########################################################################################### # This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # # the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # ########################################################################################### ### Credits ### # Tastybento: maintainer challenges: commands: admin: main: parameters: '' description: 'Main admin command. Opens GUI.' complete: description: 'Mark challenge complete' parameters: ' ' create: description: 'Opens GUI that allows to create challenge.' parameters: '' surrounding: description: 'Create a surrounding challenge.' parameters: '' import: description: 'Import challenges from challenges.yml' parameters: '' reload: description: 'Reload challenges from the database' parameters: '' reset: description: 'Reset challenge to 0 times / incomplete' parameters: ' ' show: description: 'This method prints in chat all challenges that exist in world.' parameters: '' defaults: description: 'This method shows subcommands that allows to import/export default challenges.' parameters: '[command]' defaults-import: description: 'This method allows to import default challenges.' parameters: '' defaults-generate: description: 'This method allows to export existing challenges into default.json file.' parameters: '[overwrite] - allows to overwrite existing file.' user: description: 'This method opens Challenges GUI.' parameters: '' gui: title: admin: gui-title: '&aChallenges Admin' edit-challenge-title: '&aEdit Challenge' edit-level-title: '&aEdit Level' settings-title: '&aEdit Settings' choose-challenge-title: '&aChoose Challenge' choose-level-title: '&aChoose Level' choose-user-title: '&aChoose Player' manage-blocks: '&aManage Blocks' manage-entities: '&aManage Entities' confirm-title: '&aConfirmation' manage-items: '&aManage Items' manage-numbers: '&aNumber Pad' select-block: '&aSelect Block' select-challenge: '&aSelect Challenge' select-entity: '&aSelect Entity' toggle-environment: '&aToggle Environment' edit-text-fields: '&aEdit Text Fields' challenges: '&aChallenges' buttons: admin: complete: 'Complete user challenge' reset: 'Reset user challenge' create-challenge: 'Add new challenge' create-level: 'Add new level' edit-challenge: 'Edit challenge' edit-level: 'Edit level' delete-challenge: 'Remove challenge' delete-level: 'Remove level' import: 'Import ASkyblock Challenges' settings: 'Edit Settings' properties: 'Properties' requirements: 'Requirements' rewards: 'Rewards' challenges: 'Challenges' type: 'Challenge Type' deployment: 'Deployment' icon: 'Icon' locked-icon: 'Locked Icon' description: 'Description' order: 'Order' environment: 'Environment' remove-on-complete: 'Remove after completion' name: 'Friendly Name' required-entities: 'Required Entities' remove-entities: 'Remove Entities' required-blocks: 'Required Blocks' remove-blocks: 'Remove Blocks' search-radius: 'Search Radius' required-permissions: 'Required Permissions' required-items: 'Required Items' remove-items: 'Remove Items' required-experience: 'Required experience' remove-experience: 'Remove experience' required-level: 'Required island level' required-money: 'Required money' remove-money: 'Remove money' reward-text: 'Reward message' reward-items: 'Reward items' reward-experience: 'Reward experience' reward-money: 'Reward money' reward-commands: 'Reward commands' repeatable: 'Repeatable' repeat-count: 'Max Times' repeat-reward-text: 'Repeat reward message' repeat-reward-items: 'Repeat reward items' repeat-reward-experience: 'Repeat reward experience' repeat-reward-money: 'Repeat reward money' repeat-reward-commands: 'Repeat reward commands' waiver-amount: 'Waiver Amount' add-challenge: 'Add Challenge' remove-challenge: 'Remove Challenge' reset-on-new: 'Reset On New Island' broadcast: 'Broadcast Completion' remove-completed: 'Remove after complete' glow: 'Glow when completed' free-at-top: 'Free challenges first' line-length: 'Lore line length' toggle-user-list: 'User List' remove-selected: 'Remove Selected' add: 'Add' show-eggs: 'Switch View mode' accept: 'Accept' decline: 'Decline' save: 'Save' cancel: 'Cancel' input: 'Input' value: 'Value' set: '=' increase: '+' reduce: '-' multiply: '*' clear: 'Clear' remove-empty: 'Remove empty' number: '[number]' level-lore: 'Level Description' challenge-lore: 'Challenge Description' gui-view-mode: 'Display All GameModes' gui-mode: 'Single Challenges GUI' history-store: 'Challenges History' history-lifespan: 'History LifeSpan' island-store: 'Store per Island' default-locked-icon: 'Locked Level Icon' input-mode: 'Switch input mode' title-enable: 'Completion title' title-showtime: 'Title