--- - include_tasks: ensure_directories.yml loop: "{{ k3s_ensure_directories_exist }}" loop_control: loop_var: directory - include_tasks: ensure_installed_node.yml when: - ((k3s_control_node and k3s_controller_list | length == 1) or (k3s_primary_control_node and k3s_controller_list | length > 1)) - not ansible_check_mode - name: Flush Handlers ansible.builtin.meta: flush_handlers - include_tasks: ensure_installed_node.yml when: k3s_build_cluster - name: Determine if the systems are already clustered ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ k3s_token_location }}" register: k3s_token_cluster_check - include_tasks: ensure_control_plane_started_{{ ansible_service_mgr }}.yml when: (k3s_control_node and k3s_controller_list | length == 1) or (k3s_primary_control_node and k3s_controller_list | length > 1) or k3s_token_cluster_check.stat.exists