mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 22:31:45 +01:00
Add feature to limit blueprint availability.
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
<!-- Do not change unless you want different name for local builds. -->
<!-- This allows to change between versions. -->
@ -195,6 +195,12 @@ public class Settings implements ConfigObject {
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.concurrent-islands")
private int islandNumber = 1;
@ConfigComment("Hide used blueprints.")
@ConfigComment("Blueprints can have a maximum use when players have concurrent islands.")
@ConfigComment("If this is true, then ones that are used up will not be shown in the island create menu.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.hide-used-blueprints", since = "2.3.0")
private boolean hideUsedBlueprints = false;
// Cooldowns
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait until they can rejoin a team island after being kicked in minutes.")
@ConfigComment("This slows the effectiveness of players repeating challenges")
@ -1014,4 +1020,18 @@ public class Settings implements ConfigObject {
this.islandNumber = islandNumber;
* @return the hideUsedBlueprints
public boolean isHideUsedBlueprints() {
return hideUsedBlueprints;
* @param hideUsedBlueprints the hideUsedBlueprints to set
public void setHideUsedBlueprints(boolean hideUsedBlueprints) {
this.hideUsedBlueprints = hideUsedBlueprints;
@ -86,22 +86,51 @@ public class IslandCreateCommand extends CompositeCommand {
return false;
// Check perm
if (!getPlugin().getBlueprintsManager().checkPerm(getAddon(), user, Util.sanitizeInput(args.get(0)))) {
return false;
// Check maximum uses
if (checkMaxUses(user, name)) {
return false;
// Make island
return makeIsland(user, name);
} else {
if (getPlugin().getSettings().getIslandNumber() > 1
&& checkMaxUses(user, BlueprintsManager.DEFAULT_BUNDLE_NAME)) {
return false;
// Show panel only if there are multiple bundles available
if (getPlugin().getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprintBundles(getAddon()).size() > 1) {
// Show panel
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(this, user, label);
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(this, user, label, false);
return true;
return makeIsland(user, BlueprintsManager.DEFAULT_BUNDLE_NAME);
private boolean checkMaxUses(User user, String name) {
if (getPlugin().getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprintBundles(getAddon()).containsKey(name)) {
int maxTimes = getPlugin().getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprintBundles(getAddon()).get(name).getTimes();
if (maxTimes > 0) {
// Check how many times this player has used this bundle
if (getBundleUses(user, name) >= maxTimes) {
return true;
return false;
private long getBundleUses(User user, String name) {
return getIslands().getIslands(getWorld(), user).stream()
.filter(is -> is.getMetaData("bundle").map(mdv -> name.equalsIgnoreCase(mdv.asString())).orElse(false))
private boolean makeIsland(User user, String name) {
try {
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class IslandResetCommand extends ConfirmableCommand {
// Show panel only if there are multiple bundles available
if (getPlugin().getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprintBundles(getAddon()).size() > 1) {
// Show panel - once the player selected a bundle, this will re-run this command
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(this, user, label);
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(this, user, label, true);
} else {
resetIsland(user, BlueprintsManager.DEFAULT_BUNDLE_NAME);
@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ public class BlueprintBundle implements DataObject {
private int slot = 0;
* Number of times this bundle can be used by a single player. 0 = unlimited
private int times = 0;
@ -188,4 +193,18 @@ public class BlueprintBundle implements DataObject {
this.slot = slot;
* @return the times
public int getTimes() {
return times;
* @param times the times to set
public void setTimes(int times) {
this.times = times;
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.Addon;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.localization.TextVariables;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.metadata.MetaDataValue;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.Blueprint;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.BlueprintPaster;
@ -484,6 +485,8 @@ public class BlueprintsManager {
b2 ->
pasteEnd(addon, bb, island).thenAccept(message -> sendMessage(island)).thenAccept(b3 -> Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, task))));
// Set the bundle name
island.putMetaData("bundle", new MetaDataValue(name));
return true;
@ -77,10 +77,21 @@ public class BlueprintManagementPanel {
environmentToBlueprint = Map.of(World.Environment.NORMAL, normalBlueprint, World.Environment.NETHER, netherBlueprint, World.Environment.THE_END, endBlueprint);
* Translate "commands.admin.blueprint.management." + t reference
* @param t - end of reference
* @return translation
private String t(String t) {
return user.getTranslation("commands.admin.blueprint.management." + t);
* Translate "commands.admin.blueprint.management." + t + vars reference
* @param t end of reference
* @param vars any other parameters
* @return transmation
private String t(String t, String... vars) {
return user.getTranslation("commands.admin.blueprint.management." + t, vars);
@ -186,6 +197,10 @@ public class BlueprintManagementPanel {
// Toggle permission - default is always allowed
pb.item(39, getPermissionIcon(addon, bb));
if (plugin.getSettings().getIslandNumber() > 1) {
// Number of times allowed
pb.item(42, getTimesIcon(addon, bb));
// Preferred slot
pb.item(40, getSlotIcon(addon, bb));
// Panel has a Back icon.
