--- - name: download minio server get_url: url: "{{ minio_server_download_url }}" dest: "{{ minio_server_bin }}" owner: "{{ minio_user }}" group: "{{ minio_group }}" mode: 0755 - name: generate the minio server envfile template: src: minio_env.j2 dest: "{{ minio_server_envfile }}" notify: restart minio - name: create the minio server systemd config template: src: minio.service.j2 dest: "{{ systemd_units_dir }}/minio.service" when: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd" - name: create the minio server upstart config template: src: minio.upstart.j2 dest: "{{ upstart_conf_dir }}/minio.conf" when: ansible_service_mgr == "upstart" - name: enable and start the minio service service: name: minio state: started enabled: yes