package bskyblock.addon.level; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.bukkit.World; import bskyblock.addon.level.commands.AdminLevel; import bskyblock.addon.level.commands.AdminTop; import bskyblock.addon.level.commands.IslandLevel; import bskyblock.addon.level.commands.IslandTop; import bskyblock.addon.level.config.Settings; import bskyblock.addon.level.database.object.LevelsData; import us.tastybento.bskyblock.Constants; import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.addons.Addon; import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.commands.CompositeCommand; import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.user.User; import us.tastybento.bskyblock.database.BSBDatabase; /** * Addon to BSkyBlock that enables island level scoring and top ten functionality * @author tastybento * */ public class Level extends Addon { // Settings private Settings settings; // Database handler for level data private BSBDatabase handler; // A cache of island levels. private Map levelsCache; // The Top Ten object private TopTen topTen; // Level calculator private LevelPresenter levelCalc; /** * Calculates a user's island * @param world * @param user * @param playerUUID - the player's UUID * @param b */ public void calculateIslandLevel(World world, User user, UUID playerUUID, boolean b) { levelCalc.calculateIslandLevel(world, user, playerUUID, b); } /** * Get level from cache for a player * @param targetPlayer * @return Level of player */ public long getIslandLevel(World world, UUID targetPlayer) { LevelsData ld = getLevelsData(targetPlayer); return ld == null ? 0L : ld.getLevel(world); } private LevelsData getLevelsData(UUID targetPlayer) { // Load player return levelsCache.getOrDefault(targetPlayer, handler.loadObject(targetPlayer.toString())); } /** * @return the settings */ public final Settings getSettings() { return settings; } public TopTen getTopTen() { return topTen; } @Override public void onDisable(){ // Save the cache if (levelsCache != null) { save(false); } } @Override public void onEnable() { // Check if it is enabled - it might be loaded, but not enabled. if (getBSkyBlock() == null || !getBSkyBlock().isEnabled()) { getLogger().severe("BSkyBlock does not exist or is not enabled. Stopping."); this.setEnabled(false); return; } // Load the plugin's config settings = new Settings(this); // Get the BSkyBlock database // Set up the database handler to store and retrieve Island classes // Note that these are saved by the BSkyBlock database handler = new BSBDatabase<>(this, LevelsData.class); // Initialize the cache levelsCache = new HashMap<>(); // Load the calculator levelCalc = new LevelPresenter(this); // Start the top ten and register it for clicks topTen = new TopTen(this); registerListener(topTen); // Register commands CompositeCommand bsbIslandCmd = getBSkyBlock().getCommandsManager().getCommand(Constants.ISLANDCOMMAND); new IslandLevel(this, bsbIslandCmd); new IslandTop(this, bsbIslandCmd); CompositeCommand bsbAdminCmd = getBSkyBlock().getCommandsManager().getCommand(Constants.ADMINCOMMAND); new AdminLevel(this, bsbAdminCmd); new AdminTop(this, bsbAdminCmd); // Done } /** * Save the levels to the database * @param async - if true, saving will be done async */ public void save(boolean async){ Runnable save = () -> levelsCache.values().forEach(handler::saveObject); if(async){ getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(getBSkyBlock(), save); } else {; } } /** * Sets the player's level to a value * @param world * @param targetPlayer * @param level */ protected void setIslandLevel(World world, UUID targetPlayer, long level) { LevelsData ld = getLevelsData(targetPlayer); if (ld == null) { ld = new LevelsData(targetPlayer, level, world); } else { ld.setLevel(world, level); } // Add to cache levelsCache.put(targetPlayer, ld); topTen.addEntry(world, targetPlayer, level); } public BSBDatabase getHandler() { return handler; } }