diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9f2ff6f6e..b558cb68a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-# bentobox
-BentoBox Minecraft Plugin
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tastybento/bskyblock.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tastybento/bskyblock)
+![Lines Of Code](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=world.bentobox%3Abentobox%3Adevelop&metric=ncloc)
+![Maintainability Rating](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=world.bentobox%3Abentobox%3Adevelop&metric=sqale_rating)
+![Reliability Rating](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=world.bentobox%3Abentobox%3Adevelop&metric=reliability_rating)
+![Security Rating](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=world.bentobox%3Abentobox%3Adevelop&metric=security_rating)
+BentoBox is an expandable Minecraft Bukkit plugin for island-type games like ASkyBlock or AcidIsland.
+Admins can assemble the game or games how they like with a variety of add-ons. These include:
+BSkyBlock - the successor to the popular ASkyBlock. Don't fall!
+AcidIsland - you are marooned in a sea of acid!
+Level - an add-on to calculate your island level and show a top ten
+Challenges - an add-on that gives you challenges to accomplish
+Welcome WarpSigns - an add-on that enables players to plant a warp sign
+Bentobox represents a turning point on ASkyBlock's history : Tastybento and Poslovitch thought and designed together this complete rewrite in order to provide a whole new way to play Skyblock.
+**Discover today BSkyBlock, its gameplay overhaul, and enjoy the Skyblock revival!**
+Bugs and Feature requests
+File bug and feature requests here: https://github.com/BentoBoxWorld/bentobox/issues
+Note for developers
+This is an actively developed project but we are not currently accepting Pull Requests from non-collaborators. Once we have finished the main development, we'll be open to PR's.
+Development Builds
+Jenkins: https://ci.codemc.org/job/Tastybento/job/bskyblock/
+Maven dependency:
+ codemc-repo
+ https://repo.codemc.org/repository/maven-public/
+ us.tastybento
+ bskyblock
+ FC-0.74
+ provided
+You can find the javadoc here: https://ci.codemc.org/job/Tastybento/job/bskyblock/javadoc/