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synced 2025-02-20 06:11:39 +01:00
2675 lines
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From ae7e9dcb3edb5e1273a72578c3a6adc458292385 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aikar <aikar@aikar.co>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 23:31:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] EMC Legacy Data Converter
.../server/DataConverterRegistry.java | 2 +-
.../net/minecraft/server/DataConverters.java | 2641 +++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 2642 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverters.java
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverterRegistry.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverterRegistry.java
index 77c77973..c6757f74 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverterRegistry.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverterRegistry.java
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public class DataConverterRegistry {
private static final DataFixer c = b();
private static DataFixer b() {
- DataFixerBuilder datafixerbuilder = new DataFixerBuilder(SharedConstants.getGameVersion().getWorldVersion());
+ DataConverters datafixerbuilder = new DataConverters(SharedConstants.getGameVersion().getWorldVersion()); // Paper
return datafixerbuilder.build(SystemUtils.e());
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverters.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverters.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1f5ff45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/DataConverters.java
@@ -0,0 +1,2641 @@
+package net.minecraft.server;
+import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
+import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
+import java.lang.reflect.Type;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.EnumMap;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
+import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
+import com.google.gson.Gson;
+import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
+import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
+import com.google.gson.JsonDeserializationContext;
+import com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer;
+import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
+import com.google.gson.JsonParseException;
+import com.mojang.datafixers.DSL.TypeReference;
+import com.mojang.datafixers.DataFixer;
+import com.mojang.datafixers.DataFixerBuilder;
+import com.mojang.datafixers.Dynamic;
+import com.mojang.datafixers.schemas.Schema;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+import javax.annotation.Nullable;
+ * Handles converting all Pre 1.13.2 data using the Legacy DataFix System (ported to 1.13.2)
+ *
+ * We register a DFU Fixer per Legacy Data Version and apply the fixes using legacy strategy
+ * which is safer, faster and cleaner code.
+ *
+ * The pre DFU code did not fail when the Source version was unknown.
+ *
+ * This class also provides util methods for converting compounds to wrap the update call to
+ * receive the source version in the compound
+ *
+ */
+public class DataConverters extends DataFixerBuilder {
+ private static final DynamicOpsNBT OPS_NBT = DynamicOpsNBT.a;
+ public static final int LEGACY_VERSION = 1343;
+ public static int DATA_VERSION;
+ public static DataConverters INSTANCE;
+ private final Map<LegacyType, List<DataConverter>> converters = new EnumMap<>(LegacyType.class);
+ private final Map<LegacyType, List<DataInspector>> inspectors = new EnumMap(LegacyType.class);
+ // Set on build
+ private DataFixer fixer;
+ private static final Map<String, LegacyType> DFU_TO_LEGACY = new HashMap<>();
+ public enum LegacyType {
+ LEVEL(DataFixTypes.LEVEL.a()),
+ PLAYER(DataFixTypes.PLAYER.a()),
+ CHUNK(DataFixTypes.CHUNK.a()),
+ BLOCK_ENTITY(() -> "block_entity"),
+ ENTITY(DataConverterTypes.ENTITY),
+ OPTIONS(DataFixTypes.OPTIONS.a()),
+ private final TypeReference type;
+ LegacyType(TypeReference type) {
+ this.type = type;
+ DFU_TO_LEGACY.put(type.typeName(), this);
+ }
+ public TypeReference getDFUType() {
+ return type;
+ }
+ }
+ DataConverters(int dataVersion) {
+ super(dataVersion);
+ DATA_VERSION = dataVersion;
+ INSTANCE = this;
+ registerConverters();
+ registerInspectors();
+ }
+ // Called after fixers are built and ready for FIXING
+ public DataFixer build(final Executor executor) {
+ return this.fixer = new WrappedDataFixer(super.build(executor));
+ }
+ private class WrappedDataFixer implements DataFixer {
+ private final DataFixer realFixer;
+ WrappedDataFixer(DataFixer realFixer) {
+ this.realFixer = realFixer;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <T> Dynamic<T> update(TypeReference type, Dynamic<T> dynamic, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ LegacyType legacyType = DFU_TO_LEGACY.get(type.typeName());
+ if (sourceVer < LEGACY_VERSION && legacyType != null) {
+ NBTTagCompound cmp = (NBTTagCompound) dynamic.getValue();
+ int desiredVersion = Math.min(targetVer, LEGACY_VERSION);
+ cmp = convert(legacyType, cmp, sourceVer, desiredVersion);
+ sourceVer = desiredVersion;
+ dynamic = new Dynamic(OPS_NBT, cmp);
+ }
+ return realFixer.update(type, dynamic, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ private NBTTagCompound convert(LegacyType type, NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int desiredVersion) {
+ List<DataConverter> converters = DataConverters.this.converters.get(type);
+ if (converters != null && !converters.isEmpty()) {
+ for (DataConverter converter : converters) {
+ int dataVersion = converter.getDataVersion();
+ if (dataVersion > sourceVer && dataVersion <= desiredVersion) {
+ cmp = converter.convert(cmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ List<DataInspector> inspectors = DataConverters.this.inspectors.get(type);
+ if (inspectors != null && !inspectors.isEmpty()) {
+ for (DataInspector inspector : inspectors) {
+ cmp = inspector.inspect(cmp, sourceVer, desiredVersion);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Schema getSchema(int i) {
+ return realFixer.getSchema(i);
+ }
+ }
+ public static NBTTagCompound convert(LegacyType type, NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ return convert(type.getDFUType(), cmp);
+ }
+ public static NBTTagCompound convert(LegacyType type, NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer) {
+ return convert(type.getDFUType(), cmp, sourceVer);
+ }
+ public static NBTTagCompound convert(LegacyType type, NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ return convert(type.getDFUType(), cmp, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ public static NBTTagCompound convert(TypeReference type, NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ int i = cmp.hasKeyOfType("DataVersion", 99) ? cmp.getInt("DataVersion") : -1;
+ return convert(type, cmp, i);
+ }
+ public static NBTTagCompound convert(TypeReference type, NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer) {
+ return convert(type, cmp, sourceVer, DATA_VERSION);
+ }
+ public static NBTTagCompound convert(TypeReference type, NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (sourceVer >= targetVer) {
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ return (NBTTagCompound) INSTANCE.fixer.update(type, new Dynamic<>(OPS_NBT, cmp), sourceVer, targetVer).getValue();
+ }
+ public interface DataInspector {
+ NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer);
+ }
+ public interface DataConverter {
+ int getDataVersion();
+ NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp);
+ }
+ private void registerInspector(LegacyType type, DataInspector inspector) {
+ this.inspectors.computeIfAbsent(type, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(inspector);
+ }
+ private void registerConverter(LegacyType type, DataConverter converter) {
+ int version = converter.getDataVersion();
+ List<DataConverter> list = this.converters.computeIfAbsent(type, k -> new ArrayList<>());
+ if (!list.isEmpty() && list.get(list.size() - 1).getDataVersion() > version) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j) {
+ if (list.get(j).getDataVersion() > version) {
+ list.add(j, converter);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ list.add(converter);
+ }
+ }
+ private void registerInspectors() {
+ registerEntityItemList("EntityHorseDonkey", "SaddleItem", "Items");
+ registerEntityItemList("EntityHorseMule", "Items");
+ registerEntityItemList("EntityMinecartChest", "Items");
+ registerEntityItemList("EntityMinecartHopper", "Items");
+ registerEntityItemList("EntityVillager", "Inventory");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityArmorStand");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityBat");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityBlaze");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityCaveSpider");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityChicken");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityCow");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityCreeper");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityEnderDragon");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityEnderman");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityEndermite");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityEvoker");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityGhast");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityGiantZombie");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityGuardian");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityGuardianElder");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityHorse");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityHorseDonkey");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityHorseMule");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityHorseSkeleton");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityHorseZombie");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityIronGolem");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityMagmaCube");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityMushroomCow");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityOcelot");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityPig");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityPigZombie");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityRabbit");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySheep");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityShulker");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySilverfish");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySkeleton");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySkeletonStray");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySkeletonWither");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySlime");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySnowman");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySpider");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntitySquid");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityVex");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityVillager");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityVindicator");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityWitch");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityWither");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityWolf");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityZombie");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityZombieHusk");
+ registerEntityItemListEquipment("EntityZombieVillager");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityFireworks", "FireworksItem");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityHorse", "ArmorItem");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityHorse", "SaddleItem");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityHorseMule", "SaddleItem");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityHorseSkeleton", "SaddleItem");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityHorseZombie", "SaddleItem");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityItem", "Item");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityItemFrame", "Item");
+ registerEntityItemSingle("EntityPotion", "Potion");
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItem("TileEntityRecordPlayer", "RecordItem"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList("TileEntityBrewingStand", "Items"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList("TileEntityChest", "Items"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList("TileEntityDispenser", "Items"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList("TileEntityDropper", "Items"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList("TileEntityFurnace", "Items"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList("TileEntityHopper", "Items"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList("TileEntityShulkerBox", "Items"));