Show Time' default-import: 'Import Default Challenges' default-export: 'Export Existing Challenges' next: 'Next' previous: 'Previous' return: 'Return' descriptions: admin: save: 'Save and return to previous GUI.' cancel: 'Return to previous GUI. Changes will not be saved.' input: 'Open text field input.' set: 'Set operation. Clicking on numbers will change value to selected number.' increase: 'Increase operation. Clicking on numbers will increase value by selected number.' reduce: 'Reduce operation. Clicking on numbers will reduce value by selected number.' multiply: 'Multiply operation. Clicking on numbers will multiply value by selected number.' import: 'Allows to import ASkyblock Challenges.|On right click it enables/disables overwrite mode.|Place Challenges.yml inside ./BentoBox/addons/Challenges folder.' complete: 'Allows to complete challenges for any user.|User will not get reward for completion.' reset: 'Allows to reset completed user challenges.|Right click enables/disables Reset all functionality.' create-challenge: 'Allows to add new Challenge.|By default it will be in free challenges list.' create-level: 'Allows to add new Level.' edit-challenge: 'Allows to edit any Challenge settings.' edit-level: 'Allows to edit any Level settings.' delete-challenge: 'Allows remove any Challenge.' delete-level: 'Allows remove any Level.' settings: 'Allows to change addon settings.' properties: 'Allows to change general properties' requirements: 'Allows to manage requirements' rewards: 'Allows to manage rewards' challenges: 'Allows to manage level challenges (add / remove).' deployment: 'Allows users to complete (view) challenge.' icon-challenge: 'Icon that will be displayed in GUI panels for this challenge.' icon-level: 'Icon that will be displayed in GUI panels for this level.' locked-icon: 'Icon that will be displayed in GUI panels if level is locked.' description: 'Allows to edit description.' order: 'Allows to change order number.' environment: 'Allows to change environment where challenge operates.' type: 'Allows change challenge type. Each type has their own requirements.' remove-on-complete: 'Allows to remove challenge from player GUI after it is completed.' name-challenge: 'Allows to change challenge display name.' name-level: 'Allows to change level display name.' required-entities: 'Allows to add/edit/remove required entities.|Entities:|' remove-entities: 'Allows to remove (kill) entities on challenge completion.' required-blocks: 'Allows to add/edit/remove required blocks.|Blocks:|' remove-blocks: 'Allows to remove (replace with air) blocks on challenge completion.' search-radius: 'Radius around player location where required entities and blocks will be searched.' required-permissions: 'Required permissions for player to be able to complete challenge.|Permission:' required-items: 'Required items in player"s inventory.|Items:' remove-items: 'Allows to remove items from player inventory after challenge completion.' required-experience: 'Allows to define required experience for user to complete challenge.' remove-experience: 'Allows to remove remove required experience.' required-level: 'Allows to define required island level for this challenge.|&cRequires Level addon.' required-money: 'Allows to define required money in player"s account.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.' remove-money: 'Allows to remove required money from player"s account.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.' reward-text: 'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after challenges completion.' reward-items: 'Allows to change first time completion reward items.|Items:' reward-experience: 'Allows to change first time completion reward Experience.' reward-money: 'Allows to change first time completion reward Money.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.' reward-commands: 'Allows to define reward commands that will be called after first time completion.|***Adding "[SELF]" at the start means that command will be run by player, f.e. "/kill"|***String "[player]" will be replaced with player name, f.e. "/kill [player]" will be transformed to "/kill BONNe1704"|Commands:' repeatable: 'Allows to define if challenge is repeatable or not.' repeat-count: 'Allows to define maximal repeat count. If value is set 0 or smaller, then there are no limitations.' repeat-reward-text: 'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after challenge repeated completion.' repeat-reward-items: 'Allows to change repeated completion reward items.|Items:' repeat-reward-experience: 'Allows to change repeated completion reward Experience.' repeat-reward-money: 'Allows to change repeated completion reward Money.