--- - name: Install dependencies package: name: "{{ item }}" state: "present" loop: "{{ acme_sh_dependencies }}" when: not acme_sh_uninstall - name: Create git clone path file: path: "{{ acme_sh_git_clone_dest | dirname }}" state: "directory" owner: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" group: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" mode: "0755" when: not acme_sh_uninstall - name: Git clone https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh git: repo: "{{ acme_sh_git_url }}" version: "{{ acme_sh_git_version }}" dest: "{{ acme_sh_git_clone_dest }}" update: "{{ acme_sh_git_update }}" when: not acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Install acme.sh command: >- ./acme.sh --install --log --days {{ acme_sh_renew_time_in_days }} {{ "--accountemail " + acme_sh_account_email if acme_sh_account_email else "" }} args: chdir: "{{ acme_sh_git_clone_dest }}" creates: "~/.acme.sh/acme.sh" when: not acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Determine if acme.sh is installed stat: path: "~/.acme.sh/acme.sh" register: is_acme_sh_installed become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Upgrade acme.sh command: ./acme.sh --upgrade args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" when: - acme_sh_upgrade - is_acme_sh_installed.stat.exists - not acme_sh_uninstall register: upgrade_result changed_when: upgrade_result.rc == 0 and "Upgrade success" in upgrade_result.stdout become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Create certificate path file: path: "{{ acme_sh_copy_certs_to_path }}" state: "directory" owner: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" group: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" mode: "0755" when: not acme_sh_uninstall - name: Uninstall acme.sh and disable all certificate renewals command: ./acme.sh --uninstall args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" when: - acme_sh_uninstall - is_acme_sh_installed.stat.exists become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Remove acme.sh certificate(s) renewals from cron job command: >- ./acme.sh --remove -d {{ item.domains | first }} {{ "--debug" if item.debug | default(acme_sh_default_debug) else "" }} args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" removes: "~/.acme.sh/{{ item.domains | first }}" loop: "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.remove is defined and item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" register: remove_result - name: Remove acme.sh internal certificate files file: path: "~/.acme.sh/{{ item.domains | first }}" state: "absent" when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.remove is defined and item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall loop: "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Remove acme.sh installed certificate files file: path: "{{ acme_sh_copy_certs_to_path }}/{{ item.domains | first }}*" state: "absent" loop: "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.remove is defined and item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall - name: Remove acme.sh's cloned source code, installation path and log files file: path: "{{ item }}" state: "absent" loop: - "{{ acme_sh_git_clone_dest }}" - "~/.acme.sh" when: - acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Run custom acme.sh command command: ./acme.sh {{ item.custom_command }} args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" environment: "{{ item.dns_provider_api_keys | default(acme_sh_default_dns_provider_api_keys) }}" loop: "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.dns_provider | default(acme_sh_default_dns_provider) - item.dns_provider_api_keys | default(acme_sh_default_dns_provider_api_keys) - item.custom_command is defined and item.custom_command - item.remove is undefined or not item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: Issue acme.sh certificate(s) (this will sleep for dns_sleep seconds) command: >- ./acme.sh --issue -d {{ item.domains | join(" -d ") }} --dns {{ item.dns_provider | default(acme_sh_default_dns_provider) }} --dnssleep {{ item.dns_sleep | default(acme_sh_default_dns_sleep) }} {{ "--force" if item.force_issue | default(acme_sh_default_force_issue) else "" }} {{ "--staging" if item.staging | default(acme_sh_default_staging) else "" }} {{ "--debug" if item.debug | default(acme_sh_default_debug) else "" }} {{ "--pre-hook " + '"' + item.issue_pre_hook | default(acme_sh_default_issue_pre_hook) + '"' if item.issue_pre_hook | default(acme_sh_default_issue_pre_hook) else "" }} {{ "--post-hook " + '"' + item.issue_post_hook | default(acme_sh_default_issue_post_hook) + '"' if item.issue_post_hook | default(acme_sh_default_issue_post_hook) else "" }} {{ "--renew-hook " + '"' + item.issue_renew_hook | default(acme_sh_default_issue_renew_hook) + '"' if item.issue_renew_hook | default(acme_sh_default_issue_renew_hook) else "" }} {{ item.extra_flags_issue | default(acme_sh_default_extra_flags_issue) }} args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" environment: "{{ item.dns_provider_api_keys | default(acme_sh_default_dns_provider_api_keys) }}" loop: "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.dns_provider | default(acme_sh_default_dns_provider) - item.dns_provider_api_keys | default(acme_sh_default_dns_provider_api_keys) - item.force_renew is undefined or not item.force_renew - item.custom_command is undefined or not item.custom_command - item.remove is undefined or not item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" register: issue_result changed_when: issue_result.rc == 0 and "Cert success" in issue_result.stdout failed_when: issue_result.rc != 0 and "Domains not changed" not in issue_result.stdout - name: Force renew acme.sh certificate(s) command: >- ./acme.sh --renew -d {{ item.domains | first }} --force {{ "--debug" if item.debug | default(acme_sh_default_debug) else "" }} {{ item.extra_flags_renew | default(acme_sh_default_extra_flags_renew) }} args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" loop: "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.force_issue is undefined or not item.force_issue - item.force_renew is defined and item.force_renew - item.remove is undefined or not item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" register: renew_result failed_when: renew_result.rc != 0 and "Reload error for" not in renew_result.stderr - name: Ensure installed certificates have correct user / group ownership file: path: "{{ acme_sh_copy_certs_to_path }}/{{ item.domains | first }}*" group: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" owner: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" loop: - "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.custom_command is undefined or not item.custom_command - item.remove is undefined or not item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall - name: Install acme.sh certificate(s) command: >- ./acme.sh --install-cert -d {{ item.domains | first }} --key-file {{ acme_sh_copy_certs_to_path }}/{{ item.domains | first }}.key --fullchain-file {{ acme_sh_copy_certs_to_path }}/{{ item.domains | first }}.pem --reloadcmd "{{ item.install_cert_reloadcmd | default(acme_sh_default_install_cert_reloadcmd) }}" {{ "--debug" if item.debug | default(acme_sh_default_debug) else "" }} {{ item.extra_flags_install_cert | default(acme_sh_default_extra_flags_install_cert) }} args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" loop: "{{ acme_sh_domains }}" loop_control: index_var: domains_index when: - acme_sh_domains and item.domains is defined and item.domains - item.custom_command is undefined or not item.custom_command - item.remove is undefined or not item.remove - not acme_sh_uninstall become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" register: install_cert_result changed_when: issue_result.results[domains_index].changed or renew_result.results[domains_index].changed failed_when: install_cert_result.rc != 0 and "Reload error for" not in install_cert_result.stderr - name: Register acme.sh certificate information command: ./acme.sh --list args: chdir: "~/.acme.sh" when: acme_sh_list_domains and not acme_sh_uninstall changed_when: False register: list_domains become_user: "{{ acme_sh_become_user }}" - name: List acme.sh certificate information debug: msg: "{{ list_domains.stdout_lines }}" when: acme_sh_list_domains and not acme_sh_uninstall