package world.bentobox.challenges.panel.admin; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.conversations.*; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem; import; import; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.challenges.ChallengesAddon; import world.bentobox.challenges.panel.CommonGUI; import world.bentobox.challenges.panel.util.ChallengeTypeGUI; import world.bentobox.challenges.panel.util.ConfirmationGUI; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.GuiUtils; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.Utils; import world.bentobox.challenges.web.WebManager; /** * This class contains Main */ public class AdminGUI extends CommonGUI { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This boolean holds if import should overwrite existing challenges. */ private boolean overwriteMode; /** * This indicate if Reset Challenges must work as reset all. */ private boolean resetAllMode; /** * This indicate if wipe button should clear all data, or only challenges. */ private boolean wipeAll; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Enums // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This enum contains all button variations. Just for cleaner code. */ private enum Button { COMPLETE_USER_CHALLENGES, RESET_USER_CHALLENGES, ADD_CHALLENGE, ADD_LEVEL, EDIT_CHALLENGE, EDIT_LEVEL, DELETE_CHALLENGE, DELETE_LEVEL, EDIT_SETTINGS, DEFAULT_IMPORT_CHALLENGES, DEFAULT_EXPORT_CHALLENGES, /** * Allows to remove whole database */ COMPLETE_WIPE, /** * Allows to remove only challenges and levels */ CHALLENGE_WIPE, /** * Allows to remove only players data */ USER_WIPE, /** * Allows to access Web Library */ LIBRARY } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Constructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param addon Addon where panel operates. * @param world World from which panel was created. * @param user User who created panel. * @param topLabel Command top label which creates panel (f.e. island or ai) * @param permissionPrefix Command permission prefix (f.e. bskyblock.) */ public AdminGUI(ChallengesAddon addon, World world, User user, String topLabel, String permissionPrefix) { super(addon, world, user, topLabel, permissionPrefix); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void build() { PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder().user(this.user).name( this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.title.admin.gui-title")); GuiUtils.fillBorder(panelBuilder); panelBuilder.item(10, this.createButton(Button.COMPLETE_USER_CHALLENGES)); panelBuilder.item(19, this.createButton(Button.RESET_USER_CHALLENGES)); // Add All Player Data removal. panelBuilder.item(28, this.createButton(Button.USER_WIPE)); // Add Challenges panelBuilder.item(12, this.createButton(Button.ADD_CHALLENGE)); panelBuilder.item(13, this.createButton(Button.ADD_LEVEL)); // Edit Challenges panelBuilder.item(21, this.createButton(Button.EDIT_CHALLENGE)); panelBuilder.item(22, this.createButton(Button.EDIT_LEVEL)); // Remove Challenges panelBuilder.item(30, this.createButton(Button.DELETE_CHALLENGE)); panelBuilder.item(31, this.createButton(Button.DELETE_LEVEL)); // Import Challenges panelBuilder.item(15, this.createButton(Button.DEFAULT_IMPORT_CHALLENGES)); panelBuilder.item(24, this.createButton(Button.LIBRARY)); // Not added as I do not think admins should use it. It still will be able via command. // panelBuilder.item(33, this.createButton(Button.DEFAULT_EXPORT_CHALLENGES)); // Edit Addon Settings panelBuilder.item(16, this.createButton(Button.EDIT_SETTINGS)); // Button that deletes everything from challenges addon if (this.wipeAll) { panelBuilder.item(34, this.createButton(Button.COMPLETE_WIPE)); } else { panelBuilder.item(34, this.createButton(Button.CHALLENGE_WIPE)); } panelBuilder.item(44, this.returnButton);; } /** * This method is used to create PanelItem for each button type. * @param button Button which must be created. * @return PanelItem with necessary functionality. */ private PanelItem createButton(Button button) { ItemStack icon; String name; String description; boolean glow; PanelItem.ClickHandler clickHandler; String permissionSuffix; switch (button) { case COMPLETE_USER_CHALLENGES: permissionSuffix = COMPLETE; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.complete"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.complete"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new ListUsersGUI(this.addon,, this.user, ListUsersGUI.Mode.COMPLETE, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); return true; }; glow = false; break; case RESET_USER_CHALLENGES: permissionSuffix = RESET; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.reset"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.reset"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.WRITABLE_BOOK); glow = this.resetAllMode; clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { if (clickType.isRightClick()) { this.resetAllMode = !this.resetAllMode;; } else { new ListUsersGUI(this.addon,, this.user, this.resetAllMode ? ListUsersGUI.Mode.RESET_ALL : ListUsersGUI.Mode.RESET, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); } return true; }; break; case ADD_CHALLENGE: permissionSuffix = ADD; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.create-challenge"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.create-challenge"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.BOOK); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.getNewUniqueID(challenge -> { if (challenge == null) { // Build Admin Gui if input is null.; } else { String uniqueId = Utils.getGameMode( + "_" + challenge;, this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getLoreLineLength(), (type, requirements) -> new EditChallengeGUI(this.addon,, this.user, this.addon.getChallengesManager().createChallenge(uniqueId, type, requirements), this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build()); } }, input -> { String uniqueId = Utils.getGameMode( + "_" + input; return !this.addon.getChallengesManager().containsChallenge(uniqueId); }, this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.questions.admin.unique-id") ); return true; }; glow = false; break; case ADD_LEVEL: permissionSuffix = ADD; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.create-level"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.create-level"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.BOOK); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.getNewUniqueID(level -> { if (level == null) { // Build Admin Gui if input is null.; } else { String newName = Utils.getGameMode( + "_" + level; new EditLevelGUI(this.addon,, this.user, this.addon.getChallengesManager().createLevel(newName,, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); } }, input -> { String newName = Utils.getGameMode( + "_" + input; return !this.addon.getChallengesManager().containsLevel(newName); }, this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.questions.admin.unique-id") ); return true; }; glow = false; break; case EDIT_CHALLENGE: permissionSuffix = EDIT; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.edit-challenge"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.edit-challenge"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.ANVIL); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new ListChallengesGUI(this.addon,, this.user, ListChallengesGUI.Mode.EDIT, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); return true; }; glow = false; break; case EDIT_LEVEL: { permissionSuffix = EDIT; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.edit-level"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.edit-level"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.ANVIL); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new ListLevelsGUI(this.addon,, this.user, ListLevelsGUI.Mode.EDIT, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case DELETE_CHALLENGE: { permissionSuffix = DELETE; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.delete-challenge"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.delete-challenge"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.LAVA_BUCKET); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new ListChallengesGUI(this.addon,, this.user, ListChallengesGUI.Mode.DELETE, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case DELETE_LEVEL: { permissionSuffix = DELETE; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.delete-level"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.delete-level"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.LAVA_BUCKET); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new ListLevelsGUI(this.addon,, this.user, ListLevelsGUI.Mode.DELETE, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case DEFAULT_IMPORT_CHALLENGES: { permissionSuffix = DEFAULT; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.default-import"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.default-import"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.HOPPER); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { // Run import command. this.user.performCommand(this.topLabel + " " + CHALLENGES + " " + DEFAULT + " " + IMPORT); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case DEFAULT_EXPORT_CHALLENGES: { permissionSuffix = DEFAULT; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.default-export"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.default-export"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.HOPPER); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { if (clickType.isRightClick()) { this.overwriteMode = !this.overwriteMode;; } else { // Run import command. this.user.performCommand(this.topLabel + " " + CHALLENGES + " " + DEFAULT + " " + GENERATE + (this.overwriteMode ? " overwrite" : "")); } return true; }; glow = this.overwriteMode; break; } case EDIT_SETTINGS: { permissionSuffix = SETTINGS; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.settings"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.settings"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.CRAFTING_TABLE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new EditSettingsGUI(this.addon,, this.user, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, this).build(); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case COMPLETE_WIPE: { permissionSuffix = WIPE; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.complete-wipe"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.complete-wipe"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.TNT); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { if (clickType.isRightClick()) { this.wipeAll = false;; } else { new ConfirmationGUI(this.user, value -> { if (value) { this.addon.getChallengesManager().wipeDatabase(false); this.user.sendMessage("challenges.messages.admin.complete-wipe"); }; }); } return true; }; glow = true; break; } case CHALLENGE_WIPE: { permissionSuffix = WIPE; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.challenge-wipe"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.challenge-wipe"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.TNT); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { if (clickType.isRightClick()) { this.wipeAll = true;; } else { new ConfirmationGUI(this.user, value -> { if (value) { this.addon.getChallengesManager().wipeDatabase(false); this.user.sendMessage("challenges.messages.admin.challenge-wipe"); }; }); } return true; }; glow = false; break; } case USER_WIPE: { permissionSuffix = WIPE; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.players-wipe"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.players-wipe"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.TNT); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new ConfirmationGUI(this.user, value -> { if (value) { this.addon.getChallengesManager().wipePlayers(); this.user.sendMessage("challenges.messages.admin.players-wipe"); }; }); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case LIBRARY: { permissionSuffix = DOWNLOAD; name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.library"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.admin.library"); if (WebManager.isEnabled()) { icon = new ItemStack(Material.COBWEB); } else { description += "|" + this.user.getTranslation(""); icon = new ItemStack(Material.STRUCTURE_VOID); } clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { if (WebManager.isEnabled()) {; } return true; }; glow = false; break; } default: // This should never happen. return null; } // If user does not have permission to run command, then change icon and clickHandler. final String actionPermission = this.permissionPrefix + ADMIN + "." + CHALLENGES + "." + permissionSuffix; if (!this.user.hasPermission(actionPermission)) { icon = new ItemStack(Material.BARRIER); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.user.sendMessage("", "[permission]", actionPermission); return true; }; } return new PanelItemBuilder(). icon(icon). name(name). description(GuiUtils.stringSplit(description, this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getLoreLineLength())). glow(glow). clickHandler(clickHandler). build(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Conversation // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method will close opened gui and writes inputText in chat. After players answers on * inputText in chat, message will trigger consumer and gui will reopen. * @param consumer Consumer that accepts player output text. * @param question Message that will be displayed in chat when player triggers conversion. */ private void getNewUniqueID(Consumer consumer, Function stringValidation, @NonNull String question) { final User user = this.user; Conversation conversation = new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()).withFirstPrompt( new ValidatingPrompt() { /** * Gets the text to display to the user when * this prompt is first presented. * * @param context Context information about the * conversation. * @return The text to display. */ @Override public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) { // Close input GUI. user.closeInventory(); // There are no editable message. Just return question. return question; } /** * Override this method to check the validity of * the player's input. * * @param context Context information about the * conversation. * @param input The player's raw console input. * @return True or false depending on the * validity of the input. */ @Override protected boolean isInputValid(ConversationContext context, String input) { return stringValidation.apply(GuiUtils.sanitizeInput(input)); } /** * Optionally override this method to * display an additional message if the * user enters an invalid input. * * @param context Context information * about the conversation. * @param invalidInput The invalid input * provided by the user. * @return A message explaining how to * correct the input. */ @Override protected String getFailedValidationText(ConversationContext context, String invalidInput) { return user.getTranslation("challenges.errors.unique-id", "[id]", GuiUtils.sanitizeInput(invalidInput)); } /** * Override this method to accept and processes * the validated input from the user. Using the * input, the next Prompt in the prompt graph * should be returned. * * @param context Context information about the * conversation. * @param input The validated input text from * the user. * @return The next Prompt in the prompt graph. */ @Override protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input) { // Add answer to consumer. consumer.accept(GuiUtils.sanitizeInput(input)); // End conversation return Prompt.END_OF_CONVERSATION; } }). // On cancel conversation will be closed. withEscapeSequence("cancel"). // Use null value in consumer to detect if user has abandoned conversation. addConversationAbandonedListener(abandonedEvent -> { if (!abandonedEvent.gracefulExit()) { consumer.accept(null); } }). withLocalEcho(false). withPrefix(context -> user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.questions.prefix")). buildConversation(user.getPlayer()); conversation.begin(); } }