Daniel 19e61e2ae0 Completed Command Framework
The Command Framework is done and has been tested via JUnit Testing and via in game testing.
Along with that the project can properly be build into a valid plugin
2022-10-05 16:28:18 -04:00

130 lines
3.8 KiB

### __ __ __ _______ __ ###
### \ \ / / / / / / ___/ / / ###
### \ \ __ / /___ ___/ /___/ / /____ ______/ /______________ ###
### \ \ / \ / / __ \/ _/ / __ /__ / / / / __/ __/ ___/ _ _ / ###
### \ \/ /\ \/ / /_/ / // / /_/ /__/ / /_/ /_ / /_/ ___/ // // / ###
### \__/ \__/\____/_//_/\__,_/____/\__, /___/\__/\___/_//_//_/ ###
### ___/ / ###
### \___/ ###
# General Settings #
# The Language to plugin should run in
language: "en"
#The Path that the Worlds of players will be stored when not in use.
playerWorldsDir: 'plugins/WorldSystem/Worlds'
#The time that a world should take till it unloads from no use
unloadTime: 20
#Prefix on Messages sent by the plugin
prefix: '&8[&3WorldSystem&8] &6'
#Delete the world after set amount of days
#-1 to disable
deleteAfterDays: -1
#World Difficulty
worldDifficulty: 'EASY'
# World Creation Setting #
#Allow Players to Choose the Template they want
multiChoose: false
#The Default Generation File
#Warning: "do not add the .json"
defaultGenerator: 'Vanilla'
#World Generation Folder
worldGenTemplates: 'plugins/WorldSystem/Generators'
#World Borders
#The Default World Border Size for everyone
worldBorderDefaultSize: 500
#!Note: Dynamic World Borders Will Added back in a Future Update
#World Border Center
x: 0
z: 0
# World Entering/Exiting #
#This is the Settings you need to adjust to your server
#The Gamemode the Main server uses
#Options: Survival, Creative, Adventure
#Warning: Spectator is not a Valid Input
#Warning: Spelling Matters, Capitalization Does not
serverGamemode: 'Survival'
#The point the player should be placed when leaving a WS World
worldName: 'world'
x: 0
y: 60
z: 0
#This is the Settings you need to adjust to your server
#The Gamemode the Main server uses
#World Gamemode
#Options: Survival, Creative, Adventure
#Warning: Spectator is not a Valid Input
#Warning: Spelling Matters, Capitalization Does not
worldGameMode: 'Survival'
# places the player at their last known location in the world
useLastLocation: false
#The point the player should be placed when entering a WS World
#for the first Time
x: 0
y: 60
z: 0
# Dev Tools #
# These Config Options are for the Devlopment and Maintenace
# Of World System. These features are not for production.
devcmds: false
# World Gamerules #
#!DevTODO create a class to handle this to make it cleaner
#Also Document this part of the config
announceAdvancements: true
commandBlockOutput: false
disableElytraMovementCheck: false
doDaylightCycle: true
doEntityDrops: true
doFireTick: true
doLimitedCrafting: false
doMobLoot: true
doMobSpawning: true
doTileDrops: true
doWeatherCycle: false
gameLoopFunction: false
keepInventory: true
logAdminCommands: true
maxCommandChainLength: 65536
maxEntityCramming: 24
mobGriefing: true
naturalRegeneration: true
randomTickSpeed: 3
reducedDebugInfo: false
sendCommandFeedback: true
showDeathMessages: true
spawnRadius: 10
spectatorsGenerateChunks: true