from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging from import Awaitable, Coroutine from functools import partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Union, cast from google.protobuf import message from .api_pb2 import ( # type: ignore AlarmControlPanelCommandRequest, AlarmControlPanelStateResponse, BinarySensorStateResponse, BluetoothConnectionsFreeResponse, BluetoothDeviceClearCacheResponse, BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse, BluetoothDevicePairingResponse, BluetoothDeviceRequest, BluetoothDeviceUnpairingResponse, BluetoothGATTErrorResponse, BluetoothGATTGetServicesDoneResponse, BluetoothGATTGetServicesRequest, BluetoothGATTGetServicesResponse, BluetoothGATTNotifyDataResponse, BluetoothGATTNotifyRequest, BluetoothGATTNotifyResponse, BluetoothGATTReadDescriptorRequest, BluetoothGATTReadRequest, BluetoothGATTReadResponse, BluetoothGATTWriteDescriptorRequest, BluetoothGATTWriteRequest, BluetoothGATTWriteResponse, BluetoothLEAdvertisementResponse, BluetoothLERawAdvertisement, BluetoothLERawAdvertisementsResponse, ButtonCommandRequest, CameraImageRequest, CameraImageResponse, ClimateCommandRequest, ClimateStateResponse, CoverCommandRequest, CoverStateResponse, DeviceInfoRequest, DeviceInfoResponse, ExecuteServiceArgument, ExecuteServiceRequest, FanCommandRequest, FanStateResponse, HomeassistantServiceResponse, HomeAssistantStateResponse, LightCommandRequest, LightStateResponse, ListEntitiesAlarmControlPanelResponse, ListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse, ListEntitiesButtonResponse, ListEntitiesCameraResponse, ListEntitiesClimateResponse, ListEntitiesCoverResponse, ListEntitiesDoneResponse, ListEntitiesFanResponse, ListEntitiesLightResponse, ListEntitiesLockResponse, ListEntitiesMediaPlayerResponse, ListEntitiesNumberResponse, ListEntitiesRequest, ListEntitiesSelectResponse, ListEntitiesSensorResponse, ListEntitiesServicesResponse, ListEntitiesSirenResponse, ListEntitiesSwitchResponse, ListEntitiesTextResponse, ListEntitiesTextSensorResponse, LockCommandRequest, LockStateResponse, MediaPlayerCommandRequest, MediaPlayerStateResponse, NumberCommandRequest, NumberStateResponse, SelectCommandRequest, SelectStateResponse, SensorStateResponse, SirenCommandRequest, SirenStateResponse, SubscribeBluetoothConnectionsFreeRequest, SubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest, SubscribeHomeassistantServicesRequest, SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse, SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest, SubscribeLogsRequest, SubscribeLogsResponse, SubscribeStatesRequest, SubscribeVoiceAssistantRequest, SwitchCommandRequest, SwitchStateResponse, TextCommandRequest, TextSensorStateResponse, TextStateResponse, UnsubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest, VoiceAssistantAudioSettings, VoiceAssistantEventData, VoiceAssistantEventResponse, VoiceAssistantRequest, VoiceAssistantResponse, ) from .connection import APIConnection, ConnectionParams from .core import ( APIConnectionError, BluetoothGATTAPIError, TimeoutAPIError, UnhandledAPIConnectionError, to_human_readable_address, ) from .model import ( AlarmControlPanelCommand, AlarmControlPanelEntityState, AlarmControlPanelInfo, APIVersion, BinarySensorInfo, BinarySensorState, BluetoothDeviceClearCache, BluetoothDevicePairing, BluetoothDeviceRequestType, BluetoothDeviceUnpairing, BluetoothGATTError, BluetoothGATTServices, BluetoothLEAdvertisement, BluetoothProxyFeature, BluetoothProxySubscriptionFlag, ButtonInfo, CameraInfo, CameraState, ClimateFanMode, ClimateInfo, ClimateMode, ClimatePreset, ClimateState, ClimateSwingMode, CoverInfo, CoverState, DeviceInfo, EntityInfo, EntityState, ESPHomeBluetoothGATTServices, FanDirection, FanInfo, FanSpeed, FanState, HomeassistantServiceCall, LegacyCoverCommand, LightInfo, LightState, LockCommand, LockEntityState, LockInfo, LogLevel, MediaPlayerCommand, MediaPlayerEntityState, MediaPlayerInfo, NumberInfo, NumberState, SelectInfo, SelectState, SensorInfo, SensorState, SirenInfo, SirenState, SwitchInfo, SwitchState, TextInfo, TextSensorInfo, TextSensorState, TextState, UserService, UserServiceArgType, VoiceAssistantCommand, VoiceAssistantEventType, ) from .util import build_log_name from .zeroconf import ZeroconfInstanceType, ZeroconfManager _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT = 30.0 DEFAULT_BLE_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT = 20.0 # We send a ping every 20 seconds, and the timeout ratio is 4.5x the # ping interval. This means that if we don't receive a ping for 90.0 # seconds, we'll consider the connection dead and reconnect. # # This was chosen because the 20s is around the expected time for a # device to reboot and reconnect to wifi, and 90 seconds is the absolute # maximum time a device can take to respond when its behind + the WiFi # connection is poor. KEEP_ALIVE_FREQUENCY = 20.0 SUBSCRIBE_STATES_RESPONSE_TYPES: dict[Any, type[EntityState]] = { BinarySensorStateResponse: BinarySensorState, CoverStateResponse: CoverState, FanStateResponse: FanState, LightStateResponse: LightState, NumberStateResponse: NumberState, SelectStateResponse: SelectState, SensorStateResponse: SensorState, SirenStateResponse: SirenState, SwitchStateResponse: SwitchState, TextStateResponse: TextState, TextSensorStateResponse: TextSensorState, ClimateStateResponse: ClimateState, LockStateResponse: LockEntityState, MediaPlayerStateResponse: MediaPlayerEntityState, AlarmControlPanelStateResponse: AlarmControlPanelEntityState, } SUBSCRIBE_STATES_MSG_TYPES = (*SUBSCRIBE_STATES_RESPONSE_TYPES, CameraImageResponse) LIST_ENTITIES_SERVICES_RESPONSE_TYPES: dict[Any, type[EntityInfo] | None] = { ListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse: BinarySensorInfo, ListEntitiesButtonResponse: ButtonInfo, ListEntitiesCoverResponse: CoverInfo, ListEntitiesFanResponse: FanInfo, ListEntitiesLightResponse: LightInfo, ListEntitiesNumberResponse: NumberInfo, ListEntitiesSelectResponse: SelectInfo, ListEntitiesSensorResponse: SensorInfo, ListEntitiesSirenResponse: SirenInfo, ListEntitiesSwitchResponse: SwitchInfo, ListEntitiesTextResponse: TextInfo, ListEntitiesTextSensorResponse: TextSensorInfo, ListEntitiesServicesResponse: None, ListEntitiesCameraResponse: CameraInfo, ListEntitiesClimateResponse: ClimateInfo, ListEntitiesLockResponse: LockInfo, ListEntitiesMediaPlayerResponse: MediaPlayerInfo, ListEntitiesAlarmControlPanelResponse: AlarmControlPanelInfo, } LIST_ENTITIES_MSG_TYPES = ( ListEntitiesDoneResponse, *LIST_ENTITIES_SERVICES_RESPONSE_TYPES, ) ExecuteServiceDataType = dict[ str, Union[bool, int, float, str, list[bool], list[int], list[float], list[str]] ] def _stringify_or_none(value: str | None) -> str | None: """Convert a string like object to a str or None. The noise_psk is sometimes passed into the client as an Estr, but we want to pass it to the API as a string or None. """ return None if value is None else str(value) # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods class APIClient: __slots__ = ( "_params", "_connection", "cached_name", "_background_tasks", "_loop", "log_name", ) def __init__( self, address: str, port: int, password: str | None, *, client_info: str = "aioesphomeapi", keepalive: float = KEEP_ALIVE_FREQUENCY, zeroconf_instance: ZeroconfInstanceType | None = None, noise_psk: str | None = None, expected_name: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Create a client, this object is shared across sessions. :param address: The address to connect to; for example an IP address or .local name for mDNS lookup. :param port: The port to connect to :param password: Optional password to send to the device for authentication :param client_info: User Agent string to send. :param keepalive: The keepalive time in seconds (ping interval) for detecting stale connections. Every keepalive seconds a ping is sent, if no pong is received the connection is closed. :param zeroconf_instance: Pass a zeroconf instance to use if an mDNS lookup is necessary. :param noise_psk: Encryption preshared key for noise transport encrypted sessions. :param expected_name: Require the devices name to match the given expected name. Can be used to prevent accidentally connecting to a different device if IP passed as address but DHCP reassigned IP. """ self._params = ConnectionParams( address=str(address), port=port, password=password, client_info=client_info, keepalive=keepalive, zeroconf_manager=ZeroconfManager(zeroconf_instance), # treat empty '' psk string as missing (like password) noise_psk=_stringify_or_none(noise_psk) or None, expected_name=_stringify_or_none(expected_name) or None, ) self._connection: APIConnection | None = None self.cached_name: str | None = None self._background_tasks: set[asyncio.Task[Any]] = set() self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._set_log_name() @property def zeroconf_manager(self) -> ZeroconfManager: return self._params.zeroconf_manager @property def expected_name(self) -> str | None: return self._params.expected_name @expected_name.setter def expected_name(self, value: str | None) -> None: self._params.expected_name = value @property def address(self) -> str: return self._params.address def _set_log_name(self) -> None: """Set the log name of the device.""" resolved_address: str | None = None if self._connection and self._connection.resolved_addr_info: resolved_address = self._connection.resolved_addr_info.sockaddr.address self.log_name = build_log_name( self.cached_name, self.address, resolved_address, ) if self._connection: self._connection.set_log_name(self.log_name) def set_cached_name_if_unset(self, name: str) -> None: """Set the cached name of the device if not set.""" if not self.cached_name: self.cached_name = name self._set_log_name() async def connect( self, on_stop: Callable[[bool], Awaitable[None]] | None = None, login: bool = False, ) -> None: """Connect to the device.""" await self.start_connection(on_stop) await self.finish_connection(login) async def start_connection( self, on_stop: Callable[[bool], Awaitable[None]] | None = None, ) -> None: """Start connecting to the device.""" if self._connection is not None: raise APIConnectionError(f"Already connected to {self.log_name}!") async def _on_stop(expected_disconnect: bool) -> None: # Hook into on_stop