from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import contextvars import enum import logging import socket import sys import time # After we drop support for Python 3.10, we can use the built-in TimeoutError # instead of the one from asyncio since they are the same in Python 3.11+ from asyncio import CancelledError from asyncio import TimeoutError as asyncio_TimeoutError from import Coroutine from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass from functools import partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable from google.protobuf import message import aioesphomeapi.host_resolver as hr from ._frame_helper import APINoiseFrameHelper, APIPlaintextFrameHelper from .api_pb2 import ( # type: ignore ConnectRequest, ConnectResponse, DisconnectRequest, DisconnectResponse, GetTimeRequest, GetTimeResponse, HelloRequest, HelloResponse, PingRequest, PingResponse, ) from .core import ( MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_PROTO, APIConnectionError, BadNameAPIError, ConnectionNotEstablishedAPIError, HandshakeAPIError, InvalidAuthAPIError, PingFailedAPIError, ProtocolAPIError, ReadFailedAPIError, ResolveAPIError, SocketAPIError, TimeoutAPIError, ) from .model import APIVersion if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 11): from async_timeout import timeout as asyncio_timeout else: from asyncio import timeout as asyncio_timeout _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 2 # Set buffer limit to 2MB DISCONNECT_REQUEST_MESSAGE = DisconnectRequest() DISCONNECT_RESPONSE_MESSAGE = DisconnectResponse() PING_REQUEST_MESSAGE = PingRequest() PING_RESPONSE_MESSAGE = PingResponse() PROTO_TO_MESSAGE_TYPE = {v: k for k, v in MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_PROTO.items()} KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT_RATIO = 4.5 # # We use 4.5x the keep-alive time as the timeout for the pong # since the default ping interval is 20s which is about the time # a device takes to reboot and reconnect to the network making # the maximum time it has to respond to a ping at 90s which is # enough time to know that the device has truly disconnected # from the network. # DISCONNECT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5.0 DISCONNECT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 10.0 HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT = 30.0 RESOLVE_TIMEOUT = 30.0 CONNECT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 30.0 # The connect timeout should be the maximum time we expect the esp to take # to reboot and connect to the network/WiFi. TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60.0 # How long to wait for an existing connection to finish being # setup when requesting a disconnect so we can try to disconnect # gracefully without closing the socket out from under the # the esp device DISCONNECT_WAIT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5.0 in_do_connect: contextvars.ContextVar[bool | None] = contextvars.ContextVar( "in_do_connect" ) _int = int _bytes = bytes _float = float @dataclass class ConnectionParams: address: str port: int password: str | None client_info: str keepalive: float zeroconf_instance: hr.ZeroconfInstanceType noise_psk: str | None expected_name: str | None class ConnectionState(enum.Enum): # The connection is initialized, but connect() wasn't called yet INITIALIZED = 0 # The socket has been opened, but the handshake and login haven't been completed SOCKET_OPENED = 1 # The handshake has been completed, messages can be exchanged HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE = 2 # The connection has been established, authenticated data can be exchanged CONNECTED = 2 CLOSED = 3 class APIConnection: """This class represents _one_ connection to a remote native API device. An instance of this class may only be used once, for every new connection a new instance should be established. """ __slots__ = ( "_params", "on_stop", "_on_stop_task", "_socket", "_frame_helper", "api_version", "connection_state", "_message_handlers", "log_name", "_read_exception_futures", "_ping_timer", "_pong_timer", "_keep_alive_interval", "_keep_alive_timeout", "_start_connect_task", "_finish_connect_task", "_fatal_exception", "_expected_disconnect", "_loop", "_send_pending_ping", "is_connected", "_handshake_complete", "_debug_enabled", ) def __init__( self, params: ConnectionParams, on_stop: Callable[[bool], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]], log_name: str | None = None, ) -> None: self._params = params self.on_stop: Callable[[bool], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] | None = on_stop self._on_stop_task: asyncio.Task[None] | None = None self._socket: socket.socket | None = None self._frame_helper: None | ( APINoiseFrameHelper | APIPlaintextFrameHelper ) = None self.api_version: APIVersion | None = None self.connection_state = ConnectionState.INITIALIZED # Message handlers currently subscribed to incoming messages self._message_handlers: dict[Any, set[Callable[[message.Message], None]]] = {} # The friendly name to show for this connection in the logs self.log_name = log_name or params.address # futures currently subscribed to exceptions in the read task self._read_exception_futures: set[asyncio.Future[None]] = set() self._ping_timer: asyncio.TimerHandle | None = None self._pong_timer: asyncio.TimerHandle | None = None keepalive = params.keepalive self._keep_alive_interval = keepalive self._keep_alive_timeout = keepalive * KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT_RATIO self._start_connect_task: asyncio.Task[None] | None = None self._finish_connect_task: asyncio.Task[None] | None = None self._fatal_exception: Exception | None = None self._expected_disconnect = False self._send_pending_ping = False self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.is_connected = False self._handshake_complete = False self._debug_enabled = partial(_LOGGER.isEnabledFor, logging.DEBUG) def set_log_name(self, name: str) -> None: """Set the friendly log name for this connection.""" self.log_name = name def _cleanup(self) -> None: """Clean up all resources that have been allocated. Safe to call multiple times. """ if self.connection_state is ConnectionState.CLOSED: return was_connected = self.is_connected self._set_connection_state(ConnectionState.CLOSED) _LOGGER.debug("Cleaning up connection to %s", self.log_name) for fut in self._read_exception_futures: if fut.done(): continue err = self._fatal_exception or APIConnectionError("Connection closed") new_exc = err if not isinstance(err, APIConnectionError): new_exc = ReadFailedAPIError("Read failed") new_exc.__cause__ = err fut.set_exception(new_exc) self._read_exception_futures.clear() # If we are being called from do_connect we # need to make sure we don't cancel the task # that called us if self._start_connect_task is not None and not in_do_connect.get(False): self._start_connect_task.cancel("Connection cleanup") self._start_connect_task = None if self._finish_connect_task is not None and not in_do_connect.get(False): self._finish_connect_task.cancel("Connection cleanup") self._finish_connect_task = None if self._frame_helper is not None: self._frame_helper.close() self._frame_helper = None if self._socket is not None: self._socket.close() self._socket = None self._async_cancel_pong_timer() if self._ping_timer is not None: self._ping_timer.cancel() self._ping_timer = None if self.on_stop is not None and was_connected: # Ensure on_stop is called only once self._on_stop_task = asyncio.create_task( self.on_stop(self._expected_disconnect), name=f"{self.log_name} aioesphomeapi connection on_stop", ) self._on_stop_task.add_done_callback(self._remove_on_stop_task) self.on_stop = None def _remove_on_stop_task(self, _fut: asyncio.Future[None]) -> None: """Remove the stop task. We need to do this because the asyncio does not hold a strong reference to the task, so it can be garbage collected unexpectedly. """ self._on_stop_task = None async def _connect_resolve_host(self) -> hr.AddrInfo: """Step 1 in connect process: resolve the address.""" try: async with asyncio_timeout(RESOLVE_TIMEOUT): return await hr.async_resolve_host( self._params.address, self._params.port, self._params.zeroconf_instance, ) except asyncio_TimeoutError as err: raise ResolveAPIError( f"Timeout while resolving IP address for {self.log_name}" ) from err async def _connect_socket_connect(self, addr: hr.AddrInfo) -> None: """Step 2 in connect process: connect the socket.""" debug_enable = self._debug_enabled() sock = socket.socket(, type=addr.type, proto=addr.proto) self._socket = sock sock.setblocking(False) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) # Try to reduce the pressure on esphome device as it measures # ram in bytes and we measure ram in megabytes. try: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, BUFFER_SIZE) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Failed to set socket receive buffer size: %s", self.log_name, err, ) if debug_enable is True: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Connecting to %s:%s (%s)", self.log_name, self._params.address, self._params.port, addr, ) sockaddr = astuple(addr.sockaddr) try: async with asyncio_timeout(TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT): await self._loop.sock_connect(sock, sockaddr) except asyncio_TimeoutError as err: raise SocketAPIError(f"Timeout while connecting to {sockaddr}") from err except OSError as err: raise SocketAPIError(f"Error connecting to {sockaddr}: {err}") from err if debug_enable is True: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Opened socket to %s:%s (%s)", self.log_name, self._params.address, self._params.port, addr, ) async