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataInspectorMobSpawnerMobs());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.CHUNK, new DataInspectorChunks());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataInspectorCommandBlock());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataInspectorEntityPassengers());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataInspectorMobSpawnerMinecart());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataInspectorVillagers());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataInspectorBlockEntity());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataInspectorEntity());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.LEVEL, new DataInspectorLevelPlayer());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.PLAYER, new DataInspectorPlayer());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.PLAYER, new DataInspectorPlayerVehicle());
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.STRUCTURE, new DataInspectorStructure());
+ }
+ private void registerConverters() {
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterEquipment());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataConverterSignText());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterMaterialId());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterPotionId());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterSpawnEgg());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterMinecart());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataConverterMobSpawner());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterUUID());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterHealth());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterSaddle());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterHanging());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterDropChances());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterRiding());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterArmorStand());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterBook());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterCookedFish());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterZombie());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.OPTIONS, new DataConverterVBO());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterGuardian());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterSkeleton());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterZombieType());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterHorse());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataConverterTileEntity());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterEntity());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterBanner());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterPotionWater());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataConverterShulker());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterShulkerBoxItem());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, new DataConverterShulkerBoxBlock());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.OPTIONS, new DataConverterLang());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterTotem());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.CHUNK, new DataConverterBedBlock());
+ registerConverter(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, new DataConverterBedItem());
+ }
+ private void registerEntityItemList(String type, String... keys) {
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataInspectorItemList(type, keys));
+ }
+ private void registerEntityItemSingle(String type, String key) {
+ registerInspector(LegacyType.ENTITY, new DataInspectorItem(type, key));
+ }
+ private void registerEntityItemListEquipment(String type) {
+ registerEntityItemList(type, "ArmorItems", "HandItems");
+ }
+ private static final Map<String, MinecraftKey> OLD_ID_TO_KEY_MAP = new HashMap<>();
+ static {
+ final Map<String, MinecraftKey> map = OLD_ID_TO_KEY_MAP;
+ map.put("EntityItem", new MinecraftKey("item"));
+ map.put("EntityExperienceOrb", new MinecraftKey("xp_orb"));
+ map.put("EntityAreaEffectCloud", new MinecraftKey("area_effect_cloud"));
+ map.put("EntityGuardianElder", new MinecraftKey("elder_guardian"));
+ map.put("EntitySkeletonWither", new MinecraftKey("wither_skeleton"));
+ map.put("EntitySkeletonStray", new MinecraftKey("stray"));
+ map.put("EntityEgg", new MinecraftKey("egg"));
+ map.put("EntityLeash", new MinecraftKey("leash_knot"));
+ map.put("EntityPainting", new MinecraftKey("painting"));
+ map.put("EntityTippedArrow", new MinecraftKey("arrow"));
+ map.put("EntitySnowball", new MinecraftKey("snowball"));
+ map.put("EntityLargeFireball", new MinecraftKey("fireball"));
+ map.put("EntitySmallFireball", new MinecraftKey("small_fireball"));
+ map.put("EntityEnderPearl", new MinecraftKey("ender_pearl"));
+ map.put("EntityEnderSignal", new MinecraftKey("eye_of_ender_signal"));
+ map.put("EntityPotion", new MinecraftKey("potion"));
+ map.put("EntityThrownExpBottle", new MinecraftKey("xp_bottle"));
+ map.put("EntityItemFrame", new MinecraftKey("item_frame"));
+ map.put("EntityWitherSkull", new MinecraftKey("wither_skull"));
+ map.put("EntityTNTPrimed", new MinecraftKey("tnt"));
+ map.put("EntityFallingBlock", new MinecraftKey("falling_block"));
+ map.put("EntityFireworks", new MinecraftKey("fireworks_rocket"));
+ map.put("EntityZombieHusk", new MinecraftKey("husk"));
+ map.put("EntitySpectralArrow", new MinecraftKey("spectral_arrow"));
+ map.put("EntityShulkerBullet", new MinecraftKey("shulker_bullet"));
+ map.put("EntityDragonFireball", new MinecraftKey("dragon_fireball"));
+ map.put("EntityZombieVillager", new MinecraftKey("zombie_villager"));
+ map.put("EntityHorseSkeleton", new MinecraftKey("skeleton_horse"));
+ map.put("EntityHorseZombie", new MinecraftKey("zombie_horse"));
+ map.put("EntityArmorStand", new MinecraftKey("armor_stand"));
+ map.put("EntityHorseDonkey", new MinecraftKey("donkey"));
+ map.put("EntityHorseMule", new MinecraftKey("mule"));
+ map.put("EntityEvokerFangs", new MinecraftKey("evocation_fangs"));
+ map.put("EntityEvoker", new MinecraftKey("evocation_illager"));
+ map.put("EntityVex", new MinecraftKey("vex"));
+ map.put("EntityVindicator", new MinecraftKey("vindication_illager"));
+ map.put("EntityIllagerIllusioner", new MinecraftKey("illusion_illager"));
+ map.put("EntityMinecartCommandBlock", new MinecraftKey("commandblock_minecart"));
+ map.put("EntityBoat", new MinecraftKey("boat"));
+ map.put("EntityMinecartRideable", new MinecraftKey("minecart"));
+ map.put("EntityMinecartChest", new MinecraftKey("chest_minecart"));
+ map.put("EntityMinecartFurnace", new MinecraftKey("furnace_minecart"));
+ map.put("EntityMinecartTNT", new MinecraftKey("tnt_minecart"));
+ map.put("EntityMinecartHopper", new MinecraftKey("hopper_minecart"));
+ map.put("EntityMinecartMobSpawner", new MinecraftKey("spawner_minecart"));
+ map.put("EntityCreeper", new MinecraftKey("creeper"));
+ map.put("EntitySkeleton", new MinecraftKey("skeleton"));
+ map.put("EntitySpider", new MinecraftKey("spider"));
+ map.put("EntityGiantZombie", new MinecraftKey("giant"));
+ map.put("EntityZombie", new MinecraftKey("zombie"));
+ map.put("EntitySlime", new MinecraftKey("slime"));
+ map.put("EntityGhast", new MinecraftKey("ghast"));
+ map.put("EntityPigZombie", new MinecraftKey("zombie_pigman"));
+ map.put("EntityEnderman", new MinecraftKey("enderman"));
+ map.put("EntityCaveSpider", new MinecraftKey("cave_spider"));
+ map.put("EntitySilverfish", new MinecraftKey("silverfish"));
+ map.put("EntityBlaze", new MinecraftKey("blaze"));
+ map.put("EntityMagmaCube", new MinecraftKey("magma_cube"));
+ map.put("EntityEnderDragon", new MinecraftKey("ender_dragon"));
+ map.put("EntityWither", new MinecraftKey("wither"));
+ map.put("EntityBat", new MinecraftKey("bat"));
+ map.put("EntityWitch", new MinecraftKey("witch"));
+ map.put("EntityEndermite", new MinecraftKey("endermite"));
+ map.put("EntityGuardian", new MinecraftKey("guardian"));
+ map.put("EntityShulker", new MinecraftKey("shulker"));
+ map.put("EntityPig", new MinecraftKey("pig"));
+ map.put("EntitySheep", new MinecraftKey("sheep"));
+ map.put("EntityCow", new MinecraftKey("cow"));
+ map.put("EntityChicken", new MinecraftKey("chicken"));
+ map.put("EntitySquid", new MinecraftKey("squid"));
+ map.put("EntityWolf", new MinecraftKey("wolf"));
+ map.put("EntityMushroomCow", new MinecraftKey("mooshroom"));
+ map.put("EntitySnowman", new MinecraftKey("snowman"));
+ map.put("EntityOcelot", new MinecraftKey("ocelot"));
+ map.put("EntityIronGolem", new MinecraftKey("villager_golem"));
+ map.put("EntityHorse", new MinecraftKey("horse"));
+ map.put("EntityRabbit", new MinecraftKey("rabbit"));
+ map.put("EntityPolarBear", new MinecraftKey("polar_bear"));
+ map.put("EntityLlama", new MinecraftKey("llama"));
+ map.put("EntityLlamaSpit", new MinecraftKey("llama_spit"));
+ map.put("EntityParrot", new MinecraftKey("parrot"));
+ map.put("EntityVillager", new MinecraftKey("villager"));
+ map.put("EntityEnderCrystal", new MinecraftKey("ender_crystal"));
+ map.put("TileEntityFurnace", new MinecraftKey("furnace"));
+ map.put("TileEntityChest", new MinecraftKey("chest"));
+ map.put("TileEntityEnderChest", new MinecraftKey("ender_chest"));
+ map.put("TileEntityRecordPlayer", new MinecraftKey("jukebox"));
+ map.put("TileEntityDispenser", new MinecraftKey("dispenser"));
+ map.put("TileEntityDropper", new MinecraftKey("dropper"));
+ map.put("TileEntitySign", new MinecraftKey("sign"));
+ map.put("TileEntityMobSpawner", new MinecraftKey("mob_spawner"));
+ map.put("TileEntityNote", new MinecraftKey("noteblock"));
+ map.put("TileEntityPiston", new MinecraftKey("piston"));
+ map.put("TileEntityBrewingStand", new MinecraftKey("brewing_stand"));
+ map.put("TileEntityEnchantTable", new MinecraftKey("enchanting_table"));
+ map.put("TileEntityEnderPortal", new MinecraftKey("end_portal"));
+ map.put("TileEntityBeacon", new MinecraftKey("beacon"));
+ map.put("TileEntitySkull", new MinecraftKey("skull"));
+ map.put("TileEntityLightDetector", new MinecraftKey("daylight_detector"));
+ map.put("TileEntityHopper", new MinecraftKey("hopper"));
+ map.put("TileEntityComparator", new MinecraftKey("comparator"));
+ map.put("TileEntityFlowerPot", new MinecraftKey("flower_pot"));
+ map.put("TileEntityBanner", new MinecraftKey("banner"));
+ map.put("TileEntityStructure", new MinecraftKey("structure_block"));
+ map.put("TileEntityEndGateway", new MinecraftKey("end_gateway"));
+ map.put("TileEntityCommand", new MinecraftKey("command_block"));
+ map.put("TileEntityShulkerBox", new MinecraftKey("shulker_box"));
+ map.put("TileEntityBed", new MinecraftKey("bed"));
+ }
+ private static MinecraftKey getKey(String type) {
+ final MinecraftKey key = OLD_ID_TO_KEY_MAP.get(type);
+ if (key == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown mapping for " + type);
+ }
+ return key;
+ }
+ private static void convertCompound(LegacyType type, NBTTagCompound cmp, String key, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ cmp.set(key, convert(type, cmp.getCompound(key), sourceVer, targetVer));
+ }
+ private static void convertItem(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, String key, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType(key, 10)) {
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, nbttagcompound, key, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void convertItems(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, String key, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType(key, 9)) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound.getList(key, 10);
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ nbttaglist.set(j, convert(LegacyType.ITEM_INSTANCE, nbttaglist.getCompound(j), sourceVer, targetVer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterEquipment implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterEquipment() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 100;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = cmp.getList("Equipment", 10);
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist1;
+ if (!nbttaglist.isEmpty() && !cmp.hasKeyOfType("HandItems", 10)) {
+ nbttaglist1 = new NBTTagList();
+ nbttaglist1.add(nbttaglist.get(0));
+ nbttaglist1.add(new NBTTagCompound());
+ cmp.set("HandItems", nbttaglist1);
+ }
+ if (nbttaglist.size() > 1 && !cmp.hasKeyOfType("ArmorItem", 10)) {
+ nbttaglist1 = new NBTTagList();
+ nbttaglist1.add(nbttaglist.get(1));
+ nbttaglist1.add(nbttaglist.get(2));
+ nbttaglist1.add(nbttaglist.get(3));
+ nbttaglist1.add(nbttaglist.get(4));
+ cmp.set("ArmorItems", nbttaglist1);
+ }
+ cmp.remove("Equipment");
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("DropChances", 9)) {
+ nbttaglist1 = cmp.getList("DropChances", 5);
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist2;
+ if (!cmp.hasKeyOfType("HandDropChances", 10)) {
+ nbttaglist2 = new NBTTagList();
+ nbttaglist2.add(NBTTagFloat.a(nbttaglist1.d(0)));
+ nbttaglist2.add(NBTTagFloat.a(0.0F));
+ cmp.set("HandDropChances", nbttaglist2);
+ }
+ if (!cmp.hasKeyOfType("ArmorDropChances", 10)) {
+ nbttaglist2 = new NBTTagList();
+ nbttaglist2.add(NBTTagFloat.a(nbttaglist1.d(1)));
+ nbttaglist2.add(NBTTagFloat.a(nbttaglist1.d(2)));