@ -198,6 +213,25 @@ public class BlueprintManagementPanel {
private PanelItem getTimesIcon(GameModeAddon addon2, BlueprintBundle bb) {
return new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.CLOCK).name(t("times"))
.description(bb.getTimes() == 0 ? t("unlimited-times")
: t("maximum-times", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(bb.getTimes())))
.clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> {
// Left click up, right click down
u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 1F, 1F);
if (clickType == ClickType.LEFT) {
bb.setTimes(bb.getTimes() + 1);
} else if (clickType == ClickType.RIGHT && bb.getTimes() > 0) {
bb.setTimes(bb.getTimes() - 1);
// Save
plugin.getBlueprintsManager().saveBlueprintBundle(addon, bb);
panel.getInventory().setItem(42, getTimesIcon(addon, bb).getItem());
return true;
* Gets the preferred slot icon
* @param addon - addon
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
package world.bentobox.bentobox.panels.customizable;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
@ -37,6 +38,94 @@ import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util;
public class IslandCreationPanel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Constants
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This constant is used for button to indicate that it is Blueprint Bundle type.
private static final String BUNDLES = "BUNDLE";
* This constant is used for button to indicate that it is previous page type.
private static final String PREVIOUS = "PREVIOUS";
* This constant is used for button to indicate that it is next page type.
private static final String NEXT = "NEXT";
* This constant is used for indicating that pages should contain numbering.
private static final String INDEXING = "indexing";
* This constant stores value for SELECT action that is used in panels.
private static final String SELECT_ACTION = "SELECT";
* This constant stores value for COMMAND action that is used in panels.
private static final String COMMANDS_ACTION = "COMMANDS";
* This constant stores value for ERROR message that will be displayed upon failing to run creation commands.
* Button reference
private static final String BUNDLE_BUTTON_REF = "panels.island_creation.buttons.bundle.";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This variable allows to access plugin object.
private final BentoBox plugin;
* This variable stores main command that was triggered.
private final CompositeCommand mainCommand;
* This variable holds user who opens panel. Without it panel cannot be opened.
private final User user;
* This variable holds world where panel is opened. Without it panel cannot be opened.
private final String mainLabel;
* This variable stores filtered elements.
private final List<BlueprintBundle> elementList;
* This variable holds current pageIndex for multi-page island choosing.
private int pageIndex;
* The world that this command applies to
private final World world;
* true if this panel has been called by a reset command. Changes how the count of used islands is done.
private final boolean reset;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -48,20 +137,22 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
* @param command CompositeCommand object
* @param label The main command label
* @param user User who opens panel
* @param reset
private IslandCreationPanel(@NonNull CompositeCommand command,
@NonNull User user,
@NonNull String label)
@NonNull User user, @NonNull String label, boolean reset)
this.plugin = BentoBox.getInstance();
this.user = user;
this.mainLabel = label;
this.world = command.getWorld();
this.reset = reset;
this.elementList = this.plugin.getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprintBundles(command.getAddon()).values().stream().
filter(bundle -> !bundle.isRequirePermission() ||
this.user.hasPermission(command.getPermissionPrefix() + "island.create." + bundle.getUniqueId())).
.filter(bundle -> !bundle.isRequirePermission() || this.user
.hasPermission(command.getPermissionPrefix() + "island.create." + bundle.getUniqueId()))
this.mainCommand = command;
@ -83,7 +174,7 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
this.plugin.logError("There are no available phases for selection!");
TextVariables.GAMEMODE, this.plugin.getDescription().getName());
TextVariables.GAMEMODE, this.plugin.getDescription().getName());
@ -126,8 +217,8 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
private boolean doesCustomPanelExists(GameModeAddon addon, String name)
return addon.getDataFolder().exists() &&
new File(addon.getDataFolder(), "panels").exists() &&
new File(addon.getDataFolder(), "panels" + File.separator + name + ".yml").exists();
new File(addon.getDataFolder(), "panels").exists()
&& new File(addon.getDataFolder(), "panels" + File.separator + name + ".yml").exists();
@ -149,7 +240,7 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
int size = this.elementList.size();
if (size <= slot.amountMap().getOrDefault(BUNDLES, 1) ||
1.0 * size / slot.amountMap().getOrDefault(BUNDLES, 1) <= this.pageIndex + 1)
1.0 * size / slot.amountMap().getOrDefault(BUNDLES, 1) <= this.pageIndex + 1)
// There are no next elements
return null;
@ -179,7 +270,7 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
if (template.description() != null)
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), template.description(),
TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(nextPageIndex)));
TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(nextPageIndex)));
// Add ClickHandler
@ -187,7 +278,7 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
template.actions().forEach(action -> {
if ((clickType == action.clickType() ||
action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN) && NEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN) && NEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
// Next button ignores click type currently.
