This role installs and configures the latest version of Nginx from the Nginx yum repository (on RedHat-based systems) or via apt (on Debian-based systems). You will likely need to do extra setup work after this role has installed Nginx, like adding your own [virtualhost].conf file inside `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`, describing the location and options to use for your particular website.
`nginx_worker_processes` should be set to the number of cores present on your machine. Connections (find this number with `grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`). `nginx_worker_connections` is the number of connections per process. Set this higher to handle more simultaneous connections (and remember that a connection will be used for as long as the keepalive timeout duration for every client!).
nginx_client_max_body_size: "64m"
This value determines the largest file upload possible, as uploads are passed through Nginx before hitting a backend like `php-fpm`. If you get an error like `client intended to send too large body`, it means this value is set too low.
nginx_keepalive_timeout: "65"
The keepalive timeout. Should be set higher (10s+) if you have more polling-style traffic (AJAX-powered sites especially), or lower (<10s)ifyouhaveasitewheremostusersvisitafewpagesanddon'tsendanyfurtherrequests.