
171 lines
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# Global/Cluster Configuration
# k3s state, options: installed, started, stopped, restarted, uninstalled, validated
# (default: installed)
k3s_state: installed
# Use a specific k3s version, if set to "false" we will get the latest
# k3s_release_version: v1.19.3
k3s_release_version: false
# Location of the k3s configuration file
k3s_config_file: "/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml"
# Location of the k3s configuration directory
k3s_config_yaml_d_dir: "/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml.d"
# When multiple ansible_play_hosts are present, attempt to cluster the nodes.
# Using false will create multiple standalone nodes.
# (default: true)
k3s_build_cluster: true
# URL for GitHub project
# URL for K3s updates API
# Install K3s in Air Gapped scenarios
k3s_airgap: false
# Skip all tasks that validate configuration
k3s_skip_validation: false
# Skip all tasks that check environment configuration
k3s_skip_env_checks: false
# Skip post-checks
k3s_skip_post_checks: false
# Installation directory for k3s
k3s_install_dir: /usr/local/bin
# Install using hard links rather than symbolic links
k3s_install_hard_links: false
# A list of templates used for configuring the server.
k3s_server_config_yaml_d_files: []
# A list of templates used for configuring the agent.
k3s_agent_config_yaml_d_files: []
# A list of templates used for pre-configuring the cluster.
k3s_server_manifests_templates: []
# A list of URLs used for pre-configuring the cluster.
k3s_server_manifests_urls: []
# - url: https://some/url/to/manifest.yml
# filename: manifest.yml
# A list of templates used for installing static pod manifests on the control plane.
k3s_server_pod_manifests_templates: []
# A list of URLs used for installing static pod manifests on the control plane.
k3s_server_pod_manifests_urls: []
# - url: https://some/url/to/manifest.yml
# filename: manifest.yml
# Use experimental features in k3s?
k3s_use_experimental: false
# Allow for unsupported configurations in k3s?
k3s_use_unsupported_config: false
# Enable etcd embedded datastore
k3s_etcd_datastore: false
# Systemd config
# Start k3s on system boot
k3s_start_on_boot: true
# List of required systemd units to k3s service unit.
k3s_service_requires: []
# List of "wanted" systemd unit to k3s (weaker than "requires").
k3s_service_wants: []
# Start k3s before a defined list of systemd units.
k3s_service_before: []
# Start k3s after a defined list of systemd units.
k3s_service_after: []
# Dictionary of environment variables to use within systemd unit file
# Some examples below
k3s_service_env_vars: {}
# PATH: /opt/k3s/bin
# GOGC: 10
# Location on host of a environment file to include. This must already exist on
# the target as this role will not populate this file.
k3s_service_env_file: false
# Additional ExecStartPre commands for the k3s service in systemd
# This dictionary can be used to specify additional ExecStartPre commands
# for the k3s service. These commands will be executed before the main
# service starts. For example, the command below removes the
# cpu_manager_state file if it exists.
# Usage example:
# k3s_service_exec_start_pre_vars:
# - "-/usr/bin/rm -f /var/lib/kubelet/cpu_manager_state"
# Note: The "-" prefix before the command ensures that systemd ignores
# any errors that occur when executing the command.
k3s_service_exec_start_pre_vars: {}
# Server Configuration
k3s_server: {}
# k3s_server:
# listen-port: 6443
# Agent Configuration
k3s_agent: {}
# k3s_agent:
# node-label:
# - "foo=bar"
# - "bish=bosh"
# Ansible Controller configuration
# Use become privileges?
k3s_become: false
# Private registry configuration.
# Rancher k3s documentation:
# endpoint:
# - ""
# "mycustomreg:5000":
# auth:
# # this is the registry username
# username: xxxxxx
# # this is the registry password
# password: xxxxxx
# tls:
# # path to the cert file used in the registry
# cert_file:
# # path to the key file used in the registry
# key_file:
# # path to the ca file used in the registry
# ca_file: