package world.bentobox.level.config; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import world.bentobox.level.Level; /** * Contains all the block values, limits and world differences * @author tastybento * */ public class BlockConfig { private Map blockLimits = new EnumMap<>(Material.class); private Map blockValues = new EnumMap<>(Material.class); private final Map> worldBlockValues = new HashMap<>(); private Level addon; /** * Loads block limits, values and world settings and then saves them again * @param addon - addon * @param blockValues - yaml configuration file containing the block values * @param file - the file representing the yaml config. Will be saved after readong. * @throws IOException - if there is an error */ public BlockConfig(Level addon, YamlConfiguration blockValues, File file) throws IOException { this.addon = addon; if (blockValues.isConfigurationSection("limits")) { setBlockLimits(loadBlockLimits(blockValues)); } if (blockValues.isConfigurationSection("blocks")) { setBlockValues(loadBlockValues(blockValues)); } else { addon.logWarning("No block values in blockconfig.yml! All island levels will be zero!"); } // Worlds if (blockValues.isConfigurationSection("worlds")) { loadWorlds(blockValues); } // All done; } private void loadWorlds(YamlConfiguration blockValues2) { ConfigurationSection worlds = Objects.requireNonNull(blockValues2.getConfigurationSection("worlds")); for (String world : Objects.requireNonNull(worlds).getKeys(false)) { World bWorld = Bukkit.getWorld(world); if (bWorld != null) { ConfigurationSection worldValues = worlds.getConfigurationSection(world); for (String material : Objects.requireNonNull(worldValues).getKeys(false)) { try { Material mat = Material.valueOf(material); Map values = worldBlockValues.getOrDefault(bWorld, new EnumMap<>(Material.class)); values.put(mat, worldValues.getInt(material)); worldBlockValues.put(bWorld, values); } catch (Exception e) { addon.logError( "Unknown material (" + material + ") in blockconfig.yml worlds section. Skipping..."); } } } else { addon.logWarning("Level Addon: No such world in blockconfig.yml : " + world); } } } private Map loadBlockValues(YamlConfiguration blockValues2) { ConfigurationSection blocks = Objects.requireNonNull(blockValues2.getConfigurationSection("blocks")); Map bv = new EnumMap<>(Material.class); // Update blockvalues to latest settings .filter(m -> !"LEGACY_")) .filter(m -> !m.isAir()) .filter(m -> !m.equals(Material.WATER)) .forEach(m -> { if (!blocks.contains(, true)) { blocks.set(, 1); } bv.put(m, blocks.getInt(, 1)); }); return bv; } private Map loadBlockLimits(YamlConfiguration blockValues2) { Map bl = new EnumMap<>(Material.class); ConfigurationSection limits = Objects.requireNonNull(blockValues2.getConfigurationSection("limits")); for (String material : limits.getKeys(false)) { try { Material mat = Material.valueOf(material); bl.put(mat, limits.getInt(material, 0)); } catch (Exception e) { addon.logError("Unknown material (" + material + ") in blockconfig.yml Limits section. Skipping..."); } } return bl; } /** * @return the blockLimits */ public final Map getBlockLimits() { return blockLimits; } /** * @param bl the blockLimits to set */ private void setBlockLimits(Map bl) { this.blockLimits = bl; } /** * @return the blockValues */ public final Map getBlockValues() { return blockValues; } /** * @param blockValues2 the blockValues to set */ private void setBlockValues(Map blockValues2) { this.blockValues = blockValues2; } /** * @return the worldBlockValues */ public Map> getWorldBlockValues() { return worldBlockValues; } /** * Get the value of material in world * @param world - world * @param md - material * @return value or null if not configured with a value */ public Integer getValue(World world, Material md) { // Check world settings if (getWorldBlockValues().containsKey(world) && getWorldBlockValues().get(world).containsKey(md)) { return getWorldBlockValues().get(world).get(md); } // Check baseline if (getBlockValues().containsKey(md)) { return getBlockValues().get(md); } return null; } }