BONNe1704 94c3fd9fa4 Add Complete Wipe button in AdminGUI that allows to remove all Challenges Addon data from database.
This request comes from Discord.

It also mention to format DiskDrive to avoid ability to restore database, but it is not implemented yet. Will be implemented in future releases.
2019-06-05 12:30:48 +03:00

371 lines
24 KiB
Executable File

# This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like #
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### Credits ###
# Tastybento: maintainer
parameters: ''
description: 'Main admin command. Opens GUI.'
description: 'Import challenges from challenges.yml|Parameter overwrite means that challenges or levels with the same ID will be overwritten.'
parameters: '[overwrite]'
description: 'Reload challenges from the database|Parameter hard means that addon will reset connection to database.'
parameters: '[hard]'
description: 'This method prints in chat all challenges that exist in world.'
parameters: ''
description: 'This method shows subcommands that allows to import/export default challenges.'
parameters: '[command]'
description: 'This method allows to import default challenges.'
parameters: ''
description: 'This method allows to export existing challenges into default.json file.'
parameters: '[overwrite] - allows to overwrite existing file.'
description: 'This method opens Challenges GUI.'
parameters: ''
description: 'This method allows to complete challenge without GUI.'
parameters: '<challenge_id> [count]'
gui-title: '&aChallenges Admin'
edit-challenge-title: '&aEdit Challenge'
edit-level-title: '&aEdit Level'
settings-title: '&aEdit Settings'
choose-challenge-title: '&aChoose Challenge'
choose-level-title: '&aChoose Level'
choose-user-title: '&aChoose Player'
manage-blocks: '&aManage Blocks'
manage-entities: '&aManage Entities'
confirm-title: '&aConfirmation'
manage-items: '&aManage Items'
manage-numbers: '&aNumber Pad'
select-block: '&aSelect Block'
select-challenge: '&aSelect Challenge'
select-entity: '&aSelect Entity'
toggle-environment: '&aToggle Environment'
edit-text-fields: '&aEdit Text Fields'
challenges: '&aChallenges'
game-modes: '&aChoose GameMode'
complete: 'Complete user challenge'
reset: 'Reset user challenge'
create-challenge: 'Add new challenge'
create-level: 'Add new level'
edit-challenge: 'Edit challenge'
edit-level: 'Edit level'
delete-challenge: 'Remove challenge'
delete-level: 'Remove level'
import: 'Import ASkyblock Challenges'
settings: 'Edit Settings'
properties: 'Properties'
requirements: 'Requirements'
rewards: 'Rewards'
challenges: 'Challenges'
type: 'Challenge Type'
deployment: 'Deployment'
icon: 'Icon'
locked-icon: 'Locked Icon'
description: 'Description'
order: 'Order'
environment: 'Environment'
remove-on-complete: 'Remove after completion'
name: 'Friendly Name'
required-entities: 'Required Entities'
remove-entities: 'Kill Entities'
required-blocks: 'Required Blocks'
remove-blocks: 'Remove Blocks'
search-radius: 'Search Radius'
required-permissions: 'Required Permissions'
required-items: 'Required Items'
remove-items: 'Remove Items'
required-experience: 'Required experience'
remove-experience: 'Remove experience'
required-level: 'Required island level'
required-money: 'Required money'
remove-money: 'Remove money'
reward-text: 'Reward message'
reward-items: 'Reward items'
reward-experience: 'Reward experience'
reward-money: 'Reward money'
reward-commands: 'Reward commands'
repeatable: 'Repeatable'
repeat-count: 'Max Times'
repeat-reward-text: 'Repeat reward message'
repeat-reward-items: 'Repeat reward items'
repeat-reward-experience: 'Repeat reward experience'
repeat-reward-money: 'Repeat reward money'
repeat-reward-commands: 'Repeat reward commands'
waiver-amount: 'Waiver Amount'
add-challenge: 'Add Challenge'
remove-challenge: 'Remove Challenge'
reset-on-new: 'Reset On New Island'
broadcast: 'Broadcast Completion'
remove-completed: 'Remove after complete'
glow: 'Glow when completed'
free-at-top: 'Free challenges first'
line-length: 'Lore line length'
toggle-user-list: 'User List'
remove-selected: 'Remove Selected'
add: 'Add'
show-eggs: 'Switch View mode'
accept: 'Accept'
decline: 'Decline'
save: 'Save'
cancel: 'Cancel'
input: 'Input'
value: 'Value'
set: '='
increase: '+'
reduce: '-'
multiply: '*'
clear: 'Clear'
remove-empty: 'Remove empty'
number: '[number]'
level-lore: 'Level Description'
challenge-lore: 'Challenge Description'
gui-view-mode: 'Display All GameModes'
gui-mode: 'Single Challenges GUI'
history-store: 'Challenges History'
history-lifespan: 'History LifeSpan'
island-store: 'Store per Island'
default-locked-icon: 'Locked Level Icon'
input-mode: 'Switch input mode'
title-enable: 'Completion title'
title-showtime: 'Title Show Time'
default-import: 'Import Default Challenges'
default-export: 'Export Existing Challenges'
complete-wipe: 'Wipe Addon Databases'
next: 'Next'
previous: 'Previous'
return: 'Return'
save: 'Save and return to previous GUI.'