+ nbttaglist2.add(NBTTagFloat.a(nbttaglist1.d(3)));
+ nbttaglist2.add(NBTTagFloat.a(nbttaglist1.d(4)));
+ cmp.set("ArmorDropChances", nbttaglist2);
+ }
+ cmp.remove("DropChances");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorBlockEntity implements DataInspector {
+ private static final Map<String, String> b = Maps.newHashMap();
+ private static final Map<String, String> c = Maps.newHashMap();
+ DataInspectorBlockEntity() {}
+ @Nullable
+ private static String convertEntityId(int i, String s) {
+ String key = new MinecraftKey(s).toString();
+ if (i < 515 && DataInspectorBlockEntity.b.containsKey(key)) {
+ return DataInspectorBlockEntity.b.get(key);
+ } else {
+ return DataInspectorBlockEntity.c.get(key);
+ }
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (!cmp.hasKeyOfType("tag", 10)) {
+ return cmp;
+ } else {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("BlockEntityTag", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttagcompound1.getCompound("BlockEntityTag");
+ String s = cmp.getString("id");
+ String s1 = convertEntityId(sourceVer, s);
+ boolean flag;
+ if (s1 == null) {
+ // CraftBukkit - Remove unnecessary warning (occurs when deserializing a Shulker Box item)
+ // DataInspectorBlockEntity.a.warn("Unable to resolve BlockEntity for ItemInstance: {}", s);
+ flag = false;
+ } else {
+ flag = !nbttagcompound2.hasKey("id");
+ nbttagcompound2.setString("id", s1);
+ }
+ convert(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, nbttagcompound2, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ if (flag) {
+ nbttagcompound2.remove("id");
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ static {
+ Map map = DataInspectorBlockEntity.b;
+ map.put("minecraft:furnace", "Furnace");
+ map.put("minecraft:lit_furnace", "Furnace");
+ map.put("minecraft:chest", "Chest");
+ map.put("minecraft:trapped_chest", "Chest");
+ map.put("minecraft:ender_chest", "EnderChest");
+ map.put("minecraft:jukebox", "RecordPlayer");
+ map.put("minecraft:dispenser", "Trap");
+ map.put("minecraft:dropper", "Dropper");
+ map.put("minecraft:sign", "Sign");
+ map.put("minecraft:mob_spawner", "MobSpawner");
+ map.put("minecraft:noteblock", "Music");
+ map.put("minecraft:brewing_stand", "Cauldron");
+ map.put("minecraft:enhanting_table", "EnchantTable");
+ map.put("minecraft:command_block", "CommandBlock");
+ map.put("minecraft:beacon", "Beacon");
+ map.put("minecraft:skull", "Skull");
+ map.put("minecraft:daylight_detector", "DLDetector");
+ map.put("minecraft:hopper", "Hopper");
+ map.put("minecraft:banner", "Banner");
+ map.put("minecraft:flower_pot", "FlowerPot");
+ map.put("minecraft:repeating_command_block", "CommandBlock");
+ map.put("minecraft:chain_command_block", "CommandBlock");
+ map.put("minecraft:standing_sign", "Sign");
+ map.put("minecraft:wall_sign", "Sign");
+ map.put("minecraft:piston_head", "Piston");
+ map.put("minecraft:daylight_detector_inverted", "DLDetector");
+ map.put("minecraft:unpowered_comparator", "Comparator");
+ map.put("minecraft:powered_comparator", "Comparator");
+ map.put("minecraft:wall_banner", "Banner");
+ map.put("minecraft:standing_banner", "Banner");
+ map.put("minecraft:structure_block", "Structure");
+ map.put("minecraft:end_portal", "Airportal");
+ map.put("minecraft:end_gateway", "EndGateway");
+ map.put("minecraft:shield", "Shield");
+ map = DataInspectorBlockEntity.c;
+ map.put("minecraft:furnace", "minecraft:furnace");
+ map.put("minecraft:lit_furnace", "minecraft:furnace");
+ map.put("minecraft:chest", "minecraft:chest");
+ map.put("minecraft:trapped_chest", "minecraft:chest");
+ map.put("minecraft:ender_chest", "minecraft:enderchest");
+ map.put("minecraft:jukebox", "minecraft:jukebox");
+ map.put("minecraft:dispenser", "minecraft:dispenser");
+ map.put("minecraft:dropper", "minecraft:dropper");
+ map.put("minecraft:sign", "minecraft:sign");
+ map.put("minecraft:mob_spawner", "minecraft:mob_spawner");
+ map.put("minecraft:noteblock", "minecraft:noteblock");
+ map.put("minecraft:brewing_stand", "minecraft:brewing_stand");
+ map.put("minecraft:enhanting_table", "minecraft:enchanting_table");
+ map.put("minecraft:command_block", "minecraft:command_block");
+ map.put("minecraft:beacon", "minecraft:beacon");
+ map.put("minecraft:skull", "minecraft:skull");
+ map.put("minecraft:daylight_detector", "minecraft:daylight_detector");
+ map.put("minecraft:hopper", "minecraft:hopper");
+ map.put("minecraft:banner", "minecraft:banner");
+ map.put("minecraft:flower_pot", "minecraft:flower_pot");
+ map.put("minecraft:repeating_command_block", "minecraft:command_block");
+ map.put("minecraft:chain_command_block", "minecraft:command_block");
+ map.put("minecraft:shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:white_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:orange_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:magenta_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:yellow_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:lime_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:pink_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:silver_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:cyan_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:purple_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:brown_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:green_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:red_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:black_shulker_box", "minecraft:shulker_box");
+ map.put("minecraft:bed", "minecraft:bed");
+ map.put("minecraft:standing_sign", "minecraft:sign");
+ map.put("minecraft:wall_sign", "minecraft:sign");
+ map.put("minecraft:piston_head", "minecraft:piston");
+ map.put("minecraft:daylight_detector_inverted", "minecraft:daylight_detector");
+ map.put("minecraft:unpowered_comparator", "minecraft:comparator");
+ map.put("minecraft:powered_comparator", "minecraft:comparator");
+ map.put("minecraft:wall_banner", "minecraft:banner");
+ map.put("minecraft:standing_banner", "minecraft:banner");
+ map.put("minecraft:structure_block", "minecraft:structure_block");
+ map.put("minecraft:end_portal", "minecraft:end_portal");
+ map.put("minecraft:end_gateway", "minecraft:end_gateway");
+ map.put("minecraft:shield", "minecraft:shield");
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorEntity implements DataInspector {
+ private static final Logger a = LogManager.getLogger();
+ DataInspectorEntity() {}
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("EntityTag", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttagcompound1.getCompound("EntityTag");
+ String s = cmp.getString("id");
+ String s1;
+ if ("minecraft:armor_stand".equals(s)) {
+ s1 = sourceVer < 515 ? "ArmorStand" : "minecraft:armor_stand";
+ } else {
+ if (!"minecraft:spawn_egg".equals(s)) {
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ s1 = nbttagcompound2.getString("id");
+ }
+ boolean flag;
+ if (s1 == null) {
+ DataInspectorEntity.a.warn("Unable to resolve Entity for ItemInstance: {}", s);
+ flag = false;
+ } else {
+ flag = !nbttagcompound2.hasKeyOfType("id", 8);
+ nbttagcompound2.setString("id", s1);
+ }
+ convert(LegacyType.ENTITY, nbttagcompound2, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ if (flag) {
+ nbttagcompound2.remove("id");
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private abstract static class DataInspectorTagged implements DataInspector {
+ private final MinecraftKey key;
+ DataInspectorTagged(String type) {
+ this.key = getKey(type);
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (this.key.equals(new MinecraftKey(cmp.getString("id")))) {
+ cmp = this.inspectChecked(cmp, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ abstract NBTTagCompound inspectChecked(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, int sourceVer, int targetVer);
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorItemList extends DataInspectorTagged {
+ private final String[] keys;
+ DataInspectorItemList(String oclass, String... astring) {
+ super(oclass);
+ this.keys = astring;
+ }
+ NBTTagCompound inspectChecked(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ for (String s : this.keys) {
+ DataConverters.convertItems(nbttagcompound, s, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ return nbttagcompound;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorItem extends DataInspectorTagged {
+ private final String[] keys;
+ DataInspectorItem(String oclass, String... astring) {
+ super(oclass);
+ this.keys = astring;
+ }
+ NBTTagCompound inspectChecked(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ for (String key : this.keys) {
+ DataConverters.convertItem(nbttagcompound, key, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ return nbttagcompound;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterMaterialId implements DataConverter {
+ private static final String[] materials = new String[2268];
+ DataConverterMaterialId() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 102;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("id", 99)) {
+ short short0 = cmp.getShort("id");
+ if (short0 > 0 && short0 < materials.length && materials[short0] != null) {
+ cmp.setString("id", materials[short0]);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ static {
+ materials[1] = "minecraft:stone";
+ materials[2] = "minecraft:grass";
+ materials[3] = "minecraft:dirt";
+ materials[4] = "minecraft:cobblestone";
+ materials[5] = "minecraft:planks";
+ materials[6] = "minecraft:sapling";
+ materials[7] = "minecraft:bedrock";
+ materials[8] = "minecraft:flowing_water";
+ materials[9] = "minecraft:water";
+ materials[10] = "minecraft:flowing_lava";
+ materials[11] = "minecraft:lava";
+ materials[12] = "minecraft:sand";
+ materials[13] = "minecraft:gravel";
+ materials[14] = "minecraft:gold_ore";
+ materials[15] = "minecraft:iron_ore";
+ materials[16] = "minecraft:coal_ore";
+ materials[17] = "minecraft:log";
+ materials[18] = "minecraft:leaves";
+ materials[19] = "minecraft:sponge";
+ materials[20] = "minecraft:glass";
+ materials[21] = "minecraft:lapis_ore";
+ materials[22] = "minecraft:lapis_block";
+ materials[23] = "minecraft:dispenser";
+ materials[24] = "minecraft:sandstone";
+ materials[25] = "minecraft:noteblock";
+ materials[27] = "minecraft:golden_rail";
+ materials[28] = "minecraft:detector_rail";
+ materials[29] = "minecraft:sticky_piston";
+ materials[30] = "minecraft:web";
+ materials[31] = "minecraft:tallgrass";
+ materials[32] = "minecraft:deadbush";
+ materials[33] = "minecraft:piston";
+ materials[35] = "minecraft:wool";
+ materials[37] = "minecraft:yellow_flower";
+ materials[38] = "minecraft:red_flower";
+ materials[39] = "minecraft:brown_mushroom";
+ materials[40] = "minecraft:red_mushroom";
+ materials[41] = "minecraft:gold_block";
+ materials[42] = "minecraft:iron_block";
+ materials[43] = "minecraft:double_stone_slab";
+ materials[44] = "minecraft:stone_slab";
+ materials[45] = "minecraft:brick_block";
+ materials[46] = "minecraft:tnt";
+ materials[47] = "minecraft:bookshelf";
+ materials[48] = "minecraft:mossy_cobblestone";
+ materials[49] = "minecraft:obsidian";
+ materials[50] = "minecraft:torch";
+ materials[51] = "minecraft:fire";
+ materials[52] = "minecraft:mob_spawner";
+ materials[53] = "minecraft:oak_stairs";
+ materials[54] = "minecraft:chest";
+ materials[56] = "minecraft:diamond_ore";
+ materials[57] = "minecraft:diamond_block";
+ materials[58] = "minecraft:crafting_table";
+ materials[60] = "minecraft:farmland";
+ materials[61] = "minecraft:furnace";
+ materials[62] = "minecraft:lit_furnace";
+ materials[65] = "minecraft:ladder";
+ materials[66] = "minecraft:rail";
+ materials[67] = "minecraft:stone_stairs";
+ materials[69] = "minecraft:lever";
+ materials[70] = "minecraft:stone_pressure_plate";
+ materials[72] = "minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate";
+ materials[73] = "minecraft:redstone_ore";
+ materials[76] = "minecraft:redstone_torch";
+ materials[77] = "minecraft:stone_button";
+ materials[78] = "minecraft:snow_layer";
+ materials[79] = "minecraft:ice";
+ materials[80] = "minecraft:snow";
+ materials[81] = "minecraft:cactus";
+ materials[82] = "minecraft:clay";
+ materials[84] = "minecraft:jukebox";
+ materials[85] = "minecraft:fence";
+ materials[86] = "minecraft:pumpkin";
+ materials[87] = "minecraft:netherrack";
+ materials[88] = "minecraft:soul_sand";
+ materials[89] = "minecraft:glowstone";
+ materials[90] = "minecraft:portal";
+ materials[91] = "minecraft:lit_pumpkin";
+ materials[95] = "minecraft:stained_glass";
+ materials[96] = "minecraft:trapdoor";
+ materials[97] = "minecraft:monster_egg";
+ materials[98] = "minecraft:stonebrick";
+ materials[99] = "minecraft:brown_mushroom_block";
+ materials[100] = "minecraft:red_mushroom_block";
+ materials[101] = "minecraft:iron_bars";
+ materials[102] = "minecraft:glass_pane";
+ materials[103] = "minecraft:melon_block";
+ materials[106] = "minecraft:vine";
+ materials[107] = "minecraft:fence_gate";
+ materials[108] = "minecraft:brick_stairs";
+ materials[109] = "minecraft:stone_brick_stairs";
+ materials[110] = "minecraft:mycelium";
+ materials[111] = "minecraft:waterlily";
