Ansible Role - PHP
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Jeff Geerling 0077b35193 Merge pull request #20 from mikebell/master
Fix for missing php-fpm-daemon variable in configure task.
2014-11-17 16:57:46 -06:00
defaults Issue #19: Allow self-managed php.ini, and related cleanup. 2014-11-11 11:34:06 -06:00
handlers Issue #13: php-fpm daemon name is different in Debian-based distros. 2014-11-16 15:38:51 -06:00
meta Issue #18: Fix php_webserver_daemon and add EL7. 2014-11-11 10:50:44 -06:00
tasks Fix for mixing php-fpm variable in configure task 2014-11-17 22:46:38 +00:00
templates Issue #19: Allow self-managed php.ini, and related cleanup. 2014-11-11 11:34:06 -06:00
tests Fix Travis tests. 2014-11-10 14:55:20 -06:00
vars Issue #13: php-fpm daemon name is different in Debian-based distros. 2014-11-16 15:38:51 -06:00
.travis.yml Update test. 2014-11-08 14:36:55 -06:00 Issue #19: Allow self-managed php.ini, and related cleanup. 2014-11-11 11:34:06 -06:00

Ansible Role: PHP

Build Status

Installs PHP on RedHat/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu servers.


Must be running a separate web server, such as Nginx or Apache.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

php_packages: []

A list of the PHP packages to install (OS-specific by default). You'll likely want to install common packages like php, php-cli, php-devel and php-pdo, and you can add in whatever other packages you'd like (for example, php-gd for image manipulation, or php-ldap if you need to connect to an LDAP server for authentication).

php_enable_webserver: true

If your usage of PHP is tied to a web server (e.g. Apache or Nginx), leave this default value. If you are using PHP server-side or to run some small application, set this value to false so this role doesn't attempt to interact with a web server.

php_webserver_daemon: "httpd"

The default values for the HTTP server deamon are httpd (used by Apache) for RedHat/CentOS, or apache2 (also used by Apache) for Debian/Ubuntu. If you are running another webserver (for example, nginx), change this value to the name of the daemon under which the webserver runs.

php_enable_php_fpm: false

If you add php-fpm to the php_packages list, and would like to run PHP-fpm, as you would with Nginx or as an alternative to mod_php in Apache, you can set this variable to true, and the php-fpm daemon will be enabled and started. You will need to configure PHP-fpm on your own, by editing the config file in /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf (for RedHat servers) or replacing it with your own template via Ansible.

php_enablerepo: ""

(RedHat/CentOS only) If you have enabled any additional repositories (might I suggest geerlingguy.repo-epel or geerlingguy.repo-remi), those repositories can be listed under this variable (e.g. remi,epel). This can be handy, as an example, if you want to install the latest version of PHP 5.4, which is in the Remi repository.

php.ini settings

php_use_managed_ini: true

By default, all the extra defaults below are applied through the php.ini included with this role. You can self-manage your php.ini file (if you need more flexility in its configuration) by setting this to false (in which case all the below variables will be ignored).

php_memory_limit: "256M"
php_max_execution_time: "60"
php_upload_max_filesize: "64M"
php_date_timezone: "America/Chicago"
php_sendmail_path: "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"
php_short_open_tag: false
php_error_reporting: "E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT"
php_display_errors: "Off"

Various defaults for PHP. Only used if php_use_managed_ini is set to true.

php_enable_apc: true

Whether to enable APC. Other APC variables will be ineffective if this is set to false.

php_apc_enabled_in_ini: false

When installing APC, depending on the system and whether running PHP as a webserver module or standalone via php-fpm, you might need the line in apc.ini. If you need that line added, set this variable to true.

php_apc_cache_by_default: "1"
php_apc_shm_size: "96M"

Two APC ini directives that are often customized on a system. Set php_apc_cache_by_default to 0 to disable APC by default (so you could enable it on a host-by-host basis). Set the php_apc_shm_size so it will hold all your application code in memory with a little overhead (fragmentation or APC running out of memory will slow down PHP dramatically).

This Ansible role assumes you're including php-pecl-apc in the list of php_packages. It's rarely a good idea to run a PHP < 5.5 installation without some kind of opcode cache, and APC works great for PHP 5.3 and 5.4.



Example Playbook

- hosts: webservers
    - vars/main.yml
    - { role: geerlingguy.php }

Inside vars/main.yml:

php_memory_limit: "128M"
php_max_execution_time: "90"
php_upload_max_filesize: "256M"
  - php
  - php-cli
  - php-common
  - php-devel
  - php-gd
  - php-mbstring
  - php-pdo
  - php-pecl-apc
  - php-xml


  • Make role more flexible, allowing APC to be excluded from php_packages list.
  • Use lineinfile rather than templates to make configuration changes.



Author Information

This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.