feat(systemd): unit file allows environment variables to be defined #164

This commit is contained in:
Xan Manning 2021-12-19 18:59:42 +00:00
parent dd341f6f10
commit 0c77eb143d
3 changed files with 32 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -88,17 +88,23 @@ The below variables change how and when the systemd service unit file for K3S
is run. Use this with caution, please refer to the [systemd documentation](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html#%5BUnit%5D%20Section%20Options)
for more information.
| Variable | Description | Default Value |
| `k3s_start_on_boot` | Start k3s on boot. | `true` |
| `k3s_service_requires` | List of required systemd units to k3s service unit. | [] |
| `k3s_service_wants` | List of "wanted" systemd unit to k3s (weaker than "requires"). | []\* |
| `k3s_service_before` | Start k3s before a defined list of systemd units. | [] |
| `k3s_service_after` | Start k3s after a defined list of systemd units. | []\* |
| Variable | Description | Default Value |
| `k3s_start_on_boot` | Start k3s on boot. | `true` |
| `k3s_service_requires` | List of required systemd units to k3s service unit. | [] |
| `k3s_service_wants` | List of "wanted" systemd unit to k3s (weaker than "requires"). | []\* |
| `k3s_service_before` | Start k3s before a defined list of systemd units. | [] |
| `k3s_service_after` | Start k3s after a defined list of systemd units. | []\* |
| `k3s_service_env_vars` | Dictionary of environment variables to use within systemd unit file. | {} |
| `k3s_service_env_file` | Location on host of a environment file to include. | `false`\*\* |
\* The systemd unit template **always** specifies `network-online.target` for
`wants` and `after`.
\*\* The file must already exist on the target host, this role will not create
nor manage the file. You can manage this file outside of the role with
pre-tasks in your Ansible playbook.
### Group/Host Variables
Below are variables that are set against individual or groups of play hosts.

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@ -91,6 +91,17 @@ k3s_service_before: []
# Start k3s after a defined list of systemd units.
k3s_service_after: []
# Dictionary of environment variables to use within systemd unit file
# Some examples below
k3s_service_env_vars: {}
# PATH: /opt/k3s/bin
# GOGC: 10
# Location on host of a environment file to include. This must already exist on
# the target as this role will not populate this file.
k3s_service_env_file: false
# Server Configuration

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@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ After={{ after_unit }}
Type={{ 'notify' if k3s_control_node else 'exec' }}
{% if k3s_service_env_vars is defined and k3s_service_env_vars is iterable %}
{% for env_var, env_value in k3s_service_env_vars %}
Environent={{ env_var }}={{ env_value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if k3s_service_env_file is defined and k3s_service_env_file %}
EnvironmentFile={{ k3s_service_env_file }}
{% endif %}
ExecStartPre=-/sbin/modprobe br_netfilter
ExecStartPre=-/sbin/modprobe overlay
{% filter regex_replace('\s+', ' ') %}