+ materials[112] = "minecraft:nether_brick";
+ materials[113] = "minecraft:nether_brick_fence";
+ materials[114] = "minecraft:nether_brick_stairs";
+ materials[116] = "minecraft:enchanting_table";
+ materials[119] = "minecraft:end_portal";
+ materials[120] = "minecraft:end_portal_frame";
+ materials[121] = "minecraft:end_stone";
+ materials[122] = "minecraft:dragon_egg";
+ materials[123] = "minecraft:redstone_lamp";
+ materials[125] = "minecraft:double_wooden_slab";
+ materials[126] = "minecraft:wooden_slab";
+ materials[127] = "minecraft:cocoa";
+ materials[128] = "minecraft:sandstone_stairs";
+ materials[129] = "minecraft:emerald_ore";
+ materials[130] = "minecraft:ender_chest";
+ materials[131] = "minecraft:tripwire_hook";
+ materials[133] = "minecraft:emerald_block";
+ materials[134] = "minecraft:spruce_stairs";
+ materials[135] = "minecraft:birch_stairs";
+ materials[136] = "minecraft:jungle_stairs";
+ materials[137] = "minecraft:command_block";
+ materials[138] = "minecraft:beacon";
+ materials[139] = "minecraft:cobblestone_wall";
+ materials[141] = "minecraft:carrots";
+ materials[142] = "minecraft:potatoes";
+ materials[143] = "minecraft:wooden_button";
+ materials[145] = "minecraft:anvil";
+ materials[146] = "minecraft:trapped_chest";
+ materials[147] = "minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate";
+ materials[148] = "minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate";
+ materials[151] = "minecraft:daylight_detector";
+ materials[152] = "minecraft:redstone_block";
+ materials[153] = "minecraft:quartz_ore";
+ materials[154] = "minecraft:hopper";
+ materials[155] = "minecraft:quartz_block";
+ materials[156] = "minecraft:quartz_stairs";
+ materials[157] = "minecraft:activator_rail";
+ materials[158] = "minecraft:dropper";
+ materials[159] = "minecraft:stained_hardened_clay";
+ materials[160] = "minecraft:stained_glass_pane";
+ materials[161] = "minecraft:leaves2";
+ materials[162] = "minecraft:log2";
+ materials[163] = "minecraft:acacia_stairs";
+ materials[164] = "minecraft:dark_oak_stairs";
+ materials[170] = "minecraft:hay_block";
+ materials[171] = "minecraft:carpet";
+ materials[172] = "minecraft:hardened_clay";
+ materials[173] = "minecraft:coal_block";
+ materials[174] = "minecraft:packed_ice";
+ materials[175] = "minecraft:double_plant";
+ materials[256] = "minecraft:iron_shovel";
+ materials[257] = "minecraft:iron_pickaxe";
+ materials[258] = "minecraft:iron_axe";
+ materials[259] = "minecraft:flint_and_steel";
+ materials[260] = "minecraft:apple";
+ materials[261] = "minecraft:bow";
+ materials[262] = "minecraft:arrow";
+ materials[263] = "minecraft:coal";
+ materials[264] = "minecraft:diamond";
+ materials[265] = "minecraft:iron_ingot";
+ materials[266] = "minecraft:gold_ingot";
+ materials[267] = "minecraft:iron_sword";
+ materials[268] = "minecraft:wooden_sword";
+ materials[269] = "minecraft:wooden_shovel";
+ materials[270] = "minecraft:wooden_pickaxe";
+ materials[271] = "minecraft:wooden_axe";
+ materials[272] = "minecraft:stone_sword";
+ materials[273] = "minecraft:stone_shovel";
+ materials[274] = "minecraft:stone_pickaxe";
+ materials[275] = "minecraft:stone_axe";
+ materials[276] = "minecraft:diamond_sword";
+ materials[277] = "minecraft:diamond_shovel";
+ materials[278] = "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe";
+ materials[279] = "minecraft:diamond_axe";
+ materials[280] = "minecraft:stick";
+ materials[281] = "minecraft:bowl";
+ materials[282] = "minecraft:mushroom_stew";
+ materials[283] = "minecraft:golden_sword";
+ materials[284] = "minecraft:golden_shovel";
+ materials[285] = "minecraft:golden_pickaxe";
+ materials[286] = "minecraft:golden_axe";
+ materials[287] = "minecraft:string";
+ materials[288] = "minecraft:feather";
+ materials[289] = "minecraft:gunpowder";
+ materials[290] = "minecraft:wooden_hoe";
+ materials[291] = "minecraft:stone_hoe";
+ materials[292] = "minecraft:iron_hoe";
+ materials[293] = "minecraft:diamond_hoe";
+ materials[294] = "minecraft:golden_hoe";
+ materials[295] = "minecraft:wheat_seeds";
+ materials[296] = "minecraft:wheat";
+ materials[297] = "minecraft:bread";
+ materials[298] = "minecraft:leather_helmet";
+ materials[299] = "minecraft:leather_chestplate";
+ materials[300] = "minecraft:leather_leggings";
+ materials[301] = "minecraft:leather_boots";
+ materials[302] = "minecraft:chainmail_helmet";
+ materials[303] = "minecraft:chainmail_chestplate";
+ materials[304] = "minecraft:chainmail_leggings";
+ materials[305] = "minecraft:chainmail_boots";
+ materials[306] = "minecraft:iron_helmet";
+ materials[307] = "minecraft:iron_chestplate";
+ materials[308] = "minecraft:iron_leggings";
+ materials[309] = "minecraft:iron_boots";
+ materials[310] = "minecraft:diamond_helmet";
+ materials[311] = "minecraft:diamond_chestplate";
+ materials[312] = "minecraft:diamond_leggings";
+ materials[313] = "minecraft:diamond_boots";
+ materials[314] = "minecraft:golden_helmet";
+ materials[315] = "minecraft:golden_chestplate";
+ materials[316] = "minecraft:golden_leggings";
+ materials[317] = "minecraft:golden_boots";
+ materials[318] = "minecraft:flint";
+ materials[319] = "minecraft:porkchop";
+ materials[320] = "minecraft:cooked_porkchop";
+ materials[321] = "minecraft:painting";
+ materials[322] = "minecraft:golden_apple";
+ materials[323] = "minecraft:sign";
+ materials[324] = "minecraft:wooden_door";
+ materials[325] = "minecraft:bucket";
+ materials[326] = "minecraft:water_bucket";
+ materials[327] = "minecraft:lava_bucket";
+ materials[328] = "minecraft:minecart";
+ materials[329] = "minecraft:saddle";
+ materials[330] = "minecraft:iron_door";
+ materials[331] = "minecraft:redstone";
+ materials[332] = "minecraft:snowball";
+ materials[333] = "minecraft:boat";
+ materials[334] = "minecraft:leather";
+ materials[335] = "minecraft:milk_bucket";
+ materials[336] = "minecraft:brick";
+ materials[337] = "minecraft:clay_ball";
+ materials[338] = "minecraft:reeds";
+ materials[339] = "minecraft:paper";
+ materials[340] = "minecraft:book";
+ materials[341] = "minecraft:slime_ball";
+ materials[342] = "minecraft:chest_minecart";
+ materials[343] = "minecraft:furnace_minecart";
+ materials[344] = "minecraft:egg";
+ materials[345] = "minecraft:compass";
+ materials[346] = "minecraft:fishing_rod";
+ materials[347] = "minecraft:clock";
+ materials[348] = "minecraft:glowstone_dust";
+ materials[349] = "minecraft:fish";
+ materials[350] = "minecraft:cooked_fish"; // Paper - cooked_fished -> cooked_fish
+ materials[351] = "minecraft:dye";
+ materials[352] = "minecraft:bone";
+ materials[353] = "minecraft:sugar";
+ materials[354] = "minecraft:cake";
+ materials[355] = "minecraft:bed";
+ materials[356] = "minecraft:repeater";
+ materials[357] = "minecraft:cookie";
+ materials[358] = "minecraft:filled_map";
+ materials[359] = "minecraft:shears";
+ materials[360] = "minecraft:melon";
+ materials[361] = "minecraft:pumpkin_seeds";
+ materials[362] = "minecraft:melon_seeds";
+ materials[363] = "minecraft:beef";
+ materials[364] = "minecraft:cooked_beef";
+ materials[365] = "minecraft:chicken";
+ materials[366] = "minecraft:cooked_chicken";
+ materials[367] = "minecraft:rotten_flesh";
+ materials[368] = "minecraft:ender_pearl";
+ materials[369] = "minecraft:blaze_rod";
+ materials[370] = "minecraft:ghast_tear";
+ materials[371] = "minecraft:gold_nugget";
+ materials[372] = "minecraft:nether_wart";
+ materials[373] = "minecraft:potion";
+ materials[374] = "minecraft:glass_bottle";
+ materials[375] = "minecraft:spider_eye";
+ materials[376] = "minecraft:fermented_spider_eye";
+ materials[377] = "minecraft:blaze_powder";
+ materials[378] = "minecraft:magma_cream";
+ materials[379] = "minecraft:brewing_stand";
+ materials[380] = "minecraft:cauldron";
+ materials[381] = "minecraft:ender_eye";
+ materials[382] = "minecraft:speckled_melon";
+ materials[383] = "minecraft:spawn_egg";
+ materials[384] = "minecraft:experience_bottle";
+ materials[385] = "minecraft:fire_charge";
+ materials[386] = "minecraft:writable_book";
+ materials[387] = "minecraft:written_book";
+ materials[388] = "minecraft:emerald";
+ materials[389] = "minecraft:item_frame";
+ materials[390] = "minecraft:flower_pot";
+ materials[391] = "minecraft:carrot";
+ materials[392] = "minecraft:potato";
+ materials[393] = "minecraft:baked_potato";
+ materials[394] = "minecraft:poisonous_potato";
+ materials[395] = "minecraft:map";
+ materials[396] = "minecraft:golden_carrot";
+ materials[397] = "minecraft:skull";
+ materials[398] = "minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick";
+ materials[399] = "minecraft:nether_star";
+ materials[400] = "minecraft:pumpkin_pie";
+ materials[401] = "minecraft:fireworks";
+ materials[402] = "minecraft:firework_charge";
+ materials[403] = "minecraft:enchanted_book";
+ materials[404] = "minecraft:comparator";
+ materials[405] = "minecraft:netherbrick";
+ materials[406] = "minecraft:quartz";
+ materials[407] = "minecraft:tnt_minecart";
+ materials[408] = "minecraft:hopper_minecart";
+ materials[417] = "minecraft:iron_horse_armor";
+ materials[418] = "minecraft:golden_horse_armor";
+ materials[419] = "minecraft:diamond_horse_armor";
+ materials[420] = "minecraft:lead";
+ materials[421] = "minecraft:name_tag";
+ materials[422] = "minecraft:command_block_minecart";
+ materials[2256] = "minecraft:record_13";
+ materials[2257] = "minecraft:record_cat";
+ materials[2258] = "minecraft:record_blocks";
+ materials[2259] = "minecraft:record_chirp";
+ materials[2260] = "minecraft:record_far";
+ materials[2261] = "minecraft:record_mall";
+ materials[2262] = "minecraft:record_mellohi";
+ materials[2263] = "minecraft:record_stal";
+ materials[2264] = "minecraft:record_strad";
+ materials[2265] = "minecraft:record_ward";
+ materials[2266] = "minecraft:record_11";
+ materials[2267] = "minecraft:record_wait";
+ // Paper start
+ materials[409] = "minecraft:prismarine_shard";
+ materials[410] = "minecraft:prismarine_crystals";
+ materials[411] = "minecraft:rabbit";
+ materials[412] = "minecraft:cooked_rabbit";
+ materials[413] = "minecraft:rabbit_stew";
+ materials[414] = "minecraft:rabbit_foot";
+ materials[415] = "minecraft:rabbit_hide";
+ materials[416] = "minecraft:armor_stand";
+ materials[423] = "minecraft:mutton";
+ materials[424] = "minecraft:cooked_mutton";
+ materials[425] = "minecraft:banner";
+ materials[426] = "minecraft:end_crystal";
+ materials[427] = "minecraft:spruce_door";
+ materials[428] = "minecraft:birch_door";
+ materials[429] = "minecraft:jungle_door";
+ materials[430] = "minecraft:acacia_door";
+ materials[431] = "minecraft:dark_oak_door";
+ materials[432] = "minecraft:chorus_fruit";
+ materials[433] = "minecraft:chorus_fruit_popped";
+ materials[434] = "minecraft:beetroot";
+ materials[435] = "minecraft:beetroot_seeds";
+ materials[436] = "minecraft:beetroot_soup";
+ materials[437] = "minecraft:dragon_breath";
+ materials[438] = "minecraft:splash_potion";
+ materials[439] = "minecraft:spectral_arrow";
+ materials[440] = "minecraft:tipped_arrow";
+ materials[441] = "minecraft:lingering_potion";
+ materials[442] = "minecraft:shield";
+ materials[443] = "minecraft:elytra";
+ materials[444] = "minecraft:spruce_boat";
+ materials[445] = "minecraft:birch_boat";
+ materials[446] = "minecraft:jungle_boat";
+ materials[447] = "minecraft:acacia_boat";
+ materials[448] = "minecraft:dark_oak_boat";
+ materials[449] = "minecraft:totem_of_undying";
+ materials[450] = "minecraft:shulker_shell";
+ materials[452] = "minecraft:iron_nugget";
+ materials[453] = "minecraft:knowledge_book";
+ // Paper end
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterArmorStand implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterArmorStand() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 147;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("ArmorStand".equals(cmp.getString("id")) && cmp.getBoolean("Silent") && !cmp.getBoolean("Marker")) {
+ cmp.remove("Silent");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterBanner implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterBanner() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 804;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:banner".equals(cmp.getString("id")) && cmp.hasKeyOfType("tag", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("BlockEntityTag", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttagcompound1.getCompound("BlockEntityTag");
+ if (nbttagcompound2.hasKeyOfType("Base", 99)) {
+ cmp.setShort("Damage", (short) (nbttagcompound2.getShort("Base") & 15));
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("display", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound3 = nbttagcompound1.getCompound("display");
+ if (nbttagcompound3.hasKeyOfType("Lore", 9)) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound3.getList("Lore", 8);
+ if (nbttaglist.size() == 1 && "(+NBT)".equals(nbttaglist.getString(0))) {
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nbttagcompound2.remove("Base");
+ if (nbttagcompound2.isEmpty()) {
+ nbttagcompound1.remove("BlockEntityTag");
+ }
+ if (nbttagcompound1.isEmpty()) {
+ cmp.remove("tag");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterPotionId implements DataConverter {
