diff --git a/src/main/resources/locales/zh-CN.yml b/src/main/resources/locales/zh-CN.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc60c19a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/locales/zh-CN.yml @@ -0,0 +1,714 @@ +########################################################################################### +# This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # +# the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # +########################################################################################### + +# Updated for 0.14.1 + +meta: + authors: + - DuckSoft + - Haruchan__ + banner: "RED_BANNER:1:SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT:YELLOW:CROSS:RED:CURLY_BORDER:RED:MOJANG:YELLOW:HALF_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR:RED:HALF_VERTICAL:RED" + +general: + success: "&a成功!" + errors: + command-cancelled: "&c命令已取消" + no-permission: "&c您没有使用该命令的权限 (&7[permission]&c)。" + use-in-game: "&c本命令仅能在游戏内使用。" + no-team: "&c您没有队伍!" + no-island: "&c您没有岛屿!" + player-has-island: "&c玩家已经有岛屿了!" + player-has-no-island: "&c该玩家没有岛屿!" + already-have-island: "&c您已经有岛屿了!" + no-safe-location: "&c岛上没有安全位置!" + not-leader: "&c您不是您的岛上的队长!" + not-in-team: "&c该玩家不是您的队员!" + offline-player: "&c该玩家不在线或不存在。" + unknown-player: "&c[name] 是未知玩家!" + general: "&c该命令未就绪 - 请联系管理员" + unknown-command: "&c未知命令。使用 &b/[label] help &c来获得帮助。" + warp-not-safe: "&c该传送点当前不安全!" + wrong-world: "&c您不在正确的世界!" + you-must-wait: "&c要再次使用该命令,您必须等待 [number] 秒" + tips: + changing-obsidian-to-lava: "正在将黑曜石变回岩浆。下次注意啊!" + +commands: + # Parameters in <> are required, parameters in [] are optional + help: + header: "&7=========== &c[label] 帮助 &7===========" + syntax: "&b[usage] &a[parameters]&7: &e[description]" + end: "&7=================================" + parameters: "[command]" + description: "帮助命令" + console: "控制台" + admin: + help: + parameters: "" + description: "管理员命令" + clearresets: + parameters: "" + description: "清空玩家在这个世界的重制次数" + cleared: "&2重置次数已清空" + clearresetsall: + description: "清空所有玩家在这个世界的重制次数" + team: + add: + parameters: " " + description: "将玩家添加到队长的队伍中" + name-not-leader: "&c[name] 不是队长" + name-has-island: "&c[name] 已经有岛屿了。请先注销或删除它们!" + disband: + parameters: "" + description: "解散队长的队伍" + user-disband-leader: "&c不是队长!请用 disband [leader]" + disbanded: "&c管理员解散了您的队伍!" + kick: + parameters: "" + description: "从队伍中踢走玩家" + cannot-kick-leader: "&c您不能踢走队长。请先踢走成员" + admin-kicked: "&c管理员将您从队伍中踢了出来。" + setowner: + parameters: "" + description: "将岛主转移给玩家" + already-owner: "&c玩家已经是这个岛的岛主了!" + range: + description: "管理员 island range 命令" + display: + already-off: "&c指示器已关闭" + already-on: "&c指示器已打开" + description: "显示或隐藏岛屿范围指示器" + hiding: "&2正在隐藏范围指示器" + hint: |- + &c红色屏障图标&f显示当前岛屿的保护范围限制。 + &7灰色粒子&f显示岛的最大限制。 + &a绿色粒子&f显示默认的保护范围(若当前岛屿保护范围有所不同)。 + showing: "&2正在显示范围指示器" + set: + parameters: " " + description: "设置岛屿保护范围" + invalid-value: + not-numeric: "&c[number] 不是自然数!" + too-low: "&c保护范围必须大于 1!" + too-high: "&c保护范围应该不大于 [number]!" + same-as-before: "&c保护范围已经被设置为 [number] 了!" + success: "&2已将岛屿保护范围设置为 [number]" + reset: + parameters: "" + description: "将岛屿保护范围重置为世界默认" + success: "&2已将岛屿保护范围重置为 [number]" + register: + parameters: "" + description: "将玩家注册到您当前所在的无人岛" + registered-island: "&a已将玩家注册到位于 [xyz] 的岛屿。" + already-owned: "&c该岛屿不是无人岛!" + no-island-here: "&c这个地方没有岛屿。确认来创建一个。" + unregister: + parameters: "" + description: "将岛主注销但保留方块" + unregistered-island: "&a已将位于 [xyz] 的岛屿的玩家注销。" + info: + parameters: "" + description: "获得您当前所在或者指定玩家的岛屿信息" + no-island: "&c您当前不在一座岛上……" + title: "========== 岛屿信息 ============" + owner: "岛主:[owner] ([uuid])" + last-login: "最后登录:[date]" + deaths: "死亡次数:[number]" + resets-left: "重置次数: [number](最多: [total])" + team-members-title: "队伍成员:" + team-owner-format: "&a[name] [rank]" + team-member-format: "&b[name] [rank]" + island-location: "岛屿位置:[xyz]" + island-coords: "岛屿边界:[xz1] 至 [xz2]" + protection-range: "保护范围:[range]" + protection-coords: "保护边界:[xz1] 至 [xz2]" + is-spawn: "此岛屿是初始岛" + banned-players: "封禁玩家:" + banned-format: "&c[name]" + unowned: "&c无人岛" + version: + description: "显示 BentoBox 及其组件的版本" + setrange: + parameters: " " + description: "设置玩家岛屿的范围" + range-updated: "岛屿范围已被更新至 [number]" + reload: + description: "重载本插件" + tp: + parameters: "" + description: "传送到玩家的岛屿" + manual: "&c没有安全传送点!手动传送至 &b[location] &c附近并解决这个问题" + getrank: + parameters: "" + description: "得到玩家在他们的岛屿上的头衔" + rank-is: "&a在他们的岛屿上的头衔是 [rank]。" + setrank: + parameters: " " + description: "设置玩家在他们岛屿上的头衔" + unknown-rank: "&c未知头衔!" + rank-set: "&a头衔由 [from] 设置为 [to]。" + schem: + parameters: "" + description: "调整规划方案" + copy-first: "&c请先复制一份规划方案!" + file-exists: "&c文件已存在,是否覆盖?" + no-such-file: "&c文件不存在!" + could-not-load: "&c无法加载该文件!" + could-not-save: "&c嗯……写入文件失败:[message]" + set-pos1: "&a位置 1 设置为 [vector]" + set-pos2: "&a位置 2 设置为 [vector]" + set-different-pos: "&c请设置另一个地点 - 该位置已经设置了!" + need-pos1-pos2: "&c请先设置 pos1 和 pos2 !" + copied-blocks: "&b从剪切板复制 [number] 个方块" + look-at-a-block: "&c请看向 20 个方块以内的方块来设置" + copy: + parameters: "[air]" + description: "复制 pos1 和 pos2 之间设置的方块(或使用空气方块)到剪切板" + load: + parameters: "" + description: "加载规划文件到剪切板" + origin: + parameters: "" + description: "设置在您的位置中规划方案的原点" + paste: + parameters: "" + description: "在您的位置上粘贴剪切板的内容" + pos1: + parameters: "" + description: "设置立方体剪切板的第一个顶点" + pos2: + parameters: "" + description: "设置立方体剪切板的第二个顶点" + save: + parameters: "" + description: "保存已复制的剪切板" + world: + description: "管理世界设置" + delete: + parameters: "" + description: "删除玩家的岛屿" + cannot-delete-team-leader: "&c删除之前必须将所有岛屿成员都踢出岛屿。" + deleted-island: "&a位于 &e[xyz] &a的岛屿已经被成功删除。" + why: + parameters: "" + description: "切换控制台保护调试报告" + turning-on: "打开 [name] 的控制台调试信息" + turning-off: "关闭 [name] 的控制台调试信息" + bentobox: + description: "BentoBox 管理员命令" + about: + description: "显示版权和协议信息" + reload: + description: "重载所有语言文件" + locales-reloaded: "&2语言文件已重载" + version: + plugin-version: "&2Bentobox 版本:&3[name]" + description: "显示信息" + loaded-addons: "已加载组件" + loaded-game-worlds: "已加载游戏世界:" + addon-syntax: "&2[name] &3[version]" + game-worlds: "&2[name] &3([addon])" + confirmation: + confirm: "&c于 &b[seconds] &c秒内再次输入命令来确认" + previous-request-cancelled: "&6上一个确认请求已取消" + request-cancelled: "&c确认超时 - &b请求已取消" + island: + about: + description: "关于本组件" + go: + parameters: "[home number]" + description: "将您传送到您的岛屿" + teleport: "&a将您传送到您的岛屿。" + teleported: "&a传送到您的第 &e#[number] 号家。" + tip: "&b输入 /[label] help &a来得到帮助。" + help: + description: "主要岛屿命令" + pick-world: "&c从 [worlds] 中指定世界" + spawn: + description: "传送您到初始点" + create: + description: "创建岛屿" + unable-create-island: "&c您的岛屿无法被生成,请联系管理员。" + creating-island: "&a正在创建岛屿……" + pick-world: "&c从 [worlds] 中选择世界" + info: + description: "显示关于您的岛屿的信息" + reset: + description: "重置您的岛屿,并且删除旧的岛屿" + must-remove-members: "&c在您可以重制您的岛屿之前,您必须移除掉所有的岛上成员(/island team kick )。" + none-left: "&c您没有重置次数了!" + resets-left: "&c您还有 [number] 次重置机会" + sethome: + description: "设置您家的传送点" + must-be-on-your-island: "&c您必须在您的岛上才能设置家!" + num-homes: "&c家编号可以从 1 到 [number]。" + home-set: "&6您的岛屿的家已经被设置到您的当前位置。" + nether: + not-allowed: "&c您无法在下界设置您的家。" + confirmation: "&c您确定要在下界设置您的家吗?" + the-end: + not-allowed: "&c您无法在末地设置您的家。" + confirmation: "&c您确定要在末地设置您的家吗?" + parameters: "[home number]" + setname: + description: "设置您的岛屿的名字" + name-too-short: "&c太短了。最少要求 [number] 个字符。" + name-too-long: "&c太长了。最多要求 [number] 个字符。" + parameters: "" + resetname: + description: "重置您的岛屿的名字" + team: + description: "管理您的队伍" + info: + description: "显示关于您的队伍的详细信息" + coop: + description: "使玩家成为您岛屿上的协作者" + parameters: "" + cannot-coop-yourself: "&c您不能将自己设为协作者!" + already-has-rank: "&c玩家已经有头衔了!" + you-are-a-coop-member: "&2您与 [name] 成为协作关系" + uncoop: + description: "移除与玩家的协作关系" + parameters: "" + cannot-uncoop-yourself: "&c您不能取消与自己的协作关系!" + cannot-uncoop-member: "&c您不能取消与队伍成员的协作关系!" + player-not-cooped: "&c玩家并没有与您是协作关系!" + you-are-no-longer-a-coop-member: "&c您已经不再是 [name] 的岛屿的协作者了" + trust: + description: "赐予您岛上的玩家信任者头衔" + parameters: "" + trust-in-yourself: "&c信任你自己!" + members-trusted: "&c团队成员已经是信任者了" + player-already-trusted: "&c玩家已经是信任者了!" + you-are-trusted: "&2你被 [name] 赐予信任者头衔!" + untrust: + description: "移除玩家的信任者头衔" + parameters: "" + cannot-untrust-yourself: "&c您不能不信任您自己!" + cannot-untrust-member: "&c您不能不信任团队成员!" + player-not-trusted: "&c玩家不是信任者!" + you-are-no-longer-trusted: "&c您不再拥有 [name] 的信任者头衔了!" + invite: + description: "邀请玩家来你的岛屿" + invitation-sent: "&a邀请已经发送给 [name]" + removing-invite: "&c移除邀请" + name-has-invited-you: "&a[name] 邀请您去他们的岛屿。" + to-accept-or-reject: "&a输入 /[label] team accept 来接受,或者 /[label] team reject 来拒绝" + you-will-lose-your-island: "&c警告!