2020-12-03 20:41:57 +05:00

244 lines
13 KiB

From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: epserv <admin@epserv.ru>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 20:36:42 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Optimise Bukkit's MapPalette
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/map/MapPalette.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/map/MapPalette.java
index 95fe3f4d081053a6cf484e4ef07b474f2dc2ab02..ace2aabb946913c5c28aaa888936e464dbf4962e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/map/MapPalette.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/map/MapPalette.java
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
@@ -15,14 +16,17 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public final class MapPalette {
// Internal mechanisms
- private MapPalette() {}
+ private MapPalette() {
+ }
private static Color c(int r, int g, int b) {
return new Color(r, g, b);
- private static double getDistance(@NotNull Color c1, @NotNull Color c2) {
+ // Yatopia start - faster method
+ private static int getDistanceSquared(@NotNull Color c1, @NotNull Color c2) {
+ /*
double rmean = (c1.getRed() + c2.getRed()) / 2.0;
double r = c1.getRed() - c2.getRed();
double g = c1.getGreen() - c2.getGreen();
@@ -31,70 +35,98 @@ public final class MapPalette {
double weightG = 4.0;
double weightB = 2 + (255 - rmean) / 256.0;
return weightR * r * r + weightG * g * g + weightB * b * b;
+ */
+ if (c1.getRGB() == c2.getRGB()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int r = c1.getRed() - c2.getRed(),
+ g = c1.getGreen() - c2.getGreen(),
+ b = c1.getBlue() - c2.getBlue();
+ // because of performed tests, this accuracy is enough
+ return r * r + g * g + b * b;
+ }
+ // Yatopia end
+ // Yatopia start - getDistance method itself
+ private static double getDistance(@NotNull Color c1, @NotNull Color c2) {
+ return Math.sqrt(getDistanceSquared(c1, c2));
+ // Yatopia end
- static final Color[] colors = {
- c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 0),
- c(89, 125, 39), c(109, 153, 48), c(127, 178, 56), c(67, 94, 29),
- c(174, 164, 115), c(213, 201, 140), c(247, 233, 163), c(130, 123, 86),
- c(140, 140, 140), c(171, 171, 171), c(199, 199, 199), c(105, 105, 105),
- c(180, 0, 0), c(220, 0, 0), c(255, 0, 0), c(135, 0, 0),
- c(112, 112, 180), c(138, 138, 220), c(160, 160, 255), c(84, 84, 135),
- c(117, 117, 117), c(144, 144, 144), c(167, 167, 167), c(88, 88, 88),
- c(0, 87, 0), c(0, 106, 0), c(0, 124, 0), c(0, 65, 0),
- c(180, 180, 180), c(220, 220, 220), c(255, 255, 255), c(135, 135, 135),
- c(115, 118, 129), c(141, 144, 158), c(164, 168, 184), c(86, 88, 97),
- c(106, 76, 54), c(130, 94, 66), c(151, 109, 77), c(79, 57, 40),
- c(79, 79, 79), c(96, 96, 96), c(112, 112, 112), c(59, 59, 59),
- c(45, 45, 180), c(55, 55, 220), c(64, 64, 255), c(33, 33, 135),
