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// Created by BONNe
// Copyright - 2021
package world.bentobox.warps.panels;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.TemplatedPanel;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.builders.PanelItemBuilder;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.builders.TemplatedPanelBuilder;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.reader.ItemTemplateRecord;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.warps.managers.SignCacheItem;
import world.bentobox.warps.managers.SignCacheManager;
import world.bentobox.warps.Warp;
* This class shows how to set up easy panel by using BentoBox PanelBuilder API
public class WarpsPanel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is internal constructor. It is used internally in current class to avoid creating objects everywhere.
* @param addon VisitAddon object
* @param world World where user will be teleported
* @param user User who opens panel
private WarpsPanel(Warp addon,
World world,
User user)
this.addon = addon;
this.manager = this.addon.getSignCacheManager();
this.user = user;
this.world = world;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method collects and validates sign warps that could be displayed in GUI.
* @param completed CompletableFeature that triggers panel opening.
private void collectValidWarps(CompletableFuture<Boolean> completed)
thenAccept(warps ->
// Cache and clean the signs
Iterator<UUID> iterator = warps.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
UUID warpOwner = iterator.next();
SignCacheItem sign = this.manager.getSignItem(this.world, warpOwner);
if (!sign.isReal())
this.addon.getWarpSignsManager().removeWarpFromMap(this.world, warpOwner);
// Assign warps to element list.
this.elementList = warps;
// Build the main body
* This is wrapper around builder to trigger main GUI building.
private void initBuild()
CompletableFuture<Boolean> collectWarps = new CompletableFuture<>();
collectWarps.thenAccept(done -> {
if (done)
* Build method manages current panel opening. It uses BentoBox PanelAPI that is easy to use and users can get nice
* panels.
private void build()
// Do not open gui if there is no magic sticks.
if (this.elementList.isEmpty())
this.addon.logError("There are no available islands for visiting!");
Utils.sendMessage(this.user, "warps.error.no-warps-yet",
"[gamemode]", this.addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getAddon(this.world).
map(gamemode -> gamemode.getDescription().getName()).
// Start building panel.
TemplatedPanelBuilder panelBuilder = new TemplatedPanelBuilder();
// Set main template.
panelBuilder.template("warps_panel", new File(this.addon.getDataFolder(), "panels"));
// Register button builders
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("WARP", this::createWarpButton);
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("RANDOM", this::createRandomButton);
// Register next and previous builders
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("NEXT", this::createNextButton);
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("PREVIOUS", this::createPreviousButton);
// Register unknown type builder.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Buttons
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create next button panel item.
* @param template the template
* @param slot the slot
* @return the panel item
private PanelItem createNextButton(@NonNull ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot)
int size = this.elementList.size();
if (size <= slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("WARP", 1) ||
1.0 * size / slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("WARP", 1) <= this.pageIndex + 1)
// There are no next elements
return null;
int nextPageIndex = this.pageIndex + 2;
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
if (template.icon() != null)
ItemStack clone = template.icon().clone();
if ((Boolean) template.dataMap().getOrDefault("indexing", false))
if (template.title() != null)
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title()));
if (template.description() != null)
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(),
"[number]", String.valueOf(nextPageIndex)));
// Add ClickHandler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) ->
template.actions().forEach(action -> {
if (clickType == action.clickType() || action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN)
if ("NEXT".equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
// Next button ignores click type currently.
// Always return true.
return true;
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = template.actions().stream().
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null).
map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())).
filter(text -> !text.isBlank()).
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty())
// Empty line and tooltips.
return builder.build();
* Create previous button panel item.
* @param template the template
* @param slot the slot
* @return the panel item
private PanelItem createPreviousButton(@NonNull ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot)
if (this.pageIndex == 0)
// There are no next elements
return null;
int previousPageIndex = this.pageIndex;
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
if (template.icon() != null)
ItemStack clone = template.icon().clone();
if ((Boolean) template.dataMap().getOrDefault("indexing", false))
if (template.title() != null)
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title()));
if (template.description() != null)
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(),
"[number]", String.valueOf(previousPageIndex)));
// Add ClickHandler
// Add ClickHandler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) ->
template.actions().forEach(action -> {
if (clickType == action.clickType() || action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN)
if ("PREVIOUS".equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
// Next button ignores click type currently.
// Always return true.
return true;
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = template.actions().stream().
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null).
map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())).
filter(text -> !text.isBlank()).
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty())
// Empty line and tooltips.
return builder.build();
* This method creates and returns warp button.
