Added comments to FlatFileDatabaseHandler

This commit is contained in:
tastybento 2018-08-14 08:53:44 -07:00
parent 67d40462bc
commit 3118da2216

View File

@ -49,46 +49,75 @@ import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util;
public class FlatFileDatabaseHandler<T> extends AbstractDatabaseHandler<T> {
* This is the name of the folder where the flat file databases will live
private static final String DATABASE_FOLDER_NAME = "database";
* Flag to indicate if this is a config or a pure object database (difference is in comments and annotations)
protected boolean configFlag;
* Constructor
* @param plugin - plugin
* @param type - class to store in the database
* @param databaseConnector - the database credentials, in this case, just the YAML functions
public FlatFileDatabaseHandler(BentoBox plugin, Class<T> type, DatabaseConnector databaseConnector) {
super(plugin, type, databaseConnector);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see world.bentobox.bentobox.database.AbstractDatabaseHandler#loadObject(java.lang.String)
public T loadObject(String key) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, IntrospectionException {
// Objects are loaded from a folder named after the simple name of the class being stored
String path = DATABASE_FOLDER_NAME + File.separator + dataObject.getSimpleName();
String fileName = key;
// This path and key can be overridden by the StoreAt annotation in the code
StoreAt storeAt = dataObject.getAnnotation(StoreAt.class);
if (storeAt != null) {
path = storeAt.path();
fileName = storeAt.filename();
key = storeAt.filename();
YamlConfiguration config = databaseConnector.loadYamlFile(path, fileName);
// Load the YAML file at the location.
YamlConfiguration config = databaseConnector.loadYamlFile(path, key);
// Use the createObject method to turn a YAML config into an Java object
return createObject(config);
public boolean objectExists(String uniqueId) {
// Check if the uniqueId (key) exists in the file system
return databaseConnector.uniqueIdExists(dataObject.getSimpleName(), uniqueId);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see world.bentobox.bentobox.database.AbstractDatabaseHandler#loadObjects()
public List<T> loadObjects() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, IntrospectionException {
// In this case, all the objects of a specific type are being loaded.
List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
// Look for any files that end in .yml in the folder
FilenameFilter ymlFilter = (dir, name) -> name.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(".yml");
// The path is the simple name of the class
String path = dataObject.getSimpleName();
// The storeAt annotation may override the path
StoreAt storeAt = dataObject.getAnnotation(StoreAt.class);
if (storeAt != null) {
path = storeAt.path();
// The database folder name is in the plugin's data folder
File dataFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), DATABASE_FOLDER_NAME);
// The folder for the objects (tables in database terminology) is here
File tableFolder = new File(dataFolder, path);
if (!tableFolder.exists()) {
// Nothing there...
// Load each object from the file system, filtered, non-null
for (File file: Objects.requireNonNull(tableFolder.listFiles(ymlFilter))) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (storeAt != null) {
@ -101,30 +130,34 @@ public class FlatFileDatabaseHandler<T> extends AbstractDatabaseHandler<T> {
* Creates a list of <T>s filled with values from the provided ResultSet
* Creates a list of <T>s filled with values from the provided YamlConfiguration
* @param config - YAML config file
* @return <T> filled with values
private T createObject(YamlConfiguration config) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IntrospectionException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Create a new instance of the dataObject of type T (which can be any class)
T instance = dataObject.newInstance();
// Run through all the fields in the object
for (Field field : dataObject.getDeclaredFields()) {
// Gets the getter and setters for this field
// Gets the getter and setters for this field using the JavaBeans system
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), dataObject);
// Get the write method
Method method = propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod();
// Information about the field
String storageLocation = field.getName();
* Field annotation checks
// Check if there is a ConfigEntry annotation on the field
ConfigEntry configEntry = field.getAnnotation(ConfigEntry.class);
boolean overrideOnChange = false;
boolean experimental = false;
boolean needsReset = false;
// Check if there is an annotation on the field
ConfigEntry configEntry = field.getAnnotation(ConfigEntry.class);
// If there is a config annotation then do something
if (configEntry != null && !configEntry.path().isEmpty()) {
storageLocation = configEntry.path();
@ -132,16 +165,21 @@ public class FlatFileDatabaseHandler<T> extends AbstractDatabaseHandler<T> {
experimental = configEntry.experimental();