如果您同意,您将失去自己的岛屿!" + errors: + cannot-invite-self: "&c您不能邀请您自己!" + cooldown: "&c您必须在 [number] 秒后才能邀请这个人" + island-is-full: "&c您的岛屿满员了,您不能再邀请其他人。" + none-invited-you: "&c还没有人邀请您呢 :c。" + you-already-are-in-team: "&c您已经在队伍里了!" + already-on-team: "&c该玩家已经在队伍里了!" + invalid-invite: "&c邀请失效了,抱歉。" + parameters: "" + you-can-invite: "&a您还能邀请 [number] 名玩家。" + accept: + description: "接受邀请" + you-joined-island: "&a您已经加入岛屿!使用 /[label] team info 来查看其他成员。" + name-joined-your-island: "&a[name] 加入了您的岛屿!" + reject: + description: "拒绝邀请" + you-rejected-invite: "&a您拒绝了加入岛屿的邀请。" + name-rejected-your-invite: "&c[name] 拒绝了您的岛屿邀请!" + cancel: + description: "取消尚未接受加入您的岛屿的邀请" + leave: + cannot-leave: "&c队长不能离队!先成为成员,或踢除所有成员。" + description: "离开您的岛屿" + left-your-island: "&c[name] &c离开了您的岛屿" + kick: + description: "从您的岛屿踢出成员" + parameters: "" + leader-kicked: "&c队长将您踢出岛屿!" + cannot-kick: "&c您不能把自己踢出去!" + demote: + description: "将您岛屿上的玩家降阶" + parameters: "" + failure: "&c玩家不能再被降阶了!" + success: "&a将 [name] 降阶至 [rank]" + promote: + description: "将您岛屿上的玩家升阶" + parameters: "" + failure: "&c玩家不能再被升阶了!" + success: "&a将 [name] 升阶至 [rank]" + setowner: + description: "向成员转移您的岛主身份" + errors: + cant-transfer-to-yourself: "&c您不能把岛主之位传给自己!嘛,其实你可以的……但是我们不想让你这么做。因为这样不好。" + target-is-not-member: "&c该玩家不是您的岛屿成员!" + name-is-the-owner: "&a[name] 现在是岛主了!" + parameters: "" + you-are-the-owner: "&a您现在是岛主了!" + ban: + description: "从您的岛屿上封禁玩家" + parameters: "" + cannot-ban-yourself: "&c您不能封禁自己!" + cannot-ban: "&c该玩家不能被封禁。" + cannot-ban-member: "&c先把他踢出成员,然后再封禁。" + player-already-banned: "&c玩家已经被封禁" + owner-banned-you: "您被 &b[name]&c 从他们的岛屿上封禁了!" + you-are-banned: "&b你被该岛屿封禁了!" + unban: + description: "从您的岛屿上解封玩家" + parameters: "" + cannot-unban-yourself: "&c您不能解封自己!" + player-not-banned: "&c玩家没有被封禁" + you-are-unbanned: "&b[name]&a 将您从他们的岛屿上解封了!" + banlist: + description: "列举被封禁玩家" + noone: "&a本岛上无人被封禁" + the-following: "&b以下玩家被封禁:" + names: "&c[line]" + settings: + description: "显示岛屿设置" + language: + description: "选择语言" + +ranks: + owner: "岛主" + sub-owner: "副岛主" + member: "成员" + trusted: "信任者" + coop: "协作者" + visitor: "访客" + banned: "被封者" + admin: "管理员" + mod: "主持人" + +protection: + command-is-banned: "命令对访客禁止" + flags: + ANIMAL_SPAWN: + description: "切换生成" + name: "生成动物" + ANVIL: + description: "切换交互" + name: "铁砧" + hint: "禁止使用铁砧" + ARMOR_STAND: + description: "切换交互" + name: "盔甲架" + hint: "禁止使用盔甲架" + BEACON: + description: "切换交互" + name: "信标" + hint: "禁止使用信标" + BED: + description: "切换交互" + name: "床" + hint: "禁止使用床" + BREAK_BLOCKS: + description: "切换破坏" + name: "破坏方块" + hint: "禁止破坏方块" + BREEDING: + description: "切换繁殖" + name: "动物繁殖" + hint: "动物繁殖已被保护" + BREWING: + description: "切换交互" + name: "酿造台" + hint: "禁止酿造" + BUCKET: + description: "切换交互" + name: "桶" + hint: "禁止使用桶" + BUTTON: + description: "切换使用按钮" + name: "按钮" + hint: "禁止使用按钮" + CHEST: + description: "切换箱子使用权" + name: "箱子" + hint: "无权使用箱子" + CHEST_DAMAGE: + description: "切换能否通过爆炸来破坏箱子" + name: "破坏箱子" + CHORUS_FRUIT: + description: "切换传送" + name: "紫颂果" + hint: "禁止传送" + CLEAN_SUPER_FLAT: + description: |- + &a启用来清除岛屿世界 + &a上的超平坦区块 + name: "清除超平坦" + COARSE_DIRT_TILLING: + description: |- + &a切换耕耘砂土来获得 + &a普通泥土 + name: "耕耘砂土" + hint: "禁止耕耘砂土" + COLLECT_LAVA: + description: |- + &a切换收集岩浆(覆盖 桶) + name: "收集岩浆" + hint: "禁止收集岩浆" + COLLECT_WATER: + description: |- + &a切换收集水(覆盖 桶) + name: "收集水" + hint: "禁止收集水" + COMMAND_RANKS: + name: "命令等级" + description: "&a配置命令等级" + CRAFTING: + description: "切换使用" + name: "合成台" + hint: "禁止使用合成台" + CREEPER_DAMAGE: + description: "切换爬行者伤害" + name: "爬行者伤害" + CREEPER_GRIEFING: + description: "切换爬行者破坏" + name: "爬行者破坏" + hint: "禁止爬行者破坏" + CROP_TRAMPLE: + description: "切换踩坏作物" + name: "踩坏作物" + hint: "作物已被保护" + DOOR: + description: "切换使用门" + name: "使用门" + hint: "禁止使用门" + EGGS: + description: "切换扔鸡蛋" + name: "扔鸡蛋" + hint: "禁止扔鸡蛋" + ELYTRA: + description: "切换在岛上使用" + name: "鞘翅" + hint: "禁止使用鞘翅飞行" + ENCHANTING: + description: "切换使用" + name: "附魔台" + hint: "禁止使用附魔台" + ENDER_CHEST: + description: "切换使用或制作" + name: "末影箱" + hint: "本世界禁止末影箱" + ENDERMAN_DEATH_DROP: + description: | + 末影人被杀害时将掉落 + 任何他们手持的方块。 + name: "末影人死亡掉落物" + ENDERMAN_GRIEFING: + description: | + 末影人能够破坏岛上方块 + name: "末影人破坏" + ENDER_PEARL: + description: "切换使用" + name: "末影珍珠" + hint: "禁止使用末影珍珠" + ENTER_EXIT_MESSAGES: + description: "显示进入和离开消息" + island: "[name] 的岛屿" + name: "进入和离开消息" + now-entering: "&b当前进入 [name]" + now-leaving: "&b当前离开 [name]" + FIRE: + description: "允许火焰存在与否" + name: "火焰" + hint: "禁止火焰" + FIRE_EXTINGUISH: + description: "切换熄灭火焰" + name: "熄灭火焰" + hint: "禁止熄灭火焰" + FIRE_SPREAD: + description: "切换火焰蔓延" + name: "火焰蔓延" + hint: "禁止火焰蔓延" + FISH_SCOOPING: + description: | + &a允许打捞热带鱼 + name: "打捞鱼" + hint: "禁止打捞热带鱼" + FURNACE: + description: "切换使用" + name: "熔炉" + hint: "禁止使用熔炉" + GATE: + description: "切换使用" + name: "栅栏门" + hint: "禁止使用栅栏门" + GEO_LIMIT_MOBS: + description: | + &e移除走到岛屿保护范围外 + &e的怪物 + name: "限制怪物到岛上" + HURT_ANIMALS: + description: "切换伤害" + name: "伤害动物" + hint: "禁止伤害动物" + HURT_MONSTERS: + description: "切换伤害" + name: "伤害怪物" + hint: "禁止伤害怪物" + HURT_VILLAGERS: + description: "切换伤害" + name: "伤害村民" + hint: "禁止伤害村民" + ITEM_FRAME_DAMAGE: + description: |- + &a怪物能破坏物品展示框 + name: "破坏物品展示框" + INVINCIBLE_VISITORS: + description: |- + &a配置无敌的访客设置。 + name: "无敌的访客" + hint: "&c访客已被保护" + ISLAND_RESPAWN: + description: |- + &a玩家重生在岛上 + name: "岛屿上重生" + ITEM_DROP: + description: "切换掉落" + name: "物品掉落" + hint: "物品无法被掉落" + ITEM_PICKUP: + description: "切换拾起" + name: "拾起物品" + hint: "物品无法被拾起" + JUKEBOX: + description: "切换使用" + name: "使用音乐盒" + hint: "禁止使用音乐盒" + LEASH: + description: "切换使用" + name: "使用拴绳" + LEVER: + description: "切换使用" + name: "使用拉杆" + hint: "禁止使用拉杆" + LOCK: + description: "切换锁定" + name: "锁定岛屿" + MILKING: + description: "切换挤牛奶" + name: "挤牛奶" + hint: "禁止挤牛奶" + MONSTER_SPAWN: + description: "切换生成" + name: "生成怪物" + MOUNT_INVENTORY: + description: |- + &a切换使用坐骑物品栏 + name: "坐骑物品栏" + hint: "禁止使用坐骑物品栏" + NOTE_BLOCK: + description: "切换使用" + name: "音符盒" + hint: "禁止使用音符盒" + OFFLINE_REDSTONE: + description: |- + &a当禁止时,所有成员离线的情况下 + &a红石将不再动作。可能有助于减轻 + &a卡顿情况。 + name: "离线红石" + PISTON_PUSH: + description: |- + &a允许活塞将方块推出岛屿 + name: "活塞推动" + PLACE_BLOCKS: + description: "切换放置" + name: "放置方块" + hint: "禁止放置方块" + PORTAL: + description: "切换使用" + name: "传送门" + hint: "禁止使用传送门" + PRESSURE_PLATE: + description: "切换使用" + name: "压力板" + hint: "禁止使用压力板" + PVP_END: + description: |- + &c允许或禁止在末地 PVP。 + name: "末地 PVP" + hint: "禁止在末地 PVP" + PVP_NETHER: + description: |- + &c允许或禁止在下界 PVP。 + name: "下界 PVP" + hint: "禁止在下界 PVP" + PVP_OVERWORLD: + description: |- + &c允许或禁止岛上 PVP。 + name: "主世界 PVP" + hint: "&c禁止 PVP" + active: "&c这里允许 PVP!" + REDSTONE: + description: "切换使用" + name: "红石物品" + hint: "禁止使用红石物品" + RIDING: + description: "切换骑乘" + name: "动物骑乘" + hint: "禁止动物骑乘" + REMOVE_MOBS: + description: |- + &a传送到岛上时移除怪物 + name: "移除怪物" + SHEARING: + description: "切换剪羊毛" + name: "剪羊毛" + hint: "禁止剪羊毛" + SPAWN_EGGS: + description: "切换使用" + name: "刷怪蛋" + hint: "禁止使用刷怪蛋" + TNT: + description: "切换 TNT 伤害" + name: "TNT 伤害" + TRADING: + description: "切换交易" + name: "村民交易" + hint: "禁止村民交易" + TRAPDOOR: + description: "切换使用" + name: "活板门" + hint: "禁止使用活板门" + locked: "&c本岛屿已被锁定!" + protected: "&c岛屿保护:[description]" + spawn-protected: "&c生成保护:[description]" + + panel: + next: "下一页" + previous: "上一页" + PROTECTION: + title: "保护" + description: |- + 当前位置的保护设置 + SETTING: + title: "设置" + description: "通用设置" + WORLD_SETTING: + title: "[world_name] 设置" + description: "本游戏世界的设置" + flag-item: + name-layout: "&a[name]" + description-layout: | + &a[description] + + &7允许给: + allowed-rank: "&3- &a" + blocked-rank: "&3- &c" + minimal-rank: "&3- &2" + menu-layout: "&a[description]" + setting-layout: | + &a[description] + + &7当前设置:[setting] + setting-active: "&a激活" + setting-disabled: "&c禁止" + +language: + panel-title: "选择您的语言" + selected: "&a当前选中。" + edited: "&a更改您的语言为 &e[lang]&a。"