import java.util.Iterator; // Paper - remove streams from pathfindergoalselector
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ public class PathfinderGoalSelector {
private final Map<PathfinderGoal.Type, PathfinderGoalWrapped> c = new EnumMap(PathfinderGoal.Type.class);
- private final Set<PathfinderGoalWrapped> d = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); public final Set<PathfinderGoalWrapped> getTasks() { return d; }// Paper - OBFHELPER // Paper - private -> public
+ private final Set<PathfinderGoalWrapped> d = new ObjectLinkedOpenHashSet<PathfinderGoalWrapped>();/* YAPFA better set */ public final Set<PathfinderGoalWrapped> getTasks() { return d; }// Paper - OBFHELPER // Paper - private -> public
private final Supplier<GameProfilerFiller> e;
private final EnumSet<PathfinderGoal.Type> f = EnumSet.noneOf(PathfinderGoal.Type.class); // Paper unused, but dummy to prevent plugins from crashing as hard. Theyll need to support paper in a special case if this is super important, but really doesn't seem like it would be.
private final OptimizedSmallEnumSet<PathfinderGoal.Type> goalTypes = new OptimizedSmallEnumSet<>(PathfinderGoal.Type.class); // Paper - remove streams from pathfindergoalselector