+ private static final String[] potions = new String[128];
+ DataConverterPotionId() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 102;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:potion".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ short short0 = cmp.getShort("Damage");
+ if (!nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("Potion", 8)) {
+ String s = DataConverterPotionId.potions[short0 & 127];
+ nbttagcompound1.setString("Potion", s == null ? "minecraft:water" : s);
+ cmp.set("tag", nbttagcompound1);
+ if ((short0 & 16384) == 16384) {
+ cmp.setString("id", "minecraft:splash_potion");
+ }
+ }
+ if (short0 != 0) {
+ cmp.setShort("Damage", (short) 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ static {
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[0] = "minecraft:water";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[1] = "minecraft:regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[2] = "minecraft:swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[3] = "minecraft:fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[4] = "minecraft:poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[5] = "minecraft:healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[6] = "minecraft:night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[7] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[8] = "minecraft:weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[9] = "minecraft:strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[10] = "minecraft:slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[11] = "minecraft:leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[12] = "minecraft:harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[13] = "minecraft:water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[14] = "minecraft:invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[15] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[16] = "minecraft:awkward";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[17] = "minecraft:regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[18] = "minecraft:swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[19] = "minecraft:fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[20] = "minecraft:poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[21] = "minecraft:healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[22] = "minecraft:night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[23] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[24] = "minecraft:weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[25] = "minecraft:strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[26] = "minecraft:slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[27] = "minecraft:leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[28] = "minecraft:harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[29] = "minecraft:water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[30] = "minecraft:invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[31] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[32] = "minecraft:thick";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[33] = "minecraft:strong_regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[34] = "minecraft:strong_swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[35] = "minecraft:fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[36] = "minecraft:strong_poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[37] = "minecraft:strong_healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[38] = "minecraft:night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[39] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[40] = "minecraft:weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[41] = "minecraft:strong_strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[42] = "minecraft:slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[43] = "minecraft:strong_leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[44] = "minecraft:strong_harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[45] = "minecraft:water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[46] = "minecraft:invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[47] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[48] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[49] = "minecraft:strong_regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[50] = "minecraft:strong_swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[51] = "minecraft:fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[52] = "minecraft:strong_poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[53] = "minecraft:strong_healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[54] = "minecraft:night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[55] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[56] = "minecraft:weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[57] = "minecraft:strong_strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[58] = "minecraft:slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[59] = "minecraft:strong_leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[60] = "minecraft:strong_harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[61] = "minecraft:water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[62] = "minecraft:invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[63] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[64] = "minecraft:mundane";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[65] = "minecraft:long_regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[66] = "minecraft:long_swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[67] = "minecraft:long_fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[68] = "minecraft:long_poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[69] = "minecraft:healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[70] = "minecraft:long_night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[71] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[72] = "minecraft:long_weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[73] = "minecraft:long_strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[74] = "minecraft:long_slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[75] = "minecraft:long_leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[76] = "minecraft:harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[77] = "minecraft:long_water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[78] = "minecraft:long_invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[79] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[80] = "minecraft:awkward";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[81] = "minecraft:long_regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[82] = "minecraft:long_swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[83] = "minecraft:long_fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[84] = "minecraft:long_poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[85] = "minecraft:healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[86] = "minecraft:long_night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[87] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[88] = "minecraft:long_weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[89] = "minecraft:long_strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[90] = "minecraft:long_slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[91] = "minecraft:long_leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[92] = "minecraft:harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[93] = "minecraft:long_water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[94] = "minecraft:long_invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[95] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[96] = "minecraft:thick";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[97] = "minecraft:regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[98] = "minecraft:swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[99] = "minecraft:long_fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[100] = "minecraft:poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[101] = "minecraft:strong_healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[102] = "minecraft:long_night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[103] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[104] = "minecraft:long_weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[105] = "minecraft:strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[106] = "minecraft:long_slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[107] = "minecraft:leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[108] = "minecraft:strong_harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[109] = "minecraft:long_water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[110] = "minecraft:long_invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[111] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[112] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[113] = "minecraft:regeneration";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[114] = "minecraft:swiftness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[115] = "minecraft:long_fire_resistance";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[116] = "minecraft:poison";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[117] = "minecraft:strong_healing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[118] = "minecraft:long_night_vision";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[119] = null;
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[120] = "minecraft:long_weakness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[121] = "minecraft:strength";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[122] = "minecraft:long_slowness";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[123] = "minecraft:leaping";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[124] = "minecraft:strong_harming";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[125] = "minecraft:long_water_breathing";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[126] = "minecraft:long_invisibility";
+ DataConverterPotionId.potions[127] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterSpawnEgg implements DataConverter {
+ private static final String[] eggs = new String[256];
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 105;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:spawn_egg".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttagcompound1.getCompound("EntityTag");
+ short short0 = cmp.getShort("Damage");
+ if (!nbttagcompound2.hasKeyOfType("id", 8)) {
+ String s = DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[short0 & 255];
+ if (s != null) {
+ nbttagcompound2.setString("id", s);
+ nbttagcompound1.set("EntityTag", nbttagcompound2);
+ cmp.set("tag", nbttagcompound1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (short0 != 0) {
+ cmp.setShort("Damage", (short) 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ static {
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[1] = "Item";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[2] = "XPOrb";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[7] = "ThrownEgg";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[8] = "LeashKnot";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[9] = "Painting";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[10] = "Arrow";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[11] = "Snowball";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[12] = "Fireball";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[13] = "SmallFireball";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[14] = "ThrownEnderpearl";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[15] = "EyeOfEnderSignal";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[16] = "ThrownPotion";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[17] = "ThrownExpBottle";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[18] = "ItemFrame";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[19] = "WitherSkull";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[20] = "PrimedTnt";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[21] = "FallingSand";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[22] = "FireworksRocketEntity";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[23] = "TippedArrow";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[24] = "SpectralArrow";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[25] = "ShulkerBullet";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[26] = "DragonFireball";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[30] = "ArmorStand";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[41] = "Boat";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[42] = "MinecartRideable";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[43] = "MinecartChest";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[44] = "MinecartFurnace";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[45] = "MinecartTNT";