--- - name: Ensure target host architecture information is set as a fact set_fact: k3s_arch: "{{ k3s_arch_lookup[ansible_architecture].arch }}" k3s_arch_suffix: "{{ k3s_arch_lookup[ansible_architecture].suffix }}" check_mode: false - name: Ensure URLs are set as facts for downloading binaries set_fact: k3s_binary_url: "{{ k3s_github_download_url }}/{{ k3s_release_version }}/k3s{{ k3s_arch_suffix }}" k3s_hash_url: "{{ k3s_github_download_url }}/{{ k3s_release_version }}/sha256sum-{{ k3s_arch }}.txt" check_mode: false - name: Override k3s_binary_url and k3s_hash_url facts for testing specific commit set_fact: k3s_binary_url: "https://storage.googleapis.com/k3s-ci-builds/k3s{{ k3s_arch_suffix }}-{{ k3s_release_version }}" k3s_hash_url: "https://storage.googleapis.com/k3s-ci-builds/k3s{{ k3s_arch_suffix }}-{{ k3s_release_version }}.sha256sum" when: - k3s_release_version | regex_search("^[a-z0-9]{40}$") check_mode: false - name: Ensure the k3s hashsum is downloaded uri: url: "{{ k3s_hash_url }}" return_content: true register: k3s_hash_sum_raw check_mode: false - name: Ensure sha256sum is set from hashsum variable set_fact: k3s_hash_sum: "{{ (k3s_hash_sum_raw.content.split('\n') | select('search', 'k3s' + k3s_arch_suffix) | reject('search', 'images') | first).split() | first }}" changed_when: false check_mode: false - name: Ensure installation directory exists file: path: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}" state: directory mode: 0755 - name: Ensure k3s binary is downloaded get_url: url: "{{ k3s_binary_url }}" dest: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}/k3s-{{ k3s_release_version }}" checksum: "sha256:{{ k3s_hash_sum }}" mode: 0755 become: "{{ k3s_become_for_install_dir | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}"