This is a first working version and can probably be improved.
Firstly, the plugin will save any BSkyBlock language files to the locale
folder from the BSkyBlock jar if and only if the locale folder does not
exist. It will then do the same for any addons as they are loaded. Addon
language files are prefixed with their addon name to keep them separate
and recongnizable.
Then the plugin loads the language files and merges common languages
together into a YAMLConfiguration that is held in memory. The combined
config is never saved out to the file system.
If a request is made for a particular reference to a language that does
not exist or if the reference does not exist, then the default language
is tried.
Sub commands work, tab complete works. See the
test command for how to use the API and unit tests.
Still need to do the auto-help.
Removed the old localization system
Started implementation of the new one
For build reasons, removed protection listeners - they were requiring too much work to update them, and they need to be reworked due to the boilerplate code.