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package world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.island;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Difficulty;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
2019-09-28 14:05:58 +02:00
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.Settings;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.CompositeCommand;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.WorldSettings;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.flags.Flag;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.Notifier;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.lists.Flags;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.CommandsManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.IslandWorldManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.IslandsManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.LocalesManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.PlaceholdersManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.PlayersManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util;
* Test for island go command
* @author tastybento
@PrepareForTest({ Bukkit.class, BentoBox.class, Util.class })
public class IslandGoCommandTest {
private CompositeCommand ic;
private User user;
private IslandsManager im;
private Island island;
private PluginManager pim;
private Settings s;
private BukkitTask task;
private Player player;
private IslandGoCommand igc;
private Notifier notifier;
private World world;
private @Nullable WorldSettings ws;
private UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Set up plugin
BentoBox plugin = mock(BentoBox.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(BentoBox.class, "instance", plugin);
// Command manager
CommandsManager cm = mock(CommandsManager.class);
// Settings
// Player
user = User.getInstance(player);
// Set the User class plugin as this one
// Parent command has no aliases
when(ic.getSubCommandAliases()).thenReturn(new HashMap<>());
// Have the create command point to the ic command
Optional<CompositeCommand> createCommand = Optional.of(ic);
// Player has island by default
when(im.getIslands(world, uuid)).thenReturn(List.of(island));
when(im.hasIsland(world, uuid)).thenReturn(true);
// when(im.isOwner(world, uuid)).thenReturn(true);
// Has team
PlayersManager pm = mock(PlayersManager.class);
when(im.inTeam(any(), eq(uuid))).thenReturn(true);
// Server & Scheduler
BukkitScheduler sch = mock(BukkitScheduler.class);
when(sch.runTaskLater(any(), any(Runnable.class), any(Long.class))).thenReturn(task);
// Event register
// Island Banned list initialization
when(island.getBanned()).thenReturn(new HashSet<>());
when(im.getIsland(any(), any(UUID.class))).thenReturn(island);
// IWM friendly name
IslandWorldManager iwm = mock(IslandWorldManager.class);
ws = new MyWorldSettings();
// Just return an empty addon for now
// Locales
LocalesManager lm = mock(LocalesManager.class);
when(lm.get(any(), any())).thenAnswer((Answer<String>) invocation -> invocation.getArgument(1, String.class));
// Return the same string
PlaceholdersManager phm = mock(PlaceholdersManager.class);
when(phm.replacePlaceholders(any(), anyString()))
.thenAnswer((Answer<String>) invocation -> invocation.getArgument(1, String.class));
// Notifier
// Util translate color codes (used in user translate methods)
.thenAnswer((Answer<String>) invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0, String.class));
// Command
igc = new IslandGoCommand(ic);
public void tearDown() {
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#canExecute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteMidTeleport() {
assertFalse(igc.canExecute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#canExecute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsNoIsland() {
when(im.getIslands(world, uuid)).thenReturn(List.of());
assertFalse(igc.canExecute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#canExecute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgs() {
assertTrue(igc.canExecute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#canExecute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsReservedIsland() {
when(, any(), any())).thenReturn(true);
assertFalse(igc.canExecute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
verify(ic).call(any(), any(), any());
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#canExecute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsReservedIslandNoCreateCommand() {
2 0 0 multi island (#2185) * Multi world WIP - stashing * Initial work on supporting multiple islands per player The default allowed number is 5 for now, but will be set to 1 by default. Lots more work to do on this! * More work on multi island. Fixed tests so clean compile. * Remove unused imports * Updated island go and homes command to multi island Updated tests. * Do not reload addons anymore. * Add island name when entering or leaving own island * Remove unused import * Adds island names to /island go command. * Enables more homes to be set if player has more than one island * Switch to using a set for islands and explicit primary boolean in Island * WIP * Fix bugs with the go command. * Be able to delete multiple islands, e.g. when joining a team This is not fully tested. * Do not remove all islands when a player does reset. Players can reset just the island they are on. * More fixes for go command * Fix tests * Fix @NonNull annotation * Fix home syntax listing reference for IslandDeleteHome * Fixed deletehome for multiple islands. * Fix /island command teleport to current island default home. * Remove deprecated code. * Fix tag for concurrent island setting in config.yml * Improve error when trying to make additional islands over limit * Update config.yml * Correctly assign invites for islands. * Switch to canExecute API in prep for multi-island handling * Prevent players from obtaining more concurrent islands by owner transfer * Handle leaving and disbanding of teams * Fix tests * Fix minor bugs or code smells. * Restore the quarantine code from deprecation. This code can stay. It checks if islands can load, and if not puts them in a trash. It does no harm. * Remove unneeded eq()'s * Fix tests
2023-09-17 00:55:52 +02:00
when(, any(), any())).thenReturn(true);
assertFalse(igc.canExecute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
verify(ic, Mockito.never()).call(any(), any(), any());
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#canExecute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsNoTeleportWhenFalling() {
Flags.PREVENT_TELEPORT_WHEN_FALLING.setSetting(world, true);
assertFalse(igc.canExecute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#canExecute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsNoTeleportWhenFallingNotFalling() {
Flags.PREVENT_TELEPORT_WHEN_FALLING.setSetting(world, true);
assertTrue(igc.canExecute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#execute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsMultipleHomes() {
// when(user.getPermissionValue(anyString(), anyInt())).thenReturn(3);
assertTrue(igc.execute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#execute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteArgs1MultipleHomes() {
assertFalse(igc.execute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.singletonList("1")));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#execute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsDelay() {