handler to clear connection when stopped self._connection = None if on_stop is not None: await on_stop(expected_disconnect) self._connection = APIConnection(self._params, _on_stop, log_name=self.log_name) try: await self._connection.start_connection() except APIConnectionError: self._connection = None raise except Exception as e: self._connection = None raise UnhandledAPIConnectionError( f"Unexpected error while connecting to {self.log_name}: {e}" ) from e # If we resolved the address, we should set the log name now if self._connection.resolved_addr_info: self._set_log_name() async def finish_connection( self, login: bool = False, ) -> None: """Finish connecting to the device.""" assert self._connection is not None try: await self._connection.finish_connection(login=login) except APIConnectionError: self._connection = None raise except Exception as e: self._connection = None raise UnhandledAPIConnectionError( f"Unexpected error while connecting to {self.log_name}: {e}" ) from e if received_name := self._connection.received_name: self._set_name_from_device(received_name) async def disconnect(self, force: bool = False) -> None: if self._connection is None: return if force: await self._connection.force_disconnect() else: await self._connection.disconnect() def _check_authenticated(self) -> None: connection = self._connection if not connection: raise APIConnectionError(f"Not connected to {self.log_name}!") if not connection.is_connected: raise APIConnectionError( f"Authenticated connection not ready yet for {self.log_name}; " f"current state is {connection.connection_state}!" ) async def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo: self._check_authenticated() connection = self._connection assert connection is not None resp = await connection.send_message_await_response( DeviceInfoRequest(), DeviceInfoResponse ) info = DeviceInfo.from_pb(resp) self._set_name_from_device( return info def _set_name_from_device(self, name: str) -> None: """Set the name from a DeviceInfo message.""" self.cached_name = name self._set_log_name() async def list_entities_services( self, ) -> tuple[list[EntityInfo], list[UserService]]: self._check_authenticated() response_types = LIST_ENTITIES_SERVICES_RESPONSE_TYPES msg_types = LIST_ENTITIES_MSG_TYPES def do_append(msg: message.Message) -> bool: return not isinstance(msg, ListEntitiesDoneResponse) def do_stop(msg: message.Message) -> bool: return isinstance(msg, ListEntitiesDoneResponse) assert self._connection is not None resp = await self._connection.send_messages_await_response_complex( (ListEntitiesRequest(),), do_append, do_stop, msg_types, timeout=60 ) entities: list[EntityInfo] = [] services: list[UserService] = [] for msg in resp: if isinstance(msg, ListEntitiesServicesResponse): services.append(UserService.from_pb(msg)) continue cls = response_types[type(msg)] assert cls is not None entities.append(cls.from_pb(msg)) return entities, services async def subscribe_states(self, on_state: Callable[[EntityState], None]) -> None: self._check_authenticated() image_stream: dict[int, list[bytes]] = {} response_types = SUBSCRIBE_STATES_RESPONSE_TYPES msg_types = SUBSCRIBE_STATES_MSG_TYPES def _on_state_msg(msg: message.Message) -> None: msg_type = type(msg) cls = response_types.get(msg_type) if cls: on_state(cls.from_pb(msg)) elif msg_type is CameraImageResponse: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(msg, CameraImageResponse) msg_key = msg.key data_parts: list[bytes] | None = image_stream.get(msg_key) if not data_parts: data_parts = [] image_stream[msg_key] = data_parts data_parts.append( if msg.done: # Return CameraState with the merged data image_data = b"".join(data_parts) del image_stream[msg_key] on_state(CameraState(key=msg.key, data=image_data)) # type: ignore[call-arg] assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeStatesRequest(), _on_state_msg, msg_types ) async def subscribe_logs( self, on_log: Callable[[SubscribeLogsResponse], None], log_level: LogLevel | None = None, dump_config: bool | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = SubscribeLogsRequest() if log_level is not None: req.level = log_level if dump_config is not None: req.dump_config = dump_config assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message_callback_response( req, on_log, (SubscribeLogsResponse,) ) async def subscribe_service_calls( self, on_service_call: Callable[[HomeassistantServiceCall], None] ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() def _on_home_assistant_service_response( msg: HomeassistantServiceResponse, ) -> None: on_service_call(HomeassistantServiceCall.from_pb(msg)) assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeHomeassistantServicesRequest(), _on_home_assistant_service_response, (HomeassistantServiceResponse,), ) def _filter_bluetooth_message( self, address: int, handle: int, msg: message.Message, ) -> bool: """Handle a Bluetooth message.