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# Used only for Debian/Ubuntu installation, as the -t option for apt.
nginx_default_release: ""
nginx_worker_processes: "1"
nginx_worker_connections: "1024"
2015-02-25 04:10:22 +01:00
nginx_error_log: "/var/log/nginx/error.log warn"
nginx_access_log: "/var/log/nginx/access.log main buffer=16k"
nginx_sendfile: "on"
nginx_tcp_nopush: "on"
nginx_tcp_nodelay: "on"
nginx_keepalive_timeout: "65"
2015-02-25 04:10:22 +01:00
nginx_keepalive_requests: "100"
nginx_client_max_body_size: "64m"
2015-02-21 06:17:35 +01:00
nginx_proxy_cache_path: ""
nginx_remove_default_vhost: false
nginx_vhosts: []
# Example vhost below, showing all available options:
# - {
# listen: "80 default_server", # default: "80 default_server"
# server_name: "", # default: N/A
# root: "/var/www/", # default: N/A
# index: "index.html index.htm", # default: "index.html index.htm"
# # Properties that are only added if defined:
# error_page: "",
# access_log: "",
# extra_parameters: "" # Can be used to add extra config blocks (multiline).
# }
nginx_upstreams: []
# - {
# name: myapp1,
# strategy: "ip_hash", # "least_conn", etc.
# servers: {
# "",
# " weight=3",
# ""
# }
# }