- c(100, 84, 50), c(123, 102, 62), c(143, 119, 72), c(75, 63, 38),
- c(180, 177, 172), c(220, 217, 211), c(255, 252, 245), c(135, 133, 129),
- c(152, 89, 36), c(186, 109, 44), c(216, 127, 51), c(114, 67, 27),
- c(125, 53, 152), c(153, 65, 186), c(178, 76, 216), c(94, 40, 114),
- c(72, 108, 152), c(88, 132, 186), c(102, 153, 216), c(54, 81, 114),
- c(161, 161, 36), c(197, 197, 44), c(229, 229, 51), c(121, 121, 27),
- c(89, 144, 17), c(109, 176, 21), c(127, 204, 25), c(67, 108, 13),
- c(170, 89, 116), c(208, 109, 142), c(242, 127, 165), c(128, 67, 87),
- c(53, 53, 53), c(65, 65, 65), c(76, 76, 76), c(40, 40, 40),
- c(108, 108, 108), c(132, 132, 132), c(153, 153, 153), c(81, 81, 81),
- c(53, 89, 108), c(65, 109, 132), c(76, 127, 153), c(40, 67, 81),
- c(89, 44, 125), c(109, 54, 153), c(127, 63, 178), c(67, 33, 94),
- c(36, 53, 125), c(44, 65, 153), c(51, 76, 178), c(27, 40, 94),
- c(72, 53, 36), c(88, 65, 44), c(102, 76, 51), c(54, 40, 27),
- c(72, 89, 36), c(88, 109, 44), c(102, 127, 51), c(54, 67, 27),
- c(108, 36, 36), c(132, 44, 44), c(153, 51, 51), c(81, 27, 27),
- c(17, 17, 17), c(21, 21, 21), c(25, 25, 25), c(13, 13, 13),
- c(176, 168, 54), c(215, 205, 66), c(250, 238, 77), c(132, 126, 40),
- c(64, 154, 150), c(79, 188, 183), c(92, 219, 213), c(48, 115, 112),
- c(52, 90, 180), c(63, 110, 220), c(74, 128, 255), c(39, 67, 135),
- c(0, 153, 40), c(0, 187, 50), c(0, 217, 58), c(0, 114, 30),
- c(91, 60, 34), c(111, 74, 42), c(129, 86, 49), c(68, 45, 25),
- c(79, 1, 0), c(96, 1, 0), c(112, 2, 0), c(59, 1, 0),
- c(147, 124, 113), c(180, 152, 138), c(209, 177, 161), c(110, 93, 85),
- c(112, 57, 25), c(137, 70, 31), c(159, 82, 36), c(84, 43, 19),
- c(105, 61, 76), c(128, 75, 93), c(149, 87, 108), c(78, 46, 57),
- c(79, 76, 97), c(96, 93, 119), c(112, 108, 138), c(59, 57, 73),
- c(131, 93, 25), c(160, 114, 31), c(186, 133, 36), c(98, 70, 19),
- c(72, 82, 37), c(88, 100, 45), c(103, 117, 53), c(54, 61, 28),
- c(112, 54, 55), c(138, 66, 67), c(160, 77, 78), c(84, 40, 41),
- c(40, 28, 24), c(49, 35, 30), c(57, 41, 35), c(30, 21, 18),
- c(95, 75, 69), c(116, 92, 84), c(135, 107, 98), c(71, 56, 51),
- c(61, 64, 64), c(75, 79, 79), c(87, 92, 92), c(46, 48, 48),
- c(86, 51, 62), c(105, 62, 75), c(122, 73, 88), c(64, 38, 46),
- c(53, 43, 64), c(65, 53, 79), c(76, 62, 92), c(40, 32, 48),
- c(53, 35, 24), c(65, 43, 30), c(76, 50, 35), c(40, 26, 18),
- c(53, 57, 29), c(65, 70, 36), c(76, 82, 42), c(40, 43, 22),
- c(100, 42, 32), c(122, 51, 39), c(142, 60, 46), c(75, 31, 24),
- c(26, 15, 11), c(31, 18, 13), c(37, 22, 16), c(19, 11, 8),
- c(133, 33, 34), c(163, 41, 42), c(189, 48, 49), c(100, 25, 25),
- c(104, 44, 68), c(127, 54, 83), c(148, 63, 97), c(78, 33, 51),
- c(64, 17, 20), c(79, 21, 25), c(92, 25, 29), c(48, 13, 15),
- c(15, 88, 94), c(18, 108, 115), c(22, 126, 134), c(11, 66, 70),
- c(40, 100, 98), c(50, 122, 120), c(58, 142, 140), c(30, 75, 74),
- c(60, 31, 43), c(74, 37, 53), c(86, 44, 62), c(45, 23, 32),