@ -202,10 +293,10 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = template.actions().stream().
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null).
map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), action.tooltip())).
filter(text -> !text.isBlank()).
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null)
.map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), action.tooltip()))
.filter(text -> !text.isBlank())
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty())
@ -259,16 +350,15 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
if (template.description() != null)
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), template.description(),
TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(previousPageIndex)));
TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(previousPageIndex)));
// Add ClickHandler
// Add ClickHandler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) ->
template.actions().forEach(action -> {
if ((clickType == action.clickType() ||
action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN) && PREVIOUS.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN) && PREVIOUS.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
// Next button ignores click type currently.
@ -283,10 +373,10 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = template.actions().stream().
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null).
map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), action.tooltip())).
filter(text -> !text.isBlank()).
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null)
.map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), action.tooltip()))
.filter(text -> !text.isBlank())
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty())
@ -310,7 +400,7 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
if (this.elementList.isEmpty())
// Does not contain any sticks.
// Does not contain any blueprints.
return null;
@ -332,9 +422,8 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
// Try to find bundle with requested ID. if not found, use already collected bundle.
blueprintBundle = this.elementList.stream().
filter(bundle -> bundle.getUniqueId().equals(template.dataMap().get("unique_id"))).
filter(bundle -> bundle.getUniqueId().equals(template.dataMap().get("unique_id"))).findFirst()
return this.createBundleButton(template, blueprintBundle);
@ -359,8 +448,6 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
return null;
final String reference = "panels.island_creation.buttons.bundle.";
// Get settings for island.
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
@ -376,72 +463,92 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
if (template.title() != null)
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), template.title(),
TextVariables.NAME, bundle.getDisplayName()));
TextVariables.NAME, bundle.getDisplayName()));
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(reference + "name",
TextVariables.NAME, bundle.getDisplayName()));
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(BUNDLE_BUTTON_REF + "name",
TextVariables.NAME, bundle.getDisplayName()));
if (template.description() != null)
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), template.description(),
TextVariables.DESCRIPTION, String.join("\n", bundle.getDescription())));
TextVariables.DESCRIPTION, String.join("\n", bundle.getDescription())));
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(reference + "description",
TextVariables.DESCRIPTION, String.join("\n", bundle.getDescription())));
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(BUNDLE_BUTTON_REF + "description",
TextVariables.DESCRIPTION, String.join("\n", bundle.getDescription())));
boolean usedUp = false;
if (plugin.getSettings().getIslandNumber() > 1) {
// Show how many times this bundle can be used
int maxTimes = bundle.getTimes();
if (maxTimes > 0) {
long uses = plugin.getIslands().getIslands(world, user).stream()
.filter(is -> is.getMetaData("bundle")
.map(mdv -> bundle.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(mdv.asString())
&& !(reset && is.isPrimary())) // If this is a reset, then ignore the use of the island being reset
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(BUNDLE_BUTTON_REF + "uses", TextVariables.NUMBER,
String.valueOf(uses), "[max]", String.valueOf(maxTimes)));
if (uses >= maxTimes) {
usedUp = true;
} else {
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(BUNDLE_BUTTON_REF + "unlimited"));
List<ItemTemplateRecord.ActionRecords> actions = template.actions().stream().
filter(action -> SELECT_ACTION.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()) ||
if (usedUp) {
if (plugin.getSettings().isHideUsedBlueprints()) {
// Do not show used up blueprints
return null;
} else {
List<ItemTemplateRecord.ActionRecords> actions = template.actions().stream()
.filter(action -> SELECT_ACTION.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType())
|| COMMANDS_ACTION.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
// Add ClickHandler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) -> {
actions.forEach(action -> {
if (clickType == action.clickType() || action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN)
if (SELECT_ACTION.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType())) {
this.mainCommand.execute(user, this.mainLabel,
} else if (COMMANDS_ACTION.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType())) {
// Add ClickHandler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) ->
actions.forEach(action -> {
if (clickType == action.clickType() || action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN)
if (SELECT_ACTION.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
this.mainCommand.execute(user, this.mainLabel, Collections.singletonList(bundle.getUniqueId()));
else if (COMMANDS_ACTION.equalsIgnoreCase(action.actionType()))
replaceAll(Pattern.quote(TextVariables.LABEL), this.mainCommand.getTopLabel()).
