package world.bentobox.warps.managers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.Tag; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.block.Sign; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.Addon; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.Database; import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island; import world.bentobox.bentobox.lists.Flags; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; import world.bentobox.warps.Warp; import world.bentobox.warps.event.WarpInitiateEvent; import world.bentobox.warps.objects.WarpsData; import world.bentobox.warps.panels.Utils; /** * Handles warping. Players can add one sign * * @author tastybento * */ public class WarpSignsManager { private static final int MAX_WARPS = 600; private static final String WARPS = "warps"; private final BentoBox plugin; // Map of all warps stored as player, warp sign Location private Map> worldsWarpList; // Database handler for level data private final Database handler; private final Warp addon; private WarpsData warpsData = new WarpsData(); /** * Get the warp map for this world * @param world - world * @return map of warps */ @NonNull public Map getWarpMap(@Nullable World world) { return worldsWarpList.computeIfAbsent(Util.getWorld(world), k -> new HashMap<>()); } /** * @param addon - addon * @param plugin - plugin */ public WarpSignsManager(Warp addon, BentoBox plugin) { this.addon = addon; this.plugin = plugin; this.worldsWarpList = new HashMap<>(); // Set up the database handler // Note that these are saved by the BentoBox database handler = new Database<>(addon, WarpsData.class); // Load the warps loadWarpList(); } /** * Stores warps in the warp array. If successful, fires an event * * @param playerUUID - the player's UUID * @param loc - location of warp sign * @return true if successful, false if not */ public boolean addWarp(final UUID playerUUID, final Location loc) { // Do not allow null players to set warps if (playerUUID == null || loc == null) { return false; } // Check for warps placed in a location where there was a warp before if (getWarpMap(loc.getWorld()).containsValue(loc)) { // remove the warp at this location, then place it this.removeWarp(loc); } getWarpMap(loc.getWorld()).put(playerUUID, loc); saveWarpList(); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new WarpInitiateEvent(addon, loc, playerUUID)); return true; } /** * Provides the location of the warp for player or null if one is not found * * @param world - world to search in * @param playerUUID - the player's UUID * - the warp requested * @return Location of warp or null */ @Nullable public Location getWarp(World world, UUID playerUUID) { return getWarpMap(world).get(playerUUID); } /** * Get the name of the warp owner by location * @param location to search * @return Name of warp owner or empty string if there is none */ @NonNull public String getWarpOwner(Location location) { return getWarpMap(location.getWorld()).entrySet().stream().filter(en -> en.getValue().equals(location)) .findFirst().map(en -> plugin.getPlayers().getName(en.getKey())).orElse(""); } /** * Get the optional UUID of the warp owner by location * @param location to search * @return Optional UUID of warp owner or empty if there is none */ public Optional getWarpOwnerUUID(Location location) { return getWarpMap(location.getWorld()).entrySet().stream().filter(en -> en.getValue().equals(location)) .findFirst().map(Map.Entry::getKey); } /** * Get sorted list of warps with most recent players listed first * @return UUID list */ public CompletableFuture> getSortedWarps(@NonNull World world) { CompletableFuture> r = new CompletableFuture<>(); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, () -> processWarpMap(r, world)); return r; } public List processWarpMap(CompletableFuture> r, @NonNull World world) { // Remove any null locations - this can happen if an admin changes the name of the world and signs point to old locations getWarpMap(world).values().removeIf(Objects::isNull); // Bigger value of time means a more recent login TreeMap map = new TreeMap<>(); getWarpMap(world).forEach((uuid, value) -> { // If never played, will be zero long lastPlayed = addon.getServer().getOfflinePlayer(uuid).getLastPlayed(); // This aims to avoid the chance that players logged off at exactly the same time if (!map.isEmpty() && map.containsKey(lastPlayed)) { lastPlayed = map.firstKey() - 1; } map.put(lastPlayed, uuid); }); Collection result = map.descendingMap().values(); List list = new ArrayList<>(result); if (list.size() > MAX_WARPS) { list.subList(0, MAX_WARPS).clear(); } // Return to main thread Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, () -> r.complete(list)); return list; } /** * Lists all the known warps for this world * @param world - world * * @return UUID set of warps */ @NonNull public Set listWarps(@NonNull World world) { // Remove any null locations getWarpMap(world).values().removeIf(Objects::isNull); return getWarpMap(world).entrySet().stream().filter(e -> Util.sameWorld(world, Objects.requireNonNull(e.getValue().getWorld()))).map(Map.Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * Load the warps and check if they still exist */ public void loadWarpList() { addon.log("Loading warps..."); worldsWarpList = new HashMap<>(); if (handler.objectExists(WARPS)) { warpsData = handler.loadObject(WARPS); // Load into map if (warpsData != null) { warpsData.getWarpSigns().forEach((location,uuid) -> { if (location != null && location.getWorld() != null) { if (location.getWorld().isChunkLoaded(location.getBlockX() >> 4, location.getBlockZ() >> 4) && !location.getBlock().getType().name().contains("SIGN")) { return; } // Add to map getWarpMap(location.getWorld()).put(uuid, location); } }); } else { warpsData = new WarpsData(); } } } /** * Changes the sign to red if it exists * @param loc location to pop */ private void popSign(Location loc) { Block b = loc.getBlock(); if (b.getType().name().contains("SIGN")) { Sign s = (Sign) b.getState(); if (s.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase(ChatColor.GREEN + addon.getSettings().getWelcomeLine())) { s.setLine(0, ChatColor.RED + addon.getSettings().getWelcomeLine()); s.update(true, false); } } } /** * Removes a warp at a location. * * @param loc location to remove */ public void removeWarp(Location loc) { popSign(loc); Iterator> it = getWarpMap(loc.getWorld()).entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry en =; if (en.getValue().equals(loc)) { // Inform player Optional.ofNullable(addon.getServer().getPlayer(en.getKey())) .map(User::getInstance) .ifPresent(user -> user.sendMessage("warps.sign-removed")); // Remove sign from warp panel cache addon.getSignCacheManager().removeWarp(loc.getWorld(), en.getKey()); it.remove(); } } saveWarpList(); } /** * Remove warp sign owned by UUID * * @param uuid UUID of owner to remove */ public void removeWarp(World world, UUID uuid) { if (getWarpMap(world).containsKey(uuid)) { popSign(getWarpMap(world).get(uuid)); getWarpMap(world).remove(uuid); } // Remove sign from warp panel cache addon.getSignCacheManager().removeWarp(world, uuid); saveWarpList(); } /** * Remove the warp from the warp map * @param world - world * @param uuid - uuid of owner */ public void removeWarpFromMap(World world, UUID uuid) { getWarpMap(world).remove(uuid); } /** * Saves the warp lists to the database */ public void saveWarpList() { handler.saveObjectAsync(; addon.getSignCacheManager().saveCache(); } /** * Gets the warp sign text and material type for player's UUID in world * * @param world - world to look in * @param uuid - player's uuid * @return Sign's content and type */ @NonNull public SignCacheItem getSignInfo(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID uuid) { //get the sign info Location signLocation = getWarp(world, uuid); if (signLocation == null || !signLocation.getBlock().getType().name().contains("SIGN")) { return new SignCacheItem(); } Sign sign = (Sign)signLocation.getBlock().getState(); List result = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(sign.getLines())); // Clean up - remove the [WELCOME] line result.remove(0); // Remove any trailing blank lines result.removeIf(String::isEmpty); // Set the initial color per lore setting for (int i = 0; i< result.size(); i++) { result.set(i, ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', addon.getSettings().getLoreFormat()) + result.get(i)); } // Get the sign type String prefix = plugin.getIWM().getAddon(world).map(Addon::getPermissionPrefix).orElse(""); Material icon; if (!prefix.isEmpty()) { icon = Material.matchMaterial( Utils.getPermissionValue(User.getInstance(uuid), prefix + "island.warp",; } else { icon = null; } if (icon != null &&"SIGN")) { return new SignCacheItem(result, Material.valueOf(sign.getType().name().replace("WALL_", ""))); } else { return new SignCacheItem(result, icon); } } /** * Warps a player to a spot in front of a sign. * @param user - user who is warping * @param inFront - location in front of sign - previously checked for safety * @param signOwner - warp sign owner * @param directionFacing - direction that sign is facing * @param pvp - true if this location allowed PVP */ private void warpPlayer(@NonNull User user, @NonNull Location inFront, @NonNull UUID signOwner, @NonNull BlockFace directionFacing, boolean pvp) { // convert blockface to angle float yaw = Util.blockFaceToFloat(directionFacing); final Location actualWarp = new Location(inFront.getWorld(), inFront.getBlockX() + 0.5D, inFront.getBlockY(), inFront.getBlockZ() + 0.5D, yaw, 30F); //BentoBox prevents people from teleporting to an island when //the user is banned from the island for example. //By checking if the teleport succeeded before sending the messages, //we prevent issues where no one teleported, but people still //get messages about it. Util.teleportAsync(user.getPlayer(), actualWarp, TeleportCause.COMMAND).thenAccept(tpResult -> { if(Boolean.FALSE.equals(tpResult)) return; User warpOwner = Objects.requireNonNull(User.getInstance(signOwner)); // Hide invisible players if (warpOwner.isOnline() && !warpOwner.getPlayer().canSee(user.getPlayer())) { return; } if (pvp) { user.sendMessage("protection.flags.PVP_OVERWORLD.enabled"); user.getWorld().playSound(Objects.requireNonNull(user.getLocation()), Sound.ENTITY_ARROW_HIT, 1F, 1F); } else { user.getWorld().playSound(Objects.requireNonNull(user.getLocation()), Sound.ENTITY_BAT_TAKEOFF, 1F, 1F); } if (!warpOwner.equals(user)) { final String gameMode = BentoBox .getInstance() .getIWM() .getFriendlyName(actualWarp.getWorld()); warpOwner.sendMessage("warps.player-warped", "[name]", user.getName(), "[gamemode]", gameMode); } }); } /** * Warps a user to the warp owned by owner * * @param world - world to check * @param user - user who is warping * @param owner - owner of the warp */ public void warpPlayer(@NonNull World world, @NonNull User user, @NonNull UUID owner) { final Location warpSpot = getWarp(world, owner); // Check if the warp spot is safe if (warpSpot == null) { user.sendMessage("warps.error.does-not-exist"); addon.getWarpSignsManager().removeWarp(world, owner); return; } if (this.plugin.getIWM().inWorld(user.getWorld()) && Flags.PREVENT_TELEPORT_WHEN_FALLING.isSetForWorld(user.getWorld()) && user.getPlayer().getFallDistance() > 0) { // We're sending the "hint" to the player to tell them they cannot teleport while falling. user.sendMessage(Flags.PREVENT_TELEPORT_WHEN_FALLING.getHintReference()); return; } Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, owner); boolean pvp = false; if (island != null) { // Check for PVP switch (Objects.requireNonNull(warpSpot.getWorld()).getEnvironment()) { case NETHER: pvp = island.isAllowed(Flags.PVP_NETHER); break; case NORMAL: pvp = island.isAllowed(Flags.PVP_OVERWORLD); break; case THE_END: pvp = island.isAllowed(Flags.PVP_END); break; default: break; } } // Find out which direction the warp is facing Block b = warpSpot.getBlock(); if (Tag.WALL_SIGNS.isTagged(b.getType())) { s = ( b.getBlockData(); BlockFace directionFacing = s.getFacing(); Location inFront = b.getRelative(directionFacing).getLocation(); Location oneDown = b.getRelative(directionFacing).getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getLocation(); if ((plugin.getIslands().isSafeLocation(inFront))) { warpPlayer(user, inFront, owner, directionFacing, pvp); return; } else if (plugin.getIslands().isSafeLocation(oneDown)) { // Try one block down if this is a wall sign warpPlayer(user, oneDown, owner, directionFacing, pvp); return; } } else if (Tag.ALL_HANGING_SIGNS.isTagged(b.getType())) { Location below = b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getLocation(); if ((addon.getIslands().isSafeLocation(below))) { warpPlayer(user, below, owner, BlockFace.DOWN, pvp); return; } } else if (Tag.STANDING_SIGNS.isTagged(b.getType())) { s = ( b.getBlockData(); BlockFace directionFacing = s.getRotation(); Location inFront = b.getRelative(directionFacing).getLocation(); if ((addon.getIslands().isSafeLocation(inFront))) { warpPlayer(user, inFront, owner, directionFacing, pvp); return; } } else { // Warp has been removed user.sendMessage("warps.error.does-not-exist"); removeWarp(warpSpot); return; } if (!(plugin.getIslands().isSafeLocation(warpSpot))) { user.sendMessage("warps.error.not-safe"); } else { final Location actualWarp = new Location(warpSpot.getWorld(), warpSpot.getBlockX() + 0.5D, warpSpot.getBlockY(), warpSpot.getBlockZ() + 0.5D); if (pvp) { user.sendMessage("protection.flags.PVP_OVERWORLD.enabled"); user.getWorld().playSound(Objects.requireNonNull(user.getLocation()), Sound.ENTITY_ARROW_HIT, 1F, 1F); } else { user.getWorld().playSound(Objects.requireNonNull(user.getLocation()), Sound.ENTITY_BAT_TAKEOFF, 1F, 1F); } Util.teleportAsync(user.getPlayer(), actualWarp, TeleportCause.COMMAND); } } /** * Check if a player has a warp * @param playerUUID - player's UUID * @return true if they have warp */ public boolean hasWarp(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID playerUUID) { return getWarpMap(world).containsKey(playerUUID); } }