--- - name: Check that k3s_release_version >= 1.19.0 assert: that: - (k3s_release_version | replace('v', '')) is version_compare('1.19.0', '>=') success_msg: "{{ k3s_release_version }} is supported by this role." fail_msg: "{{ k3s_release_version }} is not supported by this role, please use xanmanning.k3s v1.x." - name: Check configuration in k3s_server and k3s_agent assert: that: - (item.setting not in k3s_runtime_config) success_msg: "{{ item.setting }} not found in server/agent config" fail_msg: "{{ item.setting }} found in server/agent config. Please set {{ item.correction }} to use this option." loop: "{{ k3s_config_exclude }}" # Due to the v2 role now only supporting k3s v1.19+ - this file is intentionlly # blank until new configuration options are added.