// // Created by BONNe // Copyright - 2021 // package world.bentobox.challenges.panel.user; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.TemplatedPanel; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.builders.PanelItemBuilder; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.builders.TemplatedPanelBuilder; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.reader.ItemTemplateRecord; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; import world.bentobox.challenges.ChallengesAddon; import world.bentobox.challenges.config.SettingsUtils; import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.Challenge; import world.bentobox.challenges.panel.CommonPanel; import world.bentobox.challenges.tasks.TryToComplete; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.Constants; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.LevelStatus; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.Utils; /** * Main challenges panel builder. */ public class ChallengesPanel extends CommonPanel { private ChallengesPanel(ChallengesAddon addon, World world, User user, String topLabel, String permissionPrefix) { super(addon, user, world, topLabel, permissionPrefix); this.updateLevelList(); this.containsChallenges = this.manager.hasAnyChallengeData(this.world); } /** * Open the Challenges GUI. * * @param addon the addon * @param world the world * @param user the user * @param topLabel the top label * @param permissionPrefix the permission prefix */ public static void open(ChallengesAddon addon, World world, User user, String topLabel, String permissionPrefix) { new ChallengesPanel(addon, world, user, topLabel, permissionPrefix).build(); } protected void build() { // Do not open gui if there is no challenges. if (!this.containsChallenges) { this.addon.logError("There are no challenges set up!"); Utils.sendMessage(user, user.getTranslation(Constants.ERRORS + "no-challenges")); return; } // Create lists for builder. this.updateFreeChallengeList(); this.updateChallengeList(); // this.updateLevelList(); // Start building panel. TemplatedPanelBuilder panelBuilder = new TemplatedPanelBuilder(); // Set main template. panelBuilder.template("main_panel", new File(this.addon.getDataFolder(), "panels")); panelBuilder.user(this.user); panelBuilder.world(this.user.getWorld()); // Register button builders panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("CHALLENGE", this::createChallengeButton); panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("LEVEL", this::createLevelButton); panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("UNASSIGNED_CHALLENGES", this::createFreeChallengesButton); panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("NEXT", this::createNextButton); panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("PREVIOUS", this::createPreviousButton); // Register unknown type builder. panelBuilder.build(); } private void updateFreeChallengeList() { this.freeChallengeList = this.manager.getFreeChallenges(this.world); if (this.addon.getChallengesSettings().isRemoveCompleteOneTimeChallenges()) { this.freeChallengeList.removeIf(challenge -> !challenge.isRepeatable() && this.manager.isChallengeComplete(this.user, this.world, challenge)); } // Remove all undeployed challenges if VisibilityMode is set to Hidden. if (this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getVisibilityMode().equals(SettingsUtils.VisibilityMode.HIDDEN)) { this.freeChallengeList.removeIf(challenge -> !challenge.isDeployed()); } } private void updateChallengeList() { if (this.lastSelectedLevel != null) { this.challengeList = this.manager.getLevelChallenges(this.lastSelectedLevel.getLevel()); if (this.addon.getChallengesSettings().isRemoveCompleteOneTimeChallenges()) { this.challengeList.removeIf(challenge -> !challenge.isRepeatable() && this.manager.isChallengeComplete(this.user, this.world, challenge)); } // Remove all undeployed challenges if VisibilityMode is set to Hidden. if (this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getVisibilityMode().equals(SettingsUtils.VisibilityMode.HIDDEN)) { this.challengeList.removeIf(challenge -> !challenge.isDeployed()); } } else { this.challengeList = this.freeChallengeList; } } /** * Updates level status list and selects last unlocked level. */ private void updateLevelList() { this.levelList = this.manager.getAllChallengeLevelStatus(this.user, this.world); for (LevelStatus levelStatus : this.levelList) { if (levelStatus.isUnlocked()) { this.lastSelectedLevel = levelStatus; } else { break; } } } /** * Updates level status list and returns if any new level has been unlocked. * @return {code true} if a new level was unlocked, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean updateLevelListSilent() { Optional firstLockedLevel = this.levelList.stream().filter(levelStatus -> !levelStatus.isUnlocked()).findFirst(); if (firstLockedLevel.isPresent()) { // If there still exist any locked level, update level status list. this.levelList = this.manager.getAllChallengeLevelStatus(this.user, this.world); // Find a new first locked level. Optional newLockedLevel = this.levelList.stream().filter(levelStatus -> !levelStatus.isUnlocked()).findFirst(); return newLockedLevel.isEmpty() || firstLockedLevel.get().getLevel() != newLockedLevel.get().getLevel(); } else { // If locked level is not present, return false. return false; } } @Nullable private PanelItem createChallengeButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot) { if (this.challengeList.isEmpty()) { // Does not contain any free challenges. return null; } Challenge levelChallenge; // Check if that is a specific free challenge if (template.dataMap().containsKey("id")) { String id = (String) template.dataMap().get("id"); // Find a challenge with given Id; levelChallenge = this.challengeList.stream(). filter(challenge -> challenge.getUniqueId().equals(id)). findFirst(). orElse(null); if (levelChallenge == null) { // There is no challenge in the list with specific id. return null; } } else { int index = this.challengeIndex * slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("CHALLENGE", 1) + slot.slot(); if (index >= this.challengeList.size()) { // Out of index. return null; } levelChallenge = this.challengeList.get(index); } return this.createChallengeButton(template, levelChallenge); } @NonNull private PanelItem createChallengeButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, @NonNull Challenge challenge) { PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder(); // Template specification are always more important than dynamic content. builder.icon(template.icon() != null ? template.icon().clone() : challenge.getIcon()); // Template specific title is always more important than challenge name. if (template.title() != null && !template.title().isBlank()) { builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title(), Constants.PARAMETER_CHALLENGE, challenge.getFriendlyName())); } else { builder.name(Util.translateColorCodes(challenge.getFriendlyName())); } if (template.description() != null && !template.description().isBlank()) { // TODO: adding parameters could be useful. builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description())); } else { builder.description(this.generateChallengeDescription(challenge, this.user)); } // If challenge is not repeatable, remove all other actions beside "COMPLETE". // If challenge is completed all possible times, remove action. List actions = template.actions().stream(). filter(action -> challenge.isRepeatable() || "COMPLETE".equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType())). filter(action -> { boolean isCompletedOnce = this.manager.isChallengeComplete(this.user.getUniqueId(), this.world, challenge); if (!isCompletedOnce) { // Is not completed once, then it must appear. return true; } else if (challenge.isRepeatable() && challenge.getMaxTimes() <= 0) { // Challenge is unlimited. Must appear in the list. return true; } else { // Challenge still have some opened slots. long doneTimes = challenge.isRepeatable() ? this.manager.getChallengeTimes(this.user, this.world, challenge) : 1; return challenge.isRepeatable() && doneTimes < challenge.getMaxTimes(); } }). toList(); // Add Click handler builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) -> { for (ItemTemplateRecord.ActionRecords action : actions) { if (clickType == action.clickType() || clickType.equals(ClickType.UNKNOWN)) { switch (action.actionType().toUpperCase()) { case "COMPLETE": if (TryToComplete.complete(this.addon, this.user, challenge, this.world, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix)) { if (this.updateLevelListSilent()) { // Need to rebuild all because completing a challenge // may unlock a new level. #187 this.build(); } else { // There was no unlocked levels. panel.getInventory().setItem(i, this.createChallengeButton(template, challenge).getItem()); } } else if (challenge.isRepeatable() && challenge.getTimeout() > 0) { // Update timeout after clicking. panel.getInventory().setItem(i, this.createChallengeButton(template, challenge).getItem()); } break; case "COMPLETE_MAX": if (challenge.isRepeatable()) { if (TryToComplete.complete(this.addon, this.user, challenge, this.world, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { if (this.updateLevelListSilent()) { // Need to rebuild all because completing a challenge // may unlock a new level. #187 this.build(); } else { // There was no unlocked levels. panel.getInventory().setItem(i, this.createChallengeButton(template, challenge).getItem()); } } else if (challenge.getTimeout() > 0) { // Update timeout after clicking. panel.getInventory().setItem(i, this.createChallengeButton(template, challenge).getItem()); } } break; case "MULTIPLE_PANEL": if (challenge.isRepeatable()) { MultiplePanel.open(this.addon, this.user, value -> { TryToComplete.complete(this.addon, this.user, challenge, this.world, this.topLabel, this.permissionPrefix, value); this.updateLevelListSilent(); this.build(); }); } break; } } } return