import asyncio import logging from typing import ( Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast, ) from google.protobuf import message from .api_pb2 import ( # type: ignore BinarySensorStateResponse, CameraImageRequest, CameraImageResponse, ClimateCommandRequest, ClimateStateResponse, CoverCommandRequest, CoverStateResponse, DeviceInfoRequest, DeviceInfoResponse, ExecuteServiceArgument, ExecuteServiceRequest, FanCommandRequest, FanStateResponse, HomeassistantServiceResponse, HomeAssistantStateResponse, LightCommandRequest, LightStateResponse, ListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse, ListEntitiesCameraResponse, ListEntitiesClimateResponse, ListEntitiesCoverResponse, ListEntitiesDoneResponse, ListEntitiesFanResponse, ListEntitiesLightResponse, ListEntitiesNumberResponse, ListEntitiesRequest, ListEntitiesSelectResponse, ListEntitiesSensorResponse, ListEntitiesServicesResponse, ListEntitiesSwitchResponse, ListEntitiesTextSensorResponse, NumberCommandRequest, NumberStateResponse, SelectCommandRequest, SelectStateResponse, SensorStateResponse, SubscribeHomeassistantServicesRequest, SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse, SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest, SubscribeLogsRequest, SubscribeLogsResponse, SubscribeStatesRequest, SwitchCommandRequest, SwitchStateResponse, TextSensorStateResponse, ) from .connection import APIConnection, ConnectionParams from .core import APIConnectionError from .host_resolver import ZeroconfInstanceType from .model import ( APIVersion, BinarySensorInfo, BinarySensorState, CameraInfo, CameraState, ClimateFanMode, ClimateInfo, ClimateMode, ClimatePreset, ClimateState, ClimateSwingMode, CoverInfo, CoverState, DeviceInfo, EntityInfo, EntityState, FanDirection, FanInfo, FanSpeed, FanState, HomeassistantServiceCall, LegacyCoverCommand, LightColorMode, LightInfo, LightState, LogLevel, NumberInfo, NumberState, SelectInfo, SelectState, SensorInfo, SensorState, SwitchInfo, SwitchState, TextSensorInfo, TextSensorState, UserService, UserServiceArgType, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ExecuteServiceDataType = Dict[ str, Union[bool, int, float, str, List[bool], List[int], List[float], List[str]] ] # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods class APIClient: def __init__( self, eventloop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, address: str, port: int, password: Optional[str], *, client_info: str = "aioesphomeapi", keepalive: float = 15.0, zeroconf_instance: ZeroconfInstanceType = None, ): self._params = ConnectionParams( eventloop=eventloop, address=address, port=port, password=password, client_info=client_info, keepalive=keepalive, zeroconf_instance=zeroconf_instance, ) self._connection: Optional[APIConnection] = None self._cached_name: Optional[str] = None @property def address(self) -> str: return self._params.address @property def _log_name(self) -> str: if self._cached_name is not None: return f"{self._cached_name} @ {self.address}" return self.address async def connect( self, on_stop: Optional[Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]] = None, login: bool = False, ) -> None: if self._connection is not None: raise APIConnectionError(f"Already connected to {self._log_name}!") connected = False stopped = False async def _on_stop() -> None: nonlocal stopped if stopped: return stopped = True self._connection = None if connected and on_stop is not None: await on_stop() self._connection = APIConnection(self._params, _on_stop) self._connection.log_name = self._log_name try: await self._connection.connect() if login: await self._connection.login() except APIConnectionError: await _on_stop() raise except Exception as e: await _on_stop() raise APIConnectionError( f"Unexpected error while connecting to {self._log_name}: {e}" ) from e connected = True async def disconnect(self, force: bool = False) -> None: if self._connection is None: return await self._connection.stop(force=force) def _check_connected(self) -> None: if self._connection is None: raise APIConnectionError(f"Not connected to {self._log_name}!") if not self._connection.is_connected: raise APIConnectionError(f"Connection not done for {self._log_name}!") def _check_authenticated(self) -> None: self._check_connected() assert self._connection is not None if not self._connection.is_authenticated: raise APIConnectionError(f"Not authenticated for {self._log_name}!") async def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo: self._check_connected() assert self._connection is not None resp = await self._connection.send_message_await_response( DeviceInfoRequest(), DeviceInfoResponse ) info = DeviceInfo.from_pb(resp) self._cached_name = self._connection.log_name = self._log_name return info async def list_entities_services( self, ) -> Tuple[List[EntityInfo], List[UserService]]: self._check_authenticated() response_types: Dict[Any, Optional[Type[EntityInfo]]] = { ListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse: BinarySensorInfo, ListEntitiesCoverResponse: CoverInfo, ListEntitiesFanResponse: FanInfo, ListEntitiesLightResponse: LightInfo, ListEntitiesNumberResponse: NumberInfo, ListEntitiesSelectResponse: SelectInfo, ListEntitiesSensorResponse: SensorInfo, ListEntitiesSwitchResponse: SwitchInfo, ListEntitiesTextSensorResponse: TextSensorInfo, ListEntitiesServicesResponse: None, ListEntitiesCameraResponse: CameraInfo, ListEntitiesClimateResponse: ClimateInfo, } def do_append(msg: message.Message) -> bool: return isinstance(msg, tuple(response_types.keys())) def do_stop(msg: message.Message) -> bool: return isinstance(msg, ListEntitiesDoneResponse) assert self._connection is not None resp = await self._connection.send_message_await_response_complex( ListEntitiesRequest(), do_append, do_stop, timeout=5 ) entities: List[EntityInfo] = [] services: List[UserService] = [] for msg in resp: if isinstance(msg, ListEntitiesServicesResponse): services.append(UserService.from_pb(msg)) continue cls = None for resp_type, cls in response_types.items(): if isinstance(msg, resp_type): break else: continue assert cls is not None entities.append(cls.from_pb(msg)) return entities, services async def subscribe_states(self, on_state: Callable[[EntityState], None]) -> None: self._check_authenticated() response_types: Dict[Any, Type[EntityState]] = { BinarySensorStateResponse: BinarySensorState, CoverStateResponse: CoverState, FanStateResponse: FanState, LightStateResponse: LightState, NumberStateResponse: NumberState, SelectStateResponse: SelectState, SensorStateResponse: SensorState, SwitchStateResponse: SwitchState, TextSensorStateResponse: TextSensorState, ClimateStateResponse: ClimateState, } image_stream: Dict[int, bytes] = {} def on_msg(msg: message.Message) -> None: if isinstance(msg, CameraImageResponse): data = image_stream.pop(msg.key, bytes()) + if msg.done: # Return CameraState with the merged data on_state(CameraState(key=msg.key, data=data)) else: image_stream[msg.key] = data return for resp_type, cls in response_types.items(): if isinstance(msg, resp_type): break else: return # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable on_state(cls.from_pb(msg)) assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeStatesRequest(), on_msg ) async def subscribe_logs( self, on_log: Callable[[SubscribeLogsResponse], None], log_level: Optional[LogLevel] = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() def on_msg(msg: message.Message) -> None: if isinstance(msg, SubscribeLogsResponse): on_log(msg) req = SubscribeLogsRequest() if log_level is not None: req.level = log_level assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message_callback_response(req, on_msg) async def subscribe_service_calls( self, on_service_call: Callable[[HomeassistantServiceCall], None] ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() def on_msg(msg: message.Message) -> None: if isinstance(msg, HomeassistantServiceResponse): on_service_call(HomeassistantServiceCall.from_pb(msg)) assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeHomeassistantServicesRequest(), on_msg ) async def subscribe_home_assistant_states( self, on_state_sub: Callable[[str, Optional[str]], None] ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() def on_msg(msg: message.Message) -> None: if isinstance(msg, SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse): on_state_sub(msg.entity_id, msg.attribute) assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message_callback_response( SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest(), on_msg ) async def send_home_assistant_state( self, entity_id: str, attribute: Optional[str], state: str ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message( HomeAssistantStateResponse( entity_id=entity_id, state=state, attribute=attribute, ) ) async def cover_command( self, key: int, position: Optional[float] = None, tilt: Optional[float] = None, stop: bool = False, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = CoverCommandRequest() req.key = key apiv = cast(APIVersion, self.api_version) if apiv >= APIVersion(1, 1): if position is not None: req.has_position = True req.position = position if tilt is not None: req.has_tilt = True req.tilt = tilt if stop: req.stop = stop else: if stop: req.legacy_command = LegacyCoverCommand.STOP req.has_legacy_command = True elif position == 1.0: req.legacy_command = LegacyCoverCommand.OPEN req.has_legacy_command = True elif position == 0.0: req.legacy_command = LegacyCoverCommand.CLOSE req.has_legacy_command = True assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def fan_command( self, key: int, state: Optional[bool] = None, speed: Optional[FanSpeed] = None, speed_level: Optional[int] = None, oscillating: Optional[bool] = None, direction: Optional[FanDirection] = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = FanCommandRequest() req.key = key if state is not None: req.has_state = True req.state = state if speed is not None: req.has_speed = True req.speed = speed if speed_level is not None: req.has_speed_level = True req.speed_level = speed_level if oscillating is not None: req.has_oscillating = True req.oscillating = oscillating if direction is not None: req.has_direction = True req.direction = direction assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def light_command( self, key: int, state: Optional[bool] = None, brightness: Optional[float] = None, color_mode: Optional[LightColorMode] = None, color_brightness: Optional[float] = None, rgb: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, white: Optional[float] = None, color_temperature: Optional[float] = None, cold_white: Optional[float] = None, warm_white: Optional[float] = None, transition_length: Optional[float] = None, flash_length: Optional[float] = None, effect: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = LightCommandRequest() req.key = key if state is not None: req.has_state = True req.state = state if brightness is not None: req.has_brightness = True req.brightness = brightness if color_mode is not None: req.has_color_mode = True req.color_mode = color_mode if color_brightness is not None: req.has_color_brightness = True req.color_brightness = color_brightness if rgb is not None: req.has_rgb = True = rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] if white is not None: req.has_white = True req.white = white if color_temperature is not None: req.has_color_temperature = True req.color_temperature = color_temperature if cold_white is not None: req.has_cold_white = True req.cold_white = cold_white if warm_white is not None: req.has_warm_white = True req.warm_white = warm_white if transition_length is not None: req.has_transition_length = True req.transition_length = int(round(transition_length * 1000)) if flash_length is not None: req.has_flash_length = True req.flash_length = int(round(flash_length * 1000)) if effect is not None: req.has_effect = True req.effect = effect assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def switch_command(self, key: int, state: bool) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = SwitchCommandRequest() req.key = key req.state = state assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def climate_command( self, key: int, mode: Optional[ClimateMode] = None, target_temperature: Optional[float] = None, target_temperature_low: Optional[float] = None, target_temperature_high: Optional[float] = None, fan_mode: Optional[ClimateFanMode] = None, swing_mode: Optional[ClimateSwingMode] = None, custom_fan_mode: Optional[str] = None, preset: Optional[ClimatePreset] = None, custom_preset: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = ClimateCommandRequest() req.key = key if mode is not None: req.has_mode = True req.mode = mode if target_temperature is not None: req.has_target_temperature = True req.target_temperature = target_temperature if target_temperature_low is not None: req.has_target_temperature_low = True req.target_temperature_low = target_temperature_low if target_temperature_high is not None: req.has_target_temperature_high = True req.target_temperature_high = target_temperature_high if fan_mode is not None: req.has_fan_mode = True req.fan_mode = fan_mode if swing_mode is not None: req.has_swing_mode = True req.swing_mode = swing_mode if custom_fan_mode is not None: req.has_custom_fan_mode = True req.custom_fan_mode = custom_fan_mode if preset is not None: apiv = cast(APIVersion, self.api_version) if apiv < APIVersion(1, 5): req.has_legacy_away = True req.legacy_away = preset == ClimatePreset.AWAY else: req.has_preset = True req.preset = preset if custom_preset is not None: req.has_custom_preset = True req.custom_preset = custom_preset assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def number_command(self, key: int, state: float) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = NumberCommandRequest() req.key = key req.state = state assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def select_command(self, key: int, state: str) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = SelectCommandRequest() req.key = key req.state = state assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def execute_service( self, service: UserService, data: ExecuteServiceDataType ) -> None: self._check_authenticated() req = ExecuteServiceRequest() req.key = service.key args = [] for arg_desc in service.args: arg = ExecuteServiceArgument() val = data[] apiv = cast(APIVersion, self.api_version) int_type = "int_" if apiv >= APIVersion(1, 3) else "legacy_int" map_single = { UserServiceArgType.BOOL: "bool_", UserServiceArgType.INT: int_type, UserServiceArgType.FLOAT: "float_", UserServiceArgType.STRING: "string_", } map_array = { UserServiceArgType.BOOL_ARRAY: "bool_array", UserServiceArgType.INT_ARRAY: "int_array", UserServiceArgType.FLOAT_ARRAY: "float_array", UserServiceArgType.STRING_ARRAY: "string_array", } if arg_desc.type in map_array: attr = getattr(arg, map_array[arg_desc.type]) attr.extend(val) else: assert arg_desc.type in map_single setattr(arg, map_single[arg_desc.type], val) args.append(arg) # pylint: disable=no-member req.args.extend(args) assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def _request_image( self, *, single: bool = False, stream: bool = False ) -> None: req = CameraImageRequest() req.single = single = stream assert self._connection is not None await self._connection.send_message(req) async def request_single_image(self) -> None: await self._request_image(single=True) async def request_image_stream(self) -> None: await self._request_image(stream=True) @property def api_version(self) -> Optional[APIVersion]: if self._connection is None: return None return self._connection.api_version