Translate zh-CN.yml via GitLocalize (#65)

This commit is contained in:
gitlocalize-app[bot] 2019-12-27 20:28:24 +00:00 committed by tastybento
parent b2d5c145a5
commit a63a6c2372
1 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -4,24 +4,24 @@ warp:
description: 传送到该玩家的传送木牌处
parameters: "<player name>"
no-permission: "&C权限不足!"
no-remove: "&C无权移除传送木牌!"
not-enough-level: "&C岛屿等级不够高!"
no-warps-yet: "&C暂无可用传送木牌"
your-level-is: "&c岛屿当前等级 [level], 需要等级 [required]"
does-not-exist: "&c那个传送已经不存在了"
not-on-island: "&C操作必须在你的岛屿上进行!"
not-safe: "&c那个传送不安全"
description: 打开传送面板
next: "&6下一页"
previous: "&6上一页"
sign-removed: "&C传送木牌已移除!"
success: "&A成功!"
title: 传送木牌
warpTip: "&6放置一个第一行是 [text] 的木牌以创建传送木牌"
warpToPlayersSign: "&6正传送到 [player] 的传送木牌"
deactivate: "&c旧传送牌已不再使用"
player-warped: "&2[name] 刚刚传送到了你的传送牌!"
deactivate: "&c 旧传送牌已停用!"
does-not-exist: "&c 哦不!那个传送点已经没了!"
no-permission: "&c 你无权那样做!"
no-remove: "&c 你拿不掉那个牌子的!"
no-warps-yet: "&c 暂无可用传送点"
not-enough-level: "&c 你的岛等级不够高!"
not-on-island: "&c 你得在自己的岛屿上操作!"
not-safe: "&c 目标传送点不安全!"
your-level-is: "&c 你的岛现在 [level] 级,需要 [required] 级。 试试岛屿等级命令吧。"
next: "&6 次页"
player-warped: "&2 [name] 传送到了你的传送牌!"
previous: "&6 前页"
random: "&4 随机传送"
sign-removed: "&c 拆掉传送牌了!"
success: "&a 成了!"
warpTip: "&6 放个牌子第一行写 [text]"
warpToPlayersSign: "&6 正传送到 [player] 的牌子"