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[46] = "MinecartHopper";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[47] = "MinecartSpawner";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[40] = "MinecartCommandBlock";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[48] = "Mob";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[49] = "Monster";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[50] = "Creeper";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[51] = "Skeleton";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[52] = "Spider";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[53] = "Giant";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[54] = "Zombie";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[55] = "Slime";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[56] = "Ghast";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[57] = "PigZombie";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[58] = "Enderman";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[59] = "CaveSpider";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[60] = "Silverfish";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[61] = "Blaze";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[62] = "LavaSlime";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[63] = "EnderDragon";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[64] = "WitherBoss";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[65] = "Bat";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[66] = "Witch";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[67] = "Endermite";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[68] = "Guardian";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[69] = "Shulker";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[90] = "Pig";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[91] = "Sheep";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[92] = "Cow";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[93] = "Chicken";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[94] = "Squid";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[95] = "Wolf";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[96] = "MushroomCow";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[97] = "SnowMan";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[98] = "Ozelot";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[99] = "VillagerGolem";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[100] = "EntityHorse";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[101] = "Rabbit";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[120] = "Villager";
+ DataConverterSpawnEgg.eggs[200] = "EnderCrystal";
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterMinecart implements DataConverter {
+ private static final List<String> a = Lists.newArrayList(new String[] { "MinecartRideable", "MinecartChest", "MinecartFurnace", "MinecartTNT", "MinecartSpawner", "MinecartHopper", "MinecartCommandBlock"});
+ DataConverterMinecart() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 106;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("Minecart".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ String s = "MinecartRideable";
+ int i = cmp.getInt("Type");
+ if (i > 0 && i < DataConverterMinecart.a.size()) {
+ s = DataConverterMinecart.a.get(i);
+ }
+ cmp.setString("id", s);
+ cmp.remove("Type");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterMobSpawner implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterMobSpawner() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 107;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if (!"MobSpawner".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ return cmp;
+ } else {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("EntityId", 8)) {
+ String s = cmp.getString("EntityId");
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("SpawnData");
+ nbttagcompound1.setString("id", s.isEmpty() ? "Pig" : s);
+ cmp.set("SpawnData", nbttagcompound1);
+ cmp.remove("EntityId");
+ }
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("SpawnPotentials", 9)) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = cmp.getList("SpawnPotentials", 10);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.size(); ++i) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttaglist.getCompound(i);
+ if (nbttagcompound2.hasKeyOfType("Type", 8)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound3 = nbttagcompound2.getCompound("Properties");
+ nbttagcompound3.setString("id", nbttagcompound2.getString("Type"));
+ nbttagcompound2.set("Entity", nbttagcompound3);
+ nbttagcompound2.remove("Type");
+ nbttagcompound2.remove("Properties");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterUUID implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterUUID() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 108;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("UUID", 8)) {
+ cmp.setUUID("UUID", UUID.fromString(cmp.getString("UUID")));
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterHealth implements DataConverter {
+ private static final Set<String> a = Sets.newHashSet(new String[] { "ArmorStand", "Bat", "Blaze", "CaveSpider", "Chicken", "Cow", "Creeper", "EnderDragon", "Enderman", "Endermite", "EntityHorse", "Ghast", "Giant", "Guardian", "LavaSlime", "MushroomCow", "Ozelot", "Pig", "PigZombie", "Rabbit", "Sheep", "Shulker", "Silverfish", "Skeleton", "Slime", "SnowMan", "Spider", "Squid", "Villager", "VillagerGolem", "Witch", "WitherBoss", "Wolf", "Zombie"});
+ DataConverterHealth() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 109;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if (DataConverterHealth.a.contains(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ float f;
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("HealF", 99)) {
+ f = cmp.getFloat("HealF");
+ cmp.remove("HealF");
+ } else {
+ if (!cmp.hasKeyOfType("Health", 99)) {
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ f = cmp.getFloat("Health");
+ }
+ cmp.setFloat("Health", f);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterSaddle implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterSaddle() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 110;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("EntityHorse".equals(cmp.getString("id")) && !cmp.hasKeyOfType("SaddleItem", 10) && cmp.getBoolean("Saddle")) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = new NBTTagCompound();
+ nbttagcompound1.setString("id", "minecraft:saddle");
+ nbttagcompound1.setByte("Count", (byte) 1);
+ nbttagcompound1.setShort("Damage", (short) 0);
+ cmp.set("SaddleItem", nbttagcompound1);
+ cmp.remove("Saddle");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterHanging implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterHanging() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 111;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ String s = cmp.getString("id");
+ boolean flag = "Painting".equals(s);
+ boolean flag1 = "ItemFrame".equals(s);
+ if ((flag || flag1) && !cmp.hasKeyOfType("Facing", 99)) {
+ EnumDirection enumdirection;
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("Direction", 99)) {
+ enumdirection = EnumDirection.fromType2(cmp.getByte("Direction"));
+ cmp.setInt("TileX", cmp.getInt("TileX") + enumdirection.getAdjacentX());
+ cmp.setInt("TileY", cmp.getInt("TileY") + enumdirection.getAdjacentY());
+ cmp.setInt("TileZ", cmp.getInt("TileZ") + enumdirection.getAdjacentZ());
+ cmp.remove("Direction");
+ if (flag1 && cmp.hasKeyOfType("ItemRotation", 99)) {
+ cmp.setByte("ItemRotation", (byte) (cmp.getByte("ItemRotation") * 2));
+ }
+ } else {
+ enumdirection = EnumDirection.fromType2(cmp.getByte("Dir"));
+ cmp.remove("Dir");
+ }
+ cmp.setByte("Facing", (byte) enumdirection.get2DRotationValue());
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterDropChances implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterDropChances() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 113;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist;
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("HandDropChances", 9)) {
+ nbttaglist = cmp.getList("HandDropChances", 5);
+ if (nbttaglist.size() == 2 && nbttaglist.d(0) == 0.0F && nbttaglist.d(1) == 0.0F) {
+ cmp.remove("HandDropChances");
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("ArmorDropChances", 9)) {
+ nbttaglist = cmp.getList("ArmorDropChances", 5);
+ if (nbttaglist.size() == 4 && nbttaglist.d(0) == 0.0F && nbttaglist.d(1) == 0.0F && nbttaglist.d(2) == 0.0F && nbttaglist.d(3) == 0.0F) {
+ cmp.remove("ArmorDropChances");
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterRiding implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterRiding() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 135;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ while (cmp.hasKeyOfType("Riding", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = this.b(cmp);
+ this.convert(cmp, nbttagcompound1);
+ cmp = nbttagcompound1;
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ protected void convert(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList();
+ nbttaglist.add(nbttagcompound);
+ nbttagcompound1.set("Passengers", nbttaglist);
+ }
+ protected NBTTagCompound b(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = nbttagcompound.getCompound("Riding");
+ nbttagcompound.remove("Riding");
+ return nbttagcompound1;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterBook implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterBook() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 165;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:written_book".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("pages", 9)) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound1.getList("pages", 8);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.size(); ++i) {
+ String s = nbttaglist.getString(i);
+ Object object = null;
+ if (!"null".equals(s) && !UtilColor.b(s)) {
+ if ((s.charAt(0) != 34 || s.charAt(s.length() - 1) != 34) && (s.charAt(0) != 123 || s.charAt(s.length() - 1) != 125)) {
+ object = new ChatComponentText(s);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ object = ChatDeserializer.a(DataConverterSignText.a, s, IChatBaseComponent.class, true);
+ if (object == null) {
+ object = new ChatComponentText("");
+ }
+ } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception) {
+ ;
+ }
+ if (object == null) {
+ try {
+ object = IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a(s);
+ } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception1) {
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (object == null) {
+ try {
+ object = IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.b(s);
+ } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception2) {
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (object == null) {
+ object = new ChatComponentText(s);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ object = new ChatComponentText("");
+ }
+ nbttaglist.set(i, NBTTagString.a(IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a((IChatBaseComponent) object)));
+ }
+ nbttagcompound1.set("pages", nbttaglist);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterCookedFish implements DataConverter {
+ private static final MinecraftKey a = new MinecraftKey("cooked_fished");
+ DataConverterCookedFish() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 502;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("id", 8) && DataConverterCookedFish.a.equals(new MinecraftKey(cmp.getString("id")))) {
+ cmp.setString("id", "minecraft:cooked_fish");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterZombie implements DataConverter {
+ private static final Random a = new Random();
+ DataConverterZombie() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 502;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("Zombie".equals(cmp.getString("id")) && cmp.getBoolean("IsVillager")) {
+ if (!cmp.hasKeyOfType("ZombieType", 99)) {
+ int i = -1;
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("VillagerProfession", 99)) {
+ try {
+ i = this.convert(cmp.getInt("VillagerProfession"));
+ } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == -1) {
+ i = this.convert(DataConverterZombie.a.nextInt(6));
+ }
+ cmp.setInt("ZombieType", i);
+ }
+ cmp.remove("IsVillager");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ private int convert(int i) {
+ return i >= 0 && i < 6 ? i : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterVBO implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterVBO() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 505;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ cmp.setString("useVbo", "true");
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterGuardian implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterGuardian() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 700;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("Guardian".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ if (cmp.getBoolean("Elder")) {
+ cmp.setString("id", "ElderGuardian");