def _connect_init_frame_helper(self) -> None: """Step 3 in connect process: initialize the frame helper and init read loop.""" fh: APIPlaintextFrameHelper | APINoiseFrameHelper loop = self._loop assert self._socket is not None if (noise_psk := self._params.noise_psk) is None: _, fh = await loop.create_connection( # type: ignore[type-var] lambda: APIPlaintextFrameHelper( on_pkt=self._process_packet, on_error=self._report_fatal_error, client_info=self._params.client_info, log_name=self.log_name, ), sock=self._socket, ) else: _, fh = await loop.create_connection( # type: ignore[type-var] lambda: APINoiseFrameHelper( noise_psk=noise_psk, expected_name=self._params.expected_name, on_pkt=self._process_packet, on_error=self._report_fatal_error, client_info=self._params.client_info, log_name=self.log_name, ), sock=self._socket, ) # Set the frame helper right away to ensure # the socket gets closed if we fail to handshake self._frame_helper = fh try: await fh.perform_handshake(HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT) except asyncio_TimeoutError as err: raise TimeoutAPIError("Handshake timed out") from err except OSError as err: raise HandshakeAPIError(f"Handshake failed: {err}") from err self._set_connection_state(ConnectionState.HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE) def _make_hello_request(self) -> HelloRequest: """Make a HelloRequest.""" hello = HelloRequest() hello.client_info = self._params.client_info hello.api_version_major = 1 hello.api_version_minor = 9 return hello async def _connect_hello_login(self, login: bool) -> None: """Step 4 in connect process: send hello and login and get api version.""" messages = [self._make_hello_request()] msg_types = [HelloResponse] if login: messages.append(self._make_connect_request()) msg_types.append(ConnectResponse) try: responses = await self.send_messages_await_response_complex( tuple(messages), None, lambda resp: type(resp) # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck is msg_types[-1], tuple(msg_types), CONNECT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ) except TimeoutAPIError as err: self._report_fatal_error(err) raise TimeoutAPIError("Hello timed out") from err resp = responses.pop(0) self._process_hello_resp(resp) if login: login_response = responses.pop(0) self._process_login_response(login_response) def _process_login_response(self, login_response: ConnectResponse) -> None: """Process a ConnectResponse.""" if login_response.invalid_password: raise InvalidAuthAPIError("Invalid password!") def _process_hello_resp(self, resp: HelloResponse) -> None: """Process a HelloResponse.""" _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Successfully connected ('%s' API=%s.%s)", self.log_name, resp.server_info, resp.api_version_major, resp.api_version_minor, ) api_version = APIVersion(resp.api_version_major, resp.api_version_minor) if api_version.major > 2: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Incompatible version %s! Closing connection", self.log_name, api_version.major, ) raise APIConnectionError("Incompatible API version.") self.api_version = api_version expected_name = self._params.expected_name received_name = if ( expected_name is not None and received_name != "" and received_name != expected_name ): raise BadNameAPIError( f"Expected '{expected_name}' but server sent " f"a different name: '{received_name}'", received_name, ) def _async_schedule_keep_alive(self, now: _float) -> None: """Start the keep alive task.""" self._send_pending_ping = True self._ping_timer = self._loop.call_at( now + self._keep_alive_interval, self._async_send_keep_alive ) def _async_send_keep_alive(self) -> None: """Send a keep alive message.""" if not self.is_connected: return loop = self._loop now = loop.time() if self._send_pending_ping: self.send_message(PING_REQUEST_MESSAGE) if self._pong_timer is None: # Do not reset the timer if it's already set # since the only thing we want to reset the timer # is if we receive a pong. self._pong_timer = loop.call_at( now + self._keep_alive_timeout, self._async_pong_not_received ) elif self._debug_enabled() is True: # # We haven't reached the ping response (pong) timeout yet # and we haven't seen a response to the last ping # # We send another ping in case the device has # rebooted and dropped the connection without telling # us to force a TCP RST aka connection reset by peer. # _LOGGER.debug( "%s: PingResponse (pong) was not received " "since last keep alive after %s seconds; " "rescheduling keep alive", self.log_name, self._keep_alive_interval, ) self._async_schedule_keep_alive(now) def _async_cancel_pong_timer(self) -> None: """Cancel the pong timer.""" if self._pong_timer is not None: self._pong_timer.cancel() self._pong_timer = None def _async_pong_not_received(self) -> None: """Ping not received.""" if