1. In Code Composer Studio, expand the 3 projects and for each open `znp.syscfg`, expand `Power Management` and change `Minimal Poll Period (ms)` to `1000`, change it back to `100` immediately and save the file.
- **Important:** by default the **launchpad** variant of the CC1352P2_CC2652P (= `znp_CC1352P_2_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ticlang`) is build. To build the **other** variant comment `#define LAUNCHPAD_CONFIG 1` in `preinclude.h` (located under `Stack/Config/`), don't forget to save.
1. Once finished, the firmware can be found under `znp_[CC26X2R1/CC1352P_2/CC2652RB]_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ticlang/default/znp_[CC26X2R1/CC2652RB/CC1352P_2]_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ticlang.hex`