+ }
+ cmp.remove("Elder");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterSkeleton implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterSkeleton() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 701;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ String s = cmp.getString("id");
+ if ("Skeleton".equals(s)) {
+ int i = cmp.getInt("SkeletonType");
+ if (i == 1) {
+ cmp.setString("id", "WitherSkeleton");
+ } else if (i == 2) {
+ cmp.setString("id", "Stray");
+ }
+ cmp.remove("SkeletonType");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterZombieType implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterZombieType() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 702;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("Zombie".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ int i = cmp.getInt("ZombieType");
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ cmp.setString("id", "ZombieVillager");
+ cmp.setInt("Profession", i - 1);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ cmp.setString("id", "Husk");
+ }
+ cmp.remove("ZombieType");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterHorse implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterHorse() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 703;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("EntityHorse".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ int i = cmp.getInt("Type");
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ cmp.setString("id", "Horse");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ cmp.setString("id", "Donkey");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ cmp.setString("id", "Mule");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ cmp.setString("id", "ZombieHorse");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ cmp.setString("id", "SkeletonHorse");
+ }
+ cmp.remove("Type");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterTileEntity implements DataConverter {
+ private static final Map<String, String> a = Maps.newHashMap();
+ DataConverterTileEntity() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 704;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ String s = DataConverterTileEntity.a.get(cmp.getString("id"));
+ if (s != null) {
+ cmp.setString("id", s);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ static {
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Airportal", "minecraft:end_portal");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Banner", "minecraft:banner");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Beacon", "minecraft:beacon");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Cauldron", "minecraft:brewing_stand");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Chest", "minecraft:chest");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Comparator", "minecraft:comparator");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Control", "minecraft:command_block");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("DLDetector", "minecraft:daylight_detector");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Dropper", "minecraft:dropper");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("EnchantTable", "minecraft:enchanting_table");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("EndGateway", "minecraft:end_gateway");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("EnderChest", "minecraft:ender_chest");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("FlowerPot", "minecraft:flower_pot");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Furnace", "minecraft:furnace");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Hopper", "minecraft:hopper");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("MobSpawner", "minecraft:mob_spawner");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Music", "minecraft:noteblock");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Piston", "minecraft:piston");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("RecordPlayer", "minecraft:jukebox");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Sign", "minecraft:sign");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Skull", "minecraft:skull");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Structure", "minecraft:structure_block");
+ DataConverterTileEntity.a.put("Trap", "minecraft:dispenser");
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterEntity implements DataConverter {
+ private static final Map<String, String> a = Maps.newHashMap();
+ DataConverterEntity() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 704;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ String s = DataConverterEntity.a.get(cmp.getString("id"));
+ if (s != null) {
+ cmp.setString("id", s);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ static {
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("AreaEffectCloud", "minecraft:area_effect_cloud");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ArmorStand", "minecraft:armor_stand");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Arrow", "minecraft:arrow");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Bat", "minecraft:bat");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Blaze", "minecraft:blaze");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Boat", "minecraft:boat");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("CaveSpider", "minecraft:cave_spider");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Chicken", "minecraft:chicken");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Cow", "minecraft:cow");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Creeper", "minecraft:creeper");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Donkey", "minecraft:donkey");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("DragonFireball", "minecraft:dragon_fireball");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ElderGuardian", "minecraft:elder_guardian");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("EnderCrystal", "minecraft:ender_crystal");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("EnderDragon", "minecraft:ender_dragon");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Enderman", "minecraft:enderman");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Endermite", "minecraft:endermite");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("EyeOfEnderSignal", "minecraft:eye_of_ender_signal");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("FallingSand", "minecraft:falling_block");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Fireball", "minecraft:fireball");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("FireworksRocketEntity", "minecraft:fireworks_rocket");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Ghast", "minecraft:ghast");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Giant", "minecraft:giant");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Guardian", "minecraft:guardian");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Horse", "minecraft:horse");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Husk", "minecraft:husk");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Item", "minecraft:item");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ItemFrame", "minecraft:item_frame");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("LavaSlime", "minecraft:magma_cube");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("LeashKnot", "minecraft:leash_knot");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MinecartChest", "minecraft:chest_minecart");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MinecartCommandBlock", "minecraft:commandblock_minecart");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MinecartFurnace", "minecraft:furnace_minecart");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MinecartHopper", "minecraft:hopper_minecart");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MinecartRideable", "minecraft:minecart");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MinecartSpawner", "minecraft:spawner_minecart");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MinecartTNT", "minecraft:tnt_minecart");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Mule", "minecraft:mule");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("MushroomCow", "minecraft:mooshroom");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Ozelot", "minecraft:ocelot");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Painting", "minecraft:painting");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Pig", "minecraft:pig");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("PigZombie", "minecraft:zombie_pigman");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("PolarBear", "minecraft:polar_bear");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("PrimedTnt", "minecraft:tnt");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Rabbit", "minecraft:rabbit");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Sheep", "minecraft:sheep");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Shulker", "minecraft:shulker");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ShulkerBullet", "minecraft:shulker_bullet");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Silverfish", "minecraft:silverfish");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Skeleton", "minecraft:skeleton");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("SkeletonHorse", "minecraft:skeleton_horse");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Slime", "minecraft:slime");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("SmallFireball", "minecraft:small_fireball");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("SnowMan", "minecraft:snowman");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Snowball", "minecraft:snowball");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("SpectralArrow", "minecraft:spectral_arrow");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Spider", "minecraft:spider");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Squid", "minecraft:squid");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Stray", "minecraft:stray");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ThrownEgg", "minecraft:egg");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ThrownEnderpearl", "minecraft:ender_pearl");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ThrownExpBottle", "minecraft:xp_bottle");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ThrownPotion", "minecraft:potion");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Villager", "minecraft:villager");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("VillagerGolem", "minecraft:villager_golem");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Witch", "minecraft:witch");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("WitherBoss", "minecraft:wither");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("WitherSkeleton", "minecraft:wither_skeleton");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("WitherSkull", "minecraft:wither_skull");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Wolf", "minecraft:wolf");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("XPOrb", "minecraft:xp_orb");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("Zombie", "minecraft:zombie");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ZombieHorse", "minecraft:zombie_horse");
+ DataConverterEntity.a.put("ZombieVillager", "minecraft:zombie_villager");
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterPotionWater implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterPotionWater() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 806;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ String s = cmp.getString("id");
+ if ("minecraft:potion".equals(s) || "minecraft:splash_potion".equals(s) || "minecraft:lingering_potion".equals(s) || "minecraft:tipped_arrow".equals(s)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ if (!nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("Potion", 8)) {
+ nbttagcompound1.setString("Potion", "minecraft:water");
+ }
+ if (!cmp.hasKeyOfType("tag", 10)) {
+ cmp.set("tag", nbttagcompound1);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterShulker implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterShulker() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 808;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:shulker".equals(cmp.getString("id")) && !cmp.hasKeyOfType("Color", 99)) {
+ cmp.setByte("Color", (byte) 10);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterShulkerBoxItem implements DataConverter {
+ public static final String[] a = new String[] { "minecraft:white_shulker_box", "minecraft:orange_shulker_box", "minecraft:magenta_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:yellow_shulker_box", "minecraft:lime_shulker_box", "minecraft:pink_shulker_box", "minecraft:gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:silver_shulker_box", "minecraft:cyan_shulker_box", "minecraft:purple_shulker_box", "minecraft:blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:brown_shulker_box", "minecraft:green_shulker_box", "minecraft:red_shulker_box", "minecraft:black_shulker_box"};
