package world.bentobox.bentobox.panels; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.World.Environment; import org.bukkit.conversations.Conversable; import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationFactory; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.localization.TextVariables; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem; import; import; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.Blueprint; import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.conversation.DescriptionPrompt; import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.conversation.NameConversationPrefix; import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.conversation.NamePrompt; import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.dataobjects.BlueprintBundle; import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.BlueprintsManager; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; /** * @author tastybento * @since 1.5.0 */ public class BlueprintManagementPanel { private final BentoBox plugin; private final Blueprint normalBlueprint; private final Blueprint netherBlueprint; private final Blueprint endBlueprint; private final Map slotToEnvironment; private final Map environmentToBlueprint; private static final int MAX_WORLD_SLOT = 9; private static final int MIN_WORLD_SLOT = 0; public static final int MAX_BP_SLOT = 35; private static final String INSTRUCTION = "instruction"; private Entry selected; private final Map blueprints = new HashMap<>(); private final User user; private final GameModeAddon addon; /** * Class to display the Blueprint Management Panel * @param plugin - BentoBox * @param user - user to see the panel * @param addon - game mode addon requesting the panel */ public BlueprintManagementPanel(@NonNull BentoBox plugin, @NonNull User user, @NonNull GameModeAddon addon) { this.plugin = plugin; this.user = user; this.addon = addon; normalBlueprint = new Blueprint().setIcon(Material.GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE) .setName(user.getTranslation("general.worlds.overworld")) .setDescription(t(INSTRUCTION)); netherBlueprint = new Blueprint().setIcon(Material.RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE) .setName(user.getTranslation("general.worlds.nether")) .setDescription(t(INSTRUCTION)); endBlueprint = new Blueprint().setIcon(Material.YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE) .setName(user.getTranslation("general.worlds.the-end")) .setDescription(t(INSTRUCTION)); slotToEnvironment = Map.of(3, World.Environment.NORMAL, 5, World.Environment.NETHER, 7, World.Environment.THE_END); environmentToBlueprint = Map.of(World.Environment.NORMAL, normalBlueprint, World.Environment.NETHER, netherBlueprint, World.Environment.THE_END, endBlueprint); } /** * Translate "" + t reference * @param t - end of reference * @return translation */ private String t(String t) { return user.getTranslation("" + t); } /** * Translate "" + t + vars reference * @param t end of reference * @param vars any other parameters * @return transmation */ private String t(String t, String... vars) { return user.getTranslation("" + t, vars); } /** * Opens the management panel */ public void openPanel() { // Show panel of blueprint bundles // Clicking on a bundle opens up the bundle edit panel // Create the panel PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder().name(t("title")).user(user).size(45); // Panel has New Blueprint Bundle button - clicking in creates a new bundle pb.item(36, getNewBundle(addon)); // Get the bundles Comparator sortByDisplayName = (p, o) -> p.getDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(o.getDisplayName()); plugin.getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprintBundles(addon).values().stream().limit(36) .sorted(sortByDisplayName) .forEach(bb -> { // Make item PanelItem item = new PanelItemBuilder() .name(bb.getDisplayName()) .description(t("edit"), t("rename")) .icon(bb.getIcon()) .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { u.closeInventory(); if (clickType.equals(ClickType.RIGHT)) { // Rename askForName(u.getPlayer(), addon, bb); } else { openBB(bb); } return true; }) .build(); // Determine slot if (bb.getSlot() < 0 || bb.getSlot() > MAX_BP_SLOT) { bb.setSlot(0); } if (pb.slotOccupied(bb.getSlot())) { int slot = getFirstAvailableSlot(pb); if (slot == -1) { // TODO add paging plugin.logError("Too many blueprint bundles to show!"); pb.item(item); } else { pb.item(slot, item); } } else { pb.item(bb.getSlot(), item); } });; } /** * @param pb - panel builder * @return first available slot, or -1 if none */ private static int getFirstAvailableSlot(PanelBuilder pb) { for (int i = 0; i < BlueprintManagementPanel.MAX_BP_SLOT; i++) { if (!pb.slotOccupied(i)) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Open the Blueprint Bundle panel * @param bb - blueprint bundle */ public void openBB(BlueprintBundle bb) { int index = 18; for (Blueprint bp : plugin.getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprints(addon).values()) { blueprints.put(index++, bp); } // Create the panel PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder().name(bb.getDisplayName()).user(user).size(45).listener(new IconChanger(plugin, addon, this, bb)); // Display bundle icon pb.item(0, getBundleIcon(bb)); slotToEnvironment.forEach((k, v) -> { String bpName = bb.getBlueprint(v); pb.item(k-1, getWorldInstrTile(v)); pb.item(k, getBlueprintItem(addon, k, bb, plugin.getBlueprintsManager().getBlueprints(addon).getOrDefault(bpName, environmentToBlueprint.get(v)))); }); for (int i = 9; i < 18; i++) { pb.item(i, new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE).name(" ").build()); } blueprints.entrySet().stream().limit(18).forEach(b -> pb.item(getBlueprintItem(addon, b.getKey(), bb, b.getValue()))); // Buttons for non-default bundle if (bb.getUniqueId().equals(BlueprintsManager.DEFAULT_BUNDLE_NAME)) { // Panel has a No Trash icon. If right clicked it is discarded pb.item(36, getNoTrashIcon()); // Toggle permission - default is always allowed pb.item(39, getNoPermissionIcon()); } else { // Panel has a Trash icon. If right clicked it is discarded pb.item(36, getTrashIcon(addon, bb)); // Toggle permission - default is always allowed pb.item(39, getPermissionIcon(addon, bb)); } if (plugin.getSettings().getIslandNumber() > 1) { // Number of times allowed pb.item(42, getTimesIcon(addon, bb)); } // Preferred slot pb.item(40, getSlotIcon(addon, bb)); // Panel has a Back icon. pb.item(44, new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.OAK_DOOR).name(t("back")).clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { openPanel(); return true; }).build());; } private PanelItem getTimesIcon(GameModeAddon addon2, BlueprintBundle bb) { return new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.CLOCK).name(t("times")) .description(bb.getTimes() == 0 ? t("unlimited-times") : t("maximum-times", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(bb.getTimes()))) .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { // Left click up, right click down u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 1F, 1F); if (clickType == ClickType.LEFT) { bb.setTimes(bb.getTimes() + 1); } else if (clickType == ClickType.RIGHT && bb.getTimes() > 0) { bb.setTimes(bb.getTimes() - 1); } // Save plugin.getBlueprintsManager().saveBlueprintBundle(addon, bb); panel.getInventory().setItem(42, getTimesIcon(addon, bb).getItem()); return true; }).build(); } /** * Gets the preferred slot icon * @param addon - addon * @param bb - blueprint bundle * @return slot panel item */ private PanelItem getSlotIcon(GameModeAddon addon, BlueprintBundle bb) { return new PanelItemBuilder() .name(t("slot", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(bb.getSlot()))) .description(t("slot-instructions")) .icon(Material.IRON_TRAPDOOR) .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { // Increment or decrement slot if (clickType.isLeftClick()) { bb.setSlot(bb.getSlot() + 1); if (bb.getSlot() > MAX_BP_SLOT) { bb.setSlot(0); } } else if (clickType.isRightClick()) { bb.setSlot(bb.getSlot() - 1); if (bb.getSlot() < 0) { bb.setSlot(MAX_BP_SLOT); } } u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 1F, 1F); // Save plugin.getBlueprintsManager().saveBlueprintBundle(addon, bb); panel.getInventory().setItem(40, getSlotIcon(addon, bb).getItem()); return true; }) .build(); } /** * Gets the panel item for Blueprint Bundle * @param bb - blueprint bundle * @return - panel item */ protected PanelItem getBundleIcon(BlueprintBundle bb) { return new PanelItemBuilder() .name(t("edit-description")) .description(bb.getDescription().stream().map(Util::translateColorCodes).toList()) .icon(bb.getIcon()) .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { u.closeInventory(); // Description conversation askForDescription(u.getPlayer(), addon, bb); return true; }) .build(); } private PanelItem getWorldInstrTile(Environment env) { Material icon; String worldName; switch (env) { case NORMAL -> { icon = Material.GRASS_BLOCK; worldName = normalBlueprint.getName(); } case NETHER -> { icon = Material.NETHERRACK; worldName = netherBlueprint.getName(); } case THE_END -> { icon = Material.END_STONE; worldName = endBlueprint.getName(); } default -> { icon = Material.STONE; worldName = Util.prettifyText(; } } return new PanelItemBuilder() .name(t("world-name-syntax", TextVariables.NAME, worldName)) .description(t("world-instructions")) .glow(true) .icon(icon) .build(); } private PanelItem getTrashIcon(@NonNull GameModeAddon addon, BlueprintBundle bb) { return new PanelItemBuilder() .name(t("trash")) .description(t("trash-instructions")) .icon(Material.TNT) .