true; }); // Collect tooltips. List tooltips = actions.stream(). filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null). map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())). filter(text -> !text.isBlank()). collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size()))); // Add tooltips. if (!tooltips.isEmpty()) { // Empty line and tooltips. builder.description(""); builder.description(tooltips); } // Glow the icon. builder.glow(this.addon.getChallengesSettings().isAddCompletedGlow() && this.manager.isChallengeComplete(this.user, this.world, challenge)); // Click Handlers are managed by custom addon buttons. return builder.build(); } @Nullable private PanelItem createLevelButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot) { if (this.levelList.isEmpty()) { // Does not contain any levels. return null; } LevelStatus level; // Check if that is a specific level if (template.dataMap().containsKey("id")) { String id = (String) template.dataMap().get("id"); // Find a challenge with given Id; level = this.levelList.stream(). filter(levelStatus -> levelStatus.getLevel().getUniqueId().equals(id)). findFirst(). orElse(null); if (level == null) { // There is no challenge in the list with specific id. return null; } } else { int index = this.levelIndex * slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("LEVEL", 1) + slot.slot(); if (index >= this.levelList.size()) { // Out of index. return null; } level = this.levelList.get(index); } return this.createLevelButton(template, level); } @NonNull private PanelItem createLevelButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, @NonNull LevelStatus level) { PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder(); // Template specification are always more important than dynamic content. if (template.icon() != null) { builder.icon(template.icon().clone()); } else { if (level.isUnlocked()) { builder.icon(level.getLevel().getIcon()); } else if (level.getLevel().getLockedIcon() != null) { // Clone will prevent issues with description storing. // It can be done only here as it can be null. builder.icon(level.getLevel().getLockedIcon().clone()); } else { builder.icon(this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getLockedLevelIcon()); } } if (template.title() != null && !template.title().isBlank()) { builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title(), Constants.PARAMETER_LEVEL, level.getLevel().getFriendlyName())); } else { builder.name(Util.translateColorCodes(level.getLevel().getFriendlyName())); } if (template.description() != null && !template.description().isBlank()) { // TODO: adding parameters could be useful. builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description())); } else { // TODO: Complete description generate. builder.description(this.generateLevelDescription(level, this.user)); } // Add click handler builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) -> { if (level != this.lastSelectedLevel && level.isUnlocked()) { this.lastSelectedLevel = level; this.challengeIndex = 0; this.build(); } return true; }); // Collect tooltips. List tooltips = template.actions().stream(). filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null). filter(action -> level != this.lastSelectedLevel && level.isUnlocked()). map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())). filter(text -> !text.isBlank()). collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size()))); // Add tooltips. if (!tooltips.isEmpty()) { // Empty line and tooltips. builder.description(""); builder.description(tooltips); } // Glow the icon. builder.glow(level == this.lastSelectedLevel || level.isUnlocked() && this.addon.getChallengesSettings().isAddCompletedGlow() && this.manager.isLevelCompleted(this.user, this.world, level.getLevel())); // Click Handlers are managed by custom addon buttons. return builder.build(); } @Nullable private PanelItem createFreeChallengesButton(@NonNull ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot) { if (this.freeChallengeList.isEmpty()) { // There are no free challenges for selection. return null; } PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder(); if (template.icon() != null) { builder.icon(template.icon().clone()); } if (template.title() != null) { builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title())); } if (template.description() != null) { builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description())); } // Add ClickHandler builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) -> { if (this.lastSelectedLevel != null) { this.lastSelectedLevel = null; this.build(); } // Always return true. return true; }); // Collect tooltips. List tooltips = template.actions().stream(). filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null). filter(action -> this.lastSelectedLevel == null). map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())). filter(text -> !text.isBlank()). collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size()))); // Add