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synced 2025-02-16 12:21:35 +01:00
Updated bsb_en_US for the /is help messages
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,30 +7,7 @@
# Tastybento: maintainer
# Poslovitch: maintainer
# This translation is adapted to version : [4.0]
header: |-
More set up is required before the plugin can start...
Edit config.yml. Then restart server.
distance: "Make sure you set island distance. If upgrading, set it to what it was before."
generator: |-
The world generator for the island world is not registered.
Potential reasons are:
1. If you are configuring the island world as the only server world
Make sure you have added the world to bukkit.yml
2. You reloaded instead of restarting the server. Reboot and try again.
generator-multiverse: " 3. Your Multiverse plugin is out of date. Upgrade to the latest version."
world-name: |-
The world name in config.yml is different to the world name in islands.yml.
If this is intentional, we assume you are doing a full reset.
If so, delete islands.yml and the previous world.
If not, correct the world name in config.yml and restart. This is probably the case if you are upgrading.
config-outdated: |-
The config.yml file looks outdated.
Make sure you updated your configuration after upgrading.
If this error is still happening, you probably edited the old config rather than editing the new one.
If so, please remove the current config.yml, work on config.new.yml and rename it to config.yml.
# This translation is adapted to version : [alpha-0.0.1]
success: "Success!"
@ -48,6 +25,39 @@ help:
header: "&7=========== BSKYBLOCK ==========="
syntax: " &7/&b[label] &c[command] &a[args] &7: &e[info]"
end: "&7================================="
about: "display info about %bsb_plugin_name%"
go: "teleport you to your island"
go-homes: "teleport you to the specified home"
spawn: "teleport you to the spawn"
create: "create an island"
info: "display info about your island"
controlpanel: "open the island GUI or toggle it"
reset: "restart your island and remove the old one"
sethome: "set your teleport point for /island"
name: "set a name for your island"
resetname: "reset your island name"
team: "display detailed info about your team"
invite: "invite a player to join your island"
uninvite: "cancel the pending invite to join your island"
leave: "leave your island"
kick: "remove a member from your island"
accept: "accept an invitation"
reject: "reject an invitation"
makeleader: "transfer the island ownership to a member"
expel: "expel a visitor from your island"
ban: "ban a player from your island"
unban: "unban a player from your island"
banlist: "list banned players"
trust: "give a player full access to your island"
untrust: "remove full island access from player"
trustlist: "list players who have full access to your island"
coop: "give a player a temporary access to your island"
uncoop: "remove temporary island access from player"
cooplist: "list players who have temporary access to your island"
lock: "lock/unlock your island so visitors cannot enter it"
settings: "display island settings"
language: "select language"
# TODO: These are legacy strings and should be converted to a better format but will do for now
acidBottle: "Acid Bottle"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user