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { if (clickType.equals(ClickType.RIGHT)) { u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE, 1F, 1F); plugin.getBlueprintsManager().deleteBlueprintBundle(addon, bb); openPanel(); } return true; }) .build(); } private PanelItem getNoTrashIcon() { return new PanelItemBuilder() .name(t("no-trash")) .description(t("no-trash-instructions")) .icon(Material.TNT) .build(); } private PanelItem getPermissionIcon(@NonNull GameModeAddon addon, BlueprintBundle bb) { return new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.PAINTING).name(t("permission")) .description(bb.isRequirePermission() ? t("perm-required") : t("perm-not-required")) .description(bb.isRequirePermission() ? t("perm-format") + addon.getPermissionPrefix() + "island.create." + bb.getUniqueId() : "") .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { // Toggle permission u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 1F, 1F); bb.setRequirePermission(!bb.isRequirePermission()); // Save plugin.getBlueprintsManager().saveBlueprintBundle(addon, bb); panel.getInventory().setItem(39, getPermissionIcon(addon, bb).getItem()); return true; }).build(); } private PanelItem getNoPermissionIcon() { return new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.PAINTING).name(t("no-permission")) .description(t("no-perm-required")) .build(); } /** * Gets a panel item that fully represents a blueprint in a bundle for an addon * @param addon - the GameMode Addon * @param pos - the position where this icon will be placed - the description changes * @param bb - the blueprint bundle this blueprint is in, if any * @param blueprint - blueprint itself * @return a panel item */ protected PanelItem getBlueprintItem(GameModeAddon addon, int pos, BlueprintBundle bb, Blueprint blueprint) { // Create description List desc = blueprint.getDescription() == null ? new ArrayList<>() : blueprint.getDescription(); desc =; // Must be mutable if ((!blueprint.equals(endBlueprint) && !blueprint.equals(normalBlueprint) && !blueprint.equals(netherBlueprint))) { if ((pos > MIN_WORLD_SLOT && pos < MAX_WORLD_SLOT)) { desc.add(t("remove")); } else { desc.add(t("blueprint-instruction")); } } return new PanelItemBuilder() .name(blueprint.getDisplayName() == null ? blueprint.getName() : blueprint.getDisplayName()) .description(desc) .icon(blueprint.getIcon()) .glow(selected != null && pos == selected.getKey()) .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { // Handle the world squares if (slot > MIN_WORLD_SLOT && slot < MAX_WORLD_SLOT) { if (clickType.equals(ClickType.RIGHT)) { u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK, 1F, 1F); // Remove the item and replace with the blank bb.clearBlueprint(slotToEnvironment.get(slot)); // Save plugin.getBlueprintsManager().saveBlueprintBundle(addon, bb); openBB(bb); } else if (selected == null) { u.sendMessage(""); u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_ANVIL_HIT, 1F, 1F); } else { // Add u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_METAL_HIT, 1F, 1F); Blueprint bp = selected.getValue(); // make slot the chosen one bb.setBlueprint(slotToEnvironment.get(slot), bp); // Save plugin.getBlueprintsManager().saveBlueprintBundle(addon, bb); openBB(bb); } } else { // Select blueprint if (blueprints.containsKey(slot)) { // Renaming blueprint if (clickType.equals(ClickType.RIGHT)) { u.closeInventory(); this.askForBlueprintName(u.getPlayer(), addon, blueprint, bb); return true; } if (selected != null && slot == selected.getKey()){ // Clicked on same item - deselect selected = null; } else { // Set selected selected = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(slot, blueprints.get(slot)); } u.getPlayer().playSound(u.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_METAL_HIT, 1F, 2F); openBB(bb); } } return true; }) .build(); } private PanelItem getNewBundle(@NonNull GameModeAddon addon) { return new PanelItemBuilder() .name(t("new-bundle")) .description(t("new-bundle-instructions")) .icon(Material.GREEN_BANNER) .clickHandler((panel, u, clickType, slot) -> { u.closeInventory(); askForName(u.getPlayer(), addon, null); return true; }) .build(); } public void askForName(Conversable whom, GameModeAddon addon, BlueprintBundle bb) { new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()) .withModality(true) .withLocalEcho(false) .withPrefix(new NameConversationPrefix()) .withTimeout(90) .withFirstPrompt(new NamePrompt(addon, bb)) .withEscapeSequence(t("name.quit")) .buildConversation(whom).begin(); } public void askForBlueprintName(Conversable whom, GameModeAddon addon, Blueprint bp, BlueprintBundle bb) { new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()) .withModality(true) .withLocalEcho(false) .withPrefix(new NameConversationPrefix()) .withTimeout(90) .withFirstPrompt(new NamePrompt(addon, bp, bb)) .withEscapeSequence(t("name.quit")) .buildConversation(whom).begin(); } public void askForDescription(Conversable whom, GameModeAddon addon, BlueprintBundle bb) { new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()) .withModality(true) .withLocalEcho(false) .withPrefix(new NameConversationPrefix()) .withTimeout(90) .withFirstPrompt(new DescriptionPrompt(addon, bb)) .buildConversation(whom).begin(); } /** * @return the selected */ public Entry getSelected() { return selected; } }