environment:'Allows to change environment where challenge operates.'
type:'Allows change challenge type. Each type has their own requirements.'
remove-on-complete:'Allows to remove challenge from player GUI after it is completed.'
name-challenge:'Allows to change challenge display name.'
name-level:'Allows to change level display name.'
required-entities:'Allows to add/edit/remove required entities.|Entities:|'
remove-entities:'Allows to remove (kill) entities on challenge completion.'
required-blocks:'Allows to add/edit/remove required blocks.|Blocks:|'
remove-blocks:'Allows to remove (replace with air) blocks on challenge completion.'
search-radius:'Radius around player location where required entities and blocks will be searched.'
required-permissions:'Required permissions for player to be able to complete challenge.|Permission:'
required-items:'Required items in player"s inventory.|Items:'
remove-items:'Allows to remove items from player inventory after challenge completion.'
required-experience:'Allows to define required experience for user to complete challenge.'
remove-experience:'Allows to remove remove required experience.'
required-level:'Allows to define required island level for this challenge.|&cRequires Level addon.'
required-money:'Allows to define required money in player"s account.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
remove-money:'Allows to remove required money from player"s account.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
reward-text:'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after challenges completion.'
reward-items:'Allows to change first time completion reward items.|Items:'
reward-experience:'Allows to change first time completion reward Experience.'
reward-money:'Allows to change first time completion reward Money.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
reward-commands:'Allows to define reward commands that will be called after first time completion.|***Adding "[SELF]" at the start means that command will be run by player, f.e. "/kill"|***String "[player]" will be replaced with player name, f.e. "/kill [player]" will be transformed to "/kill BONNe1704"|Commands:'
repeatable:'Allows to define if challenge is repeatable or not.'
repeat-count:'Allows to define maximal repeat count. If value is set 0 or smaller, then there are no limitations.'
repeat-reward-text:'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after challenge repeated completion.'
repeat-reward-items:'Allows to change repeated completion reward items.|Items:'
repeat-reward-experience:'Allows to change repeated completion reward Experience.'
repeat-reward-money:'Allows to change repeated completion reward Money.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
repeat-reward-commands:'Allows to define reward commands that will be called after challenge repeated completion.|***Adding "[SELF]" at the start means that command will be run by player, f.e. "/kill"|***String "[player]" will be replaced with player name, f.e. "/kill [player]" will be transformed to "/kill BONNe1704"|Commands:'
waiver-amount:'Allows to set how many challenges can be left undone to unlock next level.'
reward-text-level:'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after completing all challenges in level.'
add-challenge:'Allows to add existing challenge to current level.'
remove-challenge:'Allows remove any challenge from current level.'
reset-on-new:'Enables/Disables option, that resets all player challenges if player restarts island, leave island or was kicked out.'
broadcast:'Enables/Disables broadcast to online players about first time challenge completion.'
remove-completed:'Enables/Disables hiding challenges that are completed and cannot be repeated.'
glow:'Enables/Disables glowing effect for completed challenges.'
free-at-top:'Allows to change free challenges location. True mean that challenges will be first, otherwise they will be last.'
line-length:'Allows to modify maximal line length in lore box. Will not affect stored objects.'
toggle-user-list:'Switch to different player list.'
mode-online:'Players which currently are online.'
mode-in-world:'Players which is in GameMode world.'
mode-with-island:'Players which has island in GameMode.'
remove-selected:'Remove selected elements.|You can select elements with right mouse button.'
show-eggs:'Switch entity view between Egg mode or Head mode.'
gui-view-mode:'Allows to set if /challenges GUI should show GameModes or challenges in players world.'
history-store:'Allows to enable/disable challenges history storage.'
history-lifespan:'Allows to modify how many days history data will be saved.|0 means forever.'
island-store:'Allows to enable/disable challenges data string per island. This means that challenges will be the same on whole team, if this is enabled.|Will convert data on click.'