// Always return true.
return true;
// Always return true.
return true;
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = actions.stream().filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null)
.map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), action.tooltip()))
.filter(text -> !text.isBlank())
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(actions.size())));
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = actions.stream().
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null).
map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.mainCommand.getWorld(), action.tooltip())).
filter(text -> !text.isBlank()).
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(actions.size())));
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty())
// Empty line and tooltips.
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty()) {
// Empty line and tooltips.
return builder.build();
@ -458,87 +565,13 @@ public class IslandCreationPanel
* @param command CompositeCommand object
* @param label The main command label
* @param user User who opens panel
* @param reset true if this is an island reset
public static void openPanel(@NonNull CompositeCommand command,
@NonNull User user,
@NonNull String label)
@NonNull User user, @NonNull String label, boolean reset)
new IslandCreationPanel(command, user, label).build();
new IslandCreationPanel(command, user, label, reset).build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Constants
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This constant is used for button to indicate that it is Blueprint Bundle type.
private static final String BUNDLES = "BUNDLE";
* This constant is used for button to indicate that it is previous page type.
private static final String PREVIOUS = "PREVIOUS";
* This constant is used for button to indicate that it is next page type.
private static final String NEXT = "NEXT";
* This constant is used for indicating that pages should contain numbering.
private static final String INDEXING = "indexing";
* This constant stores value for SELECT action that is used in panels.
private static final String SELECT_ACTION = "SELECT";
* This constant stores value for COMMAND action that is used in panels.
private static final String COMMANDS_ACTION = "COMMANDS";
* This constant stores value for ERROR message that will be displayed upon failing to run creation commands.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This variable allows to access plugin object.
private final BentoBox plugin;
* This variable stores main command that was triggered.
private final CompositeCommand mainCommand;
* This variable holds user who opens panel. Without it panel cannot be opened.
private final User user;
* This variable holds world where panel is opened. Without it panel cannot be opened.
private final String mainLabel;
* This variable stores filtered elements.
private final List<BlueprintBundle> elementList;
* This variable holds current pageIndex for multi-page island choosing.
private int pageIndex;
@ -414,6 +414,12 @@ commands:
slot-instructions: |
&a Left click to increment
&a Right click to decrement
times: |
&a Max concurrent uses by player
&a Left click to increment
&a Right click to decrement
unlimited-times: &a Unlimited
maximum-times: &a Max [number] times
parameters: '[flag]'
description: Reset all islands to default flag settings in config.yml
@ -547,6 +553,7 @@ commands:
an administrator.'
creating-island: '&a Finding a spot for your island...'
you-cannot-make: '&c You cannot make any more islands!'
max-uses: "&c You cannot make any more of that type of island!"
you-cannot-make-team: '&c Team members cannot make islands in the same world as their team island.'
estimated-time: '&a Estimated time: &b [number] &a seconds.'
@ -1811,6 +1818,8 @@ panels:
name: "&l [name]"
description: |-
uses: "&a Used [number]/[max]"
unlimited: "&a Unlimited uses allowed"
# The section of translations used in Language Panel
title: "&2&l Select your language"
@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ public class IslandCreateCommandTest {
// Bundles manager
Map<String, BlueprintBundle> map = new HashMap<>();
// IslandCreationPanel
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.Settings;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
@ -123,6 +124,9 @@ public class BlueprintManagementPanelTest {
// Blueprint
when(blueprint.getName()).thenReturn("blueprint name");
// Settings
Settings settings = new Settings();
// Set up
bmp = new BlueprintManagementPanel(plugin, user, addon);
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ public class IslandCreationPanelTest {
public void testOpenPanel() {
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(ic, user, "");
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(ic, user, "", false);
// Set correctly
verify(inv).setItem(eq(0), any());
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ public class IslandCreationPanelTest {
public void testOpenPanelSameSlot() {
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(ic, user, "");
IslandCreationPanel.openPanel(ic, user, "", false);
verify(inv).setItem(eq(0), any());
verify(inv).setItem(eq(1), any());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user