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance( msg, ( BluetoothGATTErrorResponse, BluetoothGATTNotifyResponse, BluetoothGATTReadResponse, BluetoothGATTWriteResponse, ), ) return bool(msg.address == address and msg.handle == handle) async def _send_bluetooth_message_await_response( self, address: int, handle: int, request: message.Message, response_type: ( type[BluetoothGATTNotifyResponse] | type[BluetoothGATTReadResponse] | type[BluetoothGATTWriteResponse] ), timeout: float = 10.0, ) -> message.Message: self._check_authenticated() msg_types = (response_type, BluetoothGATTErrorResponse) assert self._connection is not None message_filter = partial(self._filter_bluetooth_message, address, handle) resp = await self._connection.send_messages_await_response_complex( (request,), message_filter, message_filter, msg_types, timeout=timeout ) if isinstance(resp[0], BluetoothGATTErrorResponse): raise BluetoothGATTAPIError(BluetoothGATTError.from_pb(resp[0])) return resp[0] async def subscribe_bluetooth_le_advertisements( self, on_bluetooth_le_advertisement: Callable[[BluetoothLEAdvertisement], None] ) -> Callable[[], None]: self._check_authenticated() msg_types = (BluetoothLEAdvertisementResponse,) def _on_bluetooth_le_advertising_response( msg: BluetoothLEAdvertisementResponse, ) -> None: on_bluetooth_le_advertisement(BluetoothLEAdvertisement.from_pb(msg)) # type: ignore[misc] assert self._connection is not None unsub_callback = self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest(flags=0), _on_bluetooth_le_advertising_response, msg_types, ) def unsub() -> None: if self._connection is not None: unsub_callback() self._connection.send_message( UnsubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest() ) return unsub async def subscribe_bluetooth_le_raw_advertisements( self, on_advertisements: Callable[[list[BluetoothLERawAdvertisement]], None] ) -> Callable[[], None]: self._check_authenticated() msg_types = (BluetoothLERawAdvertisementsResponse,) assert self._connection is not None def _on_ble_raw_advertisement_response( data: BluetoothLERawAdvertisementsResponse, ) -> None: on_advertisements(data.advertisements) unsub_callback = self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest( flags=BluetoothProxySubscriptionFlag.RAW_ADVERTISEMENTS ), _on_ble_raw_advertisement_response, msg_types, ) def unsub() -> None: if self._connection is not None: unsub_callback() self._connection.send_message( UnsubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest() ) return unsub async def subscribe_bluetooth_connections_free( self, on_bluetooth_connections_free_update: Callable[[int, int], None] ) -> Callable[[], None]: self._check_authenticated() msg_types = (BluetoothConnectionsFreeResponse,) def _on_bluetooth_connections_free_response( msg: BluetoothConnectionsFreeResponse, ) -> None: on_bluetooth_connections_free_update(, msg.limit) assert self._connection is not None return self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeBluetoothConnectionsFreeRequest(), _on_bluetooth_connections_free_response, msg_types, ) def _handle_timeout(self, fut: asyncio.Future[None]) -> None: """Handle a timeout.""" if fut.done(): return fut.set_exception(asyncio.TimeoutError) def _on_bluetooth_device_connection_response( self, connect_future: asyncio.Future[None], address: int, on_bluetooth_connection_state: Callable[[bool, int, int], None], msg: BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse, ) -> None: """Handle a BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse message.""" "" if address == msg.address: on_bluetooth_connection_state(msg.connected, msg.mtu, msg.error) # Resolve on ANY connection state since we do not want # to wait the whole timeout if the device disconnects # or we get an error. if not connect_future.done(): connect_future.set_result(None) async def bluetooth_device_connect( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches self, address: int, on_bluetooth_connection_state: Callable[[bool, int, int], None], timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT, disconnect_timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT, feature_flags: int = 0, has_cache: bool = False, address_type: int | None = None, ) -> Callable[[], None]: self._check_authenticated() msg_types = (BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse,) debug = _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) connect_future: asyncio.Future[None] = self._loop.create_future() assert self._connection is not None if has_cache: # REMOTE_CACHING feature with cache: requestor has services and mtu cached request_type = BluetoothDeviceRequestType.CONNECT_V3_WITH_CACHE elif feature_flags & BluetoothProxyFeature.REMOTE_CACHING: # REMOTE_CACHING feature without cache: esp will wipe the service list after sending to save memory request_type = BluetoothDeviceRequestType.CONNECT_V3_WITHOUT_CACHE else: # Device does not support REMOTE_CACHING feature: esp will hold the service list in memory for the duration # of the connection. This can crash the esp if the service list is too large. request_type = BluetoothDeviceRequestType.CONNECT if debug: _LOGGER.debug("%s: Using connection version %s", address, request_type) unsub = self._connection.send_message_callback_response( BluetoothDeviceRequest( address=address, request_type=request_type, has_address_type=address_type is not