cancel: 'Return to previous GUI. Changes will not be saved.'
input: 'Open text field input.'
set: 'Set operation. Clicking on numbers will change value to selected number.'
increase: 'Increase operation. Clicking on numbers will increase value by selected number.'
reduce: 'Reduce operation. Clicking on numbers will reduce value by selected number.'
multiply: 'Multiply operation. Clicking on numbers will multiply value by selected number.'
import: 'Allows to import ASkyblock Challenges.|On right click it enables/disables overwrite mode.|Place Challenges.yml inside ./BentoBox/addons/Challenges folder.'
complete: 'Allows to complete challenges for any user.|User will not get reward for completion.'
reset: 'Allows to reset completed user challenges.|Right click enables/disables Reset all functionality.'
create-challenge: 'Allows to add new Challenge.|By default it will be in free challenges list.'
create-level: 'Allows to add new Level.'
edit-challenge: 'Allows to edit any Challenge settings.'
edit-level: 'Allows to edit any Level settings.'
delete-challenge: 'Allows remove any Challenge.'
delete-level: 'Allows remove any Level.'
settings: 'Allows to change addon settings.'
properties: 'Allows to change general properties'
requirements: 'Allows to manage requirements'
rewards: 'Allows to manage rewards'
challenges: 'Allows to manage level challenges (add / remove).'
deployment: 'Allows users to complete (view) challenge.'
icon-challenge: 'Icon that will be displayed in GUI panels for this challenge.'
icon-level: 'Icon that will be displayed in GUI panels for this level.'
locked-icon: 'Icon that will be displayed in GUI panels if level is locked.'
description: 'Allows to edit description.'
order: 'Allows to change order number.'
environment: 'Allows to change environment where challenge operates.'
type: 'Allows change challenge type. Each type has their own requirements.'
remove-on-complete: 'Allows to remove challenge from player GUI after it is completed.'
name-challenge: 'Allows to change challenge display name.'
name-level: 'Allows to change level display name.'
required-entities: 'Allows to add/edit/remove required entities.|Entities:|'
remove-entities: 'Allows to remove (kill) entities on challenge completion.'
required-blocks: 'Allows to add/edit/remove required blocks.|Blocks:|'
remove-blocks: 'Allows to remove (replace with air) blocks on challenge completion.'
search-radius: 'Radius around player location where required entities and blocks will be searched.'
required-permissions: 'Required permissions for player to be able to complete challenge.|Permission:'
required-items: 'Required items in player"s inventory.|Items:'
remove-items: 'Allows to remove items from player inventory after challenge completion.'
required-experience: 'Allows to define required experience for user to complete challenge.'
remove-experience: 'Allows to remove remove required experience.'
required-level: 'Allows to define required island level for this challenge.|&cRequires Level addon.'
required-money: 'Allows to define required money in player"s account.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
remove-money: 'Allows to remove required money from player"s account.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
reward-text: 'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after challenges completion.'
reward-items: 'Allows to change first time completion reward items.|Items:'
reward-experience: 'Allows to change first time completion reward Experience.'
reward-money: 'Allows to change first time completion reward Money.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
reward-commands: 'Allows to define reward commands that will be called after first time completion.|***Adding "[SELF]" at the start means that command will be run by player, f.e. "/kill"|***String "[player]" will be replaced with player name, f.e. "/kill [player]" will be transformed to "/kill BONNe1704"|Commands:'
repeatable: 'Allows to define if challenge is repeatable or not.'
repeat-count: 'Allows to define maximal repeat count. If value is set 0 or smaller, then there are no limitations.'
repeat-reward-text: 'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after challenge repeated completion.'
repeat-reward-items: 'Allows to change repeated completion reward items.|Items:'
repeat-reward-experience: 'Allows to change repeated completion reward Experience.'
repeat-reward-money: 'Allows to change repeated completion reward Money.|&cRequires Vault and Economy plugin.'
