(cfg)) {
for (String s : cfg.getConfigurationSection("Members").getKeys(false)) {
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = new HashSet<>();
if (cfg.getBoolean("Members." + s + ".Permissions.CanBuild"))
if (cfg.getBoolean("Members." + s + ".Permissions.CanTP"))
if (cfg.getBoolean("Members." + s + ".Permissions.CanBuild"))
permissions.put(UUID.fromString(s), perms);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
ConfigurationSection section = cfg.getConfigurationSection("Members");
if (section != null) {
for (String suuid : section.getKeys(false)) {
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(suuid);
List<String> list = section.getStringList(suuid);
HashSet<WorldPerm> perms = new HashSet<>(list.size());
for (String perm : list) {
permissions.put(uuid, perms);
return this;
private boolean membersOldFormatted(YamlConfiguration cfg) {
if (cfg.getConfigurationSection("Members") == null)
return false;
String name = cfg.getString(
"Members." + cfg.getConfigurationSection("Members").getKeys(false).iterator().next() + ".Actualname");
return name != null;
* @return the home of the world. If not set returns null
public Location getHome() {
if (home == null)
return null;
return new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(getWorldName()), home.getX(), home.getY(), home.getZ(), home.getYaw(),
* @param loc the new home of the world
/*public void setHome(Location loc) {
home = loc;
public String getOwnerName() {
return ownerName;
public void setOwnerName(String ownerName) {
this.ownerName = ownerName;
public boolean isFire() {
return fire;
public void setFire(boolean fire) { = fire;
* Allow or Disallow Fire Damage on this world
* @param player the player which toggles fire
* @param fire if fire is enabled
* @return if the player has the permissions to change the value
public boolean setFire(UUID player, boolean fire) {
if (!hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.ADMINISTRATEWORLD))
return false;
return true;
public boolean isTnt() {
return tnt;
public void setTnt(boolean tnt) {
this.tnt = tnt;
* Allow or Disallow TNT Damage on this world
* @param player which toggles tnt
* @param tnt if tnt is enabled
* @return if the player has the permissions to change the value
public boolean setTnt(UUID player, boolean tnt) {
if (!hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.ADMINISTRATEWORLD))
return false;
return true;
* Get the id of this world. The id is written in the filename at the xx
* position: 'IDxx-uuid.yml'
* @return id of this world
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setWorldEdit(UUID player, boolean allowed) {
if (allowed) {
addPermission(player, WorldPerm.WORLDEDIT);
} else {
removePermission(player, WorldPerm.WORLDEDIT);
public boolean setWorldEdit(UUID player, UUID target, boolean allowed) {
if (!isAllowedToAdministrateMember(player, target)) {
return false;
setWorldEdit(target, allowed);
return true;
public boolean canWorldEdit(UUID player) {
return hasPermission(player, WorldPerm.WORLDEDIT);
public String getTemplateKey() {
return templateKey;
public void setTemplateKey(String templateKey) {
this.templateKey = templateKey;