needsReset = configEntry.needsReset();
// Some fields need custom handling to serialize or deserialize and the programmer will need to
// define them herself. She can add an annotation to do that.
Adapter adapterNotation = field.getAnnotation(Adapter.class);
if (adapterNotation != null && AdapterInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(adapterNotation.value())) {
// A conversion adapter has been defined
// Get the original value
// Get the original value to be stored
Object value = config.get(storageLocation);
// Invoke the deserialization on this value
method.invoke(instance, ((AdapterInterface<?,?>)adapterNotation.value().newInstance()).deserialize(value));
// We are done here
// We are done here. If a custom adapter was defined, the rest of this method does not need to be run
* What follows is general deserialization code
// Look in the YAML Config to see if this field exists (it should)
if (config.contains(storageLocation)) {
// Check for null values
@ -149,66 +187,77 @@ public class FlatFileDatabaseHandler<T> extends AbstractDatabaseHandler<T> {
method.invoke(instance, (Object)null);
// Handle storage of maps. Check if this type is a Map
// Handle storage of maps. Check if this field type is a Map
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType())) {
// Note that we have no idea what type this is
// Note that we have no idea what type of map this is, so we need to find out
List<Type> collectionTypes = getCollectionParameterTypes(method);
// collectionTypes should be 2 long
// collectionTypes should be 2 long because there are two parameters in a Map (key, value)
Type keyType = collectionTypes.get(0);
Type valueType = collectionTypes.get(1);
// Create a map that we'll put the values into
Map<Object,Object> value = new HashMap<>();
// Map values are stored in a configuration section in the YAML. Check that it exists
if (config.getConfigurationSection(storageLocation) != null) {
// Run through the values stored
for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection(storageLocation).getKeys(false)) {
// Map values can be null - it is allowed here
Object mapValue = deserialize(config.get(storageLocation + "." + key), Class.forName(valueType.getTypeName()));
// Keys cannot be null - skip if they exist
// Convert any serialized dots back to dots
// In YAML dots . cause a lot of problems, so I serialize them as :dot:
// There may be a better way to do this.
key = key.replaceAll(":dot:", ".");
Object mapKey = deserialize(key,Class.forName(keyType.getTypeName()));
if (mapKey == null) {
// Put the value in the map
value.put(mapKey, mapValue);
// Invoke the setter in the class (this is why JavaBeans requires getters and setters for every field)
method.invoke(instance, value);
} else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType())) {
// Loop through the collection resultset
// Note that we have no idea what type this is
// Note that we have no idea what type this set is
List<Type> collectionTypes = getCollectionParameterTypes(method);
// collectionTypes should be only 1 long
Type setType = collectionTypes.get(0);
// Create an empty set to fill
Set<Object> value = new HashSet<>();
for (Object listValue: config.getList(storageLocation)) {
// TODO: this may not work with all keys. Further serialization may be required.
method.invoke(instance, value);
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType())) {
// Loop through the collection resultset
// Note that we have no idea what type this is
List<Type> collectionTypes = getCollectionParameterTypes(method);
// collectionTypes should be only 1 long
Type setType = collectionTypes.get(0);
List<Object> value = new ArrayList<>();
// Sets are stored as a list in YAML
if (config.getList(storageLocation) != null) {
for (Object listValue: config.getList(storageLocation)) {
// TODO: this may not work with all keys. Further serialization may be required.
// Store the set using the setter in the class
method.invoke(instance, value);
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType())) {
// Note that we have no idea what type of List this is
List<Type> collectionTypes = getCollectionParameterTypes(method);
// collectionTypes should be only 1 long
Type setType = collectionTypes.get(0);
// Create an empty list
List<Object> value = new ArrayList<>();
// Lists are stored as lists in YAML
if (config.getList(storageLocation) != null) {
for (Object listValue: config.getList(storageLocation)) {
// Store the list using the setting
method.invoke(instance, value);
} else {
// Not a collection
// Not a collection. Get the value and rely on YAML to supply it
Object value = config.get(storageLocation);
// If the value is a yaml MemorySection then something is wrong, so ignore it. Maybe an admin did some bad editing
if (value != null && !value.getClass().equals(MemorySection.class)) {
method.invoke(instance, deserialize(value,propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType()));
// After deserialization is complete, return the instance of the class we have created
return instance;