########################################################################################### # This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # # the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # ########################################################################################### ### Credits ### # Tastybento: maintainer # Poslovitch: maintainer # # This translation is adapted to version : [alpha-2] general: deaths: "Deaths" unlimited: "Unlimited" success: "Success!" errors: no-permission: "You don't have permission to execute this command." use-in-game: "This command is only available in game." no-team: "You do not have a team!" no-island: "You do not have an island!" already-have-island: "You already have an island!" no-safe-location: "No safe location found on island!" not-leader: "You are not the leader of your island!" offline-player: "That player is offline or doesn't exist." unknown-player: "Unknown player!" general: "That command is not ready yet - contact admin" commands: help: header: "&7=========== &c%bsb_plugin_name% &7===========" syntax: " &7/&b[label] &c[command] &a[args] &7: &e[info]" syntax-alias-separator: "/" end: "&7=================================" about: "display this help page" admin: version: usage: "display %bsb_plugin_name% and addons versions" setrange: range-updated: "Island range updated to [number]" island: about: usage: "display info about %bsb_plugin_name%" go: usage: "teleport you to your island" spawn: usage: "teleport you to the spawn" create: usage: "create an island" unable-create-island: "Your island could not be generated, please contact an administrator." info: usage: "display info about your island" reset: usage: "restart your island and remove the old one" must-remove-members: "You must remove all members from your island before you can restart it (/island kick )." sethome: usage: "set your teleport point for /island" must-be-on-your-island: "You must be on your island to set home!" num-homes: "Homes can be 1 to [max]." home-set: "Your island home has been set to your current location." setname: usage: "set a name for your island" name-too-short: "Too short. Minimum size is [length] characters." name-too-long: "Too long. Maximum size is [length] characters." resetname: usage: "reset your island name" team: usage: "manage your team" info: usage: "display detailed info about your team" invite: usage: "invite a player to join your island" errors: island-is-full: "Your island is full, you can't invite anyone else." none-invited-you: "No one invited you :c." you-already-are-in-team: "You are already on a team!" invalid-invite: "That invite is no longer valid, sorry." you-can-invite: "You can invite [number] more players." accept: usage: "accept an invitation" you-joined-island: "You have joined an island! Use /[label] team info to see the other members." name-joined-your-island: "[name] has joined your island!" reject: usage: "reject an invitation" you-rejected-invite: "You have rejected the invitation to join an island." name-rejected-your-invite: "[name] has rejected your island invite!" cancel: usage: "cancel the pending invite to join your island" leave: usage: "leave your island" kick: usage: "remove a member from your island" promote: usage: "promote a player on your island to another rank" setowner: usage: "transfer your island ownership to a member" errors: cant-transfer-to-yourself: "You can't transfer ownership to yourself! Well, in facts, you could have been able to do so... But we don't want you to do so. 'Cause it's bad." target-is-not-member: "That player is not part of your island team!" name-is-the-owner: "[name] is now the island owner!" you-are-the-owner: "You are now the island owner!" ban: usage: "ban a player from your island" unban: usage: "unban a player from your island" banlist: usage: "list banned players" lock: usage: "lock/unlock your island so visitors cannot enter it" settings: usage: "display island settings" language: usage: "select language" protection: flags: ACID_DAMAGE: "Acid damage" ANVIL: "Use anvil" ARMOR_STAND: "Interact with armor stands" BEACON: "Use beacon" BED: "Use bed" BREAK_BLOCKS: "Break blocks" BREEDING: "Breed animals" BREWING: "Use brewing stands" BUTTON: "Use buttons" BUCKET: "Use buckets" COLLECT_WATER: "Collect water (override use buckets)" COLLECT_LAVA: "Collect lava (override use buckets)" CHORUS_FRUIT: "Teleport using chorus fruits" CRAFTING: "Use crafting table" CREEPER_HURT: "Creepers deal damage" MONSTER_GRIEFING: "Monsters (creepers, ghasts) destroy blocks" MONSTER_BLOW_UP_CHEST: "Monsters (creepers, ghasts) destroy chests" TRAMPLE_CROPS: "Trample crops" DOOR: "Use doors" TRAPDOOR: "Use trapdoors" DYEING: "Dye sheeps" ELYTRA: "Use elytras" ENCHANTING: "Use enchanting table" ENDERMAN_GRIEFING: "Endermen move blocks" ENTER_EXIT_MESSAGES: "Display entry and exit messages" FIRE: "FIRE" FIRE_EXTINGUISH: "FIRE_EXTINGUISH" FIRE_SPREAD: "FIRE_SPREAD" FISHING_ROD: "FISHING_ROD" FURNACE: "FURNACE" GATE: "GATE" HURT_ANIMALS: "HURT_ANIMALS" HURT_MONSTERS: "HURT_MONSTERS" HURT_VILLAGERS: "HURT_VILLAGERS" IGNITE_CREEPER: "IGNITE_CREEPER" IGNITE_TNT: "IGNITE_TNT" INTERACT_TAMED: "INTERACT_TAMED" ITEM_DROP: "ITEM_DROP" ITEM_PICKUP: "ITEM_PICKUP" KEEP_INVENTORY: "KEEP_INVENTORY" LEASH: "LEASH" LEVER: "LEVER" MILKING: "MILKING" ANIMAL_SPAWN: "ANIMAL_SPAWN" MONSTER_SPAWN: "MONSTER_SPAWN" MOUNT_INVENTORY: "MOUNT_INVENTORY" MOUNT_RIDING: "MOUNT_RIDING" MUSIC: "MUSIC" OPEN_CHESTS: "OPEN_CHESTS" PLACE_BLOCKS: "PLACE_BLOCKS" PORTAL: "PORTAL" PRESSURE_PLATES: "PRESSURE_PLATES" PVP_OVERWORLD: "PVP_OVERWORLD" PVP_NETHER: "PVP_NETHER" PVP_END: "PVP_END" REDSTONE: "REDSTONE" SPAWN_EGGS: "SPAWN_EGGS" SHEARING: "SHEARING" THROW_EGGS: "THROW_EGGS" THROW_FIREWORKS: "THROW_FIREWORKS" THROW_ENDERPEARLS: "THROW_ENDERPEARLS" THROW_SNOWBALLS: "THROW_SNOWBALLS" THROW_SPLASH_POTIONS: "THROW_SPLASH_POTIONS" THROW_LINGERING_POTIONS: "THROW_LINGERING_POTIONS" TNT_HURT: "TNT_HURT" TNT_GRIEFING: "TNT_GRIEFING" TNT_BLOW_UP_CHESTS: "TNT_BLOW_UP_CHESTS" VILLAGER_TRADING: "VILLAGER_TRADING" state: allowed: "allowed" disallowed: "disallowed" island: locked: "This island is locked!" new-island: sign: line1: "&1%bsb_plugin_name%" line2: "[player]" line3: "Don't fall!" line4: "Have fun! &c<3"