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.' repeat-reward-commands: 'Allows to define reward commands that will be called after challenge repeated completion.|***Adding "[SELF]" at the start means that command will be run by player, f.e. "/kill"|***String "[player]" will be replaced with player name, f.e. "/kill [player]" will be transformed to "/kill BONNe1704"|Commands:' waiver-amount: 'Allows to set how many challenges can be left undone to unlock next level.' reward-text-level: 'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after completing all challenges in level.' add-challenge: 'Allows to add existing challenge to current level.' remove-challenge: 'Allows remove any challenge from current level.' reset-on-new: 'Enables/Disables option, that resets all player challenges if player restarts island, leave island or was kicked out.' broadcast: 'Enables/Disables broadcast to online players about first time challenge completion.' remove-completed: 'Enables/Disables hiding challenges that are completed and cannot be repeated.' glow: 'Enables/Disables glowing effect for completed challenges.' free-at-top: 'Allows to change free challenges location. True mean that challenges will be first, otherwise they will be last.' line-length: 'Allows to modify maximal line length in lore box. Will not affect stored objects.' toggle-user-list: 'Switch to different player list.' mode-online: 'Players which currently are online.' mode-in-world: 'Players which is in GameMode world.' mode-with-island: 'Players which has island in GameMode.' selected: 'Selected' remove-selected: 'Remove selected elements.|You can select elements with right mouse button.' show-eggs: 'Switch entity view between Egg mode or Head mode.' level-lore: 'Allows to modify which elements of level description should be visible.' challenge-lore: 'Allows to modify which elements of challenge description should be visible.' gui-view-mode: 'Allows to set if /challenges GUI should show GameModes or challenges in players world.' history-store: 'Allows to enable/disable challenges history storage.' history-lifespan: 'Allows to modify how many days history data will be saved.|0 means forever.' island-store: 'Allows to enable/disable challenges data string per island. This means that challenges will be the same on whole team, if this is enabled.|Will NOT convert data on click. PROGRESS WILL BE LOST.' default-locked-icon: 'Allows to change default locked level icon.|This option can be overwritten by each level.' gui-mode: 'Allows to enable/disable single challenges GUI.|&2Requires server restart.' click-to-edit: '&4Click here to edit input.' edit-text-line: '&6 Edit text message!' add-text-line: '&6 Add new text message!' input-mode: 'Switch between chat and anvil input modes.' title-enable: 'Allows to enable/disable title message that will be showed when player complete challenge.' title-showtime: 'Allows to modify how long title message will be visible for player.' default-import: 'Allows to import default challenges.' default-export: 'Allows to export existing challenges into defaults.json file.' current-value: '|&6Current value: [value].' enabled: 'Active' disabled: 'Disabled' type: island: '- Island Type:| (allows to require blocks or mobs around player)' inventory: '- Inventory Type:| (allows to require items in players inventory)' other: '- Other Type:| (allows to require things from other plugins/addons)' the-end: '- The End' nether: '- Nether' normal: '- Overworld' entity: '- [entity] : [count]' block: '- [block] : [count]' permission: '- [permission]' item: '- [count] x [item]' item-meta: ' ([meta])' item-enchant: ' - [enchant] [level]' command: '- [command]' level-unlocked: 'Click to see [level] challenges!' level-locked: 'Complete [count] more [level] challenges to unlock this level!' challenge-description: level: '&FLevel: [level]' completed: '&BCompleted' completed-times-of: 'Completed [donetimes] out of [maxtimes]' maxed-reached: 'Completed [donetimes] out of [maxtimes]' completed-times: 'Completed [donetimes]' warning-items-take: '&cAll required items are taken when you complete this challenge!' objects-close-by: '&cAll required blocks and entities must be close to you on your island!' warning-entities-kill: '&cAll required entities will be killed when you complete this challenge!' warning-blocks-remove: '&cAll required blocks will be removed when you complete this challenge!' not-repeatable: '&cThis challenge is not repeatable!' experience-reward: '&6Exp reward: [value]' money-reward: '&6Money reward: $[value]' required-experience: '&6Required exp: [value]' required-money: '&6Required