Delete GameWorld.puml

This commit is contained in:
Florian CUNY 2019-01-03 20:26:10 +01:00
parent d13ae470d5
commit 81435c57f5

View File

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
note as N1
This UML Class Diagram introduces the
GameWorlds and GameModes concepts that
are introduced in 1.0.
This diagram is not meant to be updated
alongside modifications that could be done
to GameWorlds and GameModes: it is meant
to serve as a template, and hopefully to keep
track of what we had in mind when we started
to work on this API.
- Poslovitch, @BentoBoxWorld
December 24th, 2018.
end note
package world.bentobox.bentobox {
class BentoBox << (M,orchid) Main >> {
- addonsManager : AddonsManager
- worldsManager : WorldsManager
+ getAddons() : AddonsManager
+ getWorlds() : WorldsManager
package api {
package addons {
abstract class Addon
abstract class GameMode extends Addon {
Specific Addon implementation allowing to register GameWorlds.
+ registerGameWorld(gameWorld:GameWorld) : void
+ getGameWorlds() : List<GameWorld>
package worlds {
interface WorldSettings
class GameWorld {
Represents a set of three Worlds
(Overworld, Nether, End) which is
registered by a GameMode addon and
managed by BentoBox.
It features its own implementation
of WorldSettings and provides
Islands and Schems managers.
__ Fields __
- name : String
- friendlyName : String
- overWorld : World
- netherWorld : World
- endWorld : World
- worldSettings : WorldSettings
.. Managers ..
- islandsManager : IslandsManager
- schemsManager : SchemsManager
__ Methods __
+ createWorlds() : boolean
+ inWorld(location:Location) : boolean
.. Getters ..
+ getName() : String
+ getFriendlyName() : String
+ getOverWorld() : World
+ getNetherWorld() : World
+ getEndWorld() : World
+ getSettings() : WorldSettings
+ getIslands() : IslandsManager
+ getSchems() : SchemsManager
GameWorld *-- "1" WorldSettings
GameMode *-- "*" GameWorld
package managers {
class AddonsManager
BentoBox *-- "1" AddonsManager
AddonsManager *-- "*" Addon
class WorldsManager {
Manages GameWorlds that are registered by GameMode addons.
It basically replaces IslandWorldManager.
__ Fields __
- gameWorlds : Map<GameMode, List<GameWorld>>
__ Methods __
+ registerGameWorld(gameMode:GameMode, gameWorld:GameWorld) : boolean
.. Getters ..
+ getGameWorldsMap() : Map<GameMode, List<GameWorld>>
+ getGameWorldsList() : List<GameWorld>
+ getGameWorlds(gameMode:GameMode) : List<GameWorld>
+ getGameWorld(name:String) : Optional<GameWorld>
+ getGameWorld(world:World) : Optional<GameWorld>
.. Multiverse ..
+ registerWorldsToMultiverse() : void
+ registerWorldToMultiverse(gameWorld:GameWorld) : void
BentoBox *-- "1" WorldsManager
WorldsManager *-- "*" GameWorld
class SchemsManager {
- schems : List<Clipboard>
- copySchems(schems:File, name:String) : void
- loadSchem(name:String) : boolean
+ getSchems() : List<Clipboard>
+ paste(island:Island, task:Runnable) : void
+ paste(island:Island) : void
GameWorld *-- "1" SchemsManager