2 0 0 multi island (#2185) * Multi world WIP - stashing * Initial work on supporting multiple islands per player The default allowed number is 5 for now, but will be set to 1 by default. Lots more work to do on this! * More work on multi island. Fixed tests so clean compile. * Remove unused imports * Updated island go and homes command to multi island Updated tests. * Do not reload addons anymore. * Add island name when entering or leaving own island * Remove unused import * Adds island names to /island go command. * Enables more homes to be set if player has more than one island * Switch to using a set for islands and explicit primary boolean in Island * WIP * Fix bugs with the go command. * Be able to delete multiple islands, e.g. when joining a team This is not fully tested. * Do not remove all islands when a player does reset. Players can reset just the island they are on. * More fixes for go command * Fix tests * Fix @NonNull annotation * Fix home syntax listing reference for IslandDeleteHome * Fixed deletehome for multiple islands. * Fix /island command teleport to current island default home. * Remove deprecated code. * Fix tag for concurrent island setting in config.yml * Improve error when trying to make additional islands over limit * Update config.yml * Correctly assign invites for islands. * Switch to canExecute API in prep for multi-island handling * Prevent players from obtaining more concurrent islands by owner transfer * Handle leaving and disbanding of teams * Fix tests * Fix minor bugs or code smells. * Restore the quarantine code from deprecation. This code can stay. It checks if islands can load, and if not puts them in a trash. It does no harm. * Remove unneeded eq()'s * Fix tests
2023-09-17 00:55:52 +02:00
assertTrue(igc.execute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#execute(User, String, List)}
public void testExecuteNoArgsDelayTwice() {
when(im.getIsland(any(), any(UUID.class))).thenReturn(island);
assertTrue(igc.execute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
// Twice
assertTrue(igc.execute(user, igc.getLabel(), Collections.emptyList()));
verify(player, Mockito.times(2)).sendMessage(eq("commands.delay.stand-still"));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent)}
public void testOnPlayerMoveHeadMoveNothing() {
Location l = mock(Location.class);
Vector vector = mock(Vector.class);
PlayerMoveEvent e = new PlayerMoveEvent(player, l, l);
verify(player, Mockito.never()).sendMessage(eq("commands.delay.moved-so-command-cancelled"));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent)}
public void testOnPlayerMoveHeadMoveTeleportPending() {
Location l = mock(Location.class);
Vector vector = mock(Vector.class);
PlayerMoveEvent e = new PlayerMoveEvent(player, l, l);
verify(player, Mockito.never()).sendMessage(eq("commands.delay.moved-so-command-cancelled"));
* Test method for {@link IslandGoCommand#onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent)}
public void testOnPlayerMovePlayerMoveTeleportPending() {
Location l = mock(Location.class);
Vector vector = mock(Vector.class);
Location l2 = mock(Location.class);
Vector vector2 = mock(Vector.class);
PlayerMoveEvent e = new PlayerMoveEvent(player, l, l2);
verify(notifier).notify(any(), eq("commands.delay.moved-so-command-cancelled"));
class MyWorldSettings implements WorldSettings {
private Map<String, Boolean> worldFlags = new HashMap<>();
* @param worldFlags the worldFlags to set
public void setWorldFlags(Map<String, Boolean> worldFlags) {
this.worldFlags = worldFlags;
public GameMode getDefaultGameMode() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Map<Flag, Integer> getDefaultIslandFlags() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Map<Flag, Integer> getDefaultIslandSettings() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Difficulty getDifficulty() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void setDifficulty(Difficulty difficulty) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public String getFriendlyName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int getIslandDistance() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getIslandHeight() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getIslandProtectionRange() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getIslandStartX() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getIslandStartZ() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getIslandXOffset() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getIslandZOffset() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public List<String> getIvSettings() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int getMaxHomes() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getMaxIslands() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getMaxTeamSize() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getNetherSpawnRadius() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public String getPermissionPrefix() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Set<EntityType> getRemoveMobsWhitelist() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int getSeaHeight() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public List<String> getHiddenFlags() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public List<String> getVisitorBannedCommands() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Map<String, Boolean> getWorldFlags() {
return worldFlags;
public String getWorldName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean isDragonSpawn() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isEndGenerate() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isEndIslands() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isNetherGenerate() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isNetherIslands() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isOnJoinResetEnderChest() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isOnJoinResetInventory() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isOnJoinResetMoney() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isOnJoinResetHealth() {
return false;
public boolean isOnJoinResetHunger() {
return false;
public boolean isOnJoinResetXP() {
return false;
public boolean isOnLeaveResetEnderChest() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isOnLeaveResetInventory() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isOnLeaveResetMoney() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isOnLeaveResetHealth() {
return false;
public boolean isOnLeaveResetHunger() {
return false;
public boolean isOnLeaveResetXP() {
return false;
public boolean isUseOwnGenerator() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isWaterUnsafe() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public List<String> getGeoLimitSettings() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int getResetLimit() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public long getResetEpoch() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public void setResetEpoch(long timestamp) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public boolean isTeamJoinDeathReset() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public int getDeathsMax() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public boolean isDeathsCounted() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isDeathsResetOnNewIsland() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isAllowSetHomeInNether() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isAllowSetHomeInTheEnd() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isRequireConfirmationToSetHomeInNether() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isRequireConfirmationToSetHomeInTheEnd() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public int getBanLimit() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public boolean isLeaversLoseReset() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isKickedKeepInventory() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean isCreateIslandOnFirstLoginEnabled() {
return false;
public int getCreateIslandOnFirstLoginDelay() {
return 0;
public boolean isCreateIslandOnFirstLoginAbortOnLogout() {
return false;
public @NonNull List<String> getOnJoinCommands() {
return null;
public @NonNull List<String> getOnLeaveCommands() {
return null;