- c(14, 127, 93), c(17, 155, 114), c(20, 180, 133), c(10, 95, 70)
+ static Color[] colors = {
+ c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 0),
+ c(89, 125, 39), c(109, 153, 48), c(127, 178, 56), c(67, 94, 29),
+ c(174, 164, 115), c(213, 201, 140), c(247, 233, 163), c(130, 123, 86),
+ c(140, 140, 140), c(171, 171, 171), c(199, 199, 199), c(105, 105, 105),
+ c(180, 0, 0), c(220, 0, 0), c(255, 0, 0), c(135, 0, 0),
+ c(112, 112, 180), c(138, 138, 220), c(160, 160, 255), c(84, 84, 135),
+ c(117, 117, 117), c(144, 144, 144), c(167, 167, 167), c(88, 88, 88),
+ c(0, 87, 0), c(0, 106, 0), c(0, 124, 0), c(0, 65, 0),
+ c(180, 180, 180), c(220, 220, 220), c(255, 255, 255), c(135, 135, 135),
+ c(115, 118, 129), c(141, 144, 158), c(164, 168, 184), c(86, 88, 97),
+ c(106, 76, 54), c(130, 94, 66), c(151, 109, 77), c(79, 57, 40),
+ c(79, 79, 79), c(96, 96, 96), c(112, 112, 112), c(59, 59, 59),
+ c(45, 45, 180), c(55, 55, 220), c(64, 64, 255), c(33, 33, 135),
+ c(100, 84, 50), c(123, 102, 62), c(143, 119, 72), c(75, 63, 38),
+ c(180, 177, 172), c(220, 217, 211), c(255, 252, 245), c(135, 133, 129),
+ c(152, 89, 36), c(186, 109, 44), c(216, 127, 51), c(114, 67, 27),
+ c(125, 53, 152), c(153, 65, 186), c(178, 76, 216), c(94, 40, 114),
+ c(72, 108, 152), c(88, 132, 186), c(102, 153, 216), c(54, 81, 114),
+ c(161, 161, 36), c(197, 197, 44), c(229, 229, 51), c(121, 121, 27),
+ c(89, 144, 17), c(109, 176, 21), c(127, 204, 25), c(67, 108, 13),
+ c(170, 89, 116), c(208, 109, 142), c(242, 127, 165), c(128, 67, 87),
+ c(53, 53, 53), c(65, 65, 65), c(76, 76, 76), c(40, 40, 40),
+ c(108, 108, 108), c(132, 132, 132), c(153, 153, 153), c(81, 81, 81),
+ c(53, 89, 108), c(65, 109, 132), c(76, 127, 153), c(40, 67, 81),
+ c(89, 44, 125), c(109, 54, 153), c(127, 63, 178), c(67, 33, 94),
+ c(36, 53, 125), c(44, 65, 153), c(51, 76, 178), c(27, 40, 94),
+ c(72, 53, 36), c(88, 65, 44), c(102, 76, 51), c(54, 40, 27),
+ c(72, 89, 36), c(88, 109, 44), c(102, 127, 51), c(54, 67, 27),
+ c(108, 36, 36), c(132, 44, 44), c(153, 51, 51), c(81, 27, 27),
+ c(17, 17, 17), c(21, 21, 21), c(25, 25, 25), c(13, 13, 13),
+ c(176, 168, 54), c(215, 205, 66), c(250, 238, 77), c(132, 126, 40),
+ c(64, 154, 150), c(79, 188, 183), c(92, 219, 213), c(48, 115, 112),
+ c(52, 90, 180), c(63, 110, 220), c(74, 128, 255), c(39, 67, 135),
+ c(0, 153, 40), c(0, 187, 50), c(0, 217, 58), c(0, 114, 30),
+ c(91, 60, 34), c(111, 74, 42), c(129, 86, 49), c(68, 45, 25),
+ c(79, 1, 0), c(96, 1, 0), c(112, 2, 0), c(59, 1, 0),
+ c(147, 124, 113), c(180, 152, 138), c(209, 177, 161), c(110, 93, 85),
+ c(112, 57, 25), c(137, 70, 31), c(159, 82, 36), c(84, 43, 19),
+ c(105, 61, 76), c(128, 75, 93), c(149, 87, 108), c(78, 46, 57),
+ c(79, 76, 97), c(96, 93, 119), c(112, 108, 138), c(59, 57, 73),
+ c(131, 93, 25), c(160, 114, 31), c(186, 133, 36), c(98, 70, 19),
+ c(72, 82, 37), c(88, 100, 45), c(103, 117, 53), c(54, 61, 28),