None, address_type=address_type or 0, ), partial( self._on_bluetooth_device_connection_response, connect_future, address, on_bluetooth_connection_state, ), msg_types, ) loop = self._loop timeout_handle = loop.call_at( loop.time() + timeout, self._handle_timeout, connect_future ) timeout_expired = False connect_ok = False try: await connect_future connect_ok = True except asyncio.TimeoutError as err: timeout_expired = True # Disconnect before raising the exception to ensure # the slot is recovered before the timeout is raised # to avoid race were we run out even though we have a slot. addr = to_human_readable_address(address) if debug: _LOGGER.debug("%s: Connecting timed out, waiting for disconnect", addr) disconnect_timed_out = ( not await self._bluetooth_device_disconnect_guard_timeout( address, disconnect_timeout ) ) raise TimeoutAPIError( f"Timeout waiting for connect response while connecting to {addr} " f"after {timeout}s, disconnect timed out: {disconnect_timed_out}, " f" after {disconnect_timeout}s" ) from err finally: if not connect_ok: try: unsub() except (KeyError, ValueError): _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Bluetooth device connection canceled but already unsubscribed", addr, ) if not timeout_expired: timeout_handle.cancel() return unsub async def _bluetooth_device_disconnect_guard_timeout( self, address: int, timeout: float ) -> bool: """Disconnect from a Bluetooth device and guard against timeout. Return true if the disconnect was successful, false if it timed out. """ try: await self.bluetooth_device_disconnect(address, timeout=timeout) except TimeoutAPIError: if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Disconnect timed out: %s", to_human_readable_address(address), timeout, ) return False return True async def bluetooth_device_pair( self, address: int, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT ) -> BluetoothDevicePairing: msg_types = ( BluetoothDevicePairingResponse, BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse, ) def predicate_func(msg: message.Message) -> bool: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(msg, msg_types) if msg.address != address: return False if isinstance(msg, BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse): raise APIConnectionError( "Peripheral changed connections status while pairing" ) return True return BluetoothDevicePairing.from_pb( await self._bluetooth_device_request( address, BluetoothDeviceRequestType.PAIR, predicate_func, msg_types, timeout, ) ) async def bluetooth_device_unpair( self, address: int, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT ) -> BluetoothDeviceUnpairing: return BluetoothDeviceUnpairing.from_pb( await self._bluetooth_device_request( address, BluetoothDeviceRequestType.UNPAIR, lambda msg: msg.address == address, (BluetoothDeviceUnpairingResponse,), timeout, ) ) async def bluetooth_device_clear_cache( self, address: int, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT ) -> BluetoothDeviceClearCache: return BluetoothDeviceClearCache.from_pb( await self._bluetooth_device_request( address, BluetoothDeviceRequestType.CLEAR_CACHE, lambda msg: msg.address == address, (BluetoothDeviceClearCacheResponse,), timeout, ) ) async def bluetooth_device_disconnect( self, address: int, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT ) -> None: """Disconnect from a Bluetooth device.""" await self._bluetooth_device_request( address, BluetoothDeviceRequestType.DISCONNECT, lambda msg: msg.address == address and not msg.connected, (BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse,), timeout, ) async def _bluetooth_device_request( self, address: int, request_type: BluetoothDeviceRequestType, predicate_func: Callable[[BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse], bool], msg_types: tuple[type[message.Message], ...], timeout: float, ) -> message.Message: self._check_authenticated() assert self._connection is not None [response] = await self._connection.send_messages_await_response_complex( ( BluetoothDeviceRequest( address=address, request_type=request_type, ), ), predicate_func, predicate_func, msg_types, timeout, ) return response async def bluetooth_gatt_get_services( self, address: int ) -> ESPHomeBluetoothGATTServices: self._check_authenticated() msg_types = ( BluetoothGATTGetServicesResponse, BluetoothGATTGetServicesDoneResponse, BluetoothGATTErrorResponse, ) append_types = (BluetoothGATTGetServicesResponse, BluetoothGATTErrorResponse) stop_types = (BluetoothGATTGetServicesDoneResponse, BluetoothGATTErrorResponse) def do_append(msg: message.Message) -> bool: return isinstance(msg, append_types) and msg.address == address def do_stop(msg: message.Message) -> bool: return isinstance(msg, stop_types) and msg.address == address assert self._connection is not None resp = await self._connection.send_messages_await_response_complex( (BluetoothGATTGetServicesRequest(address=address),), do_append, do_stop, msg_types, timeout=DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT, ) services = [] for msg in resp: if isinstance(msg, BluetoothGATTErrorResponse): raise