not self.is_connected: return _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Ping response not received after %s seconds", self.log_name, self._keep_alive_timeout, ) self._report_fatal_error( PingFailedAPIError( f"Ping response not received after {self._keep_alive_timeout} seconds" ) ) async def _do_connect(self) -> None: """Do the actual connect process.""" in_do_connect.set(True) addr = await self._connect_resolve_host() await self._connect_socket_connect(addr) async def start_connection(self) -> None: """Start the connection process. This part of the process establishes the socket connection but does not initialize the frame helper or send the hello message. """ if self.connection_state != ConnectionState.INITIALIZED: raise ValueError( "Connection can only be used once, connection is not in init state" ) start_connect_task = asyncio.create_task( self._do_connect(), name=f"{self.log_name}: aioesphomeapi do_connect" ) self._start_connect_task = start_connect_task try: await start_connect_task except (Exception, CancelledError) as ex: # If the task was cancelled, we need to clean up the connection # and raise the CancelledError as APIConnectionError self._cleanup() if not isinstance(ex, APIConnectionError): cause: Exception | None = None if isinstance(ex, CancelledError): err_str = "Starting connection cancelled" if self._fatal_exception: err_str += f" due to fatal exception: {self._fatal_exception}" cause = self._fatal_exception else: err_str = str(ex) or type(ex).__name__ new_exc = APIConnectionError( f"Error while starting connection: {err_str}" ) new_exc.__cause__ = cause or ex raise new_exc raise ex finally: self._start_connect_task = None self._set_connection_state(ConnectionState.SOCKET_OPENED) async def _do_finish_connect(self, login: bool) -> None: """Finish the connection process.""" in_do_connect.set(True) await self._connect_init_frame_helper() self._register_internal_message_handlers() await self._connect_hello_login(login) self._async_schedule_keep_alive(self._loop.time()) async def finish_connection(self, *, login: bool) -> None: """Finish the connection process. This part of the process initializes the frame helper and sends the hello message than starts the keep alive process. """ if self.connection_state != ConnectionState.SOCKET_OPENED: raise ValueError( "Connection must be in SOCKET_OPENED state to finish connection" ) finish_connect_task = asyncio.create_task( self._do_finish_connect(login), name=f"{self.log_name}: aioesphomeapi _do_finish_connect", ) self._finish_connect_task = finish_connect_task try: await self._finish_connect_task except (Exception, CancelledError) as ex: # If the task was cancelled, we need to clean up the connection # and raise the CancelledError as APIConnectionError self._cleanup() if not isinstance(ex, APIConnectionError): cause: Exception | None = None if isinstance(ex, CancelledError): err_str = "Finishing connection cancelled" if self._fatal_exception: err_str += f" due to fatal exception: {self._fatal_exception}" cause = self._fatal_exception else: err_str = str(ex) or type(ex).__name__ cause = ex new_exc = APIConnectionError( f"Error while finishing connection: {err_str}" ) new_exc.__cause__ = cause or ex raise new_exc raise ex finally: self._finish_connect_task = None self._set_connection_state(ConnectionState.CONNECTED) def _set_connection_state(self, state: ConnectionState) -> None: """Set the connection state and log the change.""" self.connection_state = state self.is_connected = state is ConnectionState.CONNECTED self._handshake_complete = state is ConnectionState.HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE def _make_connect_request(self) -> ConnectRequest: """Make a ConnectRequest.""" connect = ConnectRequest() if self._params.password is not None: connect.password = self._params.password return connect def _send_messages(self, messages: tuple[message.Message, ...]) -> None: """Send a message to the remote. Currently this is a wrapper around send_message but may be changed in the future to batch messages together. """ for msg in messages: self.send_message(msg) def send_message(self, msg: message.Message) -> None: """Send a protobuf message to the remote.""" if not self._handshake_complete: if in_do_connect.get(False): # If we are in the do_connect task, we can't raise an error # because it would obscure the original exception (ie encrypt error). _LOGGER.debug("%s: Connection isn't established yet", self.log_name) return raise ConnectionNotEstablishedAPIError( f"Connection isn't established yet ({self.connection_state})" ) msg_type = type(msg) if (message_type := PROTO_TO_MESSAGE_TYPE.get(msg_type)) is None: raise ValueError(f"Message type id not found for type {msg_type}") if self._debug_enabled() is True: _LOGGER.debug("%s: Sending %s: %s", self.log_name, msg_type.