########################################################################################### # This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # # the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # ########################################################################################### warp: help: description: "warp to the player's warp sign" parameters: warps: deactivate: "&c Old warp sign deactivated!" error: does-not-exist: "&c Oh snap! That warp no longer exists!" no-permission: "&c You do not have permission to do that!" no-remove: "&c You cannot remove that sign!" no-warps-yet: "&c There are no warps available yet" not-enough-level: "&c Your island level is not high enough!" not-on-island: "&c You must be on your island to do that!" not-safe: "&c That warp is not safe!" your-level-is: "&c Your island level is only [level] and must be higher than [required]. Run the level command." help: description: "open the warps panel" player-warped: "&2 [name] warped to your warp sign!" sign-removed: "&c Warp sign removed!" success: "&a Success!" warpTip: "&6 Place a warp sign with [text] on the top" warpToPlayersSign: "&6 Warping to [player]'s sign" gui: titles: # The title of warp panel warp-title: '&0&l Warp Signs' buttons: # Button that is used in multi-page GUIs which allows to return to previous page. previous: name: "&f&l Previous Page" description: |- &7 Switch to [number] page # Button that is used in multi-page GUIs which allows to go to next page. next: name: "&f&l Next Page" description: |- &7 Switch to [number] page # Button for a warp warp: name: "&f&l [name]" description: |- [sign_text] # Button for a random warp random: name: "&f&l Random Warp" description: |- &7 Hmm, where will I appear? tips: click-to-previous: "&e Click &7 to view previous page." click-to-next: "&e Click &7 to view next page." click-to-warp: "&e Click &7 to warp." conversations: # Prefix for messages that are send from server. prefix: "&l&6 [BentoBox]: &r"