BluetoothGATTAPIError(BluetoothGATTError.from_pb(msg)) services.extend(BluetoothGATTServices.from_pb(msg).services) return ESPHomeBluetoothGATTServices(address=address, services=services) # type: ignore[call-arg] async def bluetooth_gatt_read( self, address: int, handle: int, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT, ) -> bytearray: req = BluetoothGATTReadRequest() req.address = address req.handle = handle resp = await self._send_bluetooth_message_await_response( address, handle, req, BluetoothGATTReadResponse, timeout=timeout, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(resp, BluetoothGATTReadResponse) return bytearray( async def bluetooth_gatt_write( self, address: int, handle: int, data: bytes, response: bool, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT, ) -> None: req = BluetoothGATTWriteRequest() req.address = address req.handle = handle req.response = response = data if not response: assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) return await self._send_bluetooth_message_await_response( address, handle, req, BluetoothGATTWriteResponse, timeout=timeout, ) async def bluetooth_gatt_read_descriptor( self, address: int, handle: int, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT, ) -> bytearray: """Read a GATT descriptor.""" req = BluetoothGATTReadDescriptorRequest() req.address = address req.handle = handle resp = await self._send_bluetooth_message_await_response( address, handle, req, BluetoothGATTReadResponse, timeout=timeout, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(resp, BluetoothGATTReadResponse) return bytearray( async def bluetooth_gatt_write_descriptor( self, address: int, handle: int, data: bytes, timeout: float = DEFAULT_BLE_TIMEOUT, wait_for_response: bool = True, ) -> None: req = BluetoothGATTWriteDescriptorRequest() req.address = address req.handle = handle = data if not wait_for_response: assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) return await self._send_bluetooth_message_await_response( address, handle, req, BluetoothGATTWriteResponse, timeout=timeout, ) async def bluetooth_gatt_start_notify( self, address: int, handle: int, on_bluetooth_gatt_notify: Callable[[int, bytearray], None], ) -> tuple[Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]], Callable[[], None]]: """Start a notify session for a GATT characteristic. Returns two functions that can be used to stop the notify. The first function is a coroutine that can be awaited to stop the notify. The second function is a callback that can be called to remove the notify callbacks without stopping the notify session on the remote device, which should be used when the connection is lost. """ await self._send_bluetooth_message_await_response( address, handle, BluetoothGATTNotifyRequest(address=address, handle=handle, enable=True), BluetoothGATTNotifyResponse, ) def _on_bluetooth_gatt_notify_data_response( msg: BluetoothGATTNotifyDataResponse, ) -> None: if address == msg.address and handle == msg.handle: on_bluetooth_gatt_notify(handle, bytearray( assert self._connection is not None remove_callback = self._connection.add_message_callback( _on_bluetooth_gatt_notify_data_response, (BluetoothGATTNotifyDataResponse,) ) async def stop_notify() -> None: if self._connection is None: return remove_callback() self._check_authenticated() self._connection.send_message( BluetoothGATTNotifyRequest(address=address, handle=handle, enable=False) ) return stop_notify, remove_callback async def subscribe_home_assistant_states( self, on_state_sub: Callable[[str, str | None], None] ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() def _on_subscribe_home_assistant_state_response( msg: SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse, ) -> None: on_state_sub(msg.entity_id, msg.attribute) assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest(), _on_subscribe_home_assistant_state_response, (SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse,), ) async def send_home_assistant_state( self, entity_id: str, attribute: str | None, state: str ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message( HomeAssistantStateResponse( entity_id=entity_id, state=state, attribute=attribute, ) ) async def cover_command( self, key: int, position: float | None = None, tilt: float | None = None, stop: bool = False, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = CoverCommandRequest() req.key = key apiv = cast(APIVersion, self.api_version) if apiv >= APIVersion(1, 1): if position is not None: req.has_position = True req.position = position if tilt is not None: req.has_tilt = True req.tilt = tilt if stop: req.stop = stop else: if stop: req.legacy_command = LegacyCoverCommand.STOP req.has_legacy_command = True elif position == 1.0: req.legacy_command = LegacyCoverCommand.OPEN req.has_legacy_command = True elif position == 0.0: req.legacy_command = LegacyCoverCommand.CLOSE req.has_legacy_command = True assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def fan_command( self, key: int, state: bool | None = None, speed: FanSpeed | None = None, speed_level: int | None = None, oscillating: bool | None = None, direction: FanDirection | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = FanCommandRequest() req.key = key if state is not None: req.has_state = True req.state = state if speed is not None: req.has_speed = True req.speed = speed if speed_level is not None: req.has_speed_level = True req.speed_level = speed_level if oscillating is not None: req.has_oscillating = True req.oscillating = oscillating if direction is not None: req.has_direction = True req.direction = direction assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def light_command( self, key: int, state: bool | None = None, brightness: float | None = None, color_mode: int | None = None, color_brightness: float | None = None, rgb: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None, white: float | None = None, color_temperature: float | None = None, cold_white: float | None = None, warm_white: float | None = None, transition_length: float | None = None, flash_length: float | None = None, effect: str | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = LightCommandRequest() req.key = key if state is not None: req.has_state = True req.state = state if brightness is not None: req.has_brightness = True req.brightness = brightness if color_mode is not None: req.has_color_mode = True req.color_mode = color_mode if color_brightness is not None: req.has_color_brightness = True req.color_brightness = color_brightness if rgb is not None: req.has_rgb = True = rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] if white is not None: req.has_white = True req.white = white if color_temperature is not None: req.has_color_temperature = True req.color_temperature = color_temperature if cold_white is not None: req.has_cold_white = True req.cold_white = cold_white if warm_white is not None: req.has_warm_white = True req.warm_white = warm_white if transition_length is not None: req.has_transition_length = True req.transition_length = int(round(transition_length * 1000)) if flash_length is not None: req.has_flash_length = True req.flash_length = int(round(flash_length * 1000)) if effect is not None: req.has_effect = True req.effect = effect assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def switch_command(self, key: int, state: bool) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = SwitchCommandRequest() req.key = key req.state = state assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def climate_command( self, key: int, mode: ClimateMode | None = None, target_temperature: float | None = None, target_temperature_low: float | None = None, target_temperature_high: float | None = None, fan_mode: ClimateFanMode | None = None, swing_mode: ClimateSwingMode | None = None, custom_fan_mode: str | None = None, preset: ClimatePreset | None = None, custom_preset: str | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = ClimateCommandRequest() req.key = key if mode is not None: req.has_mode = True req.mode = mode if target_temperature is not None: req.has_target_temperature = True req.target_temperature = target_temperature if target_temperature_low is not None: req.has_target_temperature_low = True req.target_temperature_low = target_temperature_low if target_temperature_high is not None: req.has_target_temperature_high = True req.target_temperature_high = target_temperature_high if fan_mode is not None: req.has_fan_mode = True req.fan_mode = fan_mode if swing_mode is not None: req.has_swing_mode = True req.swing_mode = swing_mode if custom_fan_mode is not None: req.has_custom_fan_mode = True req.custom_fan_mode = custom_fan_mode if preset is not None: apiv = cast(APIVersion, self.api_version) if apiv < APIVersion(1, 5): req.has_legacy_away = True req.legacy_away = preset == ClimatePreset.AWAY else: req.has_preset = True req.preset = preset if custom_preset is not None: req.has_custom_preset = True req.custom_preset = custom_preset assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def number_command(self, key: int, state: float) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = NumberCommandRequest() req.key = key req.state = state assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def select_command(self, key: int, state: str) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = SelectCommandRequest() req.key = key req.state = state assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def siren_command( self, key: int, state: bool | None = None, tone: str | None = None, volume: float | None = None, duration: int | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = SirenCommandRequest() req.key = key if state is not None: req.state = state req.has_state = True if tone is not None: req.tone = tone req.has_tone = True if volume is not None: req.volume = volume req.has_volume = True if duration is not None: req.duration = duration req.has_duration = True assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def button_command(self, key: int) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = ButtonCommandRequest() req.key = key assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def lock_command( self, key: int, command: LockCommand, code: str | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = LockCommandRequest() req.key = key