* @return PanelItem that represents warp button.
private PanelItem createWarpButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot)
if (this.elementList.isEmpty())
// Does not contain any sticks.
return null;
int index = this.pageIndex * slot.amountMap().getOrDefault("WARP", 1) + slot.slot();
if (index >= this.elementList.size())
// Out of index.
return null;
return this.createWarpButton(template, this.elementList.get(index), "warp");
* This method creates and returns random warp button.
* @return PanelItem that represents random warp button.
private PanelItem createRandomButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot slot)
if (this.elementList.size() < 2)
// Does not contain any sticks.
return null;
int index = random.nextInt(this.elementList.size());
return this.createWarpButton(template, this.elementList.get(index), "random");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Other methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method creates and returns button that switch to next page in view mode.
* @return PanelItem that allows to select next owner view page.
private PanelItem createWarpButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, UUID ownerUUID, String type)
if (ownerUUID == null)
// return as owner has no owner. Empty button will be created.
return null;
SignCacheItem signCache = this.manager.getSignItem(this.world, ownerUUID);
if (!signCache.isReal())
this.addon.getWarpSignsManager().removeWarpFromMap(this.world, ownerUUID);
// return as signCache is not real anymore.
return null;
final String reference = "warps.gui.buttons." + type + ".";
String ownerName = addon.getPlugin().getPlayers().getName(ownerUUID);
// Get settings for owner.
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
if (template.icon() != null)
if (template.icon().getType().equals(Material.PLAYER_HEAD))
// Check owner for a specific icon
Material material = signCache.getType();
if (material == null)
// Set oak sign as icon was not specified.
material = Material.OAK_SIGN;
if (material == Material.PLAYER_HEAD)
if (template.title() != null)
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title(),
"[name]", ownerName));
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(reference + "name",
"[name]", ownerName));
// Process Description of the button.
// Generate [sign_text] text
String descriptionText;
if (template.description() != null)
descriptionText = this.user.getTranslationOrNothing(template.description(),
"[name]", ownerName,
"[sign_text]", String.join("\n", signCache.getSignText())).
replaceAll("(?m)^[ \\t]*\\r?\\n", "").
replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\|", "\n").
replaceAll("\\\\\\|", "|");
descriptionText = this.user.getTranslationOrNothing(reference + "description",
"[name]", ownerName,
"[sign_text]", String.join("|", signCache.getSignText()));
// Clean up description text and split it into parts.
descriptionText = descriptionText.replaceAll("(?m)^[ \\t]*\\r?\\n", "").
replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\|", "\n").
replaceAll("\\\\\\|", "|");
// Add ClickHandler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) ->
template.actions().forEach(action -> {
if (clickType == action.clickType() || action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN)
if ("WARP".equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
// Always return true.
return true;
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = template.actions().stream().
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null).
map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())).
filter(text -> !text.isBlank()).
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty())
// Empty line and tooltips.
return builder.build();
* This method runs command call that allows player to visit clicked island.
private void runCommandCall(String ownerName)
// Get first player command label.
String command = this.addon.getSettings().getWarpCommand().split(" ")[0];
String gamemodeCommand = this.addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getAddon(this.world).
map(gamemode -> gamemode.getPlayerCommand().map(Command::getLabel).orElse("")).
if (gamemodeCommand.isEmpty())
this.addon.log(this.user.getName() + " called: `" + command + " " + ownerName + "`");
this.user.performCommand(command + " " + ownerName);
this.addon.log(this.user.getName() + " called: `" + gamemodeCommand + " " + command + " " + ownerName + "`");
this.user.performCommand(gamemodeCommand + " " + command + " " + ownerName);
// Close inventory
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Static methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method is used to open UserPanel outside this class. It will be much easier to open panel with single method
* call then initializing new object.
* @param addon Warps object
* @param world World where user will be teleported
* @param user User who opens panel
public static void openPanel(Warp addon,
World world,
User user)
new WarpsPanel(addon, world, user).initBuild();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This variable allows to access addon object.
private final Warp addon;
* This variable allows to access addon manager object.
private final SignCacheManager manager;
* This variable holds user who opens panel. Without it panel cannot be opened.
private final User user;
* This variable holds world where panel is opened. Without it panel cannot be opened.
private final World world;
* This variable stores filtered elements.
private List<UUID> elementList;
* This variable holds current pageIndex for multi-page island choosing.
private int pageIndex;
* Random for finding random warp.
private static final Random random = new Random();