__name__, msg) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._frame_helper is not None encoded = msg.SerializeToString() try: self._frame_helper.write_packet(message_type, encoded) except SocketAPIError as err: # If writing packet fails, we don't know what state the frames # are in anymore and we have to close the connection"%s: Error writing packet: %s", self.log_name, err) self._report_fatal_error(err) raise def _add_message_callback_without_remove( self, on_message: Callable[[Any], None], msg_types: tuple[type[Any], ...] ) -> None: """Add a message callback without returning a remove callable.""" message_handlers = self._message_handlers for msg_type in msg_types: if (handlers := message_handlers.get(msg_type)) is None: message_handlers[msg_type] = {on_message} else: handlers.add(on_message) def add_message_callback( self, on_message: Callable[[Any], None], msg_types: tuple[type[Any], ...] ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Add a message callback.""" self._add_message_callback_without_remove(on_message, msg_types) return partial(self._remove_message_callback, on_message, msg_types) def _remove_message_callback( self, on_message: Callable[[Any], None], msg_types: tuple[type[Any], ...] ) -> None: """Remove a message callback.""" message_handlers = self._message_handlers for msg_type in msg_types: handlers = message_handlers[msg_type] handlers.discard(on_message) def send_message_callback_response( self, send_msg: message.Message, on_message: Callable[[Any], None], msg_types: tuple[type[Any], ...], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Send a message to the remote and register the given message handler.""" self.send_message(send_msg) # Since we do not return control to the event loop (no awaits) # between sending the message and registering the handler # we can be sure that we will not miss any messages even though # we register the handler after sending the message return self.add_message_callback(on_message, msg_types) def _handle_timeout(self, fut: asyncio.Future[None]) -> None: """Handle a timeout.""" if fut.done(): return fut.set_exception(asyncio_TimeoutError) def _handle_complex_message( self, fut: asyncio.Future[None], responses: list[message.Message], do_append: Callable[[message.Message], bool] | None, do_stop: Callable[[message.Message], bool] | None, resp: message.Message, ) -> None: """Handle a message that is part of a response.""" if fut.done(): return if do_append is None or do_append(resp): responses.append(resp) if do_stop is None or do_stop(resp): fut.set_result(None) async def send_messages_await_response_complex( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, messages: tuple[message.Message, ...], do_append: Callable[[message.Message], bool] | None, do_stop: Callable[[message.Message], bool] | None, msg_types: tuple[type[Any], ...], timeout: float = 10.0, ) -> list[message.Message]: """Send a message to the remote and build up a list response. :param send_msg: The message (request) to send. :param do_append: Predicate to check if a received message is part of the response. :param do_stop: Predicate to check if a received message is the stop response. :param timeout: The maximum amount of time to wait for the stop response. :raises TimeoutAPIError: if a timeout occurred """ # Send the message right away to reduce latency. # This is safe because we are not awaiting between # sending the message and registering the handler self._send_messages(messages) loop = self._loop # Unsafe to await between sending the message and registering the handler fut: asyncio.Future[None] = loop.create_future() responses: list[message.Message] = [] handler = self._handle_complex_message on_message = partial(handler, fut, responses, do_append, do_stop) read_exception_futures = self._read_exception_futures self._add_message_callback_without_remove(on_message, msg_types) read_exception_futures.add(fut) # Now safe to await since we have registered the handler # We must not await without a finally or # the message could fail to be removed if the # the await is cancelled timeout_handle = loop.call_at(loop.time() + timeout, self._handle_timeout, fut) timeout_expired = False try: await fut except asyncio_TimeoutError as err: timeout_expired = True response_names = ", ".join(t.