req.command = command if code is not None: req.code = code assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def media_player_command( self, key: int, *, command: MediaPlayerCommand | None = None, volume: float | None = None, media_url: str | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = MediaPlayerCommandRequest() req.key = key if command is not None: req.command = command req.has_command = True if volume is not None: req.volume = volume req.has_volume = True if media_url is not None: req.media_url = media_url req.has_media_url = True assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def text_command(self, key: int, state: str) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = TextCommandRequest() req.key = key req.state = state assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def execute_service( self, service: UserService, data: ExecuteServiceDataType ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = ExecuteServiceRequest() req.key = service.key args = [] for arg_desc in service.args: arg = ExecuteServiceArgument() val = data[] apiv = cast(APIVersion, self.api_version) int_type = "int_" if apiv >= APIVersion(1, 3) else "legacy_int" map_single = { UserServiceArgType.BOOL: "bool_", UserServiceArgType.INT: int_type, UserServiceArgType.FLOAT: "float_", UserServiceArgType.STRING: "string_", } map_array = { UserServiceArgType.BOOL_ARRAY: "bool_array", UserServiceArgType.INT_ARRAY: "int_array", UserServiceArgType.FLOAT_ARRAY: "float_array", UserServiceArgType.STRING_ARRAY: "string_array", } if arg_desc.type in map_array: attr = getattr(arg, map_array[arg_desc.type]) attr.extend(val) else: assert arg_desc.type in map_single setattr(arg, map_single[arg_desc.type], val) args.append(arg) # pylint: disable=no-member req.args.extend(args) assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def _request_image( self, *, single: bool = False, stream: bool = False ) -> None: req = CameraImageRequest() req.single = single = stream assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def request_single_image(self) -> None: await self._request_image(single=True) async def request_image_stream(self) -> None: await self._request_image(stream=True) @property def api_version(self) -> APIVersion | None: if self._connection is None: return None return self._connection.api_version async def subscribe_voice_assistant( self, handle_start: Callable[ [str, int, VoiceAssistantAudioSettings], Coroutine[Any, Any, int | None] ], handle_stop: Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Subscribes to voice assistant messages from the device. handle_start: called when the devices requests a server to send audio data to. This callback is asynchronous and returns the port number the server is started on. handle_stop: called when the device has stopped sending audio data and the pipeline should be closed. Returns a callback to unsubscribe. """ self._check_authenticated() start_task: asyncio.Task[int | None] | None = None def _started(fut: asyncio.Task[int | None]) -> None: if self._connection is not None and not fut.cancelled(): port = fut.result() if port is not None: self._connection.send_message(VoiceAssistantResponse(port=port)) else: _LOGGER.error("Server could not be started") self._connection.send_message(VoiceAssistantResponse(error=True)) def _on_voice_assistant_request(msg: VoiceAssistantRequest) -> None: command = VoiceAssistantCommand.from_pb(msg) if command.start: start_task = asyncio.create_task( handle_start( command.conversation_id, command.flags, command.audio_settings ) ) start_task.add_done_callback(_started) # We hold a reference to the start_task in unsub function # so we don't need to add it to the background tasks. else: stop_task = asyncio.create_task(handle_stop()) self._background_tasks.add(stop_task) stop_task.add_done_callback(self._background_tasks.discard) assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(SubscribeVoiceAssistantRequest(subscribe=True)) remove_callback = self._connection.add_message_callback( _on_voice_assistant_request, (VoiceAssistantRequest,) ) def unsub() -> None: if self._connection is not None: remove_callback() self._connection.send_message( SubscribeVoiceAssistantRequest(subscribe=False) ) if start_task is not None and not start_task.cancelled(): start_task.cancel("Unsubscribing from voice assistant") return unsub def send_voice_assistant_event( self, event_type: VoiceAssistantEventType, data: dict[str, str] | None ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = VoiceAssistantEventResponse() req.event_type = event_type data_args = [] if data is not None: for name, value in data.items(): arg = VoiceAssistantEventData() = name arg.value = value data_args.append(arg) # pylint: disable=no-member assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req) async def alarm_control_panel_command( self, key: int, command: AlarmControlPanelCommand, code: str | None = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = AlarmControlPanelCommandRequest() req.key = key req.command = command if code is not None: req.code = code assert self._connection is not None self._connection.send_message(req)