from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union from zeroconf import Zeroconf from zeroconf.asyncio import AsyncZeroconf ZeroconfInstanceType = Union[Zeroconf, AsyncZeroconf] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ZeroconfManager: """Manage the Zeroconf objects. This class is used to manage the Zeroconf objects. It is used to create the Zeroconf objects and to close them. It attempts to avoid creating a Zeroconf object unless one is actually needed. """ def __init__(self, zeroconf: ZeroconfInstanceType | None = None) -> None: """Initialize the ZeroconfManager.""" self._created = False self._aiozc: AsyncZeroconf | None = None if zeroconf is not None: self.set_instance(zeroconf) def set_instance(self, zc: AsyncZeroconf | Zeroconf) -> None: """Set the AsyncZeroconf instance.""" if self._aiozc: if isinstance(zc, AsyncZeroconf) and self._aiozc.zeroconf is zc.zeroconf: return if isinstance(zc, Zeroconf) and self._aiozc.zeroconf is zc: self._aiozc = AsyncZeroconf(zc=zc) return raise RuntimeError("Zeroconf instance already set to a different instance") self._aiozc = zc if isinstance(zc, AsyncZeroconf) else AsyncZeroconf(zc=zc) def _create_async_zeroconf(self) -> None: """Create an AsyncZeroconf instance.""" _LOGGER.debug("Creating new AsyncZeroconf instance") self._aiozc = AsyncZeroconf() self._created = True def get_async_zeroconf(self) -> AsyncZeroconf: """Get the AsyncZeroconf instance.""" if not self._aiozc: self._create_async_zeroconf() if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._aiozc is not None return self._aiozc async def async_close(self) -> None: """Close the Zeroconf connection.""" if not self._created or not self._aiozc: return await self._aiozc.async_close() self._aiozc = None self._created = False