--- # Variable setup. - name: Include OS-specific variables. include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" - name: Define php_packages. set_fact: php_packages: "{{ __php_packages | list }}" when: php_packages is not defined - name: Define php_webserver_daemon. set_fact: php_webserver_daemon: "{{ __php_webserver_daemon }}" when: php_webserver_daemon is not defined - name: Define php_conf_path. set_fact: php_conf_path: "{{ __php_conf_path }}" when: php_conf_path is not defined - name: Define php_extension_conf_path. set_fact: php_extension_conf_path: "{{ __php_extension_conf_path }}" when: php_extension_conf_path is not defined # Setup/install tasks. - include: setup-RedHat.yml when: (php_install_from_source == false) and (ansible_os_family == 'RedHat') - include: setup-Debian.yml when: (php_install_from_source == false) and (ansible_os_family == 'Debian') # Install PHP from source when php_install_from_source is true. - include: install-from-source.yml when: php_install_from_source == true - name: Check the installed version of PHP. shell: '{{ php_executable }} -r "echo PHP_VERSION;"' register: php_version changed_when: false always_run: yes - name: Disable opcache if PHP version is < 5.5. set_fact: php_opcache_enable: 0 when: "php_version.stdout.split('.')[0] == '5' and php_version.stdout.split('.')[1] < '5'" # Configure PHP. - include: configure.yml