money: $[value]' required-island-level: '&6Required island level: [value]' environment: 'Required Environments:' reward-items: '&6Reward Items:' reward-commands: '&6Reward Commands:' required-items: 'Required Items:' required-entities: 'Required Entities:' required-blocks: 'Required Blocks:' level-description: completed: '&BCompleted' completed-challenges-of: '&3You have completed [number] of [max] challenges in this level.' waver-amount: '&6Can skip [value] challenges to unlock next level.' experience-reward: '&6Exp reward: [value]' money-reward: '&6Money reward: $[value]' reward-items: '&6Reward Items:' reward-commands: '&6Reward Commands:' titles: # Title and subtitle my contain variable in [] that will be replaced with proper message from challenge object. # [friendlyName] will be replaced with challenge friendly name. # [level] will be replaced with level friendly name. # [rewardText] will be replaced with challenge reward text. challenge-title: 'Successfully completed' challenge-subtitle: '[friendlyName]' # Title and subtitle my contain variable in [] that will be replaced with proper message from level object. # [friendlyName] will be replaced with level friendly name. # [rewardText] will be replaced with level reward text. level-title: 'Successfully completed' level-subtitle: '[friendlyName]' messages: admin: hit-things: 'Hit things to add them to the list of things required. Right click when done.' you-added: 'You added one [thing] to the challenge' challenge-created: '[challenge] created!' you-completed-challenge: '&2You completed the [value] challenge!' you-repeated-challenge: '&2You repeated the [value] challenge!' you-completed-level: '&2You completed the [value] level!' name-has-completed-challenge: '&5[name] has completed the [value] challenge!' name-has-completed-level: '&5[name] has completed the [value] level!' import-levels: 'Start importing Levels' import-challenges: 'Start importing Challenges' no-levels: 'Warning: No levels defined in challenges.yml' import-number: 'Imported [number] challenges' load-skipping: '"[value]" already exists - skipping' load-overwriting: 'Overwriting "[value]"' load-add: 'Adding new object: [value]' defaults-file-overwrite: 'default.json exists. It will be overwritten.' defaults-file-completed: 'defaults.json file is populated with challenges from [world]!' errors: no-name: '&cMissing challenge name' unknown-challenge: '&cUnknown challenge' unique-id: '&cUniqueID "[id]" is not valid.' wrong-icon: '&cGiven material "[value]" is not valid and cannot be used as icon.' not-valid-integer: '&cGiven integer "[value]" is not valid!|Value should be between [min] and [max].' not-a-integer: '&cGiven value "[value]" is not integer!' not-deployed: '&cChallenge is not deployed!' not-on-island: '&cYou must be on your island to do that!' challenge-level-not-available: '&cYou have not unlocked level to complete this challenge.' not-repeatable: '&cThis challenge is not repeatable!' wrong-environment: '&cYou are in wrong environment!' not-enough-items: '&cYou do not have enough [items] to complete this challenge!' not-close-enough: '&cYou must be standing within [number] blocks of all required items.' you-still-need: '&cYou still need [amount] x [item]' missing-addon: '&cCannot complete challenge. Required addon or plugin is missing.' incorrect: '&cCannot complete challenge. Requirements are incorrect.' not-enough-money: '&cIt is necessary to have [value] on your account to complete the challenge.' not-enough-experience: '&cIt is necessary to have [value] EXP to complete challenge.' island-level: '&cYour island must be level [number] to complete this challenge!' import-no-file: '&cCould not find challenges.yml file to import!' no-load: '&cError: Could not load challenges.yml. [message]' load-error: '&cError: Cannot load [value].' no-rank: "&cYou do not have rank to do that." cannot-remove-items: '&cSome items cannot be removed from inventory!' exist-challenges-or-levels: '&cIn your world already exist challenges. Cannot proceed!' defaults-file-exist: '&cdefault.json already exists. Use overwrite mode to replace it!' defaults-file-error: '&cThere was an error while creating default.json file! Check console!' no-challenges: '&cChallenges are not implemented in current world!' protection: flags: CHALLENGES_ISLAND_PROTECTION: description: "&5&oToggle who can\n&5&ocomplete challenges" name: "Challenges protection" CHALLENGES_WORLD_PROTECTION: description: "&5&oThis allows to enable/disable\n&5&orequirement for players to\n&5&obe on their island to\n&5&ocomplete a challenge." name: "Challenges Island limitation" hint: "No challenges outside island" version: 11