########################################################################################### # This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # # the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # ########################################################################################### warps: removed: "&CWarp sign removed" success: "&ASuccess!" sign-removed: "&CWarp sign removed!" title: "Warp Signs" player-warped: "&2[name] warped to your warp sign!" previous: "&6Previous page" next: "&6Next page" warpToPlayersSign: "&6Warping to [player]'s sign" warpTip: "&6Place a warp sign with [Welcome] on the top" error: no-remove: "&CYou cannot remove that sign!" not-enough-level: "&CYour island level is not high enough!" no-permission: "&CYou do not have permission to do that!" not-on-island: "&CYou must be on your island to do that!" duplicate: "&CDuplicate sign placed" no-warps-yet: "&CThere are no warps available yet" your-level-is: "&cYou island level is only [level] and must be higher than [required]" help: description: "open the warps panel" warp: help: parameters: "" description: "warp to the player's warp sign"