tooltips. if (!tooltips.isEmpty()) { // Empty line and tooltips. builder.description(""); builder.description(tooltips); } return builder.build(); } @Nullable private PanelItem createNextButton(@NonNull ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot) { String target = template.dataMap().getOrDefault("target", "").toString().toUpperCase(); int nextPageIndex; switch (target) { case "CHALLENGE" -> { int size = this.challengeList.size(); if (size <= slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("CHALLENGE", 1) || 1.0 * size / slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("CHALLENGE", 1) <= this.challengeIndex + 1) { // There are no next elements return null; } nextPageIndex = this.challengeIndex + 2; } case "LEVEL" -> { int size = this.levelList.size(); if (size <= slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("LEVEL", 1) || 1.0 * size / slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("LEVEL", 1) <= this.levelIndex + 1) { // There are no next elements return null; } nextPageIndex = this.levelIndex + 2; } default -> { // If not assigned to any type, return null. return null; } } PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder(); if (template.icon() != null) { ItemStack clone = template.icon().clone(); if ((Boolean) template.dataMap().getOrDefault("indexing", false)) { clone.setAmount(nextPageIndex); } builder.icon(clone); } if (template.title() != null) { builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title())); } if (template.description() != null) { builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(), Constants.PARAMETER_NUMBER, String.valueOf(nextPageIndex))); } // Add ClickHandler builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) -> { // Next button ignores click type currently. switch (target) { case "CHALLENGE" -> this.challengeIndex++; case "LEVEL" -> this.levelIndex++; } this.build(); // Always return true. return true; }); // Collect tooltips. List tooltips = template.actions().stream(). filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null). map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())). filter(text -> !text.isBlank()). collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size()))); // Add tooltips. if (!tooltips.isEmpty()) { // Empty line and tooltips. builder.description(""); builder.description(tooltips); } return builder.build(); } @Nullable private PanelItem createPreviousButton(@NonNull ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot) { String target = template.dataMap().getOrDefault("target", "").toString().toUpperCase(); int previousPageIndex; if ("CHALLENGE".equals(target)) { if (this.challengeIndex == 0) { // There are no next elements return null; } previousPageIndex = this.challengeIndex; } else if ("LEVEL".equals(target)) { if (this.levelIndex == 0) { // There are no next elements return null; } previousPageIndex = this.levelIndex; } else { // If not assigned to any type, return null. return null; } PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder(); if (template.icon() != null) { ItemStack clone = template.icon().clone(); if ((Boolean) template.dataMap().getOrDefault("indexing", false)) { clone.setAmount(previousPageIndex); } builder.icon(clone); } if (template.title() != null) { builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title())); } if (template.description() != null) { builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(), Constants.PARAMETER_NUMBER, String.valueOf(previousPageIndex))); } // Add ClickHandler builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) -> { // Next button ignores click type currently. switch (target) { case "CHALLENGE" -> this.challengeIndex--; case "LEVEL" -> this.levelIndex--; } this.build(); // Always return true. return true; }); // Collect tooltips. List tooltips = template.actions().stream(). filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null). map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())). filter(text -> !text.isBlank()). collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size()))); // Add tooltips. if (!tooltips.isEmpty()) { // Empty line and tooltips. builder.description(""); builder.description(tooltips); } return builder.build(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This boolean indicates if in the world there exist challenges for displaying in GUI. */ private final boolean containsChallenges; /** * This list contains free challenges in current Panel. */ private List freeChallengeList; /** * This will be used if levels are more than 18. */ private int levelIndex; /** * This list contains all information about level completion in current world. */ private List levelList; /** * This will be used if free challenges are more than 18. */ private int challengeIndex; /** * This list contains challenges in current Panel. */ private List challengeList; /** * This indicates last selected level. */ private LevelStatus lastSelectedLevel; }