#!/usr/bin/env bash # get base dir regardless of execution location SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ "$SOURCE" != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done SOURCE=$([[ "$SOURCE" = /* ]] && echo "$SOURCE" || echo "$PWD/${SOURCE#./}") basedir=$(dirname "$SOURCE") . "$basedir/scripts/init.sh" paperstash() { STASHED=$(git stash) } paperunstash() { if [[ "$STASHED" != "No local changes to save" ]] ; then git stash pop fi } failed=0 case "$1" in "rb" | "rbp" | "rebuild") ( set -e cd "$basedir" scripts/rebuildpatches.sh "$basedir" || exit 1 ) || failed=1 ;; "p" | "patch" | "apply") ( set -e cd "$basedir" scripts/apply.sh "$basedir" || exit 1 ) || failed=1 ;; "b" | "bu" | "build") ( basedir mvn -N install cd ${FORK_NAME}-API mvn clean install && cd ../${FORK_NAME}-Server && mvn clean install ) || failed=1 ;; "jar" | "paperclip") ( basedir cd "$basedir" ./scripts/paperclip.sh ) ;; "d" | "de" | "deploy") ( basedir mvn -N install cd ${FORK_NAME}-API mvn clean deploy && cd ../${FORK_NAME}-Server && mvn clean install ) || failed=1 ;; "up" | "upstream") ( cd "$basedir" scripts/upstream.sh "$2" || exit 1 if [ "$2" == "up" ]; then (scripts/apply.sh "$basedir" && scripts/rebuildpatches.sh "$basedir" && scripts/commitup.sh) || exit 1 fi ) || failed=1 ;; "cup" | "commitup" | "upc" | "upcommit") ( cd "$basedir" scripts/commitup.sh || exit 1 ) || failed=1 ;; "r" | "root") cd "$basedir" ;; "a" | "api") cd "$basedir/YAPFA-API" ;; "s" | "server") cd "$basedir/YAPFA-Server" ;; "setup") if [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] ; then NAME="ec" if [[ ! -z "${2+x}" ]] ; then NAME="$2" fi (grep "alias $NAME=" ~/.bashrc > /dev/null) && (sed -i "s|alias $NAME=.*|alias $NAME='. $SOURCE'|g" ~/.bashrc) || (echo "alias $NAME='. $SOURCE'" >> ~/.bashrc) alias "$NAME=. $SOURCE" echo "You can now just type '$NAME' at any time to access the paper tool." fi ;; *) echo "YAPFA build tool command. This provides a variety of commands to build and manage the PaperMC build" echo "environment. For all of the functionality of this command to be available, you must first run the" echo "'setup' command. View below for details. For essential building and patching, you do not need to do the setup." echo "" echo " Normal commands:" echo " * rb, rebuild | Rebuild patches, can be called from anywhere." echo " * p, patch | Apply all patches to top of Paper without building it. Can be run from anywhere." echo " * up, upstream | Build Paper upstream, pass arg up to update paper. Can be run from anywhere." echo " * b, build | Build API and Server but no deploy. Can be ran anywhere." echo " * d, deploy | Build and Deploy API jar and build Server. Can be ran anywhere." echo "" echo " These commands require the setup command before use:" echo " * r, root | Change directory to the root of the project." echo " * a. api | Move to the Paper-API directory." echo " * s, server | Move to the Paper-Server directory." echo " * e, edit | Use to edit a specific patch, give it the argument \"server\" or \"api\"" echo " | respectively to edit the correct project. Use the argument \"continue\" after" echo " | the changes have been made to finish and rebuild patches. Can be called from anywhere." echo "" echo " * setup | Add an alias to .bashrc to allow full functionality of this script. Run as:" echo " | . ./paper setup" echo " | After you run this command you'll be able to just run 'paper' from anywhere." echo " | The default name for the resulting alias is 'paper', you can give an argument to override" echo " | this default, such as:" echo " | . ./paper setup example" echo " | Which will allow you to run 'example' instead." ;; esac unset -f paperstash unset -f paperunstash if [ "$failed" == "1" ]; then unset failed false else unset failed true fi