repeat-reward-commands: 'Allows to define reward commands that will be called after challenge repeated completion.|***Adding "[SELF]" at the start means that command will be run by player, f.e. "/kill"|***String "[player]" will be replaced with player name, f.e. "/kill [player]" will be transformed to "/kill BONNe1704"|Commands:'
waiver-amount: 'Allows to set how many challenges can be left undone to unlock next level.'
reward-text-level: 'Allows to change message that will be sent to player after completing all challenges in level.'
add-challenge: 'Allows to add existing challenge to current level.'
remove-challenge: 'Allows remove any challenge from current level.'
reset-on-new: 'Enables/Disables option, that resets all player challenges if player restarts island, leave island or was kicked out.'
broadcast: 'Enables/Disables broadcast to online players about first time challenge completion.'
remove-completed: 'Enables/Disables hiding challenges that are completed and cannot be repeated.'
glow: 'Enables/Disables glowing effect for completed challenges.'
free-at-top: 'Allows to change free challenges location. True mean that challenges will be first, otherwise they will be last.'
line-length: 'Allows to modify maximal line length in lore box. Will not affect stored objects.'
toggle-user-list: 'Switch to different player list.'
mode-online: 'Players which currently are online.'
mode-in-world: 'Players which is in GameMode world.'
mode-with-island: 'Players which has island in GameMode.'
selected: 'Selected'
remove-selected: 'Remove selected elements.|You can select elements with right mouse button.'
show-eggs: 'Switch entity view between Egg mode or Head mode.'
level-lore: 'Allows to modify which elements of level description should be visible.'
challenge-lore: 'Allows to modify which elements of challenge description should be visible.'
gui-view-mode: 'Allows to set if /challenges GUI should show GameModes or challenges in players world.'
history-store: 'Allows to enable/disable challenges history storage.'
history-lifespan: 'Allows to modify how many days history data will be saved.|0 means forever.'
island-store: 'Allows to enable/disable challenges data storing per island. This means that challenges will be the same on whole team, if this is enabled.|Will NOT convert data on click. PROGRESS WILL BE LOST.'
default-locked-icon: 'Allows to change default locked level icon.|This option can be overwritten by each level.'
gui-mode: 'Allows to enable/disable single challenges GUI.|&2Requires server restart.'
click-to-edit: '&4Click here to edit input.'
edit-text-line: '&6 Edit text message!'
add-text-line: '&6 Add new text message!'
input-mode: 'Switch between chat and anvil input modes.'
title-enable: 'Allows to enable/disable title message that will be showed when player complete challenge.'
title-showtime: 'Allows to modify how long title message will be visible for player.'
default-import: 'Allows to import default challenges.'
default-export: 'Allows to export existing challenges into defaults.json file.'
complete-wipe: 'Allows to completely clear all challenges addon databases. Includes player data!'
current-value: '|&6Current value: [value].'
enabled: 'Active'
disabled: 'Disabled'
island: '- Island Type:| (allows to require blocks or mobs around player)'
inventory: '- Inventory Type:| (allows to require items in players inventory)'
other: '- Other Type:| (allows to require things from other plugins/addons)'
the-end: '- The End'
nether: '- Nether'
normal: '- Overworld'
entity: '- [entity] : [count]'
block: '- [block] : [count]'
permission: '- [permission]'
item: '- [count] x [item]'
item-meta: ' ([meta])'
item-enchant: ' - [enchant] [level]'
command: '- [command]'
level-unlocked: 'Click to see [level] challenges!'
level-locked: 'Complete [count] more [level] challenges to unlock this level!'
level: '&FLevel: [level]'
completed: '&BCompleted'
completed-times-of: 'Completed [donetimes] out of [maxtimes]'
maxed-reached: 'Completed [donetimes] out of [maxtimes]'
completed-times: 'Completed [donetimes]'
warning-items-take: '&cAll required items are taken when you complete this challenge!'
objects-close-by: '&cAll required blocks and entities must be close to you on your island!'
warning-entities-kill: '&cAll required entities will be killed when you complete this challenge!'
warning-blocks-remove: '&cAll required blocks will be removed when you complete this challenge!'
not-repeatable: '&cThis challenge is not repeatable!'
experience-reward: '&6Exp reward: [value]'
money-reward: '&6Money reward: $[value]'
required-experience: '&6Required exp: [value]'
required-money: '&6Required money: $[value]'
required-island-level: '&6Required island level: [value]'
environment: 'Required Environments:'
reward-items: '&6Reward Items:'
reward-commands: '&6Reward Commands:'
required-items: 'Required Items:'
required-entities: 'Required Entities:'
required-blocks: 'Required Blocks:'
completed: '&BCompleted'
completed-challenges-of: '&3You have completed [number] of [max] challenges in this level.'
waver-amount: '&6Can skip [value] challenges to unlock next level.'
experience-reward: '&6Exp reward: [value]'
money-reward: '&6Money reward: $[value]'
reward-items: '&6Reward Items:'
reward-commands: '&6Reward Commands:'
# Title and subtitle my contain variable in [] that will be replaced with proper message from challenge object.
# [friendlyName] will be replaced with challenge friendly name.
# [level] will be replaced with level friendly name.
# [rewardText] will be replaced with challenge reward text.
challenge-title: 'Successfully completed'
challenge-subtitle: '[friendlyName]'
# Title and subtitle my contain variable in [] that will be replaced with proper message from level object.
# [friendlyName] will be replaced with level friendly name.
# [rewardText] will be replaced with level reward text.
level-title: 'Successfully completed'
level-subtitle: '[friendlyName]'
hit-things: 'Hit things to add them to the list of things required. Right click when done.'
you-added: 'You added one [thing] to the challenge'
challenge-created: '[challenge]&r created!'
complete-wipe: '&cHope you have backups, as you just empty all Challenges Addon databases!'
you-completed-challenge: '&2You completed the [value] &r&2challenge!'
you-repeated-challenge: '&2You repeated the [value] &r&2challenge!'
you-repeated-challenge-multiple: '&2You repeated the [value] &r&2challenge [count] times!'
you-completed-level: '&2You completed the [value] &r&2level!'
name-has-completed-challenge: '&5[name] has completed the [value] &r&5challenge!'
name-has-completed-level: '&5[name] has completed the [value] &r&5level!'
import-levels: 'Start importing Levels'
import-challenges: 'Start importing Challenges'
no-levels: 'Warning: No levels defined in challenges.yml'
import-number: 'Imported [number] challenges'
load-skipping: '"[value]" already exists - skipping'
load-overwriting: 'Overwriting "[value]"'
load-add: 'Adding new object: [value]'
defaults-file-overwrite: 'defaults.json exists. It will be overwritten.'
defaults-file-completed: 'defaults.json file is populated with challenges from [world]!'
no-name: '&cMissing challenge name'
unknown-challenge: '&cUnknown challenge'
unique-id: '&cUniqueID "[id]" is not valid.'
wrong-icon: '&cGiven material "[value]" is not valid and cannot be used as icon.'
not-valid-integer: '&cGiven integer "[value]" is not valid!|Value should be between [min] and [max].'
not-a-integer: '&cGiven value "[value]" is not integer!'
not-deployed: '&cChallenge is not deployed!'
not-on-island: '&cYou must be on your island to do that!'
challenge-level-not-available: '&cYou have not unlocked level to complete this challenge.'
not-repeatable: '&cThis challenge is not repeatable!'
wrong-environment: '&cYou are in wrong environment!'
not-enough-items: '&cYou do not have enough [items] to complete this challenge!'
not-close-enough: '&cYou must be standing within [number] blocks of all required items.'
you-still-need: '&cYou still need [amount] x [item]'
missing-addon: '&cCannot complete challenge. Required addon or plugin is missing.'
incorrect: '&cCannot complete challenge. Requirements are incorrect.'
not-enough-money: '&cIt is necessary to have [value] on your account to complete the challenge.'
not-enough-experience: '&cIt is necessary to have [value] EXP to complete challenge.'
island-level: '&cYour island must be level [number] to complete this challenge!'
import-no-file: '&cCould not find challenges.yml file to import!'
no-load: '&cError: Could not load challenges.yml. [message]'
load-error: '&cError: Cannot load [value].'
no-rank: "&cYou do not have rank to do that."
cannot-remove-items: '&cSome items cannot be removed from inventory!'
exist-challenges-or-levels: '&cIn your world already exist challenges. Cannot proceed!'
defaults-file-exist: '&cdefaults.json already exists. Use overwrite mode to replace it!'
defaults-file-error: '&cThere was an error while creating defaults.json file! Check console!'
no-challenges: '&cChallenges are not implemented in current world!'
no-challenges-admin: '&cChallenges are not implemented in current world! You should use &5/[label] challenges &cto adding them!'
missing-level: '&cChallenge Level [level] is not defined in database. It may case some errors!'
description: "&5&oToggle who can\n&5&ocomplete challenges"
name: "Challenges protection"
description: "&5&oThis allows to enable/disable\n&5&orequirement for players to\n&5&obe on their island to\n&5&ocomplete a challenge."
name: "Challenges Island limitation"
hint: "No challenges outside island"
version: 11