+ c(112, 54, 55), c(138, 66, 67), c(160, 77, 78), c(84, 40, 41),
+ c(40, 28, 24), c(49, 35, 30), c(57, 41, 35), c(30, 21, 18),
+ c(95, 75, 69), c(116, 92, 84), c(135, 107, 98), c(71, 56, 51),
+ c(61, 64, 64), c(75, 79, 79), c(87, 92, 92), c(46, 48, 48),
+ c(86, 51, 62), c(105, 62, 75), c(122, 73, 88), c(64, 38, 46),
+ c(53, 43, 64), c(65, 53, 79), c(76, 62, 92), c(40, 32, 48),
+ c(53, 35, 24), c(65, 43, 30), c(76, 50, 35), c(40, 26, 18),
+ c(53, 57, 29), c(65, 70, 36), c(76, 82, 42), c(40, 43, 22),
+ c(100, 42, 32), c(122, 51, 39), c(142, 60, 46), c(75, 31, 24),
+ c(26, 15, 11), c(31, 18, 13), c(37, 22, 16), c(19, 11, 8),
+ c(133, 33, 34), c(163, 41, 42), c(189, 48, 49), c(100, 25, 25),
+ c(104, 44, 68), c(127, 54, 83), c(148, 63, 97), c(78, 33, 51),
+ c(64, 17, 20), c(79, 21, 25), c(92, 25, 29), c(48, 13, 15),
+ c(15, 88, 94), c(18, 108, 115), c(22, 126, 134), c(11, 66, 70),
+ c(40, 100, 98), c(50, 122, 120), c(58, 142, 140), c(30, 75, 74),
+ c(60, 31, 43), c(74, 37, 53), c(86, 44, 62), c(45, 23, 32),
+ c(14, 127, 93), c(17, 155, 114), c(20, 180, 133), c(10, 95, 70)
+ @NotNull
+ static int[] rgbColors = new int[colors.length];
+ static {
+ for (short i = 0; i < rgbColors.length; i++) {
+ rgbColors[i] = colors[i].getRGB();
+ }
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(rgbColors);
+ for (short i = 0; i < rgbColors.length; i++) {
+ colors[i] = new Color(rgbColors[i]);
+ }
+ }
// Interface
@@ -236,18 +268,31 @@ public final class MapPalette {
if (color.getAlpha() < 128) return 0;
int index = 0;
- double best = -1;
- for (int i = 4; i < colors.length; i++) {
- double distance = getDistance(color, colors[i]);
- if (distance < best || best == -1) {
- best = distance;
- index = i;
+ // Yatopia start - binary search
+ int binaryIndex = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(rgbColors, color.getRGB());
+ if (binaryIndex >= 0) {
+ return (byte) (binaryIndex < 128 ? binaryIndex : binaryIndex - 256);
+ }
+ int insertionPoint = binaryIndex * -1 - 1;
+ if (insertionPoint == 0) {
+ index = 0;
+ } else if (insertionPoint == colors.length - 1) {
+ index = colors.length - 1;
+ } else {
+ // now don't loop over all the colors, just select one of neighbor colors
+ // we don't need a distance itself, so we can use distance squared
+ int d1 = getDistanceSquared(color, colors[insertionPoint - 1]), d2 = getDistanceSquared(color, colors[insertionPoint + 1]);
+ if (d1 > d2) {
+ index = insertionPoint + 1;
+ } else {
+ index = insertionPoint - 1;
+ // Yatopia end
// Minecraft has 143 colors, some of which have negative byte representations
- return (byte) (index < 128 ? index : -129 + (index - 127));
+ return (byte) (index < 128 ? index : index - 256); // Yatopia
@@ -267,4 +312,4 @@ public final class MapPalette {
return colors[index >= 0 ? index : index + 256];
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