diff --git a/src/main/resources/locales/en-US.yml b/src/main/resources/locales/en-US.yml index 349c970..8688c6f 100755 --- a/src/main/resources/locales/en-US.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locales/en-US.yml @@ -1091,50 +1091,30 @@ challenges: level-title: 'Successfully completed' level-subtitle: '[friendlyName]' messages: - admin: - hit-things: 'Click the things to add them to the list of required things. Right click when done.' - you-added: 'You added one [thing] to the challenge' - challenge-created: '[challenge]&r created!' - complete-wipe: '&c Hopefully you have backups, because you just erased all the Challenges Addon databases!' - - challenge-wipe: '&c Hopefully you have backups, because you just erased all the Challenges and their levels!' - players-wipe: '&c Hopefully you have backups, because you just erase all the player completed challenges!' - - completed: '&2 You completed challenge [name] for [player]!' - already-completed: '&2 This challenge was already completed!' - reset: '&2 You reset challenge [name] for [player]!' - reset-all: '&2 All [player] challenges were reset!' - not-completed: '&2 This challenge is not completed yet!' - - migrate-start: '&2 Start migrating challenges addon data.' - migrate-end: '&2 Challenges addon data updated to new format.' - migrate-not: '&2 All data is valid.' - - start-downloading: '&5 Starting to download and import Challenges Library.' + completed: '&2 You completed challenge [name] for [player]!' + already-completed: '&2 This challenge was already completed!' + reset: '&2 You reset challenge [name] for [player]!' + reset-all: '&2 All [player] challenges were reset!' + not-completed: '&2 This challenge is not completed yet!' + migrate-start: '&2 Start migrating challenges addon data.' + migrate-end: '&2 Challenges addon data updated to new format.' + migrate-not: '&2 All data is valid.' + start-downloading: '&5 Starting to download and import Challenges Library.' you-completed-challenge: '&2 You completed the [value] &r &2 challenge!' you-repeated-challenge: '&2 You repeated the [value] &r &2 challenge!' you-repeated-challenge-multiple: '&2 You repeated the [value] &r &2 challenge [count] times!' you-completed-level: '&2 You completed the [value] &r &2 level!' name-has-completed-challenge: '&5 [name] has completed the [value] &r &5 challenge!' name-has-completed-level: '&5 [name] has completed the [value] &r &5 level!' - import-levels: 'Start importing Levels' - import-challenges: 'Start importing Challenges' - no-levels: 'Warning: No levels defined in challenges.yml' - import-number: 'Imported [number] challenges' load-skipping: '"[value]" already exists - skipping' load-overwriting: 'Overwriting "[value]"' load-add: 'Adding new object: [value]' - defaults-file-overwrite: 'defaults.json exists. It will be overwritten.' - defaults-file-completed: 'defaults.json file is populated with challenges from [world]!' errors: no-name: '&c Missing challenge name' unknown-challenge: '&c Unknown challenge' - unique-id: '&c UniqueID "[id]" is not valid.' - wrong-icon: '&c Given material "[value]" is not valid and cannot be used as icon.' not-valid-integer: |- &c Given integer "[value]" is not valid! Value should be between [min] and [max]. - not-a-integer: '&c Given value "[value]" is not an integer!' not-deployed: '&c Challenge is not deployed!' not-on-island: '&c You must be on your island to do that!' challenge-level-not-available: '&c You have not unlocked the required level to complete this challenge.' @@ -1148,24 +1128,19 @@ challenges: not-enough-money: '&c It is necessary to have [value] on your account to complete the challenge.' not-enough-experience: '&c It is necessary to have [value] EXP to complete this challenge.' island-level: '&c Your island must be level [number] or greater to complete this challenge!' - import-no-file: '&c Could not find challenges.yml file to import!' - no-load: '&c Error: Could not load challenges.yml. [message]' + no-load: '&c Error: Could not load file. [message]' load-error: '&c Error: Cannot load [value].' no-rank: "&c You do not have rank that is high enough to do that." cannot-remove-items: '&c Some items cannot be removed from your inventory!' exist-challenges-or-levels: '&c Challenges already exist in your world. Cannot proceed!' - defaults-file-exist: '&c defaults.json already exists. Use overwrite mode to replace it!' - defaults-file-error: '&c There was an error while creating defaults.json file! Check console!' no-challenges: '&c Challenges are not implemented in this world yet!' no-challenges-admin: '&c Challenges are not implemented in this world yet! Use &5 /[command] &c to add them!' - missing-level: '&c Challenge Level [level] is not defined in the database. It may cause errors!' missing-arguments: '&c Command is missing arguments.' no-multiple-permission: "&c You do not have permission to complete this challenge multiple times at once." invalid-level: "&c Level [level] contains invalid data. It will not be loaded from database!" invalid-challenge: "&c Challenge [challenge] contains invalid data. It will not be loaded from database!" no-library-entries: "&c Cannot find any library entries. Nothing to show." not-hooked: "&c Challenges Addon could not find any GameMode." - # Showcase for manual material translation materials: # Names should be lowercase.