from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging from abc import abstractmethod from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, cast from ..core import SocketClosedAPIError if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..connection import APIConnection _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SOCKET_ERRORS = ( ConnectionResetError, asyncio.IncompleteReadError, OSError, TimeoutError, ) _int = int _bytes = bytes class APIFrameHelper: """Helper class to handle the API frame protocol.""" __slots__ = ( "_loop", "_connection", "_transport", "_writer", "ready_future", "_buffer", "_buffer_len", "_pos", "_client_info", "_log_name", ) def __init__( self, connection: APIConnection, client_info: str, log_name: str, ) -> None: """Initialize the API frame helper.""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._loop = loop self._connection = connection self._transport: asyncio.Transport | None = None self._writer: None | (Callable[[bytes | bytearray | memoryview], None]) = None self.ready_future = self._loop.create_future() self._buffer: bytes | None = None self._buffer_len = 0 self._pos = 0 self._client_info = client_info self._log_name = log_name def set_log_name(self, log_name: str) -> None: """Set the log name.""" self._log_name = log_name def _set_ready_future_exception(self, exc: Exception | type[Exception]) -> None: if not self.ready_future.done(): self.ready_future.set_exception(exc) def _add_to_buffer(self, data: bytes | bytearray | memoryview) -> None: """Add data to the buffer.""" # This should not be isinstance(data, bytes) because we want to # to explicitly check for bytes and not for subclasses of bytes if type(data) is not bytes: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck # Protractor sends a bytearray, so we need to convert it to bytes # bytes_data = bytes(data) else: bytes_data = data if self._buffer_len == 0: # This is the best case scenario, we don't have to copy the data # and can just use the buffer directly. This is the most common # case as well. self._buffer = bytes_data else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._buffer is not None, "Buffer should be set" # This is the worst case scenario, we have to copy the bytes_data # and can't just use the buffer directly. This is also very # uncommon since we usually read the entire frame at once. self._buffer += bytes_data self._buffer_len += len(bytes_data) def _remove_from_buffer(self) -> None: """Remove data from the buffer.""" end_of_frame_pos = self._pos self._buffer_len -= end_of_frame_pos if self._buffer_len == 0: # This is the best case scenario, we can just set the buffer to None # and don't have to copy the data. This is the most common case as well. self._buffer = None return if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._buffer is not None, "Buffer should be set" # This is the worst case scenario, we have to copy the data # and can't just use the buffer directly. This should only happen # when we read multiple frames at once because the event loop # is blocked and we cannot pull the data out of the buffer fast enough. self._buffer = self._buffer[end_of_frame_pos:] def _read(self, length: _int) -> bytes | None: """Read exactly length bytes from the buffer or None if all the bytes are not yet available.""" original_pos = self._pos new_pos = original_pos + length if self._buffer_len < new_pos: return None self._pos = new_pos if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._buffer is not None, "Buffer should be set" return self._buffer[original_pos:new_pos] def _read_varuint(self) -> _int: """Read a varuint from the buffer or -1 if the buffer runs out of bytes.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._buffer is not None, "Buffer should be set" result = 0 bitpos = 0 while self._buffer_len > self._pos: val = self._buffer[self._pos] self._pos += 1 result |= (val & 0x7F) << bitpos if (val & 0x80) == 0: return result bitpos += 7 return -1 @abstractmethod def write_packets( self, packets: list[tuple[int, bytes]], debug_enabled: bool ) -> None: """Write a packets to the socket. Packets are in the format of tuple[protobuf_type, protobuf_data] """ def connection_made(self, transport: asyncio.BaseTransport) -> None: """Handle a new connection.""" self._transport = cast(asyncio.Transport, transport) self._writer = self._transport.write def _handle_error_and_close(self, exc: Exception) -> None: self._handle_error(exc) self.close() def _handle_error(self, exc: Exception) -> None: self._set_ready_future_exception(exc) self._connection.report_fatal_error(exc) def connection_lost(self, exc: Exception | None) -> None: """Handle the connection being lost.""" self._handle_error( exc or SocketClosedAPIError(f"{self._log_name}: Connection lost") ) def eof_received(self) -> bool | None: """Handle EOF received.""" self._handle_error(SocketClosedAPIError(f"{self._log_name}: EOF received")) return False def close(self) -> None: """Close the connection.""" if self._transport: self._transport.close() self._transport = None self._writer = None def pause_writing(self) -> None: """Stub.""" def resume_writing(self) -> None: """Stub.""" def _write_bytes(self, data: _bytes, debug_enabled: bool) -> None: """Write bytes to the socket.""" if debug_enabled: _LOGGER.debug("%s: Sending frame: [%s]", self._log_name, data.hex()) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._writer is not None, "Writer is not set" self._writer(data)