--- # Minimum supported versions k3s_min_version: 1.19.3 k3s_ansible_min_version: 2.9.16 # Valid states for this role k3s_valid_states: - installed - started - stopped - restarted - downloaded - uninstalled - validated # Map ansible fact gathering architecture to a release name and suffix in github. k3s_arch_lookup: amd64: arch: amd64 suffix: "" x86_64: arch: amd64 suffix: "" arm64: arch: arm64 suffix: "-arm64" aarch64: arch: arm64 suffix: "-arm64" arm: arch: arm suffix: "-armhf" arm6l: arch: arm suffix: "-armhf" armv6l: arch: arm suffix: "-armhf" arm7: arch: arm suffix: "-armhf" armv7l: arch: arm suffix: "-armhf" armhf: arch: arm suffix: "-armhf" # Always default to stable channel, this will change with k3s_release_version k3s_release_channel: stable # K3s updates API k3s_api_releases: https://update.k3s.io/v1-release/channels # Download location for releases k3s_github_download_url: "{{ k3s_github_url }}/releases/download" # Install K3s in Air Gapped scenarios k3s_airgap: "false" # k3s_airgap_binary_path: "{{ role_path }}/files/k3s" # Generate a runtime config dictionary for validation k3s_runtime_config: "{{ (k3s_server | default({})) | combine (k3s_agent | default({})) }}" # Empty array for counting the number of control plane nodes k3s_controller_list: [] # Control plane port default k3s_control_plane_port: 6443 # Default to the "system" systemd context, this will be "user" when running rootless k3s_systemd_context: system # Directory for systemd unit files to be installed. As this role doesn't use package # management, this should live in /etc/systemd, not /lib/systemd k3s_systemd_unit_dir: "/etc/systemd/{{ k3s_systemd_context }}" # Data directory location for k3s k3s_data_dir: "{{ k3s_runtime_config['data-dir'] | default('/var/lib/rancher/k3s') }}" # Config directory location for k3s k3s_config_dir: "{{ k3s_config_file | dirname }}" # Directory for gathering the k3s token for clustering. I don't see this changing. k3s_token_location: "{{ k3s_config_dir }}/cluster-token" # Path for additional Kubernetes Manifests # https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/advanced/#auto-deploying-manifests k3s_server_manifests_dir: "{{ k3s_data_dir }}/server/manifests" # Path for static pod manifests that are deployed on the control plane # https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/pull/1691 k3s_server_pod_manifests_dir: "{{ k3s_data_dir }}/agent/pod-manifests" # Packages that we need to check are installed k3s_check_packages: [] # - name: dummy # from: 1.19.2 # until: 1.21.0 # documentation: https://example.com # Directories that we need to ensure exist k3s_ensure_directories_exist: - name: Config directory path: "{{ k3s_config_dir }}" - name: Config.yaml.d directory path: "{{ k3s_config_yaml_d_dir }}" - name: Systemd unit file directory path: "{{ k3s_systemd_unit_dir }}" - name: Data directory path: "{{ k3s_data_dir }}" - name: Default local storage path path: "{{ k3s_runtime_config['default-local-storage-path'] | default(omit) }}" - name: Private registry config file path: "{{ (k3s_runtime_config['private-registry'] | default(omit)) | dirname }}" # Config items that should not appear in k3s_server or k3s_agent k3s_config_exclude: - setting: server correction: k3s_registration_address - setting: cluster-init correction: k3s_etcd_datastore - setting: token correction: k3s_control_token - setting: token-file correction: k3s_token_location # Config items and the versions that they were introduced k3s_config_version_check: - setting: etcd-s3-bucket version: 1.20.6 # Prior to this there was very buggy support! # Config items that should be marked as experimental k3s_experimental_config: - setting: selinux until: 1.19.4 - setting: rootless - setting: secrets-encryption - setting: agent-token - setting: agent-token-file - setting: cluster-reset until: 1.19.5 # Config items that should be marked as deprecated k3s_deprecated_config: - setting: no-flannel correction: "flannel-backend: 'none'" # when: 0.10.2 # Example - setting: cluster-secret correction: token - setting: no-deploy correction: "disable: VALUE" - setting: docker correction: "docker: false" when: 1.20.0 k3s_cgroup_subsys: - name: memory documentation: | If you are running on a Raspberry Pi, see: https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/advanced/#enabling-cgroups-for-raspbian-buster - name: cpuset documentation: | If you are running Alpine Linux, see: https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/advanced/#additional-preparation-for-alpine-linux-setup # Drain command k3s_drain_command: true: delete-emptydir-data false: delete-local-data