+ DataConverterShulkerBoxItem() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 813;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:shulker_box".equals(cmp.getString("id")) && cmp.hasKeyOfType("tag", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("tag");
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("BlockEntityTag", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttagcompound1.getCompound("BlockEntityTag");
+ if (nbttagcompound2.getList("Items", 10).isEmpty()) {
+ nbttagcompound2.remove("Items");
+ }
+ int i = nbttagcompound2.getInt("Color");
+ nbttagcompound2.remove("Color");
+ if (nbttagcompound2.isEmpty()) {
+ nbttagcompound1.remove("BlockEntityTag");
+ }
+ if (nbttagcompound1.isEmpty()) {
+ cmp.remove("tag");
+ }
+ cmp.setString("id", DataConverterShulkerBoxItem.a[i % 16]);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterShulkerBoxBlock implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterShulkerBoxBlock() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 813;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:shulker".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ cmp.remove("Color");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterLang implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterLang() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 816;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("lang", 8)) {
+ cmp.setString("lang", cmp.getString("lang").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterTotem implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterTotem() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 820;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:totem".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ cmp.setString("id", "minecraft:totem_of_undying");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterBedBlock implements DataConverter {
+ private static final Logger a = LogManager.getLogger();
+ DataConverterBedBlock() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 1125;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ boolean flag = true;
+ try {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("Level");
+ int i = nbttagcompound1.getInt("xPos");
+ int j = nbttagcompound1.getInt("zPos");
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound1.getList("TileEntities", 10);
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist1 = nbttagcompound1.getList("Sections", 10);
+ for (int k = 0; k < nbttaglist1.size(); ++k) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttaglist1.getCompound(k);
+ byte b0 = nbttagcompound2.getByte("Y");
+ byte[] abyte = nbttagcompound2.getByteArray("Blocks");
+ for (int l = 0; l < abyte.length; ++l) {
+ if (416 == (abyte[l] & 255) << 4) {
+ int i1 = l & 15;
+ int j1 = l >> 8 & 15;
+ int k1 = l >> 4 & 15;
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound3 = new NBTTagCompound();
+ nbttagcompound3.setString("id", "bed");
+ nbttagcompound3.setInt("x", i1 + (i << 4));
+ nbttagcompound3.setInt("y", j1 + (b0 << 4));
+ nbttagcompound3.setInt("z", k1 + (j << 4));
+ nbttaglist.add(nbttagcompound3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception exception) {
+ DataConverterBedBlock.a.warn("Unable to datafix Bed blocks, level format may be missing tags.");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterBedItem implements DataConverter {
+ DataConverterBedItem() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 1125;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("minecraft:bed".equals(cmp.getString("id")) && cmp.getShort("Damage") == 0) {
+ cmp.setShort("Damage", (short) EnumColor.RED.getColorIndex());
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataConverterSignText implements DataConverter {
+ public static final Gson a = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(IChatBaseComponent.class, new JsonDeserializer() {
+ IChatBaseComponent a(JsonElement jsonelement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsondeserializationcontext) throws JsonParseException {
+ if (jsonelement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
+ return new ChatComponentText(jsonelement.getAsString());
+ } else if (jsonelement.isJsonArray()) {
+ JsonArray jsonarray = jsonelement.getAsJsonArray();
+ IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent = null;
+ Iterator iterator = jsonarray.iterator();
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ JsonElement jsonelement1 = (JsonElement) iterator.next();
+ IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent1 = this.a(jsonelement1, jsonelement1.getClass(), jsondeserializationcontext);
+ if (ichatbasecomponent == null) {
+ ichatbasecomponent = ichatbasecomponent1;
+ } else {
+ ichatbasecomponent.addSibling(ichatbasecomponent1);
+ }
+ }
+ return ichatbasecomponent;
+ } else {
+ throw new JsonParseException("Don\'t know how to turn " + jsonelement + " into a Component");
+ }
+ }
+ public Object deserialize(JsonElement jsonelement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsondeserializationcontext) throws JsonParseException {
+ return this.a(jsonelement, type, jsondeserializationcontext);
+ }
+ }).create();
+ DataConverterSignText() {}
+ public int getDataVersion() {
+ return 101;
+ }
+ public NBTTagCompound convert(NBTTagCompound cmp) {
+ if ("Sign".equals(cmp.getString("id"))) {
+ this.convert(cmp, "Text1");
+ this.convert(cmp, "Text2");
+ this.convert(cmp, "Text3");
+ this.convert(cmp, "Text4");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ private void convert(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, String s) {
+ String s1 = nbttagcompound.getString(s);
+ Object object = null;
+ if (!"null".equals(s1) && !UtilColor.b(s1)) {
+ if ((s1.charAt(0) != 34 || s1.charAt(s1.length() - 1) != 34) && (s1.charAt(0) != 123 || s1.charAt(s1.length() - 1) != 125)) {
+ object = new ChatComponentText(s1);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ object = ChatDeserializer.a(DataConverterSignText.a, s1, IChatBaseComponent.class, true);
+ if (object == null) {
+ object = new ChatComponentText("");
+ }
+ } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception) {
+ ;
+ }
+ if (object == null) {
+ try {
+ object = IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a(s1);
+ } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception1) {
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (object == null) {
+ try {
+ object = IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.b(s1);
+ } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception2) {
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (object == null) {
+ object = new ChatComponentText(s1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ object = new ChatComponentText("");
+ }
+ nbttagcompound.setString(s, IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a((IChatBaseComponent) object));
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorPlayerVehicle implements DataInspector {
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("RootVehicle", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("RootVehicle");
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("Entity", 10)) {
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.ENTITY, nbttagcompound1, "Entity", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorLevelPlayer implements DataInspector {
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("Player", 10)) {
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.PLAYER, cmp, "Player", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorStructure implements DataInspector {
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist;
+ int j;
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1;
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("entities", 9)) {
+ nbttaglist = cmp.getList("entities", 10);
+ for (j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ nbttagcompound1 = (NBTTagCompound) nbttaglist.get(j);
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("nbt", 10)) {
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.ENTITY, nbttagcompound1, "nbt", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("blocks", 9)) {
+ nbttaglist = cmp.getList("blocks", 10);
+ for (j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ nbttagcompound1 = (NBTTagCompound) nbttaglist.get(j);
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("nbt", 10)) {
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, nbttagcompound1, "nbt", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorChunks implements DataInspector {
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("Level", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("Level");
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist;
+ int j;
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("Entities", 9)) {
+ nbttaglist = nbttagcompound1.getList("Entities", 10);
+ for (j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ nbttaglist.set(j, convert(LegacyType.ENTITY, (NBTTagCompound) nbttaglist.get(j), sourceVer, targetVer));
+ }
+ }
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("TileEntities", 9)) {
+ nbttaglist = nbttagcompound1.getList("TileEntities", 10);
+ for (j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ nbttaglist.set(j, convert(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, (NBTTagCompound) nbttaglist.get(j), sourceVer, targetVer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorEntityPassengers implements DataInspector {
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("Passengers", 9)) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = cmp.getList("Passengers", 10);
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ nbttaglist.set(j, convert(LegacyType.ENTITY, nbttaglist.getCompound(j), sourceVer, targetVer));
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorPlayer implements DataInspector {
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ convertItems(cmp, "Inventory", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ convertItems(cmp, "EnderItems", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("ShoulderEntityLeft", 10)) {
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.ENTITY, cmp, "ShoulderEntityLeft", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("ShoulderEntityRight", 10)) {
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.ENTITY, cmp, "ShoulderEntityRight", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorVillagers implements DataInspector {
+ MinecraftKey entityVillager = getKey("EntityVillager");
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (entityVillager.equals(new MinecraftKey(cmp.getString("id"))) && cmp.hasKeyOfType("Offers", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = cmp.getCompound("Offers");
+ if (nbttagcompound1.hasKeyOfType("Recipes", 9)) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound1.getList("Recipes", 10);
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound2 = nbttaglist.getCompound(j);
+ convertItem(nbttagcompound2, "buy", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ convertItem(nbttagcompound2, "buyB", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ convertItem(nbttagcompound2, "sell", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ nbttaglist.set(j, nbttagcompound2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorMobSpawnerMinecart implements DataInspector {
+ MinecraftKey entityMinecartMobSpawner = getKey("EntityMinecartMobSpawner");
+ MinecraftKey tileEntityMobSpawner = getKey("TileEntityMobSpawner");
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ String s = cmp.getString("id");
+ if (entityMinecartMobSpawner.equals(new MinecraftKey(s))) {
+ cmp.setString("id", tileEntityMobSpawner.toString());
+ convert(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, cmp, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ cmp.setString("id", s);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorMobSpawnerMobs implements DataInspector {
+ MinecraftKey tileEntityMobSpawner = getKey("TileEntityMobSpawner");
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (tileEntityMobSpawner.equals(new MinecraftKey(cmp.getString("id")))) {
+ if (cmp.hasKeyOfType("SpawnPotentials", 9)) {
+ NBTTagList nbttaglist = cmp.getList("SpawnPotentials", 10);
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) {
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = nbttaglist.getCompound(j);
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.ENTITY, nbttagcompound1, "Entity", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ }
+ convertCompound(LegacyType.ENTITY, cmp, "SpawnData", sourceVer, targetVer);
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DataInspectorCommandBlock implements DataInspector {
+ MinecraftKey tileEntityCommand = getKey("TileEntityCommand");
+ @Override
+ public NBTTagCompound inspect(NBTTagCompound cmp, int sourceVer, int targetVer) {
+ if (tileEntityCommand.equals(new MinecraftKey(cmp.getString("id")))) {
+ cmp.setString("id", "Control");
+ convert(LegacyType.BLOCK_ENTITY, cmp, sourceVer, targetVer);
+ cmp.setString("id", "MinecartCommandBlock");
+ }
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ }