Ansible Role: Minio =================== [![Build Status](]( Install and configure the [Minio]( S3 compatible object storage server on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu. Requirements ------------ None. Role Variables -------------- Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`): minio_server_bin: /usr/local/bin/minio minio_client_bin: /usr/local/bin/mc Installation path of the Minio server and client binaries. minio_user: minio minio_group: minio Name and group of the user running the minio server. **NB**: This role automatically creates the minio user and/or group if these does not exist in the system. minio_server_envfile: /etc/default/minio Path to the file containing the minio server configuration ENV variables. minio_server_addr: ":9091" The Minio server listen address. minio_server_datadirs: [ ] Directories of the folder containing the minio server data **NB**: This variable must always be set by the role, otherwise the minio service will not start. minio_server_opts: "" Additional CLI options that must be appended to the minio server start command. minio_access_key: "" minio_secret_key: "" Minio access and secret keys. minio_install_server: false minio_install_client: false Switches to disable minio server and/or minio client installation. Dependencies ------------ None. Example Playbook ---------------- $ cat playbook.yml - name: "Install Minio" hosts: all roles: - { role: atosatto.minio, minio_server_datadirs: [ "/tmp" ] } License ------- MIT