__name__ for t in msg_types) raise TimeoutAPIError( f"Timeout waiting for {response_names} after {timeout}s" ) from err finally: if not timeout_expired: timeout_handle.cancel() self._remove_message_callback(on_message, msg_types) read_exception_futures.discard(fut) return responses async def send_message_await_response( self, send_msg: message.Message, response_type: Any, timeout: float = 10.0 ) -> Any: [response] = await self.send_messages_await_response_complex( (send_msg,), None, # we will only get responses of `response_type` None, # we will only get responses of `response_type` (response_type,), timeout, ) return response def _report_fatal_error(self, err: Exception) -> None: """Report a fatal error that occurred during an operation. This should only be called for errors that mean the connection can no longer be used. The connection will be closed, all exception handlers notified. This method does not log the error, the call site should do so. """ if self._expected_disconnect is False and not self._fatal_exception: # Only log the first error _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Connection error occurred: %s", self.log_name, err or type(err), exc_info=not str(err), # Log the full stack on empty error string ) self._fatal_exception = err self._cleanup() def _process_packet(self, msg_type_proto: _int, data: _bytes) -> None: """Factory to make a packet processor.""" if (klass := MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_PROTO.get(msg_type_proto)) is None: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Skipping message type %s", self.log_name, msg_type_proto, ) return try: msg = klass() # MergeFromString instead of ParseFromString since # ParseFromString will clear the message first and # the msg is already empty. msg.MergeFromString(data) except Exception as e: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Invalid protobuf message: type=%s data=%s: %s", self.log_name, msg_type_proto, data, e, exc_info=True, ) self._report_fatal_error( ProtocolAPIError( f"Invalid protobuf message: type={msg_type_proto} data={data!r}: {e}" ) ) raise msg_type = type(msg) if self._debug_enabled() is True: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Got message of type %s: %s", self.log_name, msg_type.__name__, msg, ) if self._pong_timer is not None: # Any valid message from the remote cancels the pong timer # as we know the connection is still alive self._async_cancel_pong_timer() if self._send_pending_ping: # Any valid message from the remove cancels the pending ping # since we know the connection is still alive self._send_pending_ping = False if (handlers := self._message_handlers.get(msg_type)) is not None: handlers_copy = handlers.copy() for handler in handlers_copy: handler(msg) def _register_internal_message_handlers(self) -> None: """Register internal message handlers.""" self._add_message_callback_without_remove( self._handle_disconnect_request_internal, (DisconnectRequest,) ) self._add_message_callback_without_remove( self._handle_ping_request_internal, (PingRequest,) ) self._add_message_callback_without_remove( self._handle_get_time_request_internal, (GetTimeRequest,) ) def _handle_disconnect_request_internal( # pylint: disable=unused-argument self, _msg: DisconnectRequest ) -> None: """Handle a DisconnectRequest.""" self.send_message(DISCONNECT_RESPONSE_MESSAGE) self._expected_disconnect = True self._cleanup() def _handle_ping_request_internal( # pylint: disable=unused-argument self, _msg: PingRequest ) -> None: """Handle a PingRequest.""" self.send_message(PING_RESPONSE_MESSAGE) def _handle_get_time_request_internal( # pylint: disable=unused-argument self, _msg: GetTimeRequest ) -> None: """Handle a GetTimeRequest.""" resp = GetTimeResponse() resp.epoch_seconds = int(time.time()) self.send_message(resp) async def disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect from the API.""" if self._finish_connect_task: # Try to wait for the handshake to finish so we can send # a disconnect request. If it doesn't finish in time # we will just close the socket. _, pending = await asyncio.wait( [self._finish_connect_task], timeout=DISCONNECT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) if pending: self._fatal_exception = TimeoutAPIError( "Timed out waiting to finish connect before disconnecting" ) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Connect task didn't finish before disconnect", self.log_name, ) self._expected_disconnect = True if self._handshake_complete: # We still want to send a disconnect request even # if the hello phase isn't finished to ensure we # the esp will clean up the connection as soon # as possible. try: await self.send_message_await_response( DISCONNECT_REQUEST_MESSAGE, DisconnectResponse, timeout=DISCONNECT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, ) except APIConnectionError as err: _LOGGER.error("%s: disconnect request failed: %s", self.log_name, err) self._cleanup() async def force_disconnect(self) -> None: """Forcefully disconnect from the API.""" self._expected_disconnect = True if self._handshake_complete: # Still try to tell the esp to disconnect gracefully # but don't wait for it to finish try: self.send_message(DISCONNECT_REQUEST_MESSAGE) except APIConnectionError as err: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Failed to send (forced) disconnect request: %s", self.log_name, err, ) self._cleanup()