#!/sbin/openrc-run depend() { after network-online want cgroups } start_pre() { rm -f /tmp/k3s.* } supervisor=supervise-daemon name="k3s" command="{{ k3s_install_dir }}/k3s" command_args="{% filter regex_replace('\s+', ' ') %} {% filter replace('\n', ' ') %} {% if k3s_debug is defined and k3s_debug %} --debug {% endif %} {% if k3s_control_node %} server {% if (k3s_etcd_datastore is defined and k3s_etcd_datastore) and (k3s_primary_control_node is not defined or not k3s_primary_control_node) and k3s_controller_list | length > 1 %} --server https://{{ k3s_registration_address }}:{{ k3s_control_plane_port | default(6443) | string }} {% endif %} {% if k3s_server is defined %} --config {{ k3s_config_file }} {% endif %} {% if not k3s_primary_control_node or k3s_control_token is defined %} --token-file {{ k3s_token_location }} {% endif %} {% else %} agent --server https://{{ k3s_registration_address }}:{{ k3s_control_plane_port | default(6443) | string }} --token-file {{ k3s_token_location }} {% if k3s_agent is defined %} --config {{ k3s_config_file }} {% endif %} {% endif %} >>/var/log/k3s.log 2>&1" {% endfilter %} {% endfilter %} output_log="/var/log/k3s.log" error_log="/var/log/k3s.log" pidfile="/var